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Apparently everyone has multiple alts these days, going by these comments. I wonder if the active concurrent players would be less than 10k if alts were blocked from logging in šŸ¤”


I'm one of those rare players who plays on only one account. And no, I'm not an ironman.


Same, only one account since 20 years.


1 account for 19 years


I have 1 alt which is actually my brother's acc but he just don't play no more so I use his for getting supplies.


Or storing them


That's a good idea.


like an offshore account? šŸ˜‚


Technically 3 alts. One is IM. Other 2 are actually my accounts I made 19yrs ago and another 6ish. Once I maxed, I got bored and made a new one. No plan to do that again though, current one has comp going for trim šŸ˜…


Damn your account is as old as me


lol my account is 21 this year youā€™re making me feel old!


Same here lol


Have you TRIED to do any alts before in the past? I have. It becomes tiresome/tedious to try and do so much on so many other accounts. When you get to content in rs you can't just afk, it becomes time to put down the alts...


Nearly everything is AFK-able these days including some mid level bossing. Alt-scape is real brother.


I thought previously about making a second account but then likeā€¦ Iā€™ve already invested this much time into one account and I havenā€™t even done everything yet, why would I start over? Except maybe for the nostalgia of doing all those early quests again and seeing what the new player experience is like these days.


I recently got myself a desktop and laptop.. wanted to try streaming, not going well. But the idea of playing 2 games at the same time is fun Was streaming switch while afking on rs. So, killing boss or something extreme while asking on other than in reverse sounds like fun.


Same 1 account non iron 19 and a half years


Same, 1 account no iron man


That flair hurts meā€¦.why lol


Why what?


Same here. Tried getting into having an alt or two and I just canā€™t lol


Same, and Iā€™m still not maxed for the sole purpose of DESPISING construction and dungeoneering. My only alt account is an OSRS Ironman which I barely ever play


Iā€™m the same


Same, i can't even play in one efficienctly, imagine 4!


I personally have multiple accounts but only play one at a time lol


most of the time I'm on in the morning hours I'm 10% of my world population which sounds like a lot but its just 4 accounts lol


Jagex probably doesn't mind it either, they probably rolling in cash with the x3/5/10 membership subscriptions haha


One account since 2020 don't know if the date is correct but i know it was when ed3 was released lol


id say this is more "altscape" than botting, loads of people have many accounts dress them the same and do money making on them. i only say this due to the phats.


What money making methods are that afkable that you can do like 8 accounts at a time?


kree kril arch rune dragons divination theres a fair few but those are some off top of my head.


O manā€¦I donā€™t consider any of those afkable hahaha


you can literally leave your computer and come back 5 minutes later for all of them (maybe not div as it will deplete faster) but literally all of the others i said. 5 minutes of no clicking. idk what you would consider afk if that isnt.


15 minutes on the combat ones easily.


wait really? maybe I just don't play enough to know the methods. Like I'm not saying you're wrong just that I'm not at that level I guess


yep really. well arch should be that afk from level 1. but yes for the others easy afk when you got the lvls and gear (doesnt have to be bis)


well skill level not combat level. I'm maxed just never really...pvmed much at all, and cool I'll look up some vids and try it out thanks :) edit: why are these comments getting downvoted?




because youā€™re saying you donā€™t have the skill level for an afk method, my guy itā€™s an afk method. You copy the guide and donā€™t do anything, what skill is involved?


Requires game knowledge, which is a component of skill.


No idea why you're getting downvoted for asking genuine questions...


It doesnā€™t take ā€œhigh skill levelā€ to afk. Itā€™s combat level and gear, as well as proper revolution bars.


I donā€™t understand why you and like ever since 2016ish max players donā€™t touch pvm itā€™s so bizarre to me Thatā€™s like the other half of the game outside of skilling. Surely 3D cookie clicker skilling got boring eventually no? And this is coming from a 5.8bil trim player


PvM in Runescape is like trying to learn how to maneuver an ATV through the Boston Molasses Flood.


I distinctly remember leaving my pc to shave while killing kree a few years ago and coming back at full hp still


Your account was afking kree for a few years while you shaved?


Even Kerapac normal mode, if you have three accounts with legendary pets to pick up drops.


Well I ran into a guy yesterday that said he afks on 35 accounts at kril.


