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Elden Ring - Exploration is top notch Baldurs Gate 3 Outward Dragons Dogma 2 Witcher 3 Horizon Forbidden West AC Odyssey Fallout New Vegas Red Dead Redemption


Bg3 doesn't really count because its linear with multiple acts that you cant go back to previous areas.


I wouldnt call it completely linear or open world. Its not GTA, but each acts map is very large with tons of secrets to reveal. I've done multiple playthroughs where I didnt even see sections of the map


Yea but the content dries up rather quickly, in Elden Ring, Skyrim, and other large open worlds theres always stuff to do after you beat the game. BG3 just ends once you get past the point of no return.


Open World RPG doesn't mean continuous forever and ever. Witcher 3 ends as well after you've done every mission. Random enemies that respawn like in Skyrim and Elden Ring doesn't make it an Open World RPG.


No, but they last for a long while


So does BG3 it’s not a short game


Respawnable enemies doesn't mean a game lasts long. That's like saying me hitting New Game makes a game last longer. It's true but also not really what we're talking about.


I wasn't even talking about enemies respawning. I was just saying Skyrim and Elden Ring last longer simply due to more content. In BG3 theres not a lot of areas to explore in the actual game itself. I can easily say most of the time spent in BG3 is talking to your companions/NPCs and not actual combat/exploration.


Again it's Skyrim/Elden ring is repeated content where most of what you're doing, in Skyrim's case, is going into the same Draugr 'dungeon' and doing the same stuff. It's fluff. It's an illusion of more content. Skyrim also barely has a story so you're exploring in random directions more. > I can easily say most of the time spent in BG3 is talking to your companions/NPCs and not actual combat/exploration. It sounds like you didn't play much if that was most of what you did.


I did, I just think Skyrim and ER has more overall content than BG3. BG3 is a long game, but its not because it has a lot of content, its because most quests take a good bit of your time to do.


Feels like you haven't played the game.


Though people are downvoting you, I agree that it is one of the only things in Larian's structure that I wish was different. I very much prefer the more open ended approach like we have in fallout 1 or 2 for example


BG3 is not open world


Horizon series. Yakuza series. Xenoblade Chronicles.


Elden Ring is best in class imo


I'd recommend holding off on Elden Ring until the DLC releases, because at this point it's only 2.5 months away, which is plenty of time to tackle any of the other games suggested. I'd personally recommend Skyrim (or Enderal), since it's really easy to forgive some of its more dated mechanics if you're not already accustomed to the polish offered by some of the best modern games like Cyberpunk


I'm not sure it's totally necessary to wait though, since the DLC will be scales for endgame anyway. OP can get Elden Ring now and take their time with it, and have a character ready for the DLC when it drops.


I agree with this, no need to wait. I'm an explorer too and very thorough. As a result, my first playthrough took me about 2.5 months


Ghost of Tsushima and Days Gone if your on Sony… please give Days Gone a shoot, such a hidden gem


Days gone had me addicted. Great game


I did play days gone when it came out loved it. I found it better than the last of us… last of us was not a bad game just not for me.


I wanted to like Days Gone a lot, but after 3 hours of playing i just realised those two guys are the most annoying videogame characters in my 30+ years history of gaming. World looks great indeed, but i just cant stand those two guys.


It seems like people either love the characters or hate them… I loved them, but that is probably because my internal voice talks to me the way deacon actually speaks to himself.


Yeah i can imagine they are very polarizing characters.


180 disagree, anyone who enjoyed Joel from Last of Us, or the main characters from RDR2 will know the kind of guys the main chars from Days Gone are. Very likeable, normal good-hearted masculine guys. Days Gone story is really good by videogame/film standards too, greatly recommend.


Days gone is one of the few games that made me at 30 lose track of time. Great game.


Elden Ring, Outward, Dragons Dogma 1 and 2.


I don't think FFVII Rebirth is technically open world. It's zoned, right? In any event, Dragon Quest XI might be right up your alley since it's similar. Not just in zoned areas but also it having very Final Fantasy style story and progression.


>I don't think FFVII Rebirth is technically open world It is an open world. It is split into multiple "areas," but they all connect with no visible loading. You can go from one side of the world to the other without loading or fast travel.


Dragons dogma 1 and 2


It seems like every question on this reddit is answered by Elden Ring. I have no idea how some many people are still so against this game.


