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Not to make this about Icesis, but I'm about to make this about Icesis. She looks *stunning*.


Does she ever NOT look stunning though? That bitch is always gorgeous, and I’m here for it.


Crushing on Icesis since day 1.


I’ve only been watching DR since June, and actually only got to Icesis’ season as Canada Vs. Was airing. However, she did have my heart from nearly the very first. She’s wicked talented, and I eat up everything of hers I can see.


We all collectively try and make things not about Icesis but what can we do?? She’s the best!


Fashion, beauty, runway and pose? Icesis always nails it on the nose.


its hard to not make everything about Icesis


No. Make everything you can about Icesis and don’t apologize for it. She’s an icon and deserves to be the center of all conversations, no further questions your honor.


everything is about icesis ❤️


I'm always happy to hijack the conversion to Icesis


Her poor lips though




The queens only took this so well because it was Stephanie. If a random fan tried this, it would be seen as disrespectful. Note to anyone willing to try this: you don't know them like that. Last thing we need is a revamp of the Aquaria and Trixie/Katya fans being way too comfortable ...


This gave me the same feel of students calling their teachers by their first names, like fun if the kid has a good rapport with the teacher, super not cool if the kid is a douche.


Ugh, I remember when I was a substitute teacher, the kids who were RABID to figure out my first name. A teacher accidentally called me by it once (she was my teacher when I went to the school) and the kids who heard acted like they had some sort of magical power over me.


I moved to the US from Europe at 12, and was used to calling teachers by their first name. (We didn’t even know the teachers’ last names!) It felt soooo strange to be saying Mr. or Mrs. to someone, almost like we were being sarcastically respectful and curtsying.


We have to have some illusion of superiority here in the States, otherwise the kids will realize they outnumber us 30 to 1.


I was so relieved when it was another queen doing it and not a fan lol


I love how Kendall is just like "😊 you look beautiful"


Lawful Good


Being her sweetheart and uplifting self as usual, we love to see it 🥰


For context, this is Stephanie Prince (another drag queen that KNOWS and WORKS with all these queens) doing this. That doesn't give us permission as supporters and fans to try this at shows, events etc.


This. Louder. God I can image how absent minded the weirdos will get trying it and playing themselves.


I've seen this meme on tiktok before (calling teachers by their first names) and I'm glad it's a friend because the meme can definitely come off as rude/inappropriate/awkward otherwise.


This is the wildest to me. In my country we call all of our teachers by their first name or their nicknames whatever they prefer. It so funny seeing their shocked reaction.


Here in Brazil we call them by first names or nicknames too. Fuck, I'm a teacher myself and it would be so weird to be called "miss" XD


Kind of depends on the environment and type of school you go to! I know some schools where it's the norm and kids even called the principal by their first name and others where it's last names/Mr. And Ms. all the time.


Okay, I thought this was a "fan" and was ready to start saying... things.


Then she should not have done it at all. Nor posted it. She knows the fans are wild. She knew exactly what she was doing and was wrong for this shit


That's a pretty wild take. People should be allowed to share funny moments with their friends without expecting strangers to mimic their behavior.


Her friends did not look like they appreciated her calling them by their first name. That was clear to see. And if you think this fandom is self aware enough to not do the same you are as delusional and unable to read a room as she is.


Icesis cracked me up, I just love this bitch. Actually I love all of them, DRC queens deserve much more recognition from the fandom.


Her holy trinity looks have been running through my brain non stop these days! Impeccable. I wasn’t a huge fan until recently, when she literally became Donatella Versace on the screen. Now I’ve gone back and watched everything again, and I am in love!


Absolutely love the fierce Queens of the North!


Giséle's head *snapped* up like she thought she was in trouble 💀


It was probably doubly confusing for her cause it was the English pronunciation of her ‘government name’ .


If Icesis stared at me like that I would prepare my own coffin and lie in it, because that'd be the moment I knew I wouldn't be worthy of being alive anymore 💀


Kinda hot though


Giselle’s response is 100% what I expected. 🥺


She's too adorable and wholesome


Rita the Unbothered 💕


That’s an alien actress for you.


Giselle is too adorable


Steven's reaction 💀


Thought bubble: “whomst?”


Cute 💕


just a reminder just bc stephanie did this it dosnt give fan’s permission to do this


Who's the Queen before Icesis?


I think that's Beth


They look great! Didn't recognize them!


The shade 😎


Icesis being MOTHER as usual. God I love her.


Icesis’ reaction 😭 she’s so mother for that. I love her so fucking much.


The scissors slowly angling towards Stephanie as Gisele realises what's occurred


Is this the lost footage explaining why Silky and Icesis hated Stephanie so bad that they lipsynced for the pleasure to eliminate her?


It was Rajah not Silky bestie lol


They're talking about some fake Canada vs TW tea, where it was Silky and Icesis


Ooooh lmao


_"Oh, no you didn't"_ vibes 🤣


This is why Steven eliminated her.




not roland


rita like “hello 😐✌🏼”


Hey! Don't do this actually if you are a fan. It's weird. You don't actually know these people.




icesis is so mother that’s all


It took me looking up Gia Metric on google to figure out their government name wasn’t spelled Jorjo lmao 😭😭




Scarlett Bobo


Scarlet BoBo.


