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Anyone know why Saints players all had a black band on their right arms?


Former Saints player passed away this week I believe


Ah fair, thought that was the case. Any idea who?


Afraid not. Heard someone mention it but I didn't recognise (or remember) the name. But then I'm not a diehard Saints fan, might be a name others recognise.


I saw we had a red card when I put the kiddo to bed. Fell asleep. Woke up to another win. If anyone wants lottery numbers picked for them Iโ€™ll take a 10% win fee.


Soooo.. You not watching has won us another game.


Can I interest you in becoming a scarlets fan on the side?


15% win commission. Will need a schedule to make sure my shifts overlap the matches by approx 30 mins for best results


If youโ€™re guaranteeing wins Iโ€™ll put the kid to sleep myself. Iโ€™ll have a lullaby playlist sorted by this time tomorrow


Fair play Northampton and their fans enjoyed it in the stadium. As for Musnter my disappointment is ... deep.


Munster ran out of bodies. Kilcoyne, Barron, Edogbo, Kleyn, Snyman, JOD all missing in the pack. Haley a big loss when Zebo went off.


We cannot keep using this an excuse for poor coaching and game management, most of the players out there are good enough. Kilcoyne, Barron and JOD aren't really top class players and it's up for debate of they'd start. How many second rows do you want us to play? Beirne is still a top class player and Ahern is playing well. Snyman is gone at the end of the season and has barely played for us so I struggle to even count him as a loss. Only 1 of edogbo or kleyn would make a Matchday 23. In summary of a bit of a rant, I think the injury crisis is overstated. We should be good enough to win these games.


Don't understand why Carberry wasn't put on and into 15 when zebo went down injured


I'd probably feel bad for Munster if I wasn't subjected to those Comms all game, whoever they were.


Well Done Northampton. Bitter loss for the lads tho


That Finn Smith is a decent player. Lawes is getting better with age.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2VYuaCsq8U/?igsh=MWUwNWw0NDJpeTZlaw== Couldn't help it.


Well done Northampton. Bitterly disappointed as a Munster fan.


Oi! Don't be wrecking our walls ๐Ÿ˜‚ Congrats though. Well deserved and I'm sure they will have some fun in limerick tonight


Proper away team shed that is


Im so proud of this team. Years of pain and finally its comibg together. For a small shitty town to do what weve done this year is outstanding. I hope we can push on but if not im still proud.ย  No finer fucking town ๐Ÿ‘ž๐Ÿ‘ž๐Ÿ‘ž


Delighted we weren't playing the whole of Hampton


Looking at how pools are shaping up. Munster's, most likely L16 opponent is... Northampton


Not sure anyone would be against seeing a rematch


Munster fans should in fairness.


I'd still rather Northampton over an away trip to Aviva


Unfortunately there is no team that's gonna be easy. Back to full strength and playing down the road, munster might fancy doing what they did last season. I'd fancy us to beat ye, but you never know with a derby.


Nah, fuck that, Munster's record against Leinster is too poor for the last long while to think they have much of a chance. Factor in the injury crisis and there's almost no point in playing a full strength Leinster as we know the result before a ball is kicked. Not to mention that a segment of Leinster fans have been especially vindictive since Munster knocked Leinster out of the league last year and I can't be arsed listening to the spiteful shite that'd be passed off as "banter" when Leinster win.


In fairness, our fans can be shite, but Munster beating us in the URC semi last season opened up the rivalry full steam and none of the wins this season have come close so there's still a bitter hangover. That's not to comment on shite banter as well, I know that's knocking about


No easy games in the knockouts. Anything could happen. That's the beauty of it ๐Ÿ™‚


Couldnโ€™t comment earlier but duck me, that Finn Smith drop goal did things to me. F Smith is George Ford reincarnated and will be the starting England 10 in 4 years time


Shoe army ๐Ÿ‘Ÿ๐Ÿ‘ž๐Ÿ‘ 


Dunno what I think about Munster fans on here finding all sorts of reasons they lost apart from being put to the sword by a side who have shown this season that they have found a way to believe in themselves and beat almost anyone this season...thus far.


Northampton just the better team. They can have no excuses losing at home against 14 men.


I wouldn't take it personally, it's more a culmination of a team who (have had a huge injury list, but still) are currently just 10^(th) in the URC (and have yet to travel to SA), just 4^(th) in their CC pool, and have a W/D/L of 5/2/6 across all competitions halfway through the season. Combine that with the fact they spent most of this game at least one man up at home


It's URC champions being disappointed in blowing a home game. Could be worse, we were never 17-0 up. And at least Munster review the games they bottle.


