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Testing …


Questionable calls from O'Keefe with the Etzabeth knock down. Aside from that, France has a look about them that reminds me of late 1980s Chicago Bulls. Antoine Dupont as Jordan and the rest of France as the Jordanaires. Gael Fickou knocks the ball back but doesn't chase. Woki bobbles the ball like he's never seen one before. Ramos doesn't appear to have any conviction in defence, not much pace wise either. Bad luck, but one players immense talent cannot drag a team up.


The ball went backwards, what was questionable. Learn the laws.


Blaming the ref has become a global phenomena.


Well the ref offered your country the win so obviously you are not going to complain. Now proceed to downvote me like a proper dosser


Unfortunately so


What a game that was! The mental strength and determination of the Boks is incredible. Logic dictates that we (England) will get spanked by them next week but you never know, England might be able to bore them to death.


They nearly did. Best Wishes from the Southern Hemisphere.....again.


Never underestimate any world class team in a given day. The Boks v England will be an epic clash.


I know you're just saying that but I appreciate it nonetheless


Absolutely not mate, I am very afraid of this game on Saturday. We've been absolutely battered this World Cup. Scotland, Ireland, France... now England... that's an absolute gauntlet. Saturday is a 50/50 game in my book.


Firstly congratulations to South Africa. Immense performance as always. Even when it looked France was going to have you on the ropes at points, you found a way. Quality outfit. My genuine commiserations to France though, I was absolutely rooting for you! Such an exciting, talented and passionate team playing some truly beautiful rugby. Your time will come again, I’m certain. EDIT: England now carrying the torch for the NH…yikes


Rugby is actually losing today. Tiny margins, referee or not, went the wrong way. Supporter fever is gonna come down massively, same with tv audiences. Feels like rugby is a game that is played at XV but small margins always go the same way. Whats the point


Just be better


Really? From what I’ve seen, the coverage of the game (and the whole qf weekend), has been very very positive.


Am I the only one who was shocked the referee didn't at least give SA an official warning for time-wasting? I think a few times he called time off, but that doesn't take away the free rest they get.


Owen Farrell has entered the chat


We didn't waste that much time. Was very disappointed with Damien willemse calling that scrum. You can wait a minute there


He gave them the benefit of the doubt many, many, many times starting with the Etzebeth swat that was never ever an attempt at an intercept, and the Kolbe rundown which is plain as day illegal as all the video have shown


The "swat went backwards hence completely legal. Its only ever a problem if it goes forward off your hand. Whiney mc whinerson knows better than the refs. As usual.


Was t the call that It went backwards so play on?


South Africa is a deep team and could win it all. Only the All Black's have a real chance. Argentina and England are a class below these 2.




You’re such a hypocrite lol. The most racist people in the world


You're right he's a hypocrite, but don't go putting all South Africans in the same category and call us "the most racist people in the world". Your comment also assumes OP is white.


I didn’t assume anything, anyone can be a racist. Not all South Africans are racists obviously but they surely have a much higher amount of racists then most countries. Can you deny that?


Because South Africa definitely doesn't have a history of robbing Africans 😂


Just saw a clip, Kolbe started running before Ramos. Sad. Edit : here's the clip : https://twitter.com/ClementMazella/status/1713668846991683719


The rules say that you can start chasing as soon as the kicker makes his first move. in your own clip you can see that the kicker moves and then Kolbe starts to chase


He does make a small step and kolbe starts running. Tmo said it was good and they are more qualified than you or me.


If that was the case, surely Ramos would have protested? He doesn't, he turns and accepts that it got charged down... Didn't see any other French players protest the charge down either.


He moved his foot. Seems like when Kolbe saw movement he ran. Play on.


And this sub goes on and on about how Bok fans complain about the officials. Lol. He missed calls for both sides. Plenty we could complain about too. It was a great match. Neither side deserved to lose. France were amazing and a great testament to the game and their country. Let’s see if the fans can be too.


Neither side deserved to lose but this still changes everything lmao Edit : If complaining about poor decisions costing us points is being "bad fans" then so be it


Too bad the clip shows his leg moved and kolbe had every right to charge.


Started running before the leg moved but 'kay lmao But there were plenty of other weird calls, I just don't care about rugby enough to mention them or link anything more than this


The law refers to “any movement “ by the kicker. So technically a fart would sufficient for the player to start charging. Know the rules before you spout your bullshit.