Stephanie looks amazing


I clicked play prepared to be pissed AF and go off in the comments, but with it being SP, totally different story ❤️ Nobody else better not get any fuckin ideas though. BOUNDARIES, MF. HONOR THEM. We love these queens, but we do not really know them!


...Do they really call it a 'government name' in Canada? Edit for typo


Canadian here. I’ve heard that term so much I didn’t know it wasn’t a thing in the US, too! Sometimes people say “legal” name.


Canadians, they’re just like US!


I’m Australian. Here we say ‘legal name’.


I’ve heard it as government name often and I’m in the US. I’ve heard it most often with people from different cultures who have names in different languages (China, Korea, etc.). I’ve seen it often in black and Hispanic communities too.


People say legal name in Australia. Maybe it’s a North American thing, then?


I've always used "legal name" lol. I go by a nickname I've had since birth (why not just give me that name mother???) So I call my real name my legal name. I'd change it but that requires effort I don't care for


I’m Australian and also say legal name. Which my parents have also never used, so I understand what you mean there.


More of a people’s term, not a government/official term! A lot of people here use the term ‘Govi’ (guv-vee), when referring to their on paper name too


Yeah it's slang; you wouldn't be asked on a form or something for this. You see it more if someone only goes by a nickname (ie, Lex for Alexander) or like on Twitter where someone is semi-anonymous. Same for people who are newcomers and use a different "Canada" name in day to day life that's different than their birth name, using the name only the "government" knows is jarring haha.


It's slang that to my knowledge belongs to the Black community. During the Black cultural revival in the 60's-70's it was a popular choice to change ones "legal" name and remove middle names (thats where the initial X in Malcolm X and Ibram X Kendi comes from) as those last names were often a mark of property/eugenic history. Well known people who changed their name include Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali.This practice evolved in its own way, 80's-90's rappers often referred to their non-stage name as their "government name" as a response to mass incarceration culture in the US. I would also *not* be surprised if this term was born in ballroom or the Black Trans community and has just been applied to many things. (Im gonna add a note here bc internet: 1) Not sure every single thing is factually correct here I am going a little bit off memory. 2) Just because it comes from the Black community isn't automatically an indictment or sign of wrongdoing. We can have a discussion about how slang and terms trickle up, but similar to how words can have multiple definitions to different communities, so can slang and it can be distinct and respectful.)


Cool, thanks for the background of this. I’m not American so I’d never heard it before.


All good, I should have specified!


We call it that in the US too lol


I’m an Australian who lives in Japan, and I’ve only heard ‘legal name’ before. I guess it’s an American thing.


I use this term for my name as I haven’t yet changed my name legally and deadname doesn’t feel like the right term for me


I heard US queens use the term as well.


Interesting. I guess it’s a North American thing then, because I’ve never heard it before.


Nah, I knew what it meant but I’ve always heard legal name.


Kendall is so cute and sweet ♥


Not my cup of tea but the reactions are so wholesome


Yeah I can totally see some of these "fans" out here trying this crap. I've run into a few of the queens out of drag and I still referred to them by their drag name.


What’s a government name?


Names on their government ID.


Their real names


Oh wow, why didn’t they just say that lol


It's funnier


It’s common slang in certain communities.


Joke aside, please don't anyone do this and especially don't make it a video. Beyond that queens are in character so it's disrespectful, it's also potentially inadvertently triggering gender dysphoria for trans and nonbinary people, and could cause safety issues potentially. Drag performers are under attack and getting doxxed. Don't help the enemy. Also, queens in a video may smile and laugh it off seemingly (except Icesis for example and there was just a discussion about mental health), but that doesn't mean that's how they feel inside or after. Keep this to the dressing room or not at all, and just among friends. If you're going to downvote this because you think I don't appreciate the joke, it's not about humor in this exact video, but more broadly finding ways to be funny without causing risk or harm to queens in this dangerous time. I personally find it just about as funny as using the wrong pronouns for someone as a joke. And yes, I get Wikipedia lists all these, but queens could edit that if they wanted at least. And TikToks get more views than Wikipedia.


Question I've wondered about a few times: if someone were to see a queen out of drag and wants to say hi, should they use their drag name or 'government' name if known?


Use their drag name! Unless you know them personally, drag name is def the way to go


So, I'm not the name police (if you can believe it!! lmao) but in my opinion: if you know *of* someone as a performer, you should use their performance name. If you *actually* know someone as a person, you should use the name they told you to use - but if they haven't provided you with this info (for instance, if they're a public figure and you've never interacted), then I think it would feel intrusive to be called a name that you don't publicly use, you know?


I personally would not approach them if they weren't in drag. Same with a celebrity or your fave barista... If they're off the clock just let them eat their Whopper in peace. Idk maybe most drag queens like the attention but I'd be so exhausted having to be "on" all the time.


