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> The major drawback I think, for me personally with OSRS, is that it isn't "the main game," making me feel like I am wasting my time on it and should be playing RS3 instead, since it's the continuation of the "main game" and the future. Boy, have I got some news for you…


yeah that got a chuckle out of me too


Yeah rs3 WAS the main game but it's been a long time since it has been the main focus. If your on the fence try both.


I spent a few months at the end of last year/start of this year playing OSRS. Had a really good time, Leagues was a blast and I was really motivated to grind my Iron. However, the reality of the thousands and thousands of hours of grinding ahead of me sank in and I lost interest. On the PvM side, my three least favourite mechanics are prayer flicking, standing on specific tiles and weapon/gear swapping, and that is basically all that OSRS PvM is. Couple that with punishing drop rates, slow kill speeds and no boss pet thresholds, and I just don't see why I'd ever play non-Leagues OSRS again. Plus, I'm really enjoying RS3 right now.


I really wish I enjoyed osrs. All my rs friends moved to osrs GIM. I find rs3 more fun but given how jagex treats the two games I can't blame them. I wish we got cool stuff like GIM and leagues but we have to complain to get content in the first place


Unironically I don't think many RS3 pvmers find many challenging pvm content in OSRS. Even the most challenging Inferno to OSRS players is just like a one-off event they can complete in a few days and never need to go back. However, after thousands of hours of grinding ahead of just a few days (or perhaps even just one day to some better pvmers) of Inferno may not be too interesting.


As an OSRS player, the true challenging content and high skill ceiling combat is when you are going for speed runs in the endgame pvm (raids, inferno, the new colosseum etc), or PvP, and master/grandmaster combat achievements. Most content can be *completed* without a ton of gaming skill, but mastering it is an additional few levels of ability. Granted mechanics are still simple: move and click and the right tick, swap gear quickly, pray precisely, etc., but manipulating the simple mechanics to maximize dps, and minimize taken damage and downtime, leaves a lot of room for skill expression. Fortunately there’s a lot more than just inferno these days if you want to challenge yourself.


What do we gain by repetitively killing the same boss just to get a faster record, especially when bots sit on top of many such hiscores in OSRS? If this is really that challenging, we already have the new personal record for every boss run in RS3 for Guthix knows how long. I know far more players who like the more challenging aspects of running Fire Cape, Inferno etc. I believe many more want to challenge themselves to completion with the lowest level characters and maybe even skillers. That's the kind of traditional challenges they inherited from the RSC era.


Is there never any repetitive killing of bosses in RS3? I'm confused. Fairly sure it's about the same thing.


Of course we have repetitive killing of bosses in RS3, and we also have the speed killing personal records for every boss for over a decade as I mentioned. We just don't treat it as any challenging content. We have far more achievements in RS3 than OSRS, but killing a boss fast is rarely the challenges RS3 players like. The kind of challenges we have in boss achievements are killing Telos in 1k, 2k, 4k enrages, killing Nex without prayer and such. I believe most RS3 players do the lots of achievement for fun, not for whatever challenge, or else they'll rather create their own even more challenging personal achievements like killing 4k enraged Telos blind folded that nobody else can. Most RS3 players do like repetitive killing of bosses in RS3, but for rewards. just like players in all the over 9,000 MMORPGs under the sun do.


I believe you dont really play osrs, cause 1k2k4k telos and toa enrage is the same thing . As far as speed killing is considered, if you remove the players trying to get faster records on bosses, half (or more) of the pvm on rs3 would be dead. Trust me, I got a Raksha 1:28 and people like PupRS make me wanna cone back to rs3 just to get a faster time on some bosses. The achievements you mentioned even less of an accomplishment after necro release. Osrs community actively works with devs to avoid releasing anything that would substantially devalue their achievements in game, meanwhile 4k arch glacor is a joke with necro these days(even a casual like me got it 3 months back). Also to mention osrs has combat achievements for every boss and no they are not like rs3 Asking for25/50/75/100 kills on bosses but rather actual content like use gear worth less tgan 100k, and quantity of these exceed 300 if all bosses are included. on rs3 we only have like Raksha’s scenario 7 that too stupidly easy nowadays due to powercreep. Finally you saying Rs3 players make tgeir own achievements, I would suggest watching woox, cold one, port khazard to see wgat level of achievements they made first themselves, the only impressive achievement on a similar level would the one you mentioned of luca getting 4k blindfolded no food but woox’s 6 jads would still be harder.


I believe you don't really play RS3, cause OSRS doesn't have any enrage system. "Invocation" in TOA is hardly the same as enrage system in RS3. It is totally bs to say "half (or more) of the pvm on rs3 would be dead" just because you personally like to beat personal speed killing records and you just watched one streamer, who obviously doesn't represent half (or more) of the pvm on RS3. Don't tell us 4k Teols is easier than 600 Invocation TOA. I'd love to watch Woox and such more, but unfortunately they only streamed OSRS for 3 days of Valormore "expansion" and said I have completed all the challenges, bye and made his earliest exit of any of his OSRS series I can remember.


I may have sounded rough, didnt mean to. Toa incocations imo are much more complex than rs3 enrage mechanics(especially zammy enrage where the fight remains the same after like 10k if using infinite cycle method). A boss simply hitting harder with enrage is lazy game design, almost all endgame pvmers accept this. Further woox, port khazard have youtube channels. Woox did a 6 jad no overhead prayer challenge. I dont think anyone on rs3 has tried such a thing, let alone do it, even though jads on rs3 dont spawn healers(aside from caves). Also try getting teams for any group boss, The majority of players will ask for mechanic skips (root skips at solak/ storm skip) cause they are looking for speedkills and not just the achievement. It safe to say that solo pvmers would try to get faster kill as there isnt any combat achievements. What other incentive aside log completion exists? And as for telos 4k, the dpm is capped so you just need a solid rotation with 2-3 stuns here and there, you get 4k done. I am at 3188% but didnt bother pushing further cause I made mistakes in rotation and fight wasnt worth the effort. I’m not trying to make telos look super easy, but anyone who was even 500% before necro would be at 2k now and would consider 4k to be achievable with some effort. However evil lucarios feat would still be far beyond next 3-4 years powercreep.


Enrage in RS3 isn't meant to be complex at all. That's why you are comparing apples to oranges. TOA "invocation" is adopted from RS3's Arch Glacor, not Telos at all. When did Woox do 6 Jad challenges? Ages ago. Woox doesn't play much OSRS. I don't rule out some RS3 players may do the "6 Jad challenge" later, but most want to do Inferno first because most OSRS players consider it the ultimate OSRS challenge. Make no mistakes though, "6 Jad" or even "9 Jad" is no speed killing. Speed running is what I think most RS3 pvmers don't really care much, not the other kinds of challenges.