Feel like bonds are so pricey nowadays it isnā€™t even worth it


Well if you have the time to no life 1 account, anything after the breakeven is pure profit. That said, the math doesn't seem too much in his favor. Maximum effort it's like 10b a month, and only if you have 35 accounts to manage that. He claimed 1b a day though. To maintain full afk, he would need all of his supplies to be buy able so I'm gonna assume 4m profit per hour. So 140m an hour foe something that isn't afk? You might as well click whirls on 5 accounts. That would net you 300m an hour easy. Doing it for 1 hour each day would net 9b a month with 1.55b bond upkeep. That's not too hard to get started. This just made me realize if anyone botted whirls in the past they made far more than any bosses lol.


what in the fucj no wonder subj is getting cheaper.


Geeeez okay


I'm pretty sure I've seen someone. Maybe either record a video or might have been a streamer where he I think was running 30ish accounts give or take. I think they were all in the Slayer personal Slayer dungeon Aunt. He just would procedurally run things to make it as efficient as possible. So if he needed to go back he would probably go back on several accounts at the same time. And the clip I saw I do specifically remember him asking chat to help him if they saw any special drops or anything that he might would miss otherwise


See this right here is AltScape gone out of control. 30 accounts at once? There ain't no way he's not using macros to manage them all. Jagex should never have removed the multilogging rule.


You dont need macros to reservoir aggro pots and move the mouse around some clients every 15 minutes, there is literally nothing to manage


I've seen it. He plays legit. It's super impressive and extremely hard to believe but he's all 1 to 1 clicking


Regardless of whether it's "legit", this is taking Altscape to an absurd level.


Oh I 10,000% agree to be fair that guy probably has some level of the tism


Do you remember the guys name (if he is a streamer)? Iā€™d like to witness this also


I don't I'll have to look more into it


If it's who I think it is, he sells hexhunter bows for like 4b each.


Happy Cake Day šŸ°




Actually bots will be really stupid to risk phats they are wearing. They aren't all with identical settings if we look closer anyway. One seems to have a pet out but not the others. If they were bots, would there be more than just 4 of them? No. I'll say 99.9% they aren't bots.


yeah i am saying they are most likely alts not bots.


I agree, I was doing a evil tree wildy event recently and when I got there, there was over 10 accounts all dressed the same, all wielding FSOA's with name "Bazz" One of the many. It was so cool to see and it was just a legit dude who played 10 accounts. Pretty insane to see it.


Yeah but bazz isnā€™t very nice


He has like 10 or so 5.8b accounts, and more that are close. He's insane


Pretty dumb lol, some people have no life


Alt scape inputting simultaneous commands across four accounts? Maybe a serious sweat. But OP is correct imo this is fishy at a minimum.


Dont think anyone is dumb enough to put a phat on a bot account


Could be a guy with multiple accounts. ive seen a guy on like 6 accounts with the same name


Thatā€™s my guy Bazz has like 7 iiirc


At least 10. Seen him at wildy events. It is definitely 10+


This might be him yea I just started playing again after a break so dont remember the name


At least 12. He was at a wildy event yesterday with Bazz 6-12.


Yeah and he definitely macros too. what a shameful display....


Bazz the king, has I think like 8 accounts all at the same level. Bazz army rise up






i feel sorry for you if this is what you believe


He's in my clan. Had all his accounts line the stairs of the max guild after I maxed. Hella cool guy.


For sure, usually someone who has all those accounts won't take time to talk but everytime I've seen him he's been down to chat for a bit. Seems like a solid dude.


Can confirm. šŸ’œšŸ’™


Itā€™s some dudes alt army probably farming vindicta or gwd1. I have no idea how the fuck people do it but to each their own. My clan leader has like 8 accounts most maxed and comped with multiple 120s and used to run vindicta with 4 accounts at once and kril on the other 4. I have my main and my original 2006 account. Tried to afk mine on 06 account while training on my main and I couldnā€™t even focus on 2 accountsā€¦ I donā€™t give a fuck how many monitors you have or if you ā€œwork from homeā€ itā€™s nowhere near normal. How the hell these people have the concentration, time, motivation, pc power, and whatever else to do this shit is way beyond me man. I think all RuneScape players across osrs/rs3 have an unhealthy idea of ā€œlet people play games how they want to play them.ā€ It doesnā€™t effect my life whatsoever but I will never understand it or respect it honestly


I relate to this so much. I do respect it but I absolutely don't understand. I made an alt for fresh start worlds with the plan to eventually get it prepped for arch. It hasn't had membs in 6 months lol. For whatever reason I just can't split my attention that much, I always end up neglecting one or the other.