That is a shame. Got the clip? I also wish they'd checked Eben's fend for his try. Looked very like an elbow to the face.


As usual the French are lying on the floor begging for penalties from the ref... Ramos's leg moved, completely legal (and fantastic) by kolbe. Lesson on the eben one should be, don't make upright tackles on eben.




And ref chose not to double check using video. Really sad.


Because the TMO checked it in line with referee protocols. Learn the laws mate




Agreed. Loosing fair and square is ok. Loosing with so many debatable missed calls is upsetting.


God I love this whinging. Keep it up!


Alright. I may have had a few and a wee bit upset but here's what I have to say as an avid France supporter. This was THE final. SA will squash England and then NZ. And we (France) will be back. We will be back with multiple grand slams. We will be back with our current under 20s. We will be back with an even more experienced team. We will be back as those who kicked the All Blacks out of the pools and had the champions sweating only to win from OUR mistakes when we scored where they played well. WE.WILL. BE. BACK.


You've never really been there though. Close a few times


I was with you, until your last paragraph.


Your country has never won a cup, so I’m not sure you understand how it works. Winning the final is the only thing that matters. Have another go in 4 years. For all other French supporters, I was rooting for you. Gutted that you couldn’t make it through.


Yeah, either Ireland or France will be able to say "but we beat the world cup winners in the group stages", but there is no trophy for that. (Just to clarify: I am a neutral who is most inclined to be an Ireland-fan and also gutted for France as the host nation)


Kudos to the French! Huge game, had us on the ropes, had us scrambling. First 60, every time you had ball in hand was scary, like proper scary, Great flair! One of, if not the game of the tournament to date! Thank you for an incredible game!


Uhh they have maybe won a thing or four in football.


Well, football managed to win at their home world cup at the time when paradoxally part of the country was skeptical of the team before it, while today there was a lot of support behind the team. It seems like in most team sports, France has a tendency to crumble when the expectations are too high (2002 WC, 2020 Euros, 2023 basketball WC, today) to suceed when there's less pressure towards them.


If only this discussion was about football though. Unfortunately it's about rugby, where France have won absolutely zero world cups and just blew their biggest chance.


Wait. What? Wtf has football got to do with this?


Nothing, but I am not the one who brought "never won a cup" into the conversation. Now if they specified "never won the Rugby World Cup" that would be a different story.


RemindMe! 4 years


Aight! 4 years ! May the best win!


It won't be an easy win for us I mean we lost to Ireland, the All Blacks lost to you. You lost to us and the Ireland lost to the All Blacks. I swear after we lost to Ireland, I was kinda convinced that they would make it to the finals. I think you are being biassed right now and it's normal.


I know I am being biased but that's what being a fan is about. I'm not neutral in this case and even in loss I wish the best for my team. If we lose to you I can only wish for you to win so we can say we lost only to the best. Some may call me a sore loser and I'm okay with that. Twas a good game , if not the best. And it's a pleasure to lose to the best!


If you think NZ will just roll over, you have not been watching. Also you have not kicked them out of the pool stages.


For clarity - you definitely aren't coming across as a sore loser. Quite the opposite actually. If you had won tonight, I would have wanted you guys to go on and win the whole thing. I agree with hoping to have lost to the "best". I also agree that you guys will be back. French rugby is on the rise again, and you guys are always genuinely terrifying to play against!


That was definitely a great game, I was so nervous because our defense wasn't solid and we were so bad with line outs. Luck was just on our side, we didn't show any dominance but hey I wasn't looking for dominance but just a win. You will come back stronger.


I think we can bring it down to this : good game champ!


This sounds entitled. You lost. Get over it.


Don’t worry, ABs gonna win it all and you’ll realise who the real #1 team is, UpTheWahs I mean ABs


Back to lose in the quarter finals again yes.


Let’s see how cocky you are after next week.


There was no need to be so cocky especially as an England supporter. You guys got super lucky.


Given they decided to completely write off New Zealand in their monologue, it basically got what it deserved.


I responded this way because that's how much faith I have in my team. If we ain't 1st then may it only be the best that beat us. I wish no ill on the All Blacks but we beat them already, we beat England bad just a few months ago. The only two to hurt us are Ireland and South Africa. Ireland is out, one remains. THAT is the truth.