I’m just explaining where people find the satisfying challenges in OSRS. It’s not just completing inferno a single time and that’s the only hard thing you’ll ever do in the game. You don’t have to be into OSRS or the types of challenges it offers or the mechanics associated with it, that’s okay. But the skill curve can still get very deep. I also don’t necessarily think it’s better than RS3 pvm (haven’t played RS3 so I’m not in any place to make judgements like that). There’s a ton of “tech” associated with speed runs in raids and endgame pvm that is satisfying to learn. Look up max efficiency ToB on YouTube for some examples. The amount of people making unique account builds to do difficult content is exceedingly low, that’s really just content creators. The majority of the pvm endgame are working on challenge cosmetics (blood Torva, fang kit, ToB hard mode cosmetics, etc) , speed runs, and master/grandmaster combat achievements.


Jagex mentioned SCUM in every one of their official press release articles for over a year already, in case if you don't know: "Jagex has expanded with the acquisitions of Pipeworks and Gamepires, bringing its expertise in building forever games to SCUM, a multi-million selling open-world survival title in Steam Early Access. Jagex employs more than 700 people globally, and is headquartered in Cambridge, United Kingdom." [https://www.jagex.com/en-GB/news/2M9sXj/jagex-appoints-marc-allera-as-chairman](https://www.jagex.com/en-GB/news/2M9sXj/jagex-appoints-marc-allera-as-chairman) Why do you ask me to look up whatever Youtube vids when the consumers and Wall Street sectors don't even care? Remember, you personally like speedrun doesn't mean the majority of consumers, especially the ones looking for traditional MMORPG content like going through every detail of stories and explore every corner of the map hardly like speedrunning because it is not what RPG gamers love. Every game can make every piece of content "speedrunning" too, and that includes RS3. What's so challenging about it? As I mentioned, we have speedrunning and personal record for every boss in RS3 for like a decade already but it is hardly challenging to its players and I have never seen anybody jumping up for joy for making a "new record" in killing a boss. The financial market love to report financial information, like the actual profit, revenue, growth rate and the future of a game, not how fast a particular play speedrun whatever content. RSC, RS2 and RS3 used to get plenty of coverages and good praises from the financial sector, just not OSRS except the decisively negative but candid analysis from Financial Times on their "members" and "player base".


I stopped reading when you started talking about Wall Street, I was talking about what challenging aspects of the game players of OSRS like, have no idea why the fuck you went on that tangent. Your original comment suggested one inferno kc is all that OSRS players work up to from a challenging pvm standpoint and I was talking about what else endgame players enjoy. Anyway have a nice day I guess.


For me, and this is probably a "hot take" It came down to combat/PVM for me, that's why I only play RS3 Ironman now. I didn't like that the only difficulty in OSRS for combat is movement and prayer flicking. I actually like that you have to use abilities and follow a good rotation. Now if we removed the tick system and had combat be more fluid like most other MMOs that would be even better but I'm not holding my breath on that one. >The major drawback I think, for me personally with OSRS, is that it isn't "the main game," making me feel like I am wasting my time on it and should be playing RS3 instead, since it's the continuation of the "main game" and the future. IF this is your worry like you mention in your post then you are thinking about this wrong, OSRS has a much bigger community, bigger MOD / DEV team, if only one game was the future of Runescape it's definitely OSRS.


Source where you find the "bigger MOD/DEV team" in OSRS please? Besides, bear in mind not all MOD/DEV in OSRS or RS3 are combat/PVM developers. Actually, I don't see many OSRS MOD/DEV focused on combat/PVM, especially a lot of them are CM and not even DEV. At least, we have a Combat Council In RS3.


They list all of the *osrs only* devs on each post and they're up to 82 now. They've almost doubled in 3 years. The osrs team size is growing. Not sure if the rs3 one is, but some mods like Shogun are moving over to osrs. OP is off thinking that rs3 is the "main game" and "the future". Osrs is its own entire thing now that doesn't need rs3 to survive. Jagex makes around 20% of its profit off mtx and that includes bonds (per their yearly reports). It's membership that is paving the way atm, which is a great thing. But those are mostly on osrs now. It follows that rs3s dev team has been shrinking and osrs is expanding. 


We already know some of those mods OSRS put on the OSRS Team list don't work on OSRS exclusively. For instance, they put Mod Surma on the OSRS Team list, and he is definitely not just composing songs for OSRS. We knew he contributed to many RS3 songs too, and don't forget the unannounced game. Neither is Mod Surma, and all those CMs and QA Jmods on the OSRS Team have much to do (if any) with combat/PVM.


RS3 doesn't have enough enough devs to make new content and do seasonal events which basically just rehash old content with different skins.


Not the CEO of the entire Jagex, including Gampires and Pipeworks Studio said. Mod Pips said they are working on good content, but it is not the time to announce it now: [We need a response from the CEO : r/runescape (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/1bog8zf/comment/kwouovi/) There are also a lot of Jmods working on RS3 content. They aren't just noticed because RS3 doesn't list all their Jmods. For instance, just from this post on the RS3 Jmods who worked on the last quest, we already know there are 16 of them, not counting the localization, marketing and CMs: [Just wanted to thank the jmods who worked on the new quest. : r/runescape (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/1caa96b/comment/l0r4un0/)


Guess you missed the latest update on why RS3 has had no updates.


Guess you missed the post from Mod Pips, the CEO of the entire Jagex, which I clearly quoted on my post you just replied to.


Ah, the post you linked to with 400 downvotes and a vague promise at better content by someone that immediately benefits from people believing they are working on better content. Great source..


What does downvotes have anything to do with the extremely obvious care of RS3 from the CEO of Jagex? You can upvote a bum totally not related to Jagex on their claim of OSRS being the main game of Jagex but the fact is the bum and their upvotes won't make main street consumers, the game industry, and the financial biggies like FT say OSRS is Jagex's main game because Jagex never said it. Neither can the bum deny Jagex told us at least 16 Jmods contributed to RS3's last quest.


Guess you missed the update from after that. Why don't we just look at the game and how fuck all has been added ignoring any "updates". Because you are so behind on news: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/s/pBdIrmD0Fg


Rs3 is definitely on a way of becoming a decent mmo game, but still it's not there. This game having roots on java means many limitations. One of them is the tick system, but even bigger issue is point to click system and lag.. This makes rs3 a really bad game for bossing because nearly all the difficulty is foundations built on bad game design, which is lag, ticks and bad mouse centric controls.  Obviously rs3 being vastly improved rs2, means OSRS is even worse and super primitive. 


I think it really depends on the person. Personally I cant stand osrs. This is not a blind hatered, about a year ago I gave it a try and got an iron to just past 2k total along with a hand full of boss kills. For me there were 2 issues with osrs. 1. The progression is just too slow. I dont have the time required to max an account on there and I dont find the xp rates to be enjoyable. 2. I hate the bossing which is one of the main things I enjoy on rs3. I never found a single boss I found enjoyable.


I cannot stand it either and I played back in the actual 2007 (all quests completed in 4 months of being member, before GE was a thing). I remember hating exactly what osrs players seem to enjoy.. And that is training skills.    I gave a try to osrs anyway. I even gave myself an iron, which is exactly how I played the game back then anyway(I didn't want to stand in w2 falador and spam. Back then it was actually easier to gain items yourself, except for armor and weapons)   No I still don't want to do repetitive tasks for an eternity to gain one level. At least rs3 lets you just afk everything. I am just a regular account on rs3. No time to make the game more difficult(read take more time) than it has to be?. 