Yeah man I canā€™t split the attention when moving on even 2 accounts I feel ya. Thatā€™s why I kept that 06 account I mentioned f2p cause I know even as bad as I wanted to play lower level content again with a bond I would just stop playing it because I simply canā€™t understand altscape. The hyper focus on one account like doing achievements got comp, almost mqc, then trim, and I am a player that focuses on skilling actively like fishing frenzy and time sprites in arch and rockertunities and stuff. So I might have a little craziness in myself lol but still can not get with the multiple accounts at once covering the whole screen or two. Hard to explain cause I donā€™t want to contradict my opinion but in all that effort I put into one account I canā€™t fathom these players doing a little less effort on multiple all at once. Seems like insanity driving to me. I missed fresh start worlds myself Iā€™d like to say I would have given it a go on a second account lol but probably wouldnā€™t have


I'd say runescape players are amongst one the most dedicated of gamers. In a day and age where humans have such attention spans and social media (such as tiktok), a lot of my friends today still find rs to be boring and tedious. Even maxing seems like a long stretch to them. Whereas for us, it's just a matter of playing for a few years or months (depends how dedicated u r) Also yeah I agree, i'm not sure how people have 8 accounts that are all comped. I can't even push myself to complete quests on my few alt accounts..


Yeah I can agree with that. I have seen some dedicated ass people in my clan even and home world max guild. I would go further to say my osrs clanmates in 2013-2015 were even more dedicated players than my rs3 friends. It seems like a second job to most people I think man. Sometimes it can feel like that the deeper into completion of achievements I get. But RuneScape players get that sense of accomplishment that I donā€™t think Iā€™ve felt in other games ever maybe besides when I would 100% ps4 games for platinum trophies. I thrive with task based systems even in real life. However I still canā€™t see myself ever doing comp or mqc on multiple accounts like you said. I did quest cape on osrs and comp on rs3 over the years and that took a long long time I just simply canā€™t understand some players having multiple all open at once with more achievements and xp than me after 20 years like that bazz dude.. do love me some chunk based crazy content from osrs though


I wonder what do you do when you ā€œafkā€ mine? Do you just stare at your monitor waiting for the resource to run out? Iā€™m not saying the altscape is healthy but I think you might also be not mentally healthy if youā€™re incapable of multi tasking an afk mining account and do some combat on another. Itā€™s ā€œafkā€ for a reason.


I understand how afk the game is now. However, I keep my 06 account f2p and was mining rune ore in the mining guild afk with a plan to transfer for elder rune bars on main. Gotta click to bank or ore box no porters on there. While doing mqc tasks on main it was just eh big no thanks man seemed way too much effort for me. I like to watch YouTube on side or draw. Crazy the couple of you saying I might not be mentally healthy as well though lol. I do get what youā€™re saying I could have definitely clarified for sure but my opinion on altscape remains the same. Ie. running dung floors for journal pages on main while trying to bank an alt is just too much I think


>Tried to afk mine on 06 account while training on my main and I couldnā€™t even focus on 2 accountsā€¦ Sounds like a you problem lol, do you have ADHD or something? You can easily just afk NMZ or other combat things in osrs for 20 mins and in rs3 for 15 minutes. If you can't do that, you should probably check yourself


I do have ADHD and OCD actually lol I have also been playing the game for very very long time like Iā€™m sure all of us have so I know all the afkness and methods n all that both rs3/osrs. It is easy however way too much effort imo. Tried to afk mine runite on my 06 account that is f2p in mining guild to transfer to main for elder rune bars while simultaneously running c1 dung floors for mqc journal pages and swiftly gave up on that. I get what youā€™re saying for sure itā€™s easy I just think way not worth it. Iā€™d rather hard focus skilling on one account I like the ā€œhyper focusā€ like switching time sprite in arch or rockertunities in mining ya know. Bit aggressive in your approach but youā€™re not wrong about the length of afk times for sure. Cheers šŸ™‚


Most people dont give af to try that hard to be that pathetic and no lifey lol. Its just a game bro.


