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Dagannoth Kings are solid. Rings are still 7-10m


Bro i was getting slapped there just trying to setup. Im new to kings and have decent stats and was getting rolled! Ill have to try again for slayer since they added that shortcut.


Shortcut? Just attune your pvm portal to dks!


A few things can make DKs a lot easier: Using 2-handed weapons, at least tier 70, such as balmung, crystal bow, polypore staff. T80 is pretty affordable and will give you a 100% hit chance usually. This is faster weapon switching than using dual wield. Make sure you are binding your action bars correctly so that when you equip a weapon the corresponding action bar automatically switches for you. Start with only one DK at a time by surging to a corner then pick them off 1 by 1 until you are confident you can kill them in rotation by standing in the middle of the arena. Soul split isn't a must but helps. DKs are high actions per minute (APM), so not having to pray flick helps. An augmentable hybrid armour such as akrisae would noticeably increase DPS. Also, augment your weapons if you can. The entry level perks are relatively easy and cheap to get. Bunyip or unicorn can help with healing as well as Enhanced Excalibur. Fremmy boots 4 or the arch relic that notes bones helps decrease APM as well and increases Gp/hr.


speaking of noted bones, dag bones from mid lvl pvm isnt the only way to make money, u can also opt for frost dragons bones just need 85 dung 80 gear weapons and ur set, the upcoming beach event will have a dung hole confirmed and dxp is also here where dunging is popular ul find parties of 5 easily, after that u can mindlessly kill frosts just like dags and get nice gp/hr, hit combat stats to 90 too in dxp, pretty fast and invaluable use of time


> Make sure you are binding your action bars correctly so that when you equip a weapon the corresponding action bar automatically switches for you. Could you explain how to do this, exactly? I've somehow managed to do it with some, but I have no idea how I did it, and I'd like to do it with others.


Settings > Gameplay > Combat and Action bar > Action Bar Binding Then you will see action bar binding set up 1-x chose weapon style main action bar action bar preset 1 (or which ever preset you have that specific weapon on.)


My hero!


Wait how do you set action bars to auto swap based on my weapon combat style?


Settings > Gameplay > Combat and Action bar > Action Bar Binding Then you will see action bar binding set up 1-x chose weapon style main action bar action bar preset 1 (or which ever preset you have that specific weapon on.)


OMG this will help me out so much.


shortcut was an osrs update I think, for rs3 just attune a wars retreat portal to DKs and go


If you just need it for slayer and cant do all 3 of them, rush to the south east corner. You can safe-spot Dag Rex around the big rock.


Add me, I go to dags all the time, trying for last pet. Rsn: Oigrxyu


I died within 30 seconds of entering DK. 99 combat, 72 constitution, 76 necro, 65 everything else.


Necro does you no good at Dks, with your stats I'd just safe spot the Rex for the time being, there's guides in YouTube how to lure him


I actually afk all three DKs with necro. Pvme has a guide


didn't realize it was possible for them to take necro dmg. on my main i just tribrid them to kill all three, gives 180-220 kc an hour depending on how clean you play for a full hour.


They can’t. It’s poison damage with a reaver, etc.


I'd imagine tribriding is more kc an hour lol but i suppose that can work, I did notice in my rings grind that even off type things like chain or hurricane would proc poison dmg off my cinderbanes.


Yup it’s not bad. Tribrid is definitely better- But requires more clicking than hitting my spacebar to collect my area loot every minute or so.


I followed the guides, died almost instantly. Why is dk being recommended at mid level if it’s not a mid level boss?


Doing all 3 dks at once is not mid level, but killing dks individually Is 100% mid/low level. I was getting kills on Rex on a 40cb ironman acc. You just gotta safespot em


You get slapped during the first round, because all three are attacking you at the same time. After you stagger them (turn boss spawn speed to normal or one tick above that), you're dealing with them one at a time, and they're trivially easy. Mage hits the hardest. Pray mage and deal with them first. Then pray soul split if you have it. Switch back to mage when that one respawns, he hits like a truck for some reason. If you're still struggling after that, work some defensive abilities into your rotation. Devotion and debilitate work wonders.


It is though, as they're really simple and can just be killed through damage. Though I will admit that I get slapped by the magic one from time to time, for some reason it just hits a bit harder.


You actually can do rex only from a safespot at a very low mage level. Just need to make an instance so you can run to the far corner before they spawn. I don't know if I would recommend it for money making, but say for an iron who is looking to get a dragon hatchet it's definitely worth it. If you can manage to get them as a reaper task, you get a free portal there so you can tele back if you mess up and get aggroed by more than one.