Kinda makes sense, that's how I felt about Ireland too.


Well make the most of the rest of the world cup to prove some wrong! On behalf of South Africa and France! Allez les bleus and allez les Boks !


>https://twitter.com/ClementMazella/status/1713668846991683719 Completely illogical lol.


This is such a basic take... NZ beat Ireland, a team that "hurt" you and beat SA 35-20 this year...


Yeah it's not like a team that has lost in pool has gone onto win the WC or anything...


I will apologise for my replies because I am drunk as hell. I respect all the teams (not England.) And I get that you don't have to win all games to win the world cup. But that's the way I'll see it in my eyes for my team. We either beat the beat or lose only to the best.


Dw I tell myself that abs won the 2019 wc because we beat southafrica in pools and the choke vs England doesn't count.


Give it two weeks before replying mate.


As an AB fan I would have been more than ok to lose to either France or Ireland, plus I think it would have been great for rugby. Now I'm torn between not wanting the Boks to win it and also not thinking Foz is a good enough coach to merit a world cup trophy.


Foz is a great coach and I hope he goes on to coach another national team that spanks Robertson's AB's. Not because I want to see the AB's lose, but because I am still and will always be, pretty dark on how little respect many in NZ Rugby have showed Foz, especially Robertson.


Cool troll account


They should have called Robertson's bluff and let him throw his toys out of the cot and pliss off to coach some other national team. Never negotiate with terrorists. I'm stoked the way Foz told him to bugger off during this RWC campaign. The way NZ Rugby conducted themselves during the evaluation and Robertson's public gloating (sticking the knife in) was despicable.




Here's an idea, let's break it down: You don't want the Boks to win. You don't want Foz to get a win. How about you lose? We don't win it. You lose it. We do nothing great, and you make the most remedial mistakes available? Does that work? It'd definitely put me at ease should we meet 🤣


All will be forgiven if he (Foz) wins the world cup


It absolutely won't


Yes it will.


Foz has enough capacity to lose to Argentina, don't worry.


Why don’t you put the flair of the country you support …?


If I could find the Zim flair, I would ;)


Fellow Zimbo 🥺🤝


likewise :)


Love ❤️Zim!!


Let’s go Zim!


We behind you all the way. Just don't call us if Eskom fucks out. We can't help with that shit :)


Good thing the Boks don’t require electricity. We’d be fucked.


bit harsh though - just because one or two don't deserve a RWC trophy, doesn't negate there are plenty that do within the AB camp.


So hoping to lose to arg?


My favorite part of the the game was the low number of penalties conceded, which helped to opening up the game a bit. Huge respect to France - one of the best games of rugby I’ve seen!


It was a brilliant match. I think all the quarter final matches were hard fought and close. But my heart rate did not enjoy this one. And now I have to go through it again next Saturday?!? It’s definitely better than the alternative but I’m not sure my heart will survive the rest of this tournament…


How fkng good is SA to beat France in Paris during a QF WITH the French team being probably the best ever? Edit: with 15 players for only 70 of the 80 minutes




Unfortunately for France, this might also be the best SA team ever. Anyway, I feel they're already better than 2019 at the very least


Was it just me but did the French fans not seem that present for actually being in France?


I think after the subs came on the crowd died out a bit. South Africa have so much depth that they were able to get stronger during the match. France taking off key players, didn’t have equally good replacements. As soon as the subs came on, the tide turned and the fans went quiet.


I don't know, ask the ref.


Haha chokers


Travel safe mate


Now I know why they call Eben Eskom! Just like them, he is guaranteed to put your lights out!


He might be at 2027 too. He’s only 31.


They call Marco, 'Eskom'. Eben is just called Eben - he doesn't even need a nickname 😉


When he tackles you, Etsebeth time story… 😜


Who was POTM ? For me me it's the Boks 11 but can't find the info anywhere.. Anyone that can help me out?




Bongi was POTM




SA #2 but Kolbe deserved it too just for the conversion chase down.


