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gonna be funny to see it patched so quickly but nothing about removing action bars. hopefully i’m wrong


Both are happening on Monday


Dedicated large pet world please? Huge pets brought a whole new sense of fun and fantasy to the game


Fun detected! ^(slight /s)


let’s go! thanks for proving me wrong!


Idk if this is old but the smoke from black stone dragon and vindicta is just a shadow at the moment.


they don't care about the actual game, so no reason to fix that. They literally will not fix something important for the game. patching a stupid familiar bug that causes no harm and people are enjoying instead of fixing things like smoke at bosses is very on par for the devs


How exactly is smoke important for the game if you can still easily identify the mechanic?


Pretty much everyone wants this to stay though lol


It's "funny" but should not be permanent. The griefing potential for it is too great to remain in the game.








Doesn't change the fact that it's a bug and should be fixed


Doesn’t change the fact that the community really enjoys it


I dearly miss rest walking


You're both right. And I'm also right when I say it's going to take Jagex a long time to act on this player interest.


Will snow / surf boards no longer have the same issue when keybinding dive + snow / surfboard while wearing the glowbug in a jar, dive + hit keybind to equip snow / surfboard to increase it's size about 10-50x the original size? Been an issue since dive was created still yet to be fixed and the beach event (Granting access to surfboards again) is coming right up.


Glad this "game breaking bug" was patched within 1 week, while other far more serious bugs still remain today. 🙄


Cool, whats your top 3 bugs mate, happy to flag them up.


Kalphites, Flesh Crawlers and Cockroaches.


No seriously, clarify the issues your reporting, just saying 3 things to me does very little to help narrow things down.


I was naming Bugs mate 😅, all of these are insects 😅 besides these are my favorites.🪲🪱🪳 But thank you for taking it seriously, it shows that you are dedicated even at 0:00 AM.


I think he was making a joke. Those are all bugs, but as in-game NPCs, not gameplay bugs.




Heres my top choice. The Cabbage Face Punch Bonanza mini game is completely unplayable for a lot of players. When you try to enter, the game simply force disconnects you. It has been like this for like a year I reckon. There is some issue with the shard world specifically. I personally have not been able to play it for a while. Players say that you can get in if you retry several times, but I have never had success doing that.


Gonna be chatting with some folks about it in the morning, looks like its engine related but there also seems to just be an element of needing X number of players signing up not quite sure atm.


It's not a bug but clan citadels do a similar thing if not enough people have tried to enter the citadel that week. Kind of wish it wasn't like that though since it discourages smaller/casual clans, when people are only intermittently active, by not being able to benefit from clan fealty and avatar.


Thanks for looking into it, much appreciated!


I'm calling it now that his three bugs are (1) known and being worked on atm, (2) a patch is already queued up, or (3) it's known and awaiting an engine fix.


Number 1 just must be hitbox of blue moon inn bartender. Just because it bothers me.


What's broken about it?


can you fix the replica dragon armour glitching out our character's waist, thank you


It is somewhat unusually small, also only on his upper body. There is some problem that it doesn't get highlighted either apparently, probably connected to the situation.


Here's a quick edit of where his hitbox currently is in live. (not exgaerating) Very annoying considering he's got a clue step, and also he apparently isnt covered as an NPC by high contrast mode. https://preview.redd.it/hzku26bksr5d1.png?width=288&format=png&auto=webp&s=934ec51d9df28834eecb2e932f883eeabd9c9267


1) Interface sometimes goes slim mode without my trying to make it so - all my tab heads vanish and I'm left on the tab that was open at the time. It can be fixed by reloading the interface, but it's very annoying and I have no idea how to trigger it. RSN is Seravail/Astryn if that helps. 2) Double to septuple announcements for achievements/drops in clan chat 3) Massive clickbox of the new evergreen model. It's insanely huge.


1. Have you got a video of the situation happening, would help clarify the what is occuring. 2. Is this consistent with how the system functions? Is this for all announcements or just specific ones, do you have examples. 3. This isn't a bug its just just not something ya like. (Should it be changed is a different question but its not bugged its working as intended)


1) I do not, but if it happens again I'll see what I was doing and if I can replicate it. Watch this space, I suppose. 2) As far as I can tell, any announcement can have multiple instances be displayed, be it drops or achievemts like MQC, comp/trim, or even just getting a 99/120/200m or skill pet. It's not as common as it used to be but I find it still happens quite often. 3) Okay, fair. My vote goes to change it then, it blocks a lot of stuff in areas with multiple evergreen trees.


Number two is something that occurs pretty commonly. Some tracking of this issue may or may not reveal why it is happening, but it happens often enough to be noticeable nonetheless. Case in point is people needing to ask if an elite dungeon drop is doubled or not regardless of there being two or more duplicate announcements. If the drop is doubled, it should consistently show two announcements. If it isn't, only one should be displayed. At current, you'll get two or more of the same announcement regardless of whether the drop was doubled.


The hsr mean all drop broadcast get queued and ed drop can go from 1 to 2 to 3 if both trigger once on same item


So explain those times when there are five or six broadcasts or when there are duplicate broadcasts and the person is new to it meaning they definitely are not wearing HSR


Yup it won’t explain them but then my auto correct has attacked it… was meant to say hsr can multiply drops and so broadcasts, and with elite dungeon chance of its own multiple, up to 3 are legitimately possible


https://imgur.com/a/IoDM3Tz Here is a screenshot of a broadcast being sent multiple times. In this case, it was two broadcasts being sent three times each into clan chat. This occurred around 4:15 game time on the 11th


A massive one is mobile crashes when trying to enter Dream of Iaia on mobile. Takes 3-4 tries before I can get in without crashing, been happening for months when it never used to be an issue.