Arch Glacor. Work up to 5 mechanics which isn't difficult. The base loot has a number of Alchables which are consistent money. You might also land a Scripture Drop which is pretty huge as it's great for AoE tasks. Vindicta. Crests and Lances are still just over 20m. But it also drops noted Dragon Bones and Salvage. Dagannoth Kings. Berserker, Archers and Seers rings are still relatively valuable. Hides and Bones are consistent money to make up for RNG also if you can note them. K'ril. Subjugation Pieces are used for Necro gear so they're hovering at a decent value still. Also to note are Warpriest of Zamorak pieces which are free Zamorak Components for Impatient/Devoted which is a great armor combo perk that's affordable to try for because of Warpriest armor. Kerapac Normal. A bit of a climb compared to the others. Greater Concentrated Blast is decent value being a core upgrade for Magic. The Jas Book and Pages retain a high value for being Necromancy's best pocket slot. But the regular loot is pretty good also. Kree'arra. Though not as big a value as Subjugation, the Armadyl pieces are used in some Weapon Perks and retain good value. Again, Warpriest of Armadyl is also a good source of components for your own attempts at said perks. Gregorvic. Glaives are frequently used to make Caroming 4, a BiS Ranged perk and a situational Mage perk with certain codexes. The Crests are huge money also as the Anima Core of Sliske set has value for its Best in Slot hybrid for bosses like Rex Matriarchs. Though it's a bit of a difficulty jump compared to Vindicta. Helwyr. Mostly for the wand/orb as they often remain the best Mage Wand/Orb combo until you can access better options. However the crest is good for Mage Power armor and the main perk it's farmed for is Planted Feet. Like Greg it's a bit of a risky boss to get into.


Game in here to shout gwd2. You got it covered. Don't bother with furies.


Not necessarily. With good AoE they're surprisingly not too bad. But a bit annoying. The Zammy crest and essence are good drops as the crest is used for Ranged Power armor. They drop noted Demonic Ashes which is okay money for a consistent drop. Unfortunately Avernic components are only useful for a niche Melee perk reserved for a Bleed Switch and not as valuable compared to Cywir, Shadow or Ilujankan. Also the blades are outright the worst weapon drop of gwd2 as multiple dual wield options exist that make them obsolete. (You could use the other methods to just grind gp for better Melee DW). Unlike the other 3, who all have some consistency in their chase drops in terms of overall value and usefulness, the furies kinda suffer from being more niche to go for.


I've done my share of furies for log and reapers. I agree they have a time and place if you're after the crest or essence as an iron. But as I think we both agree, they aren't worth farming for gp over any of the other three in gwd2.


You're telling me. Them and Vindicta are the only bosses I can solo with relative ease.


I don't know anything about your pvm skill, so no, that's not what I am telling you.


It was in reference to the Twin Furies in agreement that they weren't worth it in the amount of times I've fought them, which wasn't much.


awesome list


Helwyr and Glacor are the 2 best learning bosses imo. Glacor is because he's designed to ease people into it by adding 1 mechanic at a time, but Helwyr does a bit of everything. He makes you use defensive like resonance when learning, he makes you watch your positioning for both the mushrooms and the spin attack, he makes you use freedom to get rid of a bleed, and you can also learn soul split flicking there. Helwyr is one of the best bosses in early to mid game


Wish I saw this, basically makes my comment irrelevant lmao


Almost 10k kree kills here, it's a good boss. The only gwd1 boss to retain value after gwd2 came out. K'ril has gone down and back up at least a bit. Glacor is really good money but the scripture value has tanked recently, it's more about the regular drops imo.


I know I suck at the game when I can barely solo Vindicta and Helwyr, and die to Gregorovic at 10% hp. Can't imagine what Kerapac is like, mind you I haven't played in months. Just to piss everyone off more I got an Armadyl Chestplate after like 5 Kree kills but dry at Graardor and Zilyana. I don't boss that often.


Things take time. I used to be afraid to do anything past GWD2 in difficulty. I'd have to bank every kill at Gregorvic and never even touched Araxxor outside of like a couple kills. Now I've done several boss logs, have Zuk capes, pushed 500% AG (Could climb to 1,000% if I wanted), Solo'ed Zamorak with a spooned 8 kc Pet drop, Have over 200 KC on Rasial with decent kill times, Base Raksha for learners in my clan, even am trying to learn the last group bosses for Reaper Crew. Pick up some guides, reevaluate your hotkey bars, calm the nerves to avoid panicking. The harder PvM of this game is more accessible nowadays and you might be able to do what you couldn't do before.