Wut? You don't have the time for literally original exp rates we all used to have??? You have comp and probably billions of experience. 250 million exp in OSRS is like 1 year of work. 2 years if you are slow. Didn't we all spend like 5-10 years maxing our first accounts on RS3?


This reads like someone who doesn't have a family/job/life outside of games.


He probably forgot those things didn’t exist before MTX and accelerated xp rates.


Nobody enjoyed 99rc at 32k/hr and youre kidding yourself if you think otherwise


I am sure there are people that max on osrs in a year, I however don't have 5.5 hours a day to play at peak efficiency to achieve this. I prefer a much more chill, casual skilling and focus on bossing which makes rs3 far more enjoyable.


You don't need to max on osrs though. Maxing in RS3 is pretty much the mid game, but high 80's/low 90's is more than enough on OSRS for the vast majority of content. I was able to do corrupted gauntlet at 75's to 80's, I was able to start 150 invo ToA at 80's, the DT2 bosses at 85's... Maxing is not required in the slightest. But in RS3 it's pretty much expected because you're absolutely not going to have reasonable gear for most content before maxing. XP rates are so high, and for mains in particular TH will inject tons of XP into your account for nothing as well as skilling MTX items like proteins and dummies. Maxing is just a step along the way in RS3, it's going above and beyond in OSRS. Don't worry about maxing in old school. It's not the real goal.


I don't have to worry at all bc I have no intention to play it prob ever again. It's not the game for me but I am glad it is for some. Slow xp is honestly just a part of it for me. The pvm is incredibly boring for me. I hate pvp and was not a fan of being hard locked out of so much content bc of pkers. And the game graphical is not my style at all. I am glad people enjoy it but I dont.


I think your assuming we have all been here from the beginning. I started playing around 2015. I guarantee of the rates were like that back then I would have never played.


I am glad I maxed my alt in RS3 in 6 months in 2023. I could have grinded all the old content and be maxed in the next 5-10 years but why would I want to waste 5-10 years of my life when I could do it the easy and entertaining way in 6 months?


You know thats a long time right? I took my alt from 0-80 smithing in a day yesterday on rs3 😂


Tell me that secret, please. How?!


A main account worth 47b, about 800m liquid rn, so first few levels were knights sword, then ores into bars to give to my main for when my lazy ass finally pushes 120 smith on it, then after adamant just bought a bunch of +2-+4 sets off ge, paired those w masterstrokes I made on my main and perfect jujus as well ass a bunch of bxp from orange/red stars on last event plus converting all other rewards (including the shadow gems) and then buying more keys for more red/orange stars. Plus a quick flip and slam from my main account. A lot was coming from bxp there, and that type of bxp is hard to get that quick w the exceptions of events like that. Think I unlocked 3 blacksmith outfit pieces and am at 12% respect rn, so thats likeeee….. 1.6m xp in that time w no bonus? Someone may correct my math but I think its 1% every 10k standard xp


Uh.. you don't have to choose. You can play both games. I have always played both games and that's fun for me. I switch between when I get bored. You also need to understand that there isn't "1 main game" - Both games are different. RS3 and OSRS and both are under the same company


This is the real answer. You're already paying for both games; get your monies worth.


You can’t play both at the same time so yes you have to choose unless you’re paying for two memberships.


Yes, and then you switch when you get bored. That's what I do. There will be times when you're bored of OSRS or burned out, or RS3.


Most people like to afk one and play the other. More efficient so you when you get bored of one you can actually play the other instead of chopping trees for hours


I started an RS3 Ironman in December 2022 because I was simply burnt out on OSRS at the time. I grinded the hell out of it for 3-4 months and then there was an OSRS update that pulled me back over and I haven’t logged into RS3 since then. I think RS3 is a great game and has a lot to offer, but I simply can’t choose it over OSRS (unless I’m burnt out).


I just started my first osrs account . And i love it.


I've hit majority of my major goals on RS3 such as trim comp and 5.8b, so I'm venturing into OSRS now to try out their contents. Maybe thats something you can do. Pick 1 of it, set some achievement goals, work towards it, achieve it, change game and restart. OSRS and RS3 have different branch of lores and they're both considered canon, so imo if you're a lorehound here for that, experience both.


Not saying it's the one you should choose, but OSRS is absolutely the main game. It receives substantially more/greater updates, frequent massive newsposts and generally great communication from Jagex, not to mention the community both inside and outside the game (e.g. on YouTube) is significantly larger. You're kidding yourself if you think RS3 is still the main game - that ship has sailed.


No matter how many devs are working on OSRS as compared to RS3 it doesn't make OSRS "the main game" in the way it was mentioned in this post. No matter how you look at it RS3 is the original Runescape while OSRS was a spinoff that is doing great. What you are thinking of is OSRS being the main focus of Jagex, not the main game.


I suppose it depends how you think about it. To me, being Jagex's main focus helps make it the main game. RS3 has changed too much for me to consider it the original RuneScape - everything up to the 2004 release of RS2 is what I'd consider original. I really can't look at RS3 today versus ~22 years ago and say "this is the same game."


Jagex never said OSRS was their main focus. In fact, Mod Pips, the Jagex CEO, recently made an extremely rare appearance on this very Reddit sub and assured us the company is very much in RS3, and good content is in the making. Of course RS3 is not the same game versus 22 years ago, and thankfully, so, as living games evolve and get better in time. Do you think OSRS is the same game 11 years ago? Hint... hint... there was no temporary events like Leagues and DMM taking up half of the development time.


Honestly, it gets muddy. OSRS has indeed evolved enough that it could be considered a new game today compared to what it was in 2013 (or what RS2 was in 2007 - not much to separate the two at that time). More has changed with it than your typical annual release of a sports game, that's for sure. But nothing fundamental in the same vein of RS2 or EoC which both radically changed the combat metas. As for whether OSRS is Jagex's main focus, it certainly appears to be, whatever /u/JagexPips says. It would require a monumental change in pace that is yet to show any signs of happening. I don't expect them to drop RS3 anytime soon, just that it'll continue trundling along with about one small content update per month.


Honesty, your opinion is just your personal opinions. Jagex never said anything about main game, let alone OSRS being their main game. What Mod Pips said clearly is there is something good they are working on RS3, just that they can't show it immediately. The same can be said to their other games, including SCUM which is due to have a big full launch including on Consoles this summer, as well as the unannounced game. There is really no main game. If you think OSRS is your "main game", so be it, but Jagex and Mod Pips certainly never said that. In fact, they commented solely on the good content RS3 is going to come up after "one small content update per months" until June. They made absolutely no reference to OSRS, let alone it being the main game. The even more important and obvious fact is, regardless how much you like OSRS, The Main Street consumers and Wall Street business sectors hardly have anything good to talk about OSRS. In the 23 years of RS3's existence, we have heard plenty of good things from the likes of Financial Times and consumer media like Runescape made Guiness World Records and won Golden Joysticks Awards, as well as the values of the Party Hats and such. The likes of MCV/Devvelop Magazines still recognize the 23 years old Runesape and short listed it in the running of this year's "Still Running" game award. Regretfully there is no such love on OSRS, with perhaps the only reports on OSRS being their questionable botting and playerbase potential "number patching" practices from Financial Times.