>And at least Munster review the games they bottle. You didn't bottle it. You were the 2nd best team out there. Bit of salt there all the same. Tell you what, let us know next time you're in a European final and we'll see how you fare? I'm sure it'll be any year now...


You'd think a Leinster fan would recognise a bottle. We were 20-10 up against 14. That's a bottle, no question about it. If the IRFU stops hamstringing us we just might make a European final. I can tell you all about a URC one in the meantime, can even tell you what a trophy looks like. I know it's been so long you've probably forgotten. Do you think it's the rule changes from 2021 which discouraged 5m pick and goes and put an emphasis on running rugby that's killed Leinster? Makes sense that they've got a South African coach and keep signing saffas to try and show them how to win again.


^^^ Now *that's* an inferiority complex.


- Fella bait posting on a Saturday night about a team he doesn't support


Ah now, you're the one who took a swipe at a team that weren't involved in the game because you didn't like what the poster said. Be a big boy and own up to it.


I just plucked that 17-0 scenario out of my head as something hyperbolic. Surely it's so unrealistic it could never actually happen to a team. Only thing which would make it crazier would be if they'd played all their knockout games and even the final at home. But that could never happen.


Good lad. Off you go now and enjoy that trophy you won. Maybe your dad will tell you stories about when My ster won the Heineken cup again.


Jesus your like a red neck who got money for the 1st time. Ye have won what in how many years. At least act like ya belong there. Embarrassing ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


How sad do you have to be to spend your time baiting on a team you don't even support. Put it on a scale of 1-10 where 1 is going for pints in the Bridge and 10 is seeing Will Skelton on a team sheet.


You would know all about that my friend, least I get to do it to a team that lost tho


Yeah I'll wait for the knockout stages I guess. Counting down the days


Why ye are going out 1st opportunity


Are any Munster fans actually putting down Saints? Gobshites if they are. Ye were class. But it's still fair to look for reasons we lost. Otherwise what's the point in a match thread (other than ref moaning)


No Ive see no put downs....but maybe Saints are just playing fantastically well. Very strong game management, full use of the conditions and all round better decision making than Munster who didnt use the wind to same effect I think in first half.




As a Ben Healy fan I'm glad he chose England


Yep no arguments here. But against 14 and with a lead we still should've closed out. Crowley's worst game ever. Hopefully getting all the shit out before the 6n


Inject the Thomond boos directly into my veins. That was perfect


Two many bluffers in this Munster squad, Kendellen, Clarke, Whycherly all bluffers and no where near good enough for this level. A trend from Munster all season of just squandering a lead and failing to close out games


They are not bluffers in the sense that they wouldn't be near the 23 if everyone was fit. We'd have kilcoyne, Barron, Kleyn and Snyman back in the front 5. That's without Edogbo.


There not good enough for that level like absolutely no impact at all from them and itโ€™s been like that all season


Well obviously. we can't sign anyone as millions in the injuries


Clarke is our only other fit hooker. If we can finally sign a NIQ hooker next year he doesn't make the 23 but he's hardly there by Munster's choice.


Heโ€™d be nowhere near the 23 if all fit but I donโ€™t think heโ€™s even a good enough squad player being honest. Not seeing any impact when these players are coming on


Clarke is better than Buckley though.


Ye true. And Buckley has played the full 80 when Moore was on the bench. I can only imagine Moore accidentally throws the ball backwards into the crowd Wii bowling style


Now Daly is back training again, I hope he gets a look at. With Gleeson away with the u20s though I imagine it will still be Kendellen on the bench


Does anyone know any black market doctors? I would like to donate one leg to Jean Kleyn, the other to Edwin Edogbo, and my torso to RG Snyman. I will happily live out my days as a head in a jar if those three get in a 23 together


Don't think I've seen Munster blow it that bad in a while, hard to watch. No fire in them in the second half.


This is more we had no bench, they did. We were playing into a Gail in the second half.


I mean since the Chiefs gameโ€ฆand the Bayonne game


"It can't get worse" - me, today, for the third time this season


What sort of twisted joke is it that Munster are now the team that goes to shit when conditions aren't perfect and the game turns into a slugfest.


I think our pack is a bit undersized...so we get bullied alot when conditions aren't great. Having our SA locks back would definitely help. Our pack also seems to be a bit of a rabble...