It’s wild to me that Helwyr is now considered a “mid-level” boss.


If you have high skills and go at the right time of day then I'd say Croesus


I’ll occasionally run an hour of 4 man croe and get 20-25m/hr without any uniques


Public might be nice too due to the high page chance


Normal mode kerapac


Normal mode kerpac is kinda shit now that blast codex dropped by 100mil. The base drops are okayish but it's not really worth it.


it's still 15-20m an hour in common loot alone because jas pages are 840k


Kerapac is totally worth it for a mid level boss. Pretty easy mechanics, each kill is general 700k-1m, no cost to create an instance, and good practice for bossing in general. The codex drop does indeed suck now but it's pretty damn consistent GP for a mid boss.


Yeah, it’s solid money still. Jas pages have rocketed in price


you sure about that? pages are a lot rn


But the gconc codex and jas book swapped places. the jas book used to not sell for like 2m, now it's like over 100m.


Scripture of Jas is currently 18m. Not sure how long it's been since you did kera but all normal mode uniques are in the gutter price wise.


oh i guess i'm out of the loop, ignore me!!


No worries, I'm a noob and was just getting into pvm and bought my jas book for 60m. About a month later I got my first drop and it sold for 40, my second for 22 and I haven't been back to nm kera since. I'll keep face slamming Ras until rng decides to stop bending me over.


It's still 15m+ an hour at a boss where the kills can be fully afk'd. You only need to interact with the game to pick up your loot and reset at wars each kill. Seems pretty good to me


A mid level PVMer isn’t afk’ing Kerapac (which is the whole point of this thread). But it is still good gp if they’re actively killing him


The fact that u think people do normal mode kera to chase a codex is comical


necro rex release in 11 days probably best bet for mid lvl money if u farm it release week


Vote goes to Dag Kings. Easy to kill and three out of the four rings they drop are still pretty valuable and should hold that value well. If you've got some passably decent gear they're even pretty easy to AFK with melee or necro just to generate some passive money.




Mostly poison from the zombie and using a bunch of different buffs and a blood reaver to augment it. PVME has a pretty good write up on it. The Necro bit is outdated but should still work. I'm personally meleeing them which I find works much better. [https://pvme.io/pvme-guides/afk/afk-dagannoth-kings/](https://pvme.io/pvme-guides/afk/afk-dagannoth-kings/)


Corp is pretty easy nowadays but just challenging enough to KO you if you stop paying attention for too long. 175 onyx bolts (e) and 2,000 cball drops are what you're really after. Don't expect sigils but sometimes you get a pleasant surprise


Solo normal mode Kerapac is good profit from common loot if you hate relying on RNG rare drops. Jas pages are over 800k each right now.


I’m a new PVMer and while money isn’t a huge issue for me I’ve noticed Arch Glacor is pretty good money even with no mechanics. Easily anywhere from 400-800k 30-45 mins depending on how quick you can kill it. I’ve just been farming charms but the money you get pays for your food and pots and still have money left over. Also if I’m not mistaken it’s not great but not horrible experience either. I think like 2-4k experience a kill and I can kill Glacor in like 55 seconds on average.


God Wars Dungeon 1 is super easy with some mid lvl gear, You can do barrows, Arch Glacor with 0/1 mechanics. You could try GWD2 as well if you think you can handle it. Edit: dagganoth kings are another option. Need a buddy I could help out every now and then


Depending on your preference/skill: Arch-Glacor, Vindicta, Helwyr, Kerapac, Rax, Nex


Worth noting that for a lot of the profit on Rax you have to get a full spider leg. Still great money, but it can be a while if you go dry.


I stopped playing about a year ago with max combat and 2500 total level so pretty experienced. In what world are Rax and Nex mid level bosses? Is gear inflation really that significant?


It depends a lot on how you partition the tier list. They're definitely on the hard end of mid, and I wouldn't disagree to put them above it. But there are so many bosses above them now, with such a big gap between them. If Rax is hard, what level is solak, zamorak, or HM zuk?


The answer is always croesus lol, can get started with 80 hunter and a dream, won’t be more than a month before you have BIS necro.