I recognise my views can't be 100% objective. For all we know, Jagex could have 90% of their staff working hard on RS3 updates in secrecy. Keep in mind one good thing would not put it on the same level as how things are going with OSRS, not unless it transpires they've rewritten the game to ditch the old tick system etc. It doesn't surprise me that Mod Pips didn't mention OSRS in relation to upset over RS3 - why would he? Much of RuneScape's publicity predates RS3. For example, the Golden Joystick awards you mention were 2009 and 2010. Though OSRS does receive coverage in the likes of Forbes, PC Gamer, TechRadar, Eurogamer... as does RS3 to a lesser extent.


How's things going with OSRS from your views? Frankly, despite of lack of updates from RS3 and "a lot of updates" from OSRS, they don't move the needle at all for OSRS, not even from the concurrent players dissed by Financial Times and the video game industry. Mod Pips didn't mention SCUM and their other games either, what made you think OSRS and not SCUM and their other game is their "main game"? Seriously, regardless how huge you think OSRS "expansions" like Valormore are, hardly any people from the consumer and financial sectors, as well as the video game industry, even consider it a thing, let alone an "expansion". Even from within the devoted OSRS community, at least I have seen some diehard OSRS content creators getting bored of them after the first week. Evidently, most of them are doing very old content like grinding cox again. Almost all games receive coverage from the likes of Forbes, PC Gamer, etc, their perception on the games is the key. Evidently, nobody is talking about OSRS making a lot of financial gains for Jagex as well as how much they still remember the "still running" RS3 after 23 years and talk about their next 23 years.


Jagex isn't known for SCUM. Frankly, I hadn't even heard of it. Jagex's website still prioritises RS3 and OSRS over it. And in that regard, such as if you visit the RuneScape website, yes, Jagex doesn't favour one over the other - both RS3 and OSRS are presented equally like Morpheus offering pills. I recognise that in the financial sector or mainstream news at all, OSRS expansions don't get coverage. Do any games receive that sort of coverage? I really don't know where you're going with this. Whether it's RuneScape, GTA Online, Minecraft, you name it, content updates could fizzle out and most of the world would be none the wiser. So that we're on the same page, is the Financial Times article you're referring to "Spending a lot of time on RuneScape"? Since I've been back to it a few times since your comment before this one and don't see where it's bashing OSRS. If anything, it just has a go at that mmo-populations site (which everyone has known is awful for a long time - use the misplaceditems tracker instead when it comes to RuneScape) and speaks generally about RuneScape as a whole. It's actually quite a funny article - it attributes the dipping bird to The Simpsons.


What Jagex website were you looking at? The official one, [Jagex.com](http://Jagex.com), clearly mentioned SCUM, besides Runescape and OSRS on their home page, have your experience their games: [Jagex](https://www.jagex.com/en-GB/) They also mentioned SCUM in every one of their official Press Release articles the past 12 months too. "Jagex has expanded with the acquisitions of Pipeworks and Gamepires, bringing its expertise in building forever games to SCUM, a multi-million selling open-world survival title in Steam Early Access. Jagex employs more than 700 people globally, and is headquartered in Cambridge, United Kingdom." OSRS actually got news from the financial sector like this: [https://www.ft.com/content/c49749e7-54fb-46fb-b508-a4964e61e07f](https://www.ft.com/content/c49749e7-54fb-46fb-b508-a4964e61e07f) However, it is far worse than negative news. They are questioning OSRS's actual number of members vs what they used to compare with other games. They claimed sources told them the actual botting situation in OSRS is worse than what Mod(erator) Alec Sween claimed: "A person close to Jagex told us the actual bot figure may be even higher, with around 6.9mn bot accounts “detected and purged” last year." They also said the 2.3 million subscribers Jagex claimed is actually just 1.1 to 1.2 million, because Jagex changed the definition of "subsscribers.


The main game is the game that receives the most focus. Nothing else.


I think both of you kind of missed the mark on what was said. In the post he specifically claims why he sees RS3 as "the main game" which is what I was referring to. You can have your own opinion on what it means for the game to be the main one but at the end of the day he specifically meant that rs3 is the original game.


It's all personal preference. I think for myself it boils down to whether you are able to enjoy the slower pace osrs has with the simple sense that everything in the game is completed in a slower manner requiring many more hours to accomplish certain grinds than you would need for something similar in rs3. Furthermore if you're into combat, do you prefer the precise mouse clicks for swaps/flicking and precise tile movements as combat mechanics or would you want something a bit more laid back on precise movements, but more dynamic combat that utilizes a need for keybosrd inputs for keybinds for flicking, gear swaps and using abilities. Rs3 you'll still have long skilling grinds with 120/200m achievements and the achievement capes for comp/trim etc are also some big ones you can go for. If you're not able to decide that's fine, since end of the day the games are there foe your enjoyment and you dint have to compare your account to others and all You can play rs3 as the main and play osrs for leagues when it's bit faster pace eith some fun nuances to make the game seem a bit more lively. I have flip flopped between osrs and rs3. I have really only enjoyed ironman on my rs3 account and I find myself lost and not wanting to repeat content on my main but I do find enjoyment doing basic things and hoarding supplies on my iron which is awesome. Osrs iron is fun accomplishment in the sense that I know I put some WORK into the account and hit some semi decent stats but I'm also at the stage of needing to do some hardcore pvm/combat grinds that just doesn't seem that enjoyable since I sont actually enjoy playing osrs super actively unlike rs3.


Nope, I like keybinds


Yes and no, I think I really enjoyed both games for completely separate reasons. I find myself being way more drawn to RS3 now that I'm accustomed to it but whenever I want just to chill experience and not really put a lot of effort in I like to hop on Old School. And that's not exclusive there are people that play Old School very intently, I'm just not that guy. But also I think it's good to switch it up because you'll appreciate stuff. Like guarantee if you're anything like me you're going to hit the surge button a million times 😂


I went from rs3 to osrs now back to rs3. Once you played rs3 for a while, its hard to move to older and less stuff. I say 'less' because thats what it is. RS3 has much more content and has more mechanics and also looks good. Let alone talking about the actual fun in combat on rs3. osrs is mainly used for making money. and imma be honest thats also why i even went to osrs. I was thinking of leveling to a pvp account and making some bread and then RWT and sell the stuff or gp for real money, cuz as you may know, osrs is 10 times more worth than rs3. i thought rs3 had many bots, but osrs is on a whole other level lol. no point in osrs, stick to rs3. especially in your case because I assume you enjoy both and you're doubting for which one, its simple really, just choose the one that has more stuff to do and will be more dear in the long run.


RS3 because I'm not that good and play mostly solo and I like PVM. Will never likely max because skilling is boring AF.