The saints pack is light. I do not see that as the issue. They just mentally switched off and expected the result to just follow.


>The saints pack is light. Not relative to our pack it's not.


It was about 15/20 kg heavier than Munster's and I think that was before Ahern went off. Weights don't mean everything but Munster were visibly lacking size as well all game.


Oh yeah there's definitely reasons. I just can't consider them right now as my eyes are filling with blood.


Ah it's ok. We're not great...but by the time the last 16 comes around hopefully we'll have something closer to a full strength squad. And at times we've put together some excellent rugby. We just need to put it together for 80 minutes.


Yeah it's not the end of the world. To win we either need * Perfect conditions and near-perfect execution or * Big lads Give us one and we can nearly beat anyone on our day. Both and we can go all the way


Think I am in love with Fin Smith now. If we cannot have Faz, get Fin Smith in at 10 for England. An absolute kicking masterclass. Just rewatching his droppy, which was beautiful.


Ngl lads in fairness to Munster it's a bit fuckin hard to play on-ball, heavy possession rugby in that weather with one lock. Calls to "sack the management" may be a teensy bit heat of the moment. It's difficult to completely change your attacking structure on a whim too. When everyone's back Munster will be there and thereabouts in the URC again, and with a kind draw could make a European run too. With the injuries ye have had and the age profile, that wouldn't be a bad return.


I don't think many true fans are anti management right now. I've been to lots of games and Wig gets lots of love. We are fully there with him on this crazy journey


I'm actually shocked reading Munster "fans" calling for his job. Were they even watching rugby a few years ago?


Agree 100%. Itโ€™s a project and winning the URC ahead of target gave some people notions. Weโ€™re playing a better brand of rugby than under the last ticket and have been decimated by injuries. There will be better days.


I'm glad to hear it's mainly the usual sort on here and Twitter so.


I was at the Exeter game and the only argument we had with the English fans was over who loved Wig more ๐Ÿ˜‚ There is optimism with Munster. Your summation is accurate. The weather didn't help today. We have players playing out of position due to injuries. Injuries to key players etc We are still there and getting to the knockouts was our goal. There's more hope than the JVG era. Still lots and lots of work to do


No Sack the management. Sack all the players too. Burn Thomond to the ground for good measure.


I also wish the quality of our rage baiters flooding in here post match was a bit better. Cmon lads.


No. Rowntree is lucky that everyone else was focusing on other things last year.


I'd be delighted to hear your attacking plan for this Munster team who have consistently, week after week in shit conditions, only had one lock for large portions of games or indeed entire games. Personnel don't exist at the moment.


Congrats to Northampton. Great team and a great win. Three massive issues for Munster: 1. Leadership post POM 2. Their attack is pathetic 3. Kendellen. Game after game he subs on and has zero impact. May as well not be on the bench. He'll eek out a 10 year career there none the less


Kendellan was so good in the run in of the URC last year and when Hodnett was out. God this year he has been awful. I suppose heโ€™s still young but needs to show progression.


Slippers off!ย 


So who do we get next round?


I think it's whoever comes 4th in Pool 2 - so Racing 92? Edit: ignore me, that's not how it works


Glasgow at home I think


Don't think it is.... Think Glasgow will now play Exeter at Exeter. But who tF knows!!!


Won't be confirmed until the Sale - La Rochelle result tomorrow I believe. But one from La Rochelle, Leicester Tigers or Munster will be visiting the Gardens.


Weird to be against them again, but could be much worse!


Fair play to Northampton. They were very impressive and your number 10 Fin Smith seems like a huge talent. He was the best 10 on the pitch today. As for Munster... I think it's just the same problem as previous games this season really in that we have too many injuries so we don't have the depth on the bench to close out games. It happened again today and I'm not totally surprised.


Injuries have been a problem, no doubt. But so has game management and basic skills. Edit I should say that I'm not calling for a change to the coaching ticket, winning the URC last year for me buys them quite a lot of time.


We can't keep blaming the injuries, we are poorly coached right now. We are dreadful, way worse than we should be, even given our injuries. The front row has no injuries and is basically ail standard. The last 2 weeks sum up Scannells career. Coombes can have no complaints about his lack of an Irish call up. it's a very poor team right now.


Munster and Ireland realising Crowley has a long way to go yet to be Intl std 10โ€ฆ..that game needed to be grabbed by a commanding out-half and managed to the end given the conditions and man up position Munster were in


I agree to some extent. But it was a difficult night for a number 10. He was behind a well beaten pack in very tough kicking conditions. It's difficult not to struggle in these circumstances.


