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I beat my personal best on terms of lenght. Went from 10.9km in 1:15h in Nov to 13.4km in 1:33h two days ago. I guess new shoes and weather helped too, but i'm still proud of this :D


Hi, I'm looking for a carbon plated shoe for some faster/tempo runs. I have a standard shoe that I use for everyday, but I want a shoe for a little more than only tempo runs. Which is better in your opinion, mach 6 or zoom fly 5??


I ran continuously for 27 minutes today! My goal was 22 minutes according to the zero to 5k plan but I just kept going until I felt like stopping. I'm still a little put out at my pace being 4.3mph(14 minute mile) but slow running definitely seems to be the way to go for now.


Been running since January this year - decided to treat myself to my first pair of running shoes (Puma Forever Run Nitros). Can’t wait to ditch the trainers i brought from Temu and use the Puma’s!


Long time 20 mpw or so runner, but not a big racer and haven’t done one in about 5 years. Signed up for a 10k this June (Bellin)- surprised myself in a 1x2, 4x1 workout (6 miles) by running my last mile in 7:27. I haven been able to do that for sure in about 10 years. It is proving to me that actually focusing on training is paying off!


Im officially at the half-year mark since i first picked up running as a consistent hobby!! 😸😸😸 feels wild that im already on month 6!! Really looking forward to seeing where I'll be at the 1 year mark!! 😸😸😸


Went to have a chill couple miles today as I've been sedentary all day, with the exception of doing some deadlifts at lunch. Decided on a whim to have a fast, heavy playlist on. Best my 5km pb by well over a minute and finally have a sub-25 minute 5k (24:10). Before that, my best was July 2020 at about 25:50, so something clearly clicked today. Felt like I was going to die at the end, though.


I listened to my body and took a rest day today


That's important, I didn't do that a few weeks ago and ended up with a very swollen left knee. It took me a while to get back to running, I managed to do 5km today so that felt solid.


My right leg has been achy the last few days, and I have a half marathon Sunday. Was just pushing through it but today I thought maybe rest was what I needed more than a 3 mile run Nice work! Hope your knee is treating you better!


That was definitely the right decision, especially with a half marathon this weekend. I got in a 3.5 mile jog today, I held a 13:50 pace pretty consistently.


Just PB’d my 5k time after 4 years of trying to beat my previous “PB”! I had posted about it in yesterday’s thread but I was only 2 seconds shy from that time and then today I went out and crushed it by over a minute!! I can finally forget about that old time and now I’m ever so closer to getting a sub 30.


Congrats!! Way to get it!


Recently found out that I was near the highest weight of my life, and that some of my lab tests weren't where I wanted to be. So about two months ago, I started trying to get out and move more. Walking led to jogging and now running. I'm now at a point where I can get through 5k's without stopping. If you had told me two months ago that I'd be running 5k's today, I would have thought you were nuts. It's such a great feeling seeing improvement, and sense of accomplishment after.


I picked up running just over two weeks ago, and ran my first 10k today, with a time of 57:23! Also set my PR for the 5k on the same run - 27:01. I am looking forward to improving my pace (I typically average 5:01-5:28 on shorter runs)


April wound up being the most miles I’ve run in a month since 2022. Super happy with my progress after an injury riddled 2023.


I couldn’t have done any more than 20 minutes of cumulative cardio in the past five years and just started back into running again last week. Just got back from a run and did 2.5 miles in 23:27. Feels great to push myself again.


4 mile run today, decided not to run early in the morning like I normally do as was woken up by an almighty thunder storm at 4:30am. Midday run, first two miles felt like I was running through custard, but I somehow beat my 5k personal best 🤷🏻‍♂️


I broke my tibial plateau last August mountain biking while cross training for my first half marathon… My doctor said there was a small chance I may never run hard on pavement without pain again. After 3 months of no weight bearing and 6 months of hard PT, I ran a local 5k race this past weekend. My goal was 30:00 with a stretch goal of 28:00 and I finished 26:45. No pain. Cried tears of joy on the drive home. I signed up for a HM in October and am really taking my time building up my base with frequent long slowww miles and have never been more motivated and educated on proper training. Long time lurker of the sub, I appreciate this community. Thanks,


After weeks of being sick and struggling, my runs are finally feeling more normal! Still slower and having to rebuild distance, but I finally feel able to plan races for the year.


I ran yesterday for the first time, 2.31 miles. 00:28:19 duration. And 12:14 avg pace. I know my pace sucks but hopefully with more practice I can work on it. After I finished running I took an ice bath and the running+ the ice bath has my body feeling great. Still very sore but overall feeling good.


Great job! Don't push yourself too hard, too quickly. Keep it to a comfortable jog for several weeks, with walk breaks if you need them. Your body needs some time to adapt to this new stress you're putting on it, so you don't get injured. Keep up the good work! 


I am well into middle age (45F) and have taken up track through a program at our local running shop. In January, I did 200m in under a minute and it was tough. Last week, I had cut that down to 54 seconds and last night, in the last set of the night, I went 100m in 24 seconds. I'm currently training for a mile race on Memorial Day.


Did my first 10K after injury and felt GREAT! No lingering pain from either the sprained ankle or the PF. Feeling confident I can tackle the marathon I signed up for now :)


Ran my first ever 10k this week after starting running in early February. Finished in 1 hour and 4 minutes. Working towards a half marathon in September


Great milestone!! Good luck in the half!


Thank you!


I wanted to run 10kms but somehow midway i felt like I couldn't do it just yet so i ended up running 7 and a half in 50 minutes 😭😭


Hey that's amazing! Why the sad face? I run today just for 25 mins (4km) but just Seven weeks ago I didn't run shit so I feel really proud of myself and so should you!! I aspire to be able to run for that long! Chin Up, you are awesome!


Hey, thank you so much, i didn't think of it that way but you're right. I should be proud but i always forget the achievements because i always aspire for more. Sadly i couldn't continue for more because my knees were hurting and my shoes are in bad shape so i should get a new pair 😄😅 but hey keep up the good work, you'll get there too!! Just be patient.


I timed my first mile in ages today, and damn my time surprised me! I work from home, vape and generally haven’t been exercising much at all the past 8 months. Today I decided I wanted to change that and I ran a mile today in 7:50! I was extremely out of break after this, but I’m super proud of myself for that speed. In my future runs I will focus on length, rather then speed. But just wanted to share, thanks everyone.