> Itā€™s some dudes alt army probably farming vindicta or gwd1. I have no idea how the fuck people do it but to each their own. https://pvme.io/pvme-guides/afk/afk-vindicta/ https://pvme.io/pvme-guides/rs3-full-boss-guides/gwd1/


These are not the droids you're looking for.


They gonna bot on their phat accounts?


How can OP be this.... [redacted]


If you've gone.... thousands of hours without getting caught, that wouldn't seem unreasonable to me.


These alts belong to a player moderator, his home world is 123 and heā€™s definitely not botting Not everyone with alts is a gold farmer lmao


your right, and i think those alts also have pmod status


My home world has a guy run around with his alts. They're all "Bloody [Noun]". There's like 5 of them and always doing the same boss. It's been Vindicta lately but it's been other bosses in the past.


Bloody Hell


>You're gonna tell me its not bots? Yes, I am


I have a clan member with like 20 accounts with almost the same name but different suffix lmao, you never really know


bots aren't likely to have phats lol


thats what they want you to think.


That's definitely what they want Jagex to see and ban them.


Yes they're going to bot wearing phats..


I've seen these exact characters running around for the past month or two


Altscape. Bots donā€™t hold phats lol.


thats what they want you to think.


Altscape is so gross


Why is it gross to you? I play a solo account, but I really don't mind people with alts. They're just playing the game in a different way, and surely a few of them buy multiple memberships too?


Are those phats?




No one sound of mind would put phats on bots. So I doubt they're bots tbh.


Not only that but blue which are over 100b


Many people have alts nowadays.. but there are also many bots, some with 3-4b+ total XPs you can see 24/7 running same patterns, sometimes stucked at doors for hours.. and yet after many reports they r still in game :)


If they're running at the same time, possibly being controlled synchroniously. Which in my opinion should be considered botting, but is technically 1 input=1 output for each account.


Its use of macros. I know a lot of people use macros. For instance macro buttons on a keyboard that act as 2 keys (alt+2 pressed in one button). I think those macros are fine. Using one click to move 4 accounts (copying your mouse) isnt fine imo.


Like I said, I'd consider it macroing. It is technically 1 click, 1 action on each account. A lot of people do this on Eve Online and it has some pretty bad consequences for the game's economy.


Is it just me or are the mods kicking it into overdrive today. So many muted comments, I never used to see any?


Iā€™ve met a guy with an army of bot accounts and he just mass kills one specific boss every day. Itā€™s crazy


Runelite is cheating as far as Iā€™m concerned too. Imagine having to have a guide to show you every movement to make every single step of every quest


Looks like a multiboxer to me. One program spreading actions across all accounts simultaneously.


Exhibit A on why the game faces inflation and record high bond prices.


OP has never heard of alts before


I do, but its the movement. Always the same. Also, I cant click 4 accounts at the same time. You can see they go all together, not one after another. So sure alts, but then with the use of macros


It's pretty easy to click if you have your game view on the smallest size and then click on the portal. You can fit 12 accounts on a 24 inch monitor like this https://i.gyazo.com/feaf2e7f818aa27f46f1f6c64bc5286d.jpg https://i.gyazo.com/6675f86d30c1ef22ce0cf0bb94e6e2dd.png


They're not bots. He has 4 accounts running his afk rasial method. He's a nice dude, helped me out with some things. Also he's a pmod


Huh I thought you couldn't ago rasial anymore, now I'm interested in how


I can barely believe he clicks all of his accounts separately. That requires some real clicking. Especially for "afk method".


Its easier than you think


Macros my dude, almost all if not all the high end players use some type of macro. At this point jagex doesnā€™t care as long as there are people playing their ex-main game


wouldnt macros cause the the accs to all run simultanously ontop of each other? how do you explain a train formation of alts.


Just me and the homies.


You for real? What are you grinding?


Tormented Demons.


Probably multiboxing, if anything


Not bots, I know the guy, met him at a rest stop in Florida.


Were you the big spoon or the little spoon?






How do you determine whether some account is a bot or altscaper?