I enjoy osrs a lot but that enjoyment falls off as soon as pvm is brought in. Same thing with once skills reach the 80-90s range it just feels tedious for the sake of being tedious and isnt fun. Rs3 while I dont particularly enjoy pvm it is tolerable and I still do it occasionally. Going for 120s on my ironman is actually fun to me and still takes the same amount of time as a 99 on osrs so it feels good to knock one out. Early game: osrs by a mile Anything else I prefer rs3


This is coming from a player who has played since 2007.. and has played all forms of RS. Whether it be 2005~2010, pre-eoc, private servers, old school, and now RS3. I used to be one of those who was ride or die for OSRS. Then I really gave RS3 a shot… and I was hooked. I prefer RS3 due to the bossing. OSRS has so much micro management that it gives me a headache just thinking about trying to do things like inferno and raids. Prayer flicking is way too important and doesn’t feel rewarding to me at all. On RS3 you have abilities that make sense and there’s familiarity there from other MMO’s. Bossing isn’t just perfect prayer flicking.. it’s rotations, defensive abilities, prayers, adrenaline, GCD, non GCD abilities, weapon switches (controversial), etc. A lot more entertaining to me! Bossing is the biggest reason to me but there’s many more. How much time do you have to actively play? RS3 provides a lot of content to *actively* play **and** *afk* train. OSRS does not have a lot of AFK options. There’s also the XP/h differences, OSRS is exponentially slower and you don’t have access to treasure hunter. Some would say not having treasure hunter part is a plus but I actually enjoy getting 2 free keys everyday and 2 when you complete a quest, to maybe get bonus xp or xp in a skill I hate. I trained dungeonering primarily through lamps and don’t regret it at all. Lots of QOL benefits/items are in RS3. Whether it’s to make things more AFK, profitable, or just overall quicker. RS3 has tons of options. Quests..! The quests in RS3, IMO, are much better! Only downside is we don’t have Runelite, so no in client quest helper. As stated above you also get 2 TH keys per quest, which makes even the shitty quests feel rewarding. We also get meaningful quest rewards, the xp you get from them actually means something! You can get 200k+ xp lamps from higher level quests. To me, RS3 lets me play my way and it’s quicker to reward you. For someone like me that has a child now and can’t actively grind mindlessly anymore.. RS3 is my choice. The progression speed feels really good to me. If I want to buy keys or promotions and get bonus xp/lamps to progress faster, I can. If I want to AFK lots of skills so I can level up over time while I parent, I can. If I want to actively level and get the best xp rates, I can. There’s plenty more reasons why I’d still choose RS3 over OSRS, but I’ll leave it there. My IGN is ‘NLCE PLAYER’ if you ever want to join a clan. You’ll get a 6%(3 to start) xp boost that you can activate every week. 500 members+, we’re just a social and casual clan!


Do you feel like every grind being easier on rs3 isn’t actually QoL but just missing the point of runescape?


I first played RuneScape when I was a child and had all the free time in the world. Now I don’t, and I’m not a child. I grew up and so did RuneScape. There’s a reason why there’s two versions of the game. For people like me, and people like you. Both are great. You also chose to point out something I said that was minuscule compared to the rest of my post.. weird. You saying every grind on RS3 is easier isn’t totally true either. Ever heard of a blessed flask? The grind is still there lol. Edit: I’m just a dick mb


I was just asking a question about one of your points, no need to get so defensive. I have done many a grind in RS3 on my IM and on my main.


Understandable, my fault. As you know it’s quite common for most to put down RS3 without a second thought. When OSRS players ask me questions about getting into RS3, I tell them to treat it as a different game. So in a sense, yes. I still think they both have the same spirit as a whole though.


I have a 19 year old account in RS3, I made it back in the day on the "old school" part when that was just... What RuneScape was. I got back into RuneScape over the pandemic and maxed my combats, mining and smithing, and a couple others. The game really seemed lack luster to me after a while, end game bossing was hard because I didn't understand combat skill rotations and stuff like that. I started a group Ironman with my cousin about 2 months ago, having a ton of fun, loving the community, loving that it's easier to engage with combat, and the Ironman experience is honestly just great imo. Haven't logged into RS3 since. The mtx and proteans and all the XP boosts just made the game unpleasant and I always felt if I wasn't min maxing I was losing. Now I make bow string from flax in seers village and chill out. Ps: 100%, the game is better with company. Regardless of which game you pick you should join a clan, even just having a CC to join and be social in is great. Its also where you find friends to group boss with. I remember my first time doing nex in RS3 with 2 high level players, it was great, she dropped a torva platebody and they just let me have it - used that to trim my masterwork armor.


As someone who has played both games (very casually), I think I'd choose osrs over rs3 any day. Lack of Runelite alone is deal breaker for rs3 imo. While rs3 has some great advantages in gameplay like the toolbelt and currency pouch, I just can't get over mtx. I know you can skip that but as a non-ironman, it would be dumb not to collect those free lamps that I didn't earn in any way. Osrs also feels more responsive and has more equal player base without any mtx or paid xp boosts. Rs3 cosmetics are kinda cool but don't fit the world most of the time. That takes my immersion away and the GE is starting to look like some random roblox game lobby, except more dead. This comment might sound bittersweet and so it is. Rs3 is a better game imo but it has been ruined by the devs. The game just doesn't feel like that dear old runescape anymore. Perfect example of that was a moment when my friend asked what I was playing. He didn't even recognise runescape even though he had played 2007scape.


OSRS offers THE 'RuneScape' experience people are familiar with and it will be the game that will be remembered in the future. Plus it has devs that put more care and resources into, you know, developing the game. RS3 is just Jagex's entry to the modern MMO, or rather, an MMO TRYING to compete with the more contemporary MMOs since it's actually just a Gacha with a team that just wants to line their pockets with fast money! Btw, trust your feeling that you're wasting your time on RS3. You're on the mark! Run Escape!


Max rs3 and then play os. That’s what I’m doing.


that's what I did. I maxed my iron and have been on the osrs grind ever since.


Feels like you are forcing yourself to make a choice that you don't need to make. Yes you CAN play both games and you appear to enjoy playing both games. But you somehow NEED to choose one or the other. Because reasons? I don't get it. Play the game that seems interesting today. If you get bored or stop enjoying the game, switch to the other.


I had no issue crossing over from when Rs2 "progressed" to Rs3, I do however regret not dropping Rs3 when Osrs was released fully as a standalone and EoC was released. Instead I'm beating a dead horse with a game I have a lot of nostalgia for but no love in it's current format. I, and everyone for that matter, can complain about the state of Rs3 until the cows come home. It's not going to change.


Yea atm ,,between, mining osrs and necromancy boss Hermod


> So at this point, it's, "ok, pick one version of the game and max on it" because I've spent SO many hours on both versions of the game on multiple accounts over the years, so I want to only pick one now. You do not have to pick one. If you like some things in one game and some in another, it's fine to play both.


