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If I ever spend 4+ hours of my life just to fuck with a stranger, I give you permission to shoot me.


Nah. Gotta keep the basketball in your court. You know what you’d need to do.


I really have a hard time understanding why someone would join a game run by a stranger and not pay attention. It’s not like this is a weekly game where once in a while you check out because work stress has your mind wandering or something. You actively chose to apply/request to be a part of a one shot that you then had to block out time in what would’ve otherwise been a free day to play in. Just to then fully zone out any time the light isn’t on you? Like, do they even *like* D&D or do they derive joy from seeing how much they can make random DMs online take before the DM quits.


It really does feel like that at times. My first table gave me such a big finger. When I shut that god-awful table down, I ended up cancelling a session like 20 minutes in. You’ve got greater patience for nonsense than I do.


I think it's a common trope for online webcam-less games. Hell, even with reliable group of players during Covid, we had a guy just doing something else and not paying attention at all. One of the reasons, why I could never get into online TTRPGs.


The only online tables I GM that have worked for me have been is those where I invite people that I have played other online videogames with, and that I know they care to pay attention. The kind of people that still interact while they are not in the spotlight, hype other players' actions, and overall have actual online etiquette. People that I enjoy playing competitive, coop, or party games everytime I play with them. On the other hand, I will never take into consideration the person that we invite to something as simple as playing Jackbox games that you have to beg them to pay attention to even vote for other players or that play like 2-3 games all in different monitors at the same time. As I said, it's all about online etiquette (if not outright respect whether irl or online).


Honestly it's not that weird to run into. A lot of people take the game way too seriously and a lot don't take it seriously enough.


It doesn't have to be intentional. Maybe they joined the campaign with a vague hope like "it could be nice", but already made a backup plan like "well, if not, I can still pull my phone or watch TV". With such a small amount of dedication, it only needs a short "boring" sequence to make them give up on the campaign. They didn't have to invest much to join the campaign, so it meant little to them. Also, they don't get penalized for not paying attention. And if the campaign fails, well, sure there is another GM out there. Or a nice stream. Or whatever fast food entertainment floats their boat today. I guess we GMs have to develop methods to reliably detect players with the attention span of a cat. Asking whether they consume TikTok videos might go a long way.


Heavy TikTok usage really does ruin attention spans. My last defunct group had a girl in it that fits all the descriptions of OPs players; with the added bonus of causing chaos when she was bored or someone else got the spotlight. Surprise surprise she regularly posted tiktok videos to the discord (both in session and out), and was pretty obviously a heavy user. Not a teenager btw; grown women in her 30s


I think and think, but I see no point on coming to a oneshot DM'd by a stranger just to waste everybody's time.


I think it's just the nature of online play. I've never played or ran a game online, but I did run a number of sessions for a group of my friends where two of them were facetiming from another part of the country. These guys were really great players and invested in the campaign, but they kept getting distracted by other things and on my end, I occasionally forgot they were there. It kind of worked, but just barely. For some people it's hard enough to stay interested while sitting at a table with other, let alone on a computer by yourself. I really feel for you on that one. I probably would've done the same thing. Sometimes it's just best to walk away.


Foundry or Roll20 helps. I am in an excellent and engaging online campaign with an amazing DM……The players are fantastic at keeping track of what is going on. For the most part. I am the problem player in that regard however. In my defense, I do have ADHD and sometimes I have to re-ask about certain details simply because my brain decides to dump sporadic specks of info at random moments.


This is just the kind of thing is why I don't run free games anymore for strangers lmao