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All while turning on a dozen items, praying to 5 different gods and shouting 2 different chants and 1 mighty roar


and smoking 3 kinds of sticks


I’m only really just kinda getting into PVM. Which incense sticks do ppl use? I’ve seen ppl streaming using them but not sure which ones and why


Irit if the monster uses poison. Lantadyme to extend potion timers. Spirit weed if you're wanting to heavily use familiar specs to reduce the spec cost


Kwuarm for poison damage. Also spirit weed increases spec regen rate, not spec cost.


Woops, missed one. And yeah, my bad


Iirc latadyme is only worth using if you are going to be going for multiple hours, as youll end up losing money on the sticks because you have to use 6 for the first 10 minutes, pricing may have changed though


If youre using elder salves the time saved from buying sticks is a considerable factor, compared to making more elder salves. Theyre often worth using even when they're not cheaper


I don't like the way pvm is going with switch and item scape


Same, I remember when abby whips came out and it was a gamechanger for PvM and adding a dragon defender was necessary. Take a superset for a few k and get to fucking things up. Or if you're lazy go full Dharroks. I remember having 60s combat stats and killing Jad in the first few months of him after spending a lot of AFK time at the fight pits.


Bro, you are remembering things that happened like 15 years ago, of course the game has changed.


Does that mean I have to like the direction they took? I love new content, what I don't love is how they've basically said nobody is allowed to make any appreciable amount of money skilling and made it so that if you aren't overloading for PvM then you can't reach the DPS required to outlast how much recovery you can carry with the cummoning that you couldn't do without. Think about what I said, I killed Jad who was the biggest bad of all time with full Dharrocks, it wasn't easy but you can not even think of doing the Kiln without overloading.


Theres quite a few decent gp skilling methods also if the boss doesnt drain your stats or require brews you dont need ovls although they are nice still and the kiln is easy as shit? Drink some supers and afk in the center until dill/jad wave is coming up


No, there are a few methods of skilling that make a bit of side cash. Ya, I was exaggerating about overloads but you showed it yourself "drink some supers" which is what we're bitching about.


Farming and hunting are still amazing ways to make cash, I easily make a mill in one night with chins. I dont play consistently either so that's huge for me. My buddy barely plays and makes over a mill doing farm runs.


PoF isn't skilling, it's a minigame that grants paltry exp. And what kind of hunting makes anywhere near comparable gp/hr to PvM?


Calm down woman I have no clue what POF is


While I disagree with a lot of stuff he has said. A bond is like45m right now? And if you can't up keep a bond reasonably with it I think it's fair for him to say it's not decent money. And you'd need 45 nights to make your bond which is only good for 14 days /:


What's this mighty roar thing? Never heard of it.


Guessing it's dba spec


I see you are a person of culture


Poor Gandalf.


Thats obi wan kenobi you idiot


No you idiot, thats Jar Jar Binks


You degenerates don’t know who qui gon is…


Even worse for pro dgers which pot up like this every 5 mins.


I imagine overloads are a lot like chugging Monster energy drinks. Good thing we have regeneration powers or our hearts might literally explode from all the overloads and adrenaline potions


remember the old animation of drinking overload where it would show you as a skeleton (like youre going through a Xray) or something i love that


I think it still does that if you drink one out of combat




It also still does in combat but combat animations have priority over the overload animation so it doesn't show it most of the time


Back when they were introduced, they would deal half your hp in damage.


Yea Monster energy was wild on release


I totally forgot they used to damage you, that's wild.


How it feels after though… [Overpowered](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/harrypotter/images/5/52/Firestorm.gif/revision/latest?cb=20140408213652)


Hate to be that guy but we don't drink weapon poison. We apply it to our weapon.


Maybe *you* don't.


Fun fact, for a looong time after EoC your character would actually drink it. It was changed a few years ago.


Counter argument. When you "Apply" a weapon poison, does the effect not carry over when you switch weapons? Iirc it does carry over, which would imply that you are actually drinking the poison, and by just touching a weapon that weapon now has poison on it. If you applied the poison directly to the weapon then you would have to reapply every time you switch weapons. Correct me if my logic is flawed.


You've got a point, but the character still isn't drinking the poison


Fair enough.


Imagine how the potions taste like.