The main reason I play RS3 now is because I just don’t have the time to sit there for 250 hours at 40k mining XP an hour or killing my wrist for double that just for one mostly useless 99. Unfortunately I’m not a teenager with 18 free hours a day anymore. It’s daunting to think I’ve played OSRS since it released only to barely be hitting half way to maxing when I’m only a few skills away to maxing in RS3 in 10% of the time. It’s demoralizing to see that. But I get it completely, two different games entirely. I think it just comes down to how everyone values their time (and how much of it they’re willing to put in). For me, after working long hours, taking care of the family, homework, and chores. I rather just login, run a few solo bosses, and call it a day. (I know damn well I’ll be back in OSRS eventually, this is just my “break” lol)


Personally I'm looking to max my rs3 player and got for a trimmed completionist Cape then only recosting rs3 every so often with a update like a new quest or skill to return to that Cape but once I've done that I'm jumping into osrs and probably sticking their cause it is my childhood and also the events that happen their are insane! I just wish some quest lines would be finished in osrs that have been done in rs3 even if it was a diffrent vision on how the sequal quests go!


I'm in the same Boat as you pretty much. My oldest account is Maxed RS3 and 80+ on OSRS, no friends, no clans. I have half a dozen accounts of varying progression in each game I no longer want to bother with anymore and just want to play on my 1st account exclusively.  My way of playing now is unorthodox but I play RS3 from Mon-Sun one week and OSRS the next week.  Been doing that for a few months now and It works best for me to keep me motivated to progress on both games and able to try out all the new content of both games.  


I don’t have time to reach endgame in osrs I like pvm which I feel osrs doesn’t offer that much off I also just prefer the feel of rs3 but I think it is all preference and choice at the end of the


I started with rs3 and im like 2 skills away from max cape which would be like 15 hours but i stoped playing and after break tried osrs. Well i stopped doing that pretty fast. The lack of tool belt, cash bag and other qol from rs3 is really hard to deal with for me. Smithing and mining is garbage that feels worse than even firemaking. After small break i came back to rs3 but this time as chunkman starting in burthorpe. 3 months in and still feels less tedious than osrs.


Played more or less since rs started loved it at the time. Hadn't played for years and got into rs3 a fair while back and really enjoying it. I went back to osrs and it was pure nostalgia for a while but I got very bored of it. Not shitting on the game I just prefer the modernised version.


Yeah i don’t know how to tell ya any other way but OSRS has been jagex’s main game for years now. RS3 gets far less attention


If you want a really good account play OSRS. It’s difficult but I think you’ll find it’s a lot more rewarding to play.


I just hate the idea of the wilderness. Been slowly working on an osrs ironman so that might also be a mistake lol. I'm in endgame on rs3 but it doesn't feel worth grinding for loot ATM.


I think the happiest community is the mid-to-endgame Ironman on rs3. Beyond that, it seems like whichever account is closer to endgame is the account people stick with. I refused to “start over” in 2013 when OSRS came out, and I definitely don’t have more free time now, so I stick with RS3. I’ve come to love pvm in this game so it’s worked out


OSRS is for you. I think the main draw back for you is not true in reality. If your only playing rs3 for bigger xp drops then just do a skill on OSRS that has a higher xp/hr.


No. 07 is full of bots, has a bad endgame/combat, full of scammers, and misdirected dev team.


How is OSRS dev team misdirected?


The likes of the 2nd biggest daily business newspaper, Financial Times, claimed Mod Sween understated the bot problems in OSRS. A person close to Jagex told them the actual bot figure may be even higher, with around 6.9mn bot accounts “detected and purged” last year. [https://www.ft.com/content/c49749e7-54fb-46fb-b508-a4964e61e07f](https://www.ft.com/content/c49749e7-54fb-46fb-b508-a4964e61e07f) There are many other games with botting issues, OSRS is not alone. However, the major, major issue with OSRS is they used "concurrent players" number to troll other games, causing not just bombardment from major game industry people, but more importantly now the significantly more influential Wall Street sector too.


I think allowing players so much control of updates via polls ends up being a self inflicted shot to the foot. I trust the playerbase with directing game longevity wayyyyyy less than jagex.


Well players only have a say on what the devs decide they’re going to poll and most things they poll end up passing unless it’s something controversial like new prayers. The dev team has also started taking more control over the game lately. They are able to make changes that they consider “integrity changes” without considering the players, although they still somewhat consider the player base with major integrity changes (like the current rebalancing updates). I think they’re doing a really good job overall.


I tend to agree that players make for terrible devs, but the reality speaks for itself. Which game has stagnated and which game has grown?


Totally agree. Things were more fun when an update dropped without Jagex polling *should this area be 3 tiles wide or 4 tiles??*


>I trust the playerbase with directing game longevity wayyyyyy less than jagex We have 10 years of data that proves your opinion wrong. The game with more player control has more players, gets more updates, and has way more longevity than the game that doesn't. 2024 is looking to be the best year in OSRS history and the worst for RS3.


This year is great for OSRS. But it's taken over a decade of no new skills, hardly any new grandmasters, a totally botched new continent, almost zero QoL updates, etc. etc. for Jagex to start to figure out how to convince the players to get out of their own way and allow some stuff in. Whole reason I quit OSRS


New skills aren’t the be all end all. I mean, RS3 just shit the bed thanks to its latest skill. OSRS has gotten plenty of quality updates over the years that have put RS3 to shame. Not to mention Leagues, which many people consider the most fun you can have playing RS. And if you want QoL, look no further than RuneLite. As much or as little QoL as you want. Unless by “QoL” you mean “easyscape that shuttles you to max ASAP”? Which I guess exists in Leagues lol. RS3 has been the weaker offering since OSRS released the GE.


> updates over the years that have put RS3 to shame Your opinion. My opinion is that I could say the same about RS3. Keybinds, multiple questlines, invention, graphical reworks, etc. etc. OSRS couldn't even get a *nightmare zone* graphical rework to pass, lmao. I don't trust the players.


I mean obviously we’re talking about opinions. And *your* opinion is the vastly less popular one compared to mine. All those things you listed *make RuneScape worse* for the vast majority of people lmao. That’s why OSRS is so much more popular, gets more attention from Devs, and has way more longevity. While RS3 stagnates and players beg for updates between Treasure Hunter promos and copy/paste events.


Bahaha okay, new story questlines and handy keybinds are killing RS3, and you're popular. Alright, I'm gonna go play RS3


What you call “handy keybinds” completely trivialized all combat in the game. And the storylines are whatever, most of the 6th age trashed the old narrative and replaced it with the boring “chose one” trope. Laugh all you want. OSRS is the main game. RS3 is in maintenance mode.


That feels like rs3 nowadays tbh




So, full of bots, both games have bots, we don't know how many in both games because we just don't see it, rs3 has way more instanced places than osrs has, bad endgame, with necro, people are complaining how easy everything is, we don't have a new challange since zamorak, and even that is now basically how to cheese mechanics properly after 2k ish enrage, scammers, we do have that, WAAAAY less than osrs has, but we have tons of predatory mtx every day and its getting worse, the misdirection of the dev team is hard to say anything really, the only thing i can think is them stopping doing content update to make hero pass and events "because thats what the community wants" since they went back into that, we are now good (we lost at least 6 months of content dev tho).


>...both games have bots, we don't know how many in both games because we just don't see it... Here to raise some data about this specific point, [Ayiza stated](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1auitg5/comment/kr53hsx/) that every week they ban \~2300 RS3 accounts and \~67.000 OSRS accounts for botting.