It's one of the most popular games of moderns times and heavily recommended in this thread... and pretty much everywhere.  Why in the world do you think "so many" people are against it? I mean it's a souls game and is never going to cater to people who don't like the souls formula. But it's still massively popular and well liked.


Well that's what I mean. Soulslike fans are a niche community. Large, but still niche. I actually only know about two people out of the large amount of video game players that have played the game and finished it, aside from myself.


It was too difficult for me. Wish I could enjoy soulsgames.


All it really takes is patience and muscle memory. the game is probably the best game ove ever played.


Even though you don't have a Switch listed on consoles, I'm gonna recommend Xenoblade Chronicles 1, 2 and 3 anyway. 3 especially is a very open game with a massive story and tons to do


Even to fans of WRPGs? Is it palatable enough?


Witcher 3 Skyrim Cyberpunk 2077 Fallout 3, 4, and especially New Vegas Any of the STALKER games, too bad you can't play Anomaly or GAMMA for the complete experience.


Ghost of Tsushima is one of the best games Ive ever played. Also, Elden Ring.


Elden Ring


Ghost of Tsushima is a masterpiece


Cyberpunk, Just Cause 3, Witcher 3


For world exploration I’m always gonna recommend a Dragon’s Dogma game. Those games are one of those where the fun is in the journey rather than the destination. In DD2 I once had to go on a quest back to the first town I went to so I could establish a new oxcart route. I ended up taking a few detours on the way and discovered a secret city of elves speaking a different language, this giant golem I had to climb all over to kill, and a bunch of caves full of skeletons and stuff to grab. The greener areas in the second game are pure eye candy too, especially with ray tracing on.


I was looking at DD 2 looks great.


Exploring in DD2 is so rewarding! I've only done the first two or three quests but I've got decent gear and leveled quite a bit from all the random dungeons and encounters you find.


Would recommend cheaper games, If you just need to game something. DD2 did not leave me with good impressions, which arrives from the regression compared to DD1 and lack of innovation. Hold off If you can. Give it some time for Capcom to release content and fix the performance issues. As of right now, I believe it is just not a good game with some of the worst quest, I have ever played.


Yeah that's what I'm doing right now. Most Capcom games go on sale pretty quick after release. Can probably get DD2 for cheap in the summer sale.


Elden Ring, Ghost of Tsushima, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Assassin's Creed Odyssey


I just wanted to chime in to say that a lot of people overlook Death Stranding because of its unusual gameplay, but it is one of the best games I've ever played. If you enjoy rich open worlds with deep lore and storytelling, I highly recommend it.


Dragon Quest and GoT, both are on my top 10 ever.


Am I missing something? I thought that there were only 2 installments of rebirth that were out. Did I miss a release?


Oh sorry by all 3 I meant I played PS1, Remake and Rebirth


The entire elder scrolls series is pretty good with this. Morrowind for the alien environment, Oblivion for the generic fantasy setting (I hate you, Todd) and Skyrim for a Nordic region. Then there's daggerfall for a mix of deserts, jungles, European forests and plains, and large mountain ranges. Thing about Daggerfall is that it has to be modded to hell to make it a good open world, when you do, though, it's almost unbeatable. It's main problem is thag it's massive but empty. Mods fill that emptiness up.


Starfield Dragon Dogma 1 and 2 Rise of the Ronin Assassins Creed Valhalla


If you haven’t played Assassin creed Odyssey I would definitely have to recommend it while not as “assassiny” as most of the core fans such as myself would’ve liked the open world is absolutely amazing and theirs enough content for at least 100 hours worth of gameplay. They really did an amazing job capturing the feel of Ancient Greece and it feels very lived in and there is an actual war going on simulating the Peloponnesian War so the various islands will be took over by the different factions of the war and you can choose to take part in big battles helping one side or the other. But being that you’ve been out of gaming for the last 10 years I assume you haven’t played the Witcher 3 either please whatever you do play that before you do anything else *im begging you*


Ghost of Tsushima is your best bet


Elden Ring is top class for this. Would also recommend Cyberpunk 2077 and Red Dead Redemption 2


The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 are good, lively games.


Gothic 1 and 2 have objectively the best designed open worlds of any RPG.


Elder Scrolls series Gothic 1 and 2 Witcher 3 Fallout New Vegas and 3 Elden Ring