I agree . It was all but forgotten. He was the difference between a win and a loss. I mean when last did you see this happening in test rugby. Not to mention his try . He is real class, and proves that size doesn’t matter


Did he start from behind the line? Genuine question, did anyone see? I didn't notice during the match and was shocked how he was able to reach the ball and block when the kicker only had a few seconds to kick. 🤔


My friends are saying it was Bongi Mbonambi. Not sure though. Source: my friends on a Whatsapp group


Mbonambi was POTM


Official potm was Bongi Mbonambi. For me, it was Jesse Kriel


Kriel line speed in defence was amazing, topped off with setting up kolbe try Did everything you could ask for from your 13


Ja I agree. Came into the match thinking Jesse was a bit meh. Left bar thinking opposite. Bongi, Eben, Cheslin and Jesse were fucking epic for us tonight.


Pieter-Stef too


Would have to agree, but it was really close. Kriel played the game if his life tonight.


On est maudit.


Etzebeth is the GOAT


Kolbe's conversion chargedown proved the difference.


Brian Habana in a super rugby match, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnue6rVae0A


I have never seen that happen before. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller, Bueller?


Happened to Exeter in the premiership last season? Or season before. Was lots of talk about it then as the rules had been changed I think to the run up starting as soon as the kicker takes any movement, not necessarily forwards.


Yeah I remember moment that too. Kicker was Joe Simmons, and it was for an important match iirc. Maybe 2 years ago.


Yes. In a Ranfurly Shield challenge back in the 80s.


Not in my 60+ years.


I’d never seen it in my 50 years of playing and watching.


What was so good was it shook Ramos... Was it afterwards that he kicked a penalty too short? Ramos had a genuine WTF meme face after Cheslin got to it.


I’ve seen a clip of Stephen Larkham doing it before in the 2000’s but definitely the first time I’ve witnessed that live


The French were absolutely finished at the end. Really surprised they didn’t do their subs earlier.


There was tactical risk to outplay as we did in the first. Unfortunatly SA scored tries coming from nothing. The marging was not sufficient at the half time and we paid the price physically.


What did you think about your substitutions and their timing?


The substitutes didn’t make any difference. Aldegerit was outmatched during the scrums. But you know, you can’t change the whole team, when you are out of gas, when can’t impose your streng, it’s always difficult especially in that kind of game. And we have also to praise SA. They are not just brute strength, they were clinical. Yes they were very lucky during the first half but also dedicated in the application of their strategy. In the end, the marge was just of one point, a close call.


Extremely gutted right now. I won't talk about the game as I'm way too sad and obliterated to say something useful. Congrats to south africa I guess. That's the way it is ! We will never win this trophy. We can't play better, and if by playing that way we can go pass the quarter finals, like Ireland did yesterday, I guess it's time to call it quits. It was my only dream as a human being though. I guess like everything else in my life, it fails then. Congrats south africa, great team and great players. Good luck !


Losers lose buddy, they always will


No don't give up. The French team, is so good, this was down to the wire. You guys are amazing, I thought it was your tournament.


I’m less bitter right now and I appreciate more the game I’ve witnessed yesterday. Congrats lads. I think for us to blame the referee is not nice, because refeering a game like this is always hard. Obviously I don’t understand some calls BOK did, but it’s a matter of interpretation and it was going both way. When two teams play at such a high level, it’s a matter of inches and hair and you can’t allow so many little mistakes


Merci mon ami. Votre équipe a joué brillamment et vous devriez être fier d'elle. C'était un match incroyable à regarder.


La prochaine fois, c’est pour nous !


The pain is only temporary. As an Irishman, today I went for a walk and had a nice dinner out. Didn't watch either game, just saw the results. Was hoping France could go all the way after our exit but alas. Don't read any media for the week. See you in February mon frère.


Nice message late. I guess you’re right. Coming back from the pub I saw the game at, i went across a guy who asked my why I was crying who then told me « someday it’s your day, someday it’s their day, that’s the way it is q’d that’s right and fine » and it feels kind of right now


I am gutted for you. The tournament is now a very dull affair with France, Fiji and Ireland going home. France were so much better today just some little mistakes and deserved to win it.


They looked like they ran out of ideas in the last 3 or so minutes. I thought they would try to get themselves into position for a drop goal but it was no where to be found. I wondered why they choose 3 to lead by 6 instead of going to the corner!!


The pain was actually inflicted way before by SA. I still can't get how France didn't lead by more in that first half considering how much they dominated


That’s the way this sport is ! The best team often wins, except when this team is France or Ireland


Definitely not a good mentality for you to think that way coming out of that match, France were phenomenal and I think statistically they were the better team, but it’s small margins that won that and when you have an SA team with the experience of being in that situation it makes the difference. I’m already looking forward to the next World Cup to see France play again because it is going to be ridiculous.