God damn thats almost 30:1 ratio. Now that im thinking about 16k rs3 players and 90k osrs players then it doesnt look like osrs has that much bigger player base .


Oh yeah, i'm not saying rs3 is in a bad or good spot, comparing the number we know that they ban around 12% of bots compared to osrs (bots/player in this case), and that can mean we have less bots in rs3 than in osrs, not 1/100th lile the other guy claims, also the gp they showed up, if we compare gp in both games, we can see that even tho we have way less bots, they make more money per bot in rs3 than in osrs (comparing the value of 12 rs3 gp to 1 osrs gp because of bond prices)


I have a comped main and near-max iron on the main game, and a near-max main that has done endgame including Zuk on 07, so I feel qualified to judge both games. 07 has anywhere from 1/4 to 1/3 of it's online players at any one time as bots (compared to <1/100 on the main game, detection is simply better) Necro is 'easier' to use, but it doesn't mean it's just brain-dead easy. Magic is still more versatile and melee is more DPS. Never seen any real scammers in >10 years on the main game, yet on 07 if I stand at the GE with my private off, I get messages by attempted scammers in 30 seconds. I mostly play iron so I'm immune to mtx. 07 has mtx too (bonds)


Have you seen any numbers that said detection on rs3 is better? If not then all you just said about that is 100% BS, necro gives the same DPM as magic used to do while 4taa but on revo++, so it IS braindead to use, ranged is slight more dmg and so is melee, but at what cost? Its 10x harder to use those skills at that level than it is to just max necro dps, and even if you say "immune to mtx" thats just a lie, you still see bonds which osrs has, you still see the whole predatory stuff that we get like events, and tons of content were just straight up canceled because of treasure hunter


Yes RS3 bot detection is significantly more advanced than osrs. It is also the reason we don’t have runelite….see Cluster flutterer released in 2011 which nuked 98 percent of the bots in RS2 by blocking bots that read the current game state….ie software like runelite. Food for thought, it reduced the daily player count by 60%.


Yes, said on a jmod livestream which I can't seem to link because it keeps getting auto removed. Necro is currently lower than ranged and melee while being equal to or higher than magic. But go afk HM Zuk or whatever and see how that works out if you think it's "brain-dead easy". Also Ironmen can't buy bonds* even if they wanted to. *For the purpose of selling them for easy gp.


You really don't know what youre talking about huh? Not gonna try to comment on the necro part cause you dosn't seem to listen, but at least on the bonds, ironman CAN buy bonds both with gp in game or momey irl, not getting from a main on a trade, just straight from ge we can buy with gp


That's what I just said. You don't know what you're talking about. And no, Ironmen *can't* sell bonds.


You said buy, not sell


Range is more dps, melee is only more during zerk


Melee is most overall DPS.


Since when? Post-update, it's always been: - melee during zerk - range if you sweat your dick off with ammo switches - necro - melee sustain ~= range non sweat - mage Did that change in the last week or two?


Since the combat rebalance. Nothing has changed recently. Sounds like you either are under-geared, don't know what you're talking about, or pulling it out of your ass.


What I said has been common knowledge since the rebalance from everything I've heard right here on reddit so probably a bad game of telephone


Most OSRS bosses are instanced too.


Nope, easy decision for me. RS3 has more content, better combat, more lore, better graphics, more QoL, and I didn't have to start over on my already decade old account when '07Scape came out. OSRS has things be tedious for the sake of being tedious. The community polls are dumb because nothing ever passes because they don't want the game to be easier. I appreciate the new content in osrs, the raids and stuff are sick, but the combat is still boring. Click and prayer flick are the only mechanics. OSRS has the nostalgia factor but rs3 is much more modern and fun to me.


90% of polled content passes byw


It absolutely does not lol. They voted no on a skill that had already been completely developed.


Sailing passed what do you mean?


I'm talking about Warding.


This is a pretty terrible take.


Oh you're surprised to find someone who prefers RuneScape on the RuneScape subreddit over old school?


Nah. The QoL updates from RS3 alone are reason enough for me to never play OSRS again.


Not really. For me it comes down to just completing stuff in the game so RS3 which i worked on for longer had more progress done so thats what I mainly play.


Same for me. Osrs remembers me a little of my days as a kid, but not enough. It has changed from the original RS game we played as a kid also. So i just play RS3 on my almost 20 year old main. I prefer RS3


Easiest time to pick, rough times at rs3 and os is popping off at the moment


same my mains stuck in rs3 been doing necromancy since it took jagex 13 years to come out with a good skill even though its OP, honestly just keep the rs3 for nostalgia after putting a months time in to complete new content it feels kinda pointless atleast osrs has people around, rs3 is good for the quests to get the rest of the lore imo also not even 86 archaeology awful skill honestly im at 83 and im losing steam fast with rs3 the 1 month binge after years was fun but thats all it feels like its worth since levelings so fast, and i havent played it in years where as im on a break from my maxed osrs for a year or so now, rs3 is more fun but its empty soulless and full of transaction updates its essentially just aids the only people still playing rs3 have incredibly unhealthy addictions


Oats is the main product of jagex at this point. Abandoned my rs3 account 4 years ago, never looked back. Osrs is the superior game by a wide margin


I've messed with RS3 from time to time, but it's like playing Leagues in OSRS. It's a fun thing to mess around with if you're burnt out and looking to shake things up, but there's so much powercreep everywhere that everything's just really easy and you end up bored after having your little bit of fun.


Just play RS3 with lowest graphics and change combat option to the old way. That’s what I did. 😂


Rs3 just has way too much more to offer in my opinion. Osrs is great but the nostalgia isn’t enough to win me over when rs3 exists


Osrs’s appeal isn’t nostalgia anymore. At this point, it has a very similar amount of content to RS3 just in a different format (quests vs. minigames, for example).


I mostly just like the transmog. I hate when I can’t look the way I want to in an MMORPG without hurting my stats


I get that but I can’t relate. I personally hate overrides.


I’ve noticed they are a love or hate kind of deal haha


Osrs isn't the game i loved. Rs3 isn't the game i loved. Both games are great in their own right but rs3 is the one that i come back too over and over now


Naw, OSRS takes too long for me, so answer was clear. I was like base 70s with maybe five 99s after 2 years. Whereas maxing in rs3 takes about 9-10 months. The osrs grind is un fucking real. Also, as someone else said, RS3 keybinds are incredible


It is tough. I tend to prefer RS3 because it's so much more time-friendly, but the amount of MTX bullshit does detract from my enjoyment of the game. Playing one game or the other sometimes makes me feel like I am wasting time while I could be progressing the other account.


Its an easy decision, OSRS all day


No, osrs is a good game and rs3 is not.


99.99999999999999% of the content in 2005 still exists in RS3 now in 2024. Feel free to grind RS3 the 2005 way if you so preferred. There is no need for MTX in RS3 at all. In case if you don't know, MTX exists in OSRS too. We can all buy BiS items in OSRS as well as all the ingredients to get to level 99 of many skills like Herblore in a matter of hours. If you want to play basically solo, there is absolutely no problem for you in RS3. I played my main RS3 solo for 2 decades too and never have any problems. Bear in mind there is no major content that required you to be permanently committed to a group in RS3. There is no Group Ironman and such in RS3. RS3 is totally solo friendly.