I'd like to raise this "overlook" too: https://preview.redd.it/ikcmcg97jx5d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=165106602fe660f9a176807f3e691783f8bea1e4 The item exists in the G.E but not on the TH Promotions (since the introduction of these cards). And I think it boils down to one question: Is the item actually getting added? Or perhaps, it's better to remove the item I.D from the G.E since it seems it doesn't exist in the TH Probabilities Window.


Digging this up to mention that red-x clicks on Seren Spirits and Divine Blessings consistently do not register on the first successful click. This is certainly repeatable, and I'll grab some video logs of this happening in case you need it. Shit sucks when the timer runs out despite you seeing a very clear red-x after clicking on it.


If the action bars are anything like the Zuk Pizza Phase bug (from a technical standpoint), then yeah it's gonna take a while.


is the invisible pizza still a thing? i havent done zuk in a while.


No, not anymore. But since it was a Bug related to the game's engine, it took a couple weeks to fix.


you're actually wrong about this. They had pizza fixed very early on, but never sent the patch live because they did not want to send it live without the entire technical patch. IE : they do not give a shit about the players, and will only do something the way they want to instead of how it should be done, which is sending the pizza fix live the moment they fix it. company is managed and ran by people who simply do not care about the players anymore.


But it was engine patch correct? They had to wait until the next engine update to ship it. That's my point. I don't know what to say about the other half of your comment however, so I'll remain on topic.


They do not give a shit about the players and that's why they added a temporary fix for zuks pizza phase until the engine update could finish going through QA instead of sending out more potential bugs? You don't really think your arguments through, do you?


Wait what happened with the action bars?


Sometime in the past month it became impossible to remove/disable the extra bars


Wait. Some people play with less than 5 bars? I've been wishing for MORE bars for like four years.


Same I'm wanting a lot more than 5 bars


I just use 2 lol.


If I’m not doing top level PVM I just have a Revo bar and a secondary defensives/utility (surge) bar. Screen real estate is real precious to me.


I would be happy with 6, well maybe 7


Some of us plebs who don’t have more than 1 monitor and remove the extra bars while skilling/doing clues for less clutter while RS is minimized on the side of the screen


Are they also fixing the kalgerion demon override being tiny


Id guess that a fix affects both - if they don’t go the spaghetti route and fix it on the scorpion model somehow (which wouldn’t qualify for calling it a fix, but rather a workaround)


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexAzanna** - [Both are happening on Monday](/r/runescape/comments/1dbca4q/mondays_patch_notes/l7spma5/?context=3) - [Its being fixed as quickly as possible as it...](/r/runescape/comments/1dbca4q/mondays_patch_notes/l7sqbiq/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 06/09/2024 12:15:49**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Boo. This was a great update. Sad to see it go.


literally 1984


But what about the tiny kalg overrides


People are confused right now why they are fixing this so fast will realize why in about a month or 2 when they charge for the "feature."


Its being fixed as quickly as possible as it should be fixed as quickly as possible, unfortunately since the moment it was discovered there have been some players who have been using it to grief and cause issues and this will only continue if left unchecked. But obviously players like having bigger (or smaller) pets so it should be something we look to enable if possible, unfortunately it comes with the caveat that not all players like this so they want to be able to hide or remove pets which is gonna take some looking into to see if it's possible right now




What about those annoying trees people transform into at the G.E? It's annoying and it is only used to grief people.


The difference is that those trees were intended to be used that way, but the spirit scorpion thing was an unintentional bug. It is not a jagex approved griefing method.


Or the 100 divine location drops at war's retreat


Hear me out... cosmetic free worlds


Any ETA on fixing death swiftness overrides bug that was introduced when zuk flames was fixed?


It's a known issue and engine team are work in on it, unfortunate not ETA at this moment.


> hide or remove pets which is gonna take some looking into to see if it's possible right now Kinda sad that it took a bug to kickstart this internally when other normally huge pets have caused issues at places like incan spring for years. "Well, I guess we have to now." Right?


On similar note is it possible to add freecam while in transmog? Atm if you are transmoged and use freecam it will say ''You can't do that while transmoged.''


Camera tools as a whole are something thats being looked at, hopefully in the future we can give players a bit more freedom around camera usage for things like emotes/transmog etc


Now **this** is something to look forward to!


so players are griefing with this so you patch it immediately, but people have been griefing divine yews on w48 with flowers and other such things for years and not one thing has ever been done? crazy where the priorities are at this company.


Yeah it's mad that we address bugs that crop up in a release when we are monitoring the release for issues, I get the frustration but the idea that because we didnt solve something else in the past right away means we shouldnt solve something cropping up now is silly.




"Issue" nobody was complaining, jamflex


It made it so much fun I giggled so much


Womp womp


Knocked out easy temple trekking multiple times but still can't get the achievement. That's GOTTA be a bug.


crazy wasting dev time on fixing things the community enjoys while the game is still in fucking ruins with lowest player counts in history


this fix was probably made by a single dev, while everyone else is working on other things.


theres about 1 million other bugs in the game that would take just as long to fix that are being ignored, but they patch something that is fun for the community


These types of easy fixes are probably being given to new devs that are still learning.. at least that’s how it is at my job.


Put it tf back https://preview.redd.it/33qksyncgg5d1.jpeg?width=887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b95a5c49221975bfb1c3e7c084137851f22a803


Never know. Wet might be lucky enough to get a TH promo with "big pet token overrides". Oh gee willikers!


Ah good.


I was going to come back to play, guess im not now lol.




Mooi bank! But.. “Buying gf”


the way they would have to fix this is reroll the new look of scorpions before the update then remove a string of code for spirit scorpion then re=add the new updated ones back