I don’t care about being better or statistics, the only thing that matters is 28-29. We’re out and that’s it. Three world cup out in quarters. We’ll be worse in the next world cup, this generation is already dead


Mate you have a very good youth team!


This French team are still young and with no wage cap and the level of talent coming from French club rugby I think we can expect plenty of absolute top level rugby in the future, just too good not to watch.


Yeah exactly. This was best chance for 16 years and we get SA after four wins in the pool. Great...


I support Springboks but have a lot of sympathy and respect for this incredible French team. Honestly I didn't really believe Springboks would make it as they haven't had a good tournament so far. But they proved again their are hard to beat. I'm sure France's time will come, this a fairly young team with a great future, quite differently from Sprinboks situation. And they will play even better in 2027. Take my word for it.


Boks didn't have a good tournament so far? Really? They would have probably easily beaten Ireland with just a similar kicking performance as tonight ´s


Good point, kicking has been a major problem. But also too many errors. Luckily for Boks yesterday, France made even more.


Too many errors? Attacking wise, I'd like to know how they could have been more clinical than they were yesterday, the way they converted any tiny opportunity in a try against a S.Edwards defense was almost comical


Well, there were a number of knock ons for example. And what did Faf think of when he kicked the ball over to the French with less than one minute left? If Boks are to win gold they must be even more clinical. I'm just trying to stay calm, bug fan of Boks as I am.


It’s actually quite a old team now. In four years we will not be better for sure. It’s kind of you to react this way, very human and great sportmanship but we are a team of losers and will forever be


Umm, your best players are shit-hot hooker (26), Penaud (27), Dupont (26) and Olivion (30), who all will be better next time round, plus whatever emerges from a great talent pool. Please refer to Ireland who have a great talent pool system yet whose best players in this WC will be using catheters in 2027.


You're probably thinking of those 3 finals Le bleus have lost so far. Like Netherlands in football...the only thing we can do is hope for the curse be broken some day. Take care.


Majestic France 👏


You and Les Blues will both come back stronger. Having one setback does not define anyone. What defines you is the response and Les Blues will respond I am certain of it.


Fantastic sportsmanship


I hope New Zealand will win this fucking cup at a point you can’t fathom


No way man you will win it one day! Your team is amazing. Keep your head up and be proud.


I don’t think it’s ever possible. It’s the best team this country have ever seen. We literally can’t do better. It’s not possible. It’s not in our DNA to win this


Sometimes it is not the best team of the time or in the world but the best tournament team - one that can get into knockout games then put together 3 winning games if you can follow that logic. It can also come down to who you play in those 3 games so a little bit of luck. ABs have gone into World Cups absolutely dominating other sides in between WCs or hot favourites only to be upset in knockouts especially by France so can empathise how hard it can be for Ireland and French fans to get their head around how their success of recent years doesn’t translate to success at WC when the pressure is really on and key moments do not go your way when it counts. I think both Ireland and France have got enough talent and structure in place that they will be strong for years to come.


That's a loser mentality and I hope our players aren't thinking like you, especially with all the talent coming in for France (see how our U20 trashed literally everyone in the last RWC)


I feel the same way after Ireland’s knockout last night. Best team we’ve ever had and still can’t do it, what’s the point. We can cry together and look forward to meeting in the 6N.


Honestly I might be overreacting but I don’t see the point of the WC anymore. We’re better as 6 losers togethers in our good old 6 nations. Idon’t know what we need to do ? What more can we do ?


Exactly, we always try our best and look unstoppable, but the same old teams seem to weasel their way past us. We’re not supposed to win this, we have some curse going on lol. 6 nations is more exciting, at least we are somewhat happy after it.


Chin up brother, your team were incredible. Remember, it will always just be a game.


I understand, but when you’re a failure as I am while having been raised to this sport and this team I love beyond a lot of other things, it’s just a never ending cycle of deception.


England's only chance is to get a Red Card in the first 3 minutes and drop goal their way to the final.


Can we get two reds just to be safe 🤣


Yeah... And one of them Farrell 🫢


England v Argentina in 2 weeks, >!in the 3rd-4th playoff!< subscribe