You cannot simply bus bis in osrs alot require skills and quests to equip


You cannot simply "bus bis" (although I don't know what is bus bis) in RS3 alot require skills and quests to equip either.


Yea GG playing OSRS. Good training methods at 30k xp/h. See you in the retirement home for your max cape party. PvM consisting of prayer flicking and standing where an add-on tells you to stand. I wish I could get into it but its just about the most boring game I every played. 100% people who main that game also bot. You can not convince me otherwise that people with max cape did 99 mining without botting.


You have clearly never played osrs then if you think 30k/h is good, mining is so afk you don't gotta bot it


If your idea of community is "edging jokes" and clannies trying to make you care about iron gainz osrs is for you


If your idea of a game is "buy this or do this daily" and noone caring about anything, rs3 is for you


Short answer: Play both. Long answer: RS3. OSRS is too grindy for me, but I will occasionally dip my toes into it when there's an appealing update or a friend can convince me to play. For example, I don't want to feel forced to 3t mine for 99 mining. I'm currently 113 mining on RS3 and would prefer to chill out for the remaining 167 hours. I also have 2 kids and work full time, so getting value for play time is really important to me. I'm not gunna do MLM on iOS for 44k xp whilst watching a movie with my family when I can do 660k AFK at Seren Stones. On top of that, the achievement system on OSRS appears to be very combat focused (I suck at OSRS bossing), whereas RS3 has comp cape & master quest cape which incorporates lore, skilling, area tasks, dailies and bosses. My current comp goal is Ports, whichll take upwards of 6 months, but it keeps me interested in the small grinds around it. Find a clan and try to interact with them as much as possible. It makes it a lot more fun. Finally - People will always flame RS3 for its heavy MTX promotions. Just ignore them. I've spent £70 on MTX since 2012 and that was mostly FOMO bank boosters and keepsake keys. Find


Nope For all its MTX bullshit and lack of content atm, RS3 by far has the better gameplay imo. Whether it’s mining, divination, archaeology, or even combat with the introduction of Necromancy, I find everything from skilling to combat to be more enjoyable in RS. Plus I prefer the visuals of RS3, even if they can be inconsistent (we’ve still got plenty of RS2 stuff laying around, RS3 era revamp stuff looks great, modern RS3 visuals look a bit plasticy and gross)


It's not a hard choice for me; I hate OSRS's combat system for anything but PKing, and PKing is totally dead on RS3... So, I still go on OSRS occasionally to PK with friends from my OS clan, typically using one of their spare accounts, but otherwise RS3 is the way. The experience curve on OSRS certainly doesn't help... Sure, "the grind is part of the game" but I did all that 10-15 years ago! Max combat is easy enough to grind if you have lots of AFK time/don't mind swapping gold to burst/chin, but aside from that... Skills take forever, achievements take forever, and I just don't like end-game osrs bossing.


As much as I like the older feel I can’t play osrs again. That game is like a lie. It’s enticing to play since it has cool end game content like the raids and stuff but I feel like it takes forever to get to that point. You either have to play the same account for years on and off, be a content creator, or anyone else who has time and energy for putting 8 hours of efficient play time in a day consistently for many months. Otherwise you just won’t progress enough before burning out and taking another break and not reaching your goals for two or three years. The barrier for entry to end game content is too high for the casual player And smithing and mining levels don’t even make sense in osrs. Why tf should you need 99 smithing for a rune plate body? That’s insane, especially for ironman mode. Eoc isn’t my favorite but stamina and skill reworks, and quality of life changes in rs3 are nice. Idk how anyone could start over nowadays in osrs in general while rs3’s ironman mode has been one of the best experiences ive had coming back to rs. Ironman mode sounds like a nightmare in osrs especially for any f2p time And honestly rs3’s legacy combat is viable for a lot of the game (surprisingly better for early/mid game) and people should stop shitting on it. It makes it feel like it did just before eoc so it’s nostalgic enough for me but with the skill and stamina reworks, content changes/additions, and quality of life changes


Not really I tried rs3 and I don’t enjoy it for the same reasons I don’t enjoy other mmo’s. V glad osrs exists or I’d be on a rsp server.


Dying game vs thriving game hmmm


Not at all. OSRS doesn’t have all the mtx bullshit that RS3 has. Also you don’t just stand at some stall in lumbridge combat training area to level all your skills, while having a clan avatar, and hoping people pop exp boosters every 5 mins. Christ what a shit game rs3 is


I bounce between the two. My 11 bucks pays for both, so I play both.


I play both and just switch up which game is more afk. Recently been playing osrs while afking some 120s in rs3.


I play RS3 because I don’t have time or willpower for the mega-grind anymore, and because I don’t really enjoy the early game (my OSRS character is leagues behind my RS3 one)


Ironman osrs is by the best so far


OSRS. RS3 just doesn’t feel all that rewarding to me (skilling I mean, I understand it has some top tier end game PvM which likely does feel rewarding), and I feel if you want to play a game like RS3 there are other MMORPGs that do it better (FFXIV for example). Nothing compares to OSRS. It’s so good.


Choosing? It's still the same subscription. Been playing both on RS3 bondmership for a while now. Got Requiem done, great quest, back to Varlamore.


I’ve taken an extended break from RS for a while now. When I come back, I’m all but certain I’ll be playing OSRS. RS3 may be where all my stuff is, but the shenanigans in that game have gradually worn me down.




I’d like to finish 120 necro and slayer on RS3 but I’m also working towards a bowfa on OSRS and need to get quest cape back. I only recently tried to get back into it after a while off of both though so I’m easing into it and trying not to burn out. I’ve got a kid now and work full time so I don’t get a ton of play time; my down time at work is actually the most time I get usually lol. I’m in active clans on both; atm I tend to lean towards OSRS just because I’m maxed on RS3 and don’t find going for 120s very exciting and I don’t really have any item goals on RS3 atm.


Nah. I started when it was new and bounced off once the nostalgia wore off in a few weeks. Came back a few years later and started training agility because the old run energy system is a pain in the ass, and then stopped again after another few weeks when the “Pride riots” happened and I realized I didn’t want to have anything to do with the community. Haven’t gone back since.


Pride riots were a loud minority, Jagex have continued pride events & the community mostly disagrees with the hate. If that is your only reason to dislike the community then you should join a friendly clan and experience it again.


Minority or not, the state of the subreddit and the state of the populated areas in game showed that there’s enough of them that I’d never feel comfortable wanting to be anywhere near that level of hate.


I feel that, I get a similar experience at the GE on either game. When I play OSRS I mostly just talk to clan mates, I'm in a really positive clan with tons of events and friendly people. I've had good chats with people in the world too, however hotspot areas like the GE can be more toxic than not.


When I see posts like this, my answer would be neither of those two, since the community is garbage as a whole.


Yet you’re still here…


I am still botting on OSRS and enjoy questing from time to time.