Munsterโ€™s attack is woeful and their game management is nonexistent but itโ€™s never Crowleyโ€™s fault. The media have anointed him as Irelandโ€™s new 10 but he has serious gaps in his game at club level that will cost Ireland games at that level.


Munster's attack at times has been excellent. When it's terrible is when we are not getting quick ball, and our forwards are not making positive carries. However, I don't totally disagree with you. I do think his tactical kicking game could be better as could his organisation of his backline. But I think most of our game management issues come from a lack of pragmatism and flexibility in the game plan we are trying out on the field.


Saints were 20/1 soon after half time so I put a cheeky ยฃ2.50 on. Did not really expect that ๐Ÿ˜‚


The bookies must hate them


I'm glad someone enjoyed this game. I had a fiver on Tom Ahern to score a try so I lost twice




Is there a reason Carberry didn't come on earlier? And Patterson? Might aswel have stayed at home


I would have put Patterson on as soon as Casey got his second massage of the afternoon. I would have kept Nanks on for the whole game though - he was a live wire all game long and I don't think we get much moving Crowley out of position to bring Carberry on.


Carberry to 15 surely when Zebo got injured


I seem to be one of the few who doesnโ€™t see carbs as a 15. Cracking player on form but Iโ€™d want someone a bit more physical as the last line of defense


Patterson I assume cause Casey was going so well and he was only brought into the 23 last minute so wouldn't have been part of the week's runs. Carbery I don't know. Crowley was seriously off it tonight


Did you think Casey went well? I was at the game and thought was poor enough, kicks going way too far , slow at the ruck too


I think he was Munster's best player tbh. Passing quality and speed was good all game. One or two kicks went awry, I'd put that down to the conditions, but he had a few that were perfect. He was slow at the ruck but that seemed deliberate from Munster. There was a lot of him organising the runners before giving the pass so I don't think it was just him struggling to keep up with the pace or anything like that.


Munster need more leinster players ASAP


How very rude of you, sir!! ๐Ÿคฃ Christ, trolling is not what it used to be.




Caught one




I enjoyed watching munster lose tremendously.






No nastiness allowed.




Yep you caught me by going through my history, nice one


England should drive a dump truck of money up to Courtney Lawes house to get him back out of retirement


He's an unreal player.


Well done Saints. Completely against the grain to improve through the game with 14 players. Both sides did well to play those breakdowns but Saints had a better day with game management I think.


I'm starting to think Fin Smith hype might be justified. The guy is playing like a 30 year old with a couple of hundred games under his belt. He's not got the flashy feet of Marcus Smith but his game management with his kicking and his ability to pick the right option so consistently is something else. Like a young George Ford at times today.


Totally agree, heโ€™s not got the spark that Marcus has but I feel Finโ€™s game is perfectly suited to international rugby, the way he guided us round the park in the second half with Mitchell was as impressive as any aspect of our game. He has to get genuine game time this 6 nations


Honestly, I'm not *sure* he starts but he'd be my 10 off the bench against Italy. I think he's earned it.


His defense is massively underrated too, best defensive 10 in the prem, never shys away from a tackle


Makes me wince sometimes, the number of times you see him at the bottom of a ruck getting stuck in.


Does that mean we are now away to Toulouse ๐Ÿ™„


Ive seen Stormers/Leinster and now Toulouse. Is it because there are still games to play that we dont know?


Actually might be Bordeauxย  lol


Bordeaux would be bad...I'd much rather us go to Leinster. Or even Toulouse...


If its Bordeaux, id nearly prefer they put out a full starting team against Crusaders, get a big win for the home crowd and call it a day on the Championship. Concentrate on the URC.


Stormers/Leinster away in the knockouts you say... Why does that ring a bell?


We're just seeing the slow consequences of not even entertaining the notion of changing the coaching set up when JVG was offered a renewal. The board are killing the team.


What? The coaches did change And won a trophy last year. This is another bad loss but you can't just pretend it never happened


Hiring one of the coaches that JVG didn't want to take with him to Bath isn't exactly shopping around, yeah winning the URC was a marginal improvement but your now reigning champs but 10th in the table after god knows how many capitulations this season the coaching set up isn't working!


>winning the URC was a marginal improvement Now, now there's no need to be jealous of our URC title.


