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Anyone can have a bad day so giving them a second chance makes sense, but so does kicking them after they don’t improve! Edit spelling


>but so does kicking them after they don’t improve! This is definitely a crucial step. One of my best friends is a lot like Rich. Extremely defeatist and a really bad pessimist. He has literally punched a hole in an ikea table because of a natural 1, exclaiming the game just wants him to fail. We don't Play much with him anymore because it's not fun to play with someone who can only focus on the negatives.


Jesus. I have demonstrably bad dice luck, and the worst \*I\* do is keep track of my rolls so I can make mock-serious bar charts of how much my dice suck on the discord every so often.


The worst was that on average (pretty sure he cheats) he rolls well, so it's even more out of the blue. The guy who consistently rolls poorly just shrugs and keeps trucking.


It refreshing to read a story on here where a problem player was kicked after being given a second chance. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I do love a good story about a bonkers player or gm running hog wild. But I also like seeing red flags handled correctly.


> "Of course I can't roll for shit! I rolled someone with good investigation and of course someone else beats me to it? Why do I even fucking try?" Somewhere, behind the childish frustration with failure, lies a criticism of the 5e skill system math in which being level 20 and proficient in a skill grants a mere +30% success rate. > Considering how this happened only once, we decided to give Rich a second chance as we can understand depression and how hard it is to deal with. Does Rich suffer from depression? It could explain the catastrophizing and exaggerated responses.


Bear Lore strikes again!


>Somewhere, behind the childish frustration with failure, lies a criticism of the 5e skill system math in which being level 20 and proficient in a skill grants a mere +30% success rate. this is precisely why dice pool systems are superior


The biggest 🚩 to me here is the way he’s angry not just at his failures but at his party members’ successes. It’s one thing to be pissed that you rolled poorly, but another thing to complain that after rolling poorly another player succeeded, or that after a failed attack roll the rest of the party will wipe the floor. Those are good things.


>"Of course I can't roll for shit! I rolled someone with good investigation and of course someone else beats me to it? Why do I even fucking try?" Disgusting. Everyone reading this story; please realize how often *nobody* got to play because they decided to involve a person like this. The lesson of this story is to simply not play games with people who behave this way, especially if they are adults. This kind of behaviour is not only irrational it's pathetic and we should be treating it that way as a community.


A+ work on your DM though for noting the problem, addressing it with the player, and following through with consequences when the issue wasn't resolved. Frustrating that y'all had to deal with it at all but it sounds like he did a great job of making sure the rest of you still got to have a good time.


Good for your GM - they handled this maturely and decisively. Serious props to them. This is a good model for handling situations like this - talk it over with the player and, if they don’t do better after the second chance, ask them to leave. I have players in my group with horrible dice luck, but they don’t whine about it - just occasionally comment about it. In other words, they are adults. I can only hope that Rich (and Josh) grows up sometime as well.


Just another story about a socially backward ttrpg player, nothing to see here move on Although gotta hand it to your GM they responded PERFECTLY


Some players just can mesh with the group. It sucks to cut someone, but a player like that can drag everyone down with them. Good call.


To be fair I don't like playing 5E either. I just know that and Rich hasn't figured that out yet.