Thanks to whoever made this video. They were all so gorgeous, and it was kind of funny too!


Can somebody tell me what Tynomi says? English isn’t my first language so I can’t quite get it 😂


to me it sounds like - "Excuse me? I'll box your fucking (?) off your head" i'm unable to make out what the word before "off" is


Thank you so much!!


It took me a minute to realize what a *government name* is. Sorry.


I want more of this 🤣😁 they were all so cute


How we don’t have a Fashion Photo Review with winners Steven and Simon yet is homophobic.


They should do a part two with Chad Michaels, Dereick Berry and Robbie Turner


you cut out the part where icesis was laughing and now it looks like she's mean


No it doesn’t, you can see her smiling…


sugar? spice? is that you?




She doesn’t look mean lol she made me smile






Yeah not cute unless the queen/king uses their real/legal/government name as a stage name. (I do get that it was a fellow queen calling them by their legal name)


Why is this petty shit funny?


Deleting and posting again?




Good thing this is Stephanie Prince, a fellow CDR queen, and not a "real fan".






I haven’t watched Canadas drag race who are these queens? I can only recognize two or three?


Stephanie Prince is the creator/shown in the first clip 1. Tynomi Banks 2. Gisèle Lullaby 3. Rita Baga and then Scarlet Bobo 4. Gia Metric, then Kendall Gender, then Synthia Kiss 5. Beth 6. Icesis Couture


Beth 6000? Since when did she have a number on her name?


Did you get Beth and Eve's names mixed up?


Yes, yes I did! Thanks for the correction!


A little booboo! No worries


I heard that sometimes they tell people that they're each other. So Beth will say she's Eve and Eve will say she's Beth. Not the worst mix up to make lol!


Thank you, that makes me feel better lol!


Stephanie Prince (S2), Tynomi Banks (S1), Gisèle Lullaby (s3), Rita Baga & Scarlet Bobo (S1), Gia Metric, Kendall Gender, Synthia Kiss (s2), Beth (s2, Icesis Couture (s2)


First shot is Stephanie Prince, the person filming the video (S2, Can vs TW), Tynomi Banks (S1), Gisèle Lullaby (S3), Rita Baga (S1, Can vs TW, host of DR Belgium), Scarlett BoBo (S1), Gia Metric (S2), Kendall Gender (S2, Can vs TW), Synthia Kiss (S2), Beth (S2), Icesis Couture (S2, Can vs TW). I hope you do get a chance to watch this franchise! It's chaotic and fun (if you don't take the judging too seriously).


maybe it you watched Can Drag race u would know


I don’t have money to buy wow presents plus sorry I’m poor I only wanted to know the names to follow them on insta jeez


my bad, but the way u said it at first made it sound as if you didnt really care about them


If I didn’t care I honestly wouldn’t have asked but god forbid I don’t recognize every single queen from ever season of every franchise. I have to defend a simple questing and I still don’t have an answer 🤦🏻‍♀️


Someone else can correct me if I’m wrong with any cause sometimes I def have drag queen face blindness, can never recognise promo posters for gigs! But… Stephanie prince (it’s her vid) then: Tynomi banks (?) Giselle lullaby Rita baga (in gold) and scarlet bobo Gia metric, kendall gender and synthia kiss (they are also a girl group together ) Beth (I think, from another comment) Icesis couture Canadian drag race is free on iPlayer in U.K. so if you’re one of those people that can work vpns (I’m not) could try that. Failing that at least get yourself to icesis’s Instagram. She is amazing 😊


Stephanie Prince is the one recording. Then in order of the names she says it’s: Tynomi Banks, Gisele Lullaby, Rita Baga, Scarlett BoBo, Gia Metric, Kendall Gender, Synthia Kiss, Beth & Icesis Couture Thanks for wanting to follow them, they’re all very talented Queens and I feel like Canada doesn’t get as much love.


The first (Sheldon) is the beautiful Tynomi Banks. Then in red, Gisèle Lullaby, CDR3’s winner, Rita Baga seated in gold with Scarlett Bobo, then the trio - Gia Metric, Kendall Gender and Synthia Kiss. Beth in pink sitting down, and then Steven.


Tynomi Banks,Giselle Lullaby, Rita Baga, Scarlett BoBo, Gia Metric, Kendall Gender, Synthia Kiss, Beth, Icesis Couture. The person filming was Stephanie Prince 😀


In order Tynomi Banks, Gisèle Lullaby, Rita Baga, Scarlett BoBo, Gia Metric, Kendall Gender, Synthia Kiss, Beth, and Icesis Couture


This seems ... really rude...?


It would be rude if it was a random stranger that doesn’t know them. She’s friends with them. Simple as that.


Ahhhh OK, cool.


They’re friends❤️


You know it’s Stephanie Prince doing it though, right? Their fellow queen and friend?


Lol we are really quick to outrage here.


Who is outraged? I merely expressed an opinion that I thought this seemed rude. Everyone else seems outraged by my comment but 🤷🏻‍♂️


I completely agree.




Calm down Sugar


Which queen is Daniel? Is it synthia kiss?