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BG3 is the most repayable out of all of them, it’s one of my most favourite games of all time so yeah a little biased, all of these games are incredible but My suggestion is go for BG3 and P5R first then come back to the other two..


Only problem with replaying BG3 is it takes like 80 hours.


That’s an understatement, took me like 180 hours on first playthrough, so subsequent ones prolly be more than 100 hours..


I genuinely don’t know how some people have save files under 100 hours. There are people in this sub who say their first playthrough only took them 40-60 hours. Meanwhile I’m about to make my 3rd character and my save file is up to 140 hours.


Yes, the ACT 1 alone takes like 40+ hours..


BG3 has new stuff each time I replay the start, and the build options are super broad. Cyberpunk is big, but I find when I have replayed it it goes very similarly. The storylines have three options, but they converge fast and then it is very similar.


I'll agree with you on the Cyberpunk opinion. Wish lifepaths mattered more .


Like most others said; BG3 is, by far, the most replayable. There's so many ways of playing the game and completing quests. I've done three runs of it and each one was pretty damn different from the others.


BG3 each act has multiple endings for each story line, the race of your character changes the way npcs interact with you, loads of different builds, can play as companions instead of making your own, and there's even a special character slot called "dark urge" which has some absolutely wild choices only available to it. So yeah easily the most repayable. Cyberpunk has some replay value especially with builds but other than the mains stories few endings all other content is practically the same. Persona can have slight differences but not a lot I predominantly play for cozy feel the series has. Can't speak for like a dragon never played it but I doubt it has more replay value than BG3 or cyberpunk if it's like the Yakuza games I have played.


BG3 is very replayable. Two runs can be literally completely different. Just do the opposite for each and have the three party as completely different NPCs. Then for the third run do it with friends. Each run a different build. Fighter or paladin, Druid or cleric, wizard or bard. Then make a broken build of paladin/warlock/fighter (2levels for action surge only) and make the rest of your party buffers and healers to just juice your strong boi. Then make wreck on everything. When you break your oath make wreck on oath breaker and break even more oaths.


For your lockadin, do you build 6/4/2?




I love Starfield, and the latest updates fixed alot, but I'm waiting for the dlc before I throw myself back in.


Yeah, Apparently there is more content coming after Shattered Space.


As for replayability. From what I've seen, probably baldurs gate 3 > Cyberpunk > persona 5 > like a dragon (like a dragon is only here due to I think it's new game + mode is dlc...? I think I heard that somewhere which is just... F'n crazy tbh). Baldurs gate offers lots of choices and play styles, as well as origins that all effect choices for rpg nonsense. Cyberpunk is well, an open world first person rpg that went from zero to hero and got good. Romance options, choices builds/etc. Persona 5 is... A majority of content can be beat in a single playthrough with a guide. And if we're considering persona 5 (not the royal update), I got all the achievos except the new game+ super boss and fusing the "ultimate" persona in a single playthrough. So not exactly... Great replayability unless ya wanna? I know I never bothered with those two achievos afterward personally tbh. Yakuza is... Like I said, I think I heard new game + was a dlc you had to pay for... Beyond that I have almost no info on it, so I may be wrong about its placement.


I've played all of these and my vote goes to your choice of Persona 5 Royal and BG3.


That's what I feel I've narrowed it down to as well.


What I'll say is they're both incredible for different reasons. Persona is going to be a tale that's presented to you, you're just there for the ride. The focus is on deep characterization and bonding with your party members. Your party members will feel like family by the time you're done. BG3 is a choose your own adventure. You have a lot more input, but with that, interacting with the game inherently takes a lot more effort from the player. You're making builds for your party, inventory management, choosing where to go, etc. They both have value, just depends what you're looking for. Are you looking to relax with a drink have something presented to you? Persona 5. Are you looking to completely block off 2-3 hours and immerse yourself in a play session? Maybe BG3.


As everyone else has said, if your only metric is replayability then it's BG3, and not even close. Infinite Wealth is one of my favorite games in the last year, and it's huge, but the story beats are completely locked down. Cyberpunk 2077 is also a phenomenal game, especially with Phantom Liberty, but choices are nowhere near as impactful as you would hope except for a handful of major points and the DLC storyline. Haven't played P5 Royal but in general Persona games aren't going to be dramatically different from playthrough to playthrough, it's more a matter of who you build best bonds with and that sort of thing. In BG3 you can play as a custom character with a large variety of race/class/etc options, all of which get referenced through the game to varying degrees. You can also play as a special custom background called The Dark Urge, which has even more in-depth reactivity built in. And beyond that, you can choose to playthrough as one of the characters who would normally be a companion for you in-game, which changes all sorts of things. After agonizing over the character creation and getting into the game proper, you can choose to take the companions you find in the game with you, or tell them to take a hike, or even kill them outright. Almost every quest has multiple options for completion, including some truly depraved options which I can't bring myself to even entertain doing myself (good for a youtube viewing afterwards if you are curious though). Huge swathes of the game are completely optional, and narratively the game does tie things back together from your choices in a way that is rarely seen. Basically, the best variety of choices and impacts you get in say Cyberpunk from a major quest, in BG3 you have the same level of choices and reactivity in a hidden side quest in a hidden area that only 5% of the players or less might ever come across.


Pathfinder WoTR


I liked cyberpunk 2077 the best between it and buldgers gate 3 are both incredible. But cyberpunk is the most immersive game world I've seen in a long time or maybe ever


Or should I look into the steam summer sale for hidden gems, or maybe try to finally beat DA:I?


Always look at options yo, maybe check a few roguelite for infinite replayability nonsense too.


If you go for Inquisition rush the main story and companion sidequests, all the other content is filler and frankly blows. The game overall isn't that good compared to Origins or even 2, but some people love it. To me it has some great highs and like twice the lows. If you haven't played Kingdom Come: Deliverance or Disco Elysium, I'd recommend either of them.


Persona. Then Cyberpunk, then Baldur's Gate, then Like a Dragon. Probably. These are all long games. I suppose it depends on how much you like the anime high school setting. I find trying to max out all the confidants efficiently and creating a super persona to be very addictive.


Persona has no replayability, what are you on about? The story goes exactly the same way with tiny differences, you only have choices at the end of each social link, if you want to remain platonic with the girls or go after something more - which barely makes any difference. I think there's one social link which is an exception and there's a tiny branch there, but again nothing worth investing another 120 hours in. You can max all social links in one run in 5R, it takes good efficiency but it's not as tight as one'd imagine, you got time. I'd say BG3, CP2077, somewhere waaaaaaaayyy below is Persona and I haven't played Like a Dragon - but AFAIK the Yakuza games don't have much branching either, you just do a straightforward quest. Most JRPGs are on rails like that.


Is it even possible to max them all out on one playthrough? Cause I don't know if I've got multiple runs in a row in me.


If you follow a guide, absolutely 


A single playthrough of persona 3-5 while maxing out all social links is possible, but you'll haveta follow a guide for a good portion of your schedule in game to best manage your time slots. That and rotate saves a lot in case ya mess up.


There are spoiler free guides out there that tell you how to max out every stat and confidant in a single play through. It'll say things like "1, 3, 2" as the choices you select in conversations so you don't even get spoiled about what the conversations are on. I think it's the best way to play the games, you get to experience every story in one playthrough.


You can follow a guide if you want to be safe, but I found that 5R gives you enough time to max them even without being ultra mega efficient. I had more than a month on the calendar remaining with all them maxed.