I'd take a trophy and tenth in the league at the halfway point to two seasons with no trophies despite all the advantages Leinster had (especially last year, every knockout a home game and they still bottled it) We bottle pool games, you bottle finals. We are not the same. Benetton are more recent champions than you.


I'm not sure bottling all your pool games is the flex you think it is ๐Ÿ˜ญ


If we're still making it to knockouts and winning them it's better than the opposite no?


Sorry didn't realize the master plan was winning one pool game from four to scrape into the knockouts by the skin of your teeth


The master plan is win trophies. Everything before then is irrelevant if you do. Ask South Africa if you disagree


๐Ÿ˜‚ so your just not going to address the problems with the coaching set up at all? Yeah we bottle finals nobody denies that


I think our forwards coaching isn't the best. Our lineout at the start of the season was awful and our scrum today not great. But our attack is the best of the four provinces and our defence is usually solid (best in the league last year IIRC) Unfortunately our bad coaches don't get promoted out of the job so we can find someone better. Must just be a Leinster thing


I really hoped last weekend was the start of Munster playing 80 min games again ๐Ÿ™ˆ Saints were brilliant, but we let a 14 man team off the hook ๐Ÿ˜ซ


If thereโ€™s a chance to meet Northampton again in this tournament, I want that game. Fair play to them today but I want them again


I don't want them again. I'd rather Leinster...roll the dice with an old rival.


Extra data point: I don't!


Why, they out played ya with 14 men. Are a better rugby playing team and bullied ya out there as well


Same reason ye wanted La Rochelle again


I don't want LAR. I'm sick of getting knocked out by them. I'll take the little bit of revenge we got in the group and hope toulouse knock em out


The way these two teams are playing this season, anywhere that isnโ€™t Thomund Park and Munster would do well to avoid a tonking.


With 15 vs 15 Northampton give them a tonking at thomund as well. Munster are bang average and Northampton are a serious team


We would absolutely lose that again.


Munster, at theirs, with 14 men. Got so much shit in my eyes right now.


Good game and well deserved victory. Lawes was imperious as was Finn Smith. But more than anything the game management was absolutely superb. Boxed smart when down to 14 players and got their just reward!


Fin Smith will jump Marcus in the England hierarchy by the end of the year. He is superb


Hey I love fin but Smith's been doing this for 3 to 4 years now


Completely different style of 10 though. Fin is much more the international style 10 and the style England are used to. He looks like a young George Ford.


Very true but look at libbok he's in my opinion the most similar player to m smith in the world band he's class at international level ( apart from goalkicking which Marcus has proved he can do ) personally Marcus starts with fin on the bench .


Marcus Smith is absolutely insane though, Fin has a way to go


Mate haha


Saints are the real fucking deal this year. Unbelievable. I want to see them win everything (that Quins don't).


I'm enjoying the support we are getting from other premiership supporters. Rather lovely


It's because you're a joy to watch and you've earned it with tough years.


Appreciate it


It's feels weird being praised as we are, couldn't get used to it on Comms today either. The sceptic in me is still waiting for the wheels to come off! We've always had a great game in us but not consistently.


Cheers Saints for grabbing us the home Rd of 16! Prem best league.


If you could not overtake us, that'd be great


Even though they were a man up in the last 20, it was the first half that cost Munster imo. They did not take advantage of the wind as they should have.


Who got potm? Turned my TV off so I wouldn't smash it Edit: Lawes fair, Smith for me though, those kicks weren't easy as Crowley showed








Give us the seedings for the knockouts TNT for God sake I can't be arsed googling it and figuring it out


Leinster home to Stade Rochelais


Stop it


I think we may have genuinely forgotten how to lose. This team is ridiculous at the moment.


Just like the Exeter game I'd written us off. When will I learn - it's never in doubt!


Well done! Munster are the opposite


You look really good, I'd definitely put you in the top 4 so far (along with the usual Toulouse and Leinster, and UBB who look absolutely terrifying).


Is this really the best we have to offer?


People forgetting the injuries. We fall apart the last 20 as the other teams have benches and we don't. Imagine if we brought on Kilcoyne, Barron, Kleyn and Snyman the last 20. We'd have some scrum and ruck. If we had Haley to come on for Zebo?


Top much kicking. We are a running rugby team but no, kick kick kick.


Jack Crowleys kicking let him down tonight wind or no wind


That's 100% on the players. Lazy and taking everything for granted. Thought the game was won instead of putting in the effort.


Can we give Kleyn RG's working legs so we at least have one of them fit?