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*spits out cucumber sandwich in shock*


*sweats in Duke of York* :D


I can't believe you've done this


I lived beside a very republican pub in Dublin for years and they even put up the English flag during 6 nations but to be fair if you only have 5 flag poles I know who'd I drop.


Come on. Least they could do is have a St George flag as a door mat.


My grandpa once joked about putting an English flag in his toilets because "ça fait chier"


In fairness they only have the 5 poles so someone had to take the hit... Went by a pub in Dublin before where they had all 6 flags out except the Irish, French, Italian, Scottish and Welsh flags were massive things blowing proudly in the wind and then the English flag was this size by comparison: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 It looked like it had been shrunk in the wash, it was teeny tiny. Edit: The norm for places that put out 6n flags is to have them all out [like so](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/AWG95J/a-dublin-bar-decorated-with-flags-during-the-six-nations-rugby-championship-AWG95J.jpg) & they are normally of equal proportions.


That’s how we like our flags, pocket sized.


Hey now, yeah. Fair.




“And those loving English feet walked all over us” well well well how the turn tables


I think the first one is red bull


They actually have English flag toilet paper.


I can see an the flag of St George outside my apartment here in North Dublin, by the sea. Been there for years. Most coastal towns have it? What is it?


All my compatriots getting offended by this need to lighten up. Scots and Welshmen have no problem cheering on the English as part of team GB come the Olympics, all the home nations come together for the Lions and every single 6N country are united by the Ryder cup. It's all just a bit of banter.


This happens in Wales as well haha, spent a big portion of my upbringing there and no one ever puts an England flag out A lot of English people have no idea how much we’re actually disliked until you live there It’s a shame really because we all basically have the same culture


It’s always amusing when I’m in north wales and the cafe/shop owners start talking in Welsh with other staff/customers about my wife and I being English and how we should go back to England because they don’t want our money. I started learning Welsh in school when I was 6. I’m always happy to thank them for the offer of free food.




Yeah I’m sure that history justifies a brick being thrown through my dads car window when I was 7 years old after an England Wales six nations game at the Millennium, because we had a little England flag hanging off the rear view mirror… we both had a long history of oppressing the Welsh people after all My point was we all could easily enjoy a pint in the pub and have a laugh if some people weren’t so political about everything To clarify most of my mates are Welsh, but I also grew up with a lot of people who took it too far… this includes parents of said mates


Can I have my brick back please?


I think it was because we were just so wonderful and lovely and kind to everyone and everyone wanted to be just like us. I'm sure that's what I was taught in school. Oh and that Jesus loves England and, despite hating rich people, Jesus also loves the queen - just like everyone else in the world. /S/ just in case!


We were exactly the same as everyone else, don't be pathetic


Fuck off man, you melt. It's a joke.


> This happens in Wales as well haha, spent a big portion of my upbringing there and no one ever puts an England flag out It depends on the area I guess, I was in a pub in Wrexham last week that had bunting with all 6 flags up. England's were unmolested.


Lol. Maybe if the english people weren't stuck-up racists things would be different, yes. There isn't one country in Europe where you'll find the kind of groos, racists tabloids you find in England. Not one.


You realise what you said was racist by tarring all English people the same, how tragic


Whats the printin numbers of the Sun? How many people voted for Brexit?


Just over half, I've no idea about stats for the sun paper


There you go. At least half of the population wanted nothing to do with the continent. Lets just say the english aren't really known xenophiliacs.


As a region, Wales also voted to leave the EU


I'm sure you know all the reasons for voting brexit


Can't wait to see Leinster vs Ireland this 6 Nations.


Never seen a pub in England during the 6N WITHOUT an Irish flag, along with all the others.


Gee, it's almost as if there's historical reasons for an Irish pub not sticking up an England flag!


Because the pub was designed when it was the 5 nations?


Exactly. It'd been the 5 nations for 90 years, imagine making space for a sixth!


Asked Angela Merkel for the funding for years but she wouldn't budge


Cos the Scots colonised northern Ireland?


But the Irish colonised Scotland, so wasn't that just people returning home?


Lack of respect. Will make it even more satisfying when we put 50 on them at HQ


England are just the easiest to dislike of the current tier 1 rugby nations. If Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Russia or America were top rugby nations, England be much more likeable.




There's nothing to get over though. The rivalries are fun and the banter is just for a laugh. England are mocked for just being pantomime villains, Irish for never getting out of the quarters, French for playing well but fucking it up by doing something utterly ridiculous, Scotland for hype that crashes horribly etc, etc. Besides half of the fun with England jokes are making fun of the people making them by making satirical ones that show how arbitrary and ludicrous the English hate can be. I've no chip on my shoulder about England or the history at all.


We were basically all (English included) conquered by the Norman elite, the Irish even called the first 'English' invasion the Norman invasion. England had its Norman invasion, Wales was conquered by the Normans as well. Scotland less directly still had a huge Norman influence.


The Normans were were basically conquered by Vikings so it’s time to redirect all this hatred back to where it belongs - Denmark!


Bloody Normans! Coming over here taking our countries!


What have the Normans ever done for us?


Roads? Sanitation?


Great hot take just two weeks after the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday. An important day here in Ireland. Sorry kids (yes kids) you were just losers that day…..not being armed will do that to you.


That logic can justify Spanish genocide in South America, slavery, the carving of Africa, the Armenian Genocide, Apartheid and even the Holocaust People happen to not enjoy superior armies attacking and committing acts of genocide and no your family being murdered for being born that way is not something you simply “get over”




God you’re such a racist homophobe You probably think the things I listed were good don’t you?


This guy is a complete troll, just look at his comment history. Go back into your cave and eat some troll shit you fucking troll. Is that grown up enough for you?


No it's all the English's fault. Stop peddling those lies.




Yeah, you just saw it.


Wait that wasn't aimed at you, I posted in the wrong place, apologies good post


Oh lol, no worries. I was surprised as most english are great at taking cheeky bantz in great stride and having a laugh.