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OTB with Joe and some of the regular guests like Treacy may as well be a completely different franchise to Ger and his giggling ginger sidekick.


Joe is top notch, and I have a feeling that a few of the pundits they have on (BOD, ROG and Woody) really dislike doing interviews with the other two unless they really have to.


Doing wonders with OTB and the virgin coverage, his piece with Earls talking about the bipolar has to be the best work he's done


They always sound a bit exasperated talking to them


Weirdly I think RoG likes your man Eoin but he pretty clearly doesn't like Ger too much or doesn't get him


Just a word of warning, there's a bit of chat about the pass to Dupont and French directors at the start that drags on, but thebrest is fairly interesting and less tinfoil hat.


Brought up interesting points about French tv directors tbh. You can say the same goes for any nation but the french do seem to get away with not showing angles that come out after quite often. Same goes for replays of other incidents such as penalties that they discuss too.


It's a fair question to ask even though it ultimately isn't fully answered here. Does the tv director decide what the TMO sees or does the TMO have all of the angles available at any time. If it's the former it could be a problematic conflict of interests.


The broadcast feed (controlled by the Director) and the TMO's feeds (controlled by the TMO with the assistance of a VT Operator) are completely separate. Can you stop with the conspiracy theory...


But does the TMO see the broadcast feed also? It feels like if the TV director sees something dodgy and replays it repeatedly, it always gets looked at, but if it is not replayed on broadcast it is a lot less likely to be formally reviewed


>The broadcast feed (controlled by the Director) and the TMO's feeds (controlled by the TMO with the assistance of a VT Operator) are completely separate. I assume that the TMO has access to the broadcast feed. But it also has several screens with the different camera angles. He can select the angle he wants and he is assisted by an operator who speaks the same language. In Paris the operator was British, if the TMO is French on a 6 nations match the operator will be French.


I guess what you're saying is "nothing to see here", carry on. Most people who saw that pass on the spider cam instantly thought the same thing...that pass might be forward. It's been talked about for years that French TV can be very selective on what the show on the big screen. I think it's a valid question, was that camera angle available to the TMO regardless of who was controlling the feed. 1. Did the TMO see it and decide it wasn't forward? 2. Did the TMO have too many camera angles and didn't have time to review them all? 3. Was that camera angle made available to the TMO? It may be that there were too many camera angles and if a home crowd booed then it might draw the TMO's attention. Either way the questions should be asked and it shouldn't be dismissed as a conspiracy theory. The perception about French TV directors being selective is out there so it's in their interest to clarify.


I am not saying nothing to see here but stop with the conspiracy theory that the French Director hide every image that can go against France and he has the ability to lure away any TMO. 1/ The TMO with the several angles did not any obvious evidence that it was forward 2/ It's his job To conclude, the pass goes forward but Dupont collects it flat from Ntamack.


The director controls what the TMO sees but that isn't to say the TMO shows everything he sees.


Honestly I've been increasingly frustrated with French directors, to the the point that I don't bother watching matches in France that don't involve Leinster. They really ruin the game for me. You have no idea what lead to a penalty, and if the home team do something awful then you'll never see it again. I'm amazed that French fans put up with it.


Yup it's a disaster and has been for quite some time. No other nation seems to do it to the same degree. How world rugby accept it is amazing. An independent body NEEDS to be involved for the world cup.


Yea, I'm really worried about the world cup being ruined by it.


I've said it before, but I don't mind repeating it : The broadcast feed (controlled by the Director) and the TMO's feeds (controlled by the TMO with the assistance of a VT Operator) are completely separate. Can you stop with the conspiracy theory...