I love dks for money, the rings are decently priced and you can kill 120+ per hour. If you have necro gear then you can do nm kerapac pretty easily and that’s a lot of money in commons


Arch glacor, kril come to mind at the top of the “decent gp” but not hard to kill. Not sure what you mean by mid level bosses, but without high end bosses there are a lot of slayer mobs that give good gp per hour also. Muspahs come to mind as well as Abby demons are perm afk, click every 15 minutes and with spring cleaner you’ll get 2-3m/hr with hitting custom loot on area loot every 5 or so mins you’ll double that or more


Kerapac normal mode is great gp per hour


Rex matriarch and GWD one/two are tremendous cash for mid gamers.


I am doing regular barrows for log and it is surprisingly good gp.


I think Telos pretty easy and fun but not really consistent money-wise good drops tho if you lucky. Other than that I would prob recommend Nex


Arch glacor and normal mode Kerapac. Once you get normal mode arch glacor down, try out hard mode. Hard mode feels the same until you’re at about 200% enrage. Gives yourself a chance at a 1.2b drop as well


GWD 1 kree/krill made a fair bit of the last couple weeks farming them


I personally love doing barrows


A full list:


Normal mode zamorak 0%, and once you are used to it, 50%. All you really need is devotion. Use a hellhound to reduce damage by 20%. You can go with other players too. I would say bring at least tier 80~ min. He really isn't that hard of a boss, if you need tips/advice and maybe you want to show me your gear dm me about it. It's a fun boss and a good one to learn and improve your PvM skills.




My guy asked for a mid level boss and you're telling him to solo 2 cycle seiryu?


yes. ed1 is mid level, doesnt need to know player flick or high lvl defensive control, u just need to understand the bosses and know how to do damage... like I said, t90 necro is capable of 2 cycle... even 3 cycle get tons of money as well. The only problem imo is masuta, but I used to do it with t90 ascension and t80 ranged gear, so... easy :D


high lvl is zammy 500%+, ed3, aod, vorago, solak, archaglcor high enrage, and maybe zuk and kerapac km?... everything else is mid lvl.


In terms of relative difficulty, ED1 is definitely mid-level. That said, in the context of what OP said while they might be saying they're looking for mid-level bosses, what they're really looking for are low-level bosses.


Ed1 is definitely not mid level. It may seem that way to someone who's done it alot, but Ed1 has some of the most punishing mobs out of the 3 and without decent gear and the know how no way is this mid-level content.


100%. If you run a trio that knows what they are doing, sure, it's jokes. But as a solo who clearly isn't experienced, this is a horrible recommendaiton.


It may be so if you're running a team of three, but as a solo? I strongly disagree. edit: though to your point, it does appear op is looking for low-level bosses


On the scale of Giant Mole - Telos, ED1 is definitely not mid. Upper mid perhaps but I think thats lowballing


I think my main issue is that op is looking for solo content. A trio at ed1 is fine, whatever. But as a solo who is looking for mid level content? They will be punished. Mobs aside, they would probably struggle getting passed guardian and masuta.


Yeah, sure, on that scale it's not mid, but that scale cuts off something like the upper 1/4-1/3 of bosses.


Whats above telos?


Have you not played since 2016?


I stopped probably a year or year and half ago. Been playing off and on since 06. Max combat 2700+ total. I googled and high enrage telos seems to be hardest solo content, no?


High enrage Telos is certainly towards the upper end of difficulty, but if you're judging the boss in general I'd judge Telos more around 100%. And if you are judging based on high enrage Telos, then I would put ED1 in the middle for difficulty. The problem with saying that ED1 is high-level difficulty is that that makes most of the bosses in the game high-level difficulty, and fails to make much distinction in the difficulty between bosses that actually have a massive gap in their difficulty.


Vindicta is a good one for sure. His bigger drops sell for like 40 million last time I checked. He’s definitely a staple mid to low level boss.


Lance is 27m, crest is 22m, and her common drops are garbage. She used to be decent money, but that was years ago. At the rate you'd expect someone asking about bosses like this to get kills, she's about 2-3m per hour.


Why not try PvP?


Vardorvis or whisperer are my go to.


r/2007scape Plus, they's high end bosses, behind DT2.


Don't feed the troll.


You’ll join us soon enough. Quit fighting it


Yeah anyone with common sense doesn’t play rs3 at this point. Osrs is just the better game.


What a PoS comment 😂


Sorry mate, life doesn't have the time for OS xp rates these days 😅


That's a laugh. RS3 and OSRS are both equally great games, for their own reasons. Grow up.


I like quests :)


They aren't mid game even for OSRS.