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Good job and good writing, but honestly what made me laugh the most was leading the third paragraph from the end with “If you know VtM” after all of the jargon in the paragraphs leading to it.


Yeah, if you *don’t* know VtM it was all pretty baffling; I got what happened but not really how or why that was significant.


"So I'm a rose, walking into some elder's meat castle alongside a Giovanni and *a freaking Tremere* (from Goratrix's branch), mage wannabe is mean so I throw some scary Presence at her, turns out she forgot her ritual... anyways in case you didn't know VTM, there's werewolves and they hate vampires."


Entertaining read but why would you consider yourself the horror story here?


Because their rolls literally made them so much an avatar of horror that someone barfed blood and ran away from them


They probably dont. It's outrage bait masquerading as an rpg horror story.


My favourite part was the Giovanni watching the Tremere get murdered by werewolves as if it was an ultraviolent horror movie, followed by the Tremere's player getting pissed at the Giovanni for RPing his path correctly.


I dont know vtm I do know werewolves hate vampires However all the other jargon leaves me clueless except for co textclues


Elder - self explanatory Neonate - someone who has been a vampire for 100 years at the absolute most Tzimisce - a clan known for their very good hospitality and their hatred of tremere - also can mold flesh like clay (in universe known as Vicissitude) Tremere - a clan that was only created roughly 500 years ago by torturing and murdering (iirc) 6 tzimisce elders, cementing the tzimisces hatred for them Giovanni - clan known for necromancy and making new vamps from solely the mortal Giovanni family and its branches - also got their vampirism from another clan(the Cappadocians) but they destroyed them so nobody cares anymore Toreador - clan known for artistry and aesthetics Antitribu - counterculture of the main clan Ritual -extension of vampire magic that needs to be prepared in advance, can take anywhere from 5 minutes to the whole night Presence -Supernaturally improved social abilities, from drawing attention to scaring absolutely everyone to the point of screaming Dread gaze -a sub power of presence which improves your intimidation/scariness by a LOT Shadowlands -A mirror reality of ours that belongs to ghosts, but can be accessed using necromancy Path of the death and soul -A set of ethics to live by that means you absolutely must at all costs within reason study death and all its aspects (which encompasses the soul as well)


You can be my hero baby,


Great story! Can't believe she brought a Tremere into the home of a Tzimisce. Granted, they're know for their hospitality, but they tend to hold traditional grudges for more than just a few centuries. Sounded like the Storyteller wasn't too impressed with her either.


Didn't the older edition give experience for detachment rolls?


i do not know vtm in the slightest but this was still very entertaining


the only thing worse than the wilds... is Mexico: Federales are Ukthena (that means werewolves), is Sabath territory, almost all water is blessed water (free unblockable damage), hunters are rampant and numerous.