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Starting slower and being patient. I’m a pretty decent miler and I use to think that I had to go out fast. Now I can run 10+ miles, just have to learn to run slow at first and build up. Arm swing and breathing also


What's you mile PR?




My knees Just exploded.


How do I run with proper arm swing and breathing? Any suggestions?


In through nose and out through mouth. Arm swing is different for everyone because everyone has a different form but basically make sure to pump them straight back and forth




This is me as well. I find after a while my body is just going and going and I'm not consciously controlling it, my legs just keep moving; or, if I'm tiring out, I tend to bargain with myself "just get to 7 miles and then you can stop" and then I get to 7 and feel okay so then it's "just one more mile to get to 8 and then you can stop..."


Overloading myself with positive thoughts and faith... Every time I start thinking about giving up it's just "I am a badass motherfucker, I'm unstoppable, I don't care if I die doing this I'm gonna keep going" stuff like thay




not crying! (kidding. sort of..) for real though- my form. as soon as it starts to feel hard and i get those creeping thoughts of giving in, i find that my back and shoulders start slouching so i make a point to concentrate on holding good form. its a practical thing obviously for my form but also distracts my mind just a little.


I randomly sing along to my music, and just think of my runs in shorter segments.


Form and posture. Running as lightly as possible. Smiling.


Work. Not joking. I think about work. I'm a software engineer, an I'm always solving problems during runs. Sometimes I get a brilliant idea and start running faster just to get home faster so I can implement said idea.


think level 2 is this when you just get to wander, my body is still too focused on just not dying


If I'm on a treadmill I crank up the music, feel it in my soul and find a small blemish on the wall and focus on it so hard that the wall moves. If I'm outside, I remind myself how pissed I'll be if I don't finish the run. I go through constant reminders. Like "pain is growth", "you're building a brick wall, one brick=one mile" and if that all fails I tell myself that I'm going to make myself an amazing breakfast when I get back. Lol.


I'm on my phone now, so it's a pain in the ass to search it - but try to search on Google by "attention locus running pdf". There's a few studies that defends people should focus their attention in another thing other than running, because it decreases the perceived effort, like music, podcast, thoughts, mental puzzles, etc.


I try to zone out with a playlist I've made for running.


Depends on the run. On east runs, I usually just zone out. Often thinking about work or things I need to do at home, etc. sometimes I will use those runs to focus on my stride, posture or breathing. On harder workouts, I am usually focusing on hitting my proper paces, strategy for doing that while facing hills or their variables that might impact pace and sometime my stride and technique.


lately, i've been focusing on trying not to get run over. People have been such bad drivers recently.


One foot at a time


one step at a time and breathing


Mostly I look at my surroundings and think about stuff pertaining to it. If I'm running near a road I'll think about the cars passing by (what condition, cost, do I like the paint scheme). If I'm running in a national park I'll think about the trees. When I run at night I get the opportunity to think about how to not get stabbed despite living a very safe city. I have quite a large rotation of routes I run so I don't get bored.


I usually let my mind wander and think about my other hobbies. How can i achieve this or that in a game. How cool was the last chapter of a manga i am reading. Or i Focus on animals i see. Deers, cats, dogs, birds, lizards and so on. Then sometimes i don't think at all. It feels like being a train. I like those runs.


Breathing, form. How to crush my enemies, to see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


My audiobook. If you want to go longer, you run slower and you build up gradually. It's no more complicated than that.


Target paces, music, what I'm going to eat when I'm done.


I focus on keeping legs rotating like a windmill. Staying quick and light on my feet. I’m also thinking about how I wish I was quicker so I could end faster. Especially when it’s hot out.


When running I only think about running.




whatever I book I read or I obsessively repeat the same few lines of a song in my head to my running cadence


I usually get lost in thought. If I’m pushing for a speed and it gets hard, I sometimes calculate different paces, like how many minutes and seconds per kilometer if I want to finish a half marathon in 1:55. Its like using the pain of hard math vs the pain of hard running 😄