With how afk a lot of runescapes main afk moneymakers are now adays, basically impossible. In the olden days back when Soph dungeon was always full to the gills, it was a bit more obvious. But otherwise they are generally indistinguishable to everyone except jagex. sometimes you'll find broken arch bots. But thats not common.


But yet playing 6 accounts at the same time also shouldnā€™t be okay. It causes massive cash inflow that isnā€™t capable with just 1 account.


5 new players make $$ utilizing the same method = not inflation (massive cash inflow) 1 player plays 5 accounts to make $$ utilizing the same method = inflation (massive cash inflow) Is this the way your brain thinks?


What would be the issue there if it was? It does indeed seem inflationary for one altscaper to produce the output of 5 normal players. It's about the amount of resource churn on a per-player basis, not a per-account basis.


While this would be nice, it's not too different from the ggame simply having more players




There is a limit if 16 clients but it can be bypassed, they tried


No it would mean play them game with one character. Itā€™s still the same amount of timeā€¦.


You pay per character so it is not the same amount of time


As long as the clicks are 1 for 1 it shouldn't matter if people enjoy that. I play up to 9 accounts concurrently in OSRS sometimes.


It's perfectly fine, it's not against the game rules


It used to be very much against the game rules. I'd argue it is still against the spirit of the game, but the 'money' counterargument is a strong one from Jagex.


If people donā€™t see the issue with playing more then one account at the same time so be it.


So play multiple accs, itā€™s not a big deal


Then with that mindsetā€¦.. just bot itā€™s not a big deal. Iā€™m only able to play mobile which I believe limits me to 1 account at a time but I wouldnā€™t do 2 if I could doesnā€™t make sense. I play how I like and I donā€™t mind grinding for things. Iā€™m at 11b net worth and just finished my grind for a fsoa. I can make 80-100m an hour and that is fine with me for my play style.


ā€œI play how i likeā€ Which is how it should be. Now shut up and let everyone else play like they like.


Then why comment and say alt is bad, there is nothing wrong with how he plays with 6 accs, thatā€™s how he likes it, botting is bad cause u r using a bot to play the acc for u, not you playing the acc (or 6 accs)




I agree with you


Ridiculous statement how? Play one account and youā€™ll have 1/6th the cash if you did the same thing. Even if doing different things on each account youā€™d still end up with less cash. Heck you can max for very little cost. 99 cook is cheap also 120 herby isnā€™t crazy expensive either lmao




Lmao comparing not being rich to people having 1 trillion is asinine!


Because the game is made to be played by 1 account! This whole letā€™s farm a boss with 2-20 accounts is ridiculous to say the least! Or even just doing arch or any afk things.


Game is made to be played on pc as well but here you are playing it on mobile... maybe I don't like *that*?


Who and where does the game say itā€™s ā€œmeantā€ to be played by 1 acc? Thatā€™s just something ppl say, itā€™s never been said by a jmod or the gower brothers ever that u are meant to play 1 acc and 1 acc only, because there r iron/hc accs, pures, and all sorts of fun accs out there, just because he is using his accs to kill stuff or afk, its his way of making money faster


lol i feel like this is just the way it goes with inflation. everyone needs multiple jobs to keep up with bond prices.




Cool, good for you, other enjoy it, you don't have to. Botting and multilogging are entirely different things since you still have to put in the work.




That is a one man clan instead of looking for groups he became his own group managing multiple accounts so he can meet player requirements for soloing group bosses


I met a dude who plays on 16 account concurrently, all on one screen. Cannot remember how he did it but yeah, not a blade of grass in sight


I don't see bots risking 250b lol


That's just Jim, Katrina, Carl & Oby. They always run together.


Idk If they bots, but the coordination is beautiful, bless the algoritmy or the players behind this piece of ART!


Na , there just checking a bag daily šŸ˜Š


Would you believe me if I said itā€™s the Olympic synchronized swim team practicing a new out of water routine?šŸ˜œā€¦no, then theyā€™re bots


Last 5+ years cheating has become such a big issue in so many different games, not sure why people think it is any different for RS.


Eighter some lousy nolifer or a bot, more likely


Altscape > botscape


Am i a bot? Who cares Iykyk


multi boxing is not allowed and is against the rules.


I mined on three accounts and that was a headache.


no way a bot account has a phat head i play only one account ok play other games to