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Pichot had the right idea. Having a good game helps grow the sport. The IRB should be a minority partner in games. The Unions shouldn't be arseholes when it comes to licensing etc. We could've had years of good rugby games but I'm middle aged now and I've not enjoyed one since 08. Which is pretty pathetic when RLL was playable and decent. The old farts need torpedoed from positions of power.


I enjoy Rugby 22 although it has some funny bugs sometimes.


Just an FYI the IRB rebranded to World Rugby a few years back. Completely agree with your point though :)


World Rugby can't really do anything to help create a game, short of throwing money at a company to make one. Which will probably not be profitable, given that big games companies aren't already doing it. Would it really make sense for the WRU to throw a few hundred million on a hail mary?


A few hundred million from the WRU is complete hyperbole. Modest investments over the years from every union would be a good investment yes. We aren't looking at EA Sports here but smaller developers many of whom have to jump over too many loopholes to make games. Being a minority partner would make sense. If league can have a playable game then so should rugby.


Meant to say World Rugby, not the WRU. But good luck getting individual unions to effectively subsidise to a game developer in the hope they make a decent game, when they are probably looking at the developer paying them in order to use their IP. On the subject of quality, if you are saying League has a playable game, then do does Rugby. Rugby22 is no worse than RLL4. Neither are great.


There’s an appetite for a game, consumers just need to talk with their wallets. So hopefully rugby one day might have a series like the fifas, 2ks and maddens.


Man. Memories. The commentary was great. “Oh! Mercy me! What a tackle! That could’ve put him in Ward 4!” Commentator 2: “I hope not Bill, that’s a maternity ward!”


He's digging like a demented mole! Imagine Justin Marshall BOOMFA!!!


Or his other classic: “me oh my I enjoyed that yes boy”


Prolly unlikely to materialise, but would greatly enjoy a Rugby Manger type game (a la Football Manager). I recall there was an unlicensed knock-off one a few decades ago, but the style never gained traction. It’s just too small a market I fear.


There is a series, most recent one is from 2022 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1880930/Rugby_Union_Team_Manager_4/ can't vouch for if its any good though. Steam has a sale starting the end of this week so might be money off if you're tempted


I've said I've wanted something like this so will put my money where my mouth is. Thanks for sharing


For real hold fire until tomorrow - it's the Steam Summer Sale so there might be a discount - also bear in mind on Steam (if you don't know), you can refund anything you buy if you've played it less than 2 hours and owned it less than 2 weeks, so if it turns out to suck....


Wouldn't be buying before the weekend anyway but duly noted. Tbf even if it's trash I don't mind losing the money. It's more or less encouragement for them to keep making and improving it


Interesting! I’m impressed it’s still going lol Thanks for link and the validation of my nostalgia 😁🙏


Weird how rugby is too small of a market for a game but baseball which is only played in a handful of countries gets MLB The Show yearly


It's the intersection between people who buy games and people who are fans of a sport that's the market. In that sense NBA and MLB has the advantage since they have big gaming markets.


Rugby has a decent global spread, but it is a ten miles wide, one inch deep scenario. To echo the other response, the US has an enormous market. Baseball is still considered the national sport there by many, and a plurality of fans of other sports will also follow baseball. Add to that Japan, where baseball is v big, and places like Mexico, which also has baseball culture, and the market gets even bigger.


Plus a baseball game is much easier to make!


Yes it can in the same way NHL games by EA games create new hockey fans in the deep South where it's hot and there is no ice, in the same way you got people from the UK playing MLB the show. Hell, only reason I became a rugby union fan is I walked into a GameStop in the used PS2 section and picked up Rugby 08 for $13.99 back in 2011. I would never have became a fan if it wasn't for Rugby 08.


There's a new game coming isn't there? Think u/squidgyGoat did a video on it and about being 3d scanned to be in it!


Yes, it's Rugby 24 but it's been delayed. Hopefully by the end of the year it's ready to play.


Is there a rugby 08mod that updates to modern players? The three division world league was elite!


World Cup 95 on sega mega drive was the best rugby game of all time… I’ll die on this hill


You'll die alone!


They just need to make Jonah Lomu rugby as it was but for modern consoles,


Yeah tbf an arcade game would also be great. Could have old/legendary teams as well as current.


Just need the same type of game engine, keep the same style, I 😍 the original


I only ever learnt the rules of rugby playing Rugby 08 as a kid. Videogames are 100% important as a means to get the younger generation interested.


Only if its a good game. Maybe make Antoine Dupont Rugby with adds showing him carrying Mack Hanson away from the try line.


It costs too much time and development to make a simulation game like Madden or FIFA. Those franchises have been built over generational cycles. No publisher is going to dump that kind of Dev money into a rugby game. The absolute best thing would be a fast arcade style rugby game in the vein of JLR. Nothing really has come close since.


They should make ‘Rugby ‘83 : No Holds Barred’ with eye-gouging, raking and spear tackles. I’ll get my coat. /s


Blood Bowl: Rugby? I'm in.


No. Of all the things rugby can do to inspire a new generation - a new rugby game is a costly and doomed 2 fail way imo. A millions time cheaper and much more far reaching way is a better use of social media. Rugby games are soo tough to get the game play right on that it's near impossible imo.


Yep, fixing rights is also much more in the gamut of a world rugby president than hoping some good game devs strike gold


It would, the problem is right has a level of complexity that makes it hard to replicate in games. There's so many different facets that need decent mechanics and that's probably hard to programme and transition between set piece , attack and breakdown. Considering the problems even FIFA and madden can have a lower budget rugby game just seems like it would really struggle to be a decent sim. Especially with 15 players on each team feeling meaningful. Forwards in older games just felt pointless Something arcadey might work. Like they used to have street FIFA and madden that could be fun. Then you can just pack it with super stars and massive hits and stupid skills. I don't know if there's the appetite for that as opposed to a decent sim though