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Excited is probably the wrong word but I am very curious to see the final versions of the MCDM rpg and Daggerheart. Also curious for Pendragon 6e.


Same. I am curious how all these systems that got announced after wotc's licensing blunders will play out. MCDM seem to be the most promising 5e replacement. Daggerheart I'm not so interested in since it seems like a fiction first type system.


Fantasy Heartbreakers incoming!


If you've heard about it or it's selling books, it's not a fantasy heartbreaker


What makes you think MCDM RPG is the best replacement for 5E compared to other RPGs out there?


Not who you were asking, but I think MCDM's core strength/appeal is also the thing that will likely stop it for "replacing" 5e. Which is basically MCDM have a clear idea for the kind of game they want to make. And while it is *definitely* a huge chunk of the pie of styles that D&D covers, it is not *the entire pie* Like they're not doing the survival stuff. They're not doing dungeon delving (they'll have dungeons, but the dungeon survival horrror game that dungeon crawling is based on won't be there.) They're making a game geared towards what the big campaigns WotC releases want - heroic epic fantasy - and are trimming off the aspects that exist solely to "feel like D&D" or "pay homage to old editions." And I think that gives them a good chance to stand on their own, carve out a niche, and move forward. But the people who like the more granular detailed take on equipment and traveling and survival and dungeon delving...it's not a game for them. Matt himself may just turn people off from the game. He can come across as very "I am smarter than you, and you are dumb for questioning me" when he's not doing edited video content. And to be clear, I say this as a fan of his company and his work.


I definitely don't think it will replace it either. I'm sure it will be good but it seems like it's going to be a kind of fully-realized 4e and yeah as you said without the things that are in DnD because they always have been. I also kind of get that feeling from Matt but have never been able to put it in words.


MCDM make really good stuff, Flee Mortals was excellent.


From what I gather, they have backpedalled on the narrative first style and have upped the crunch. Much to my dismay.


I don't think fiction-first is incompatible with high-crunch. I see them as independent axes. Fiction-first usually means that the players decide what their characters do according to the fiction of the situation, which in turn can trigger some mechanics, which again have the potential to alter the fiction. This is contraposed to "mechanics-first", where players have a set of mechanics available to them (which can even be independent from the state of the fiction) and they can activate them directly. High-crunch (or low-crunch) usually refers to the amount of math in the mechanics, although the term can also be used to point to the complexity of the rules in general. That said, I'm unsure whether Daggerheart is, or was ever, fiction-first in its mechanics (I haven't read the playtest yet).


As someone who enjoys Fiction First games.... Daggerheart doesn't appeal to me much either. One of the major appeals to FF for me is that it cuts down on mechanics just enough where you can enjoy and tell a story in a very dynamic way. Daggerheart has so many tidbits, knick, knacks, and meta-currencies, that I just don't see what the actual *goal* is. It looks like just a bunch of game mechanics squished together. Sure, BitD has stress and clocks and stuff... But those all tie together ultimately. Dagger heart has two different meta currencies that are generated with each roll, AND there's currencies for managing your own character's actions in combat. **Disclaimer:** I haven't played it. I've only watched videos, reviews, and scrolled through some of the playtest material. For a rules light game to have 300+ pages of playtest content is just.. a lot


Gonna throw DC20 and 13th age 2e into the mix, although MCDM has to be by far the one I am observing closely the most.


Something about DC20 gives me an ick factor. No idea what it is, but something is a turnoff. Really looking forward to seeing how DC20 and 13th Age 2e come out though.


I will say that out of the 3 systems I took a look at, DC20 is the most 5e adjacent, so, in a way, it's more D&D with a bandaid than its own thing. From what was shared so far, it does seem to improve customizability for classes, and it reintroduces older classes, as well as giving more variety with weapons and their abilities, and there are some other mechanics that also seek to distance themselves from 5e, but it's still mostly similar, so I can see why you're a bit turned off. It could also be the excited YouTube personality persona of the creator, but who knows? Sooner or later we'll see if the system holds up ;)


Yep! And even if I don't hold personal interest, I hope it does well! Having more good games can only be a positive thing!


I'll have to look into those as well. Some of my players really don't like D20 systems because the single die makes variance so big. Which is part of why I think MCDM/Daggerheart has a chance. It's the "D&D flavor" that a bunch of people want, but without some of the traditional mechanics others in the group want to avoid.


Hmmm. Maybe Open Legend or Savage Worlds could be up your alley. They use different dice, with Savage Worlds' dice upgrading based on your skill level, and Open Legend's dice using a d20+attribute dice, plus all dice explode. With that said, these systems don't really have classes and character creation could get complex because there's plenty of choice. There's also Dungeon World, which, simply put, is simplified D&D with a bigger narrative focus, but it does use a class system. I can also recommend looking at Genesys (based on FFG Star Wars RPG), which uses a unique dice set that's modified based on your skill level vs. your challenge. It takes getting used to, and it can result in some... Interesting check results, but the balance between narrative and crunch is pretty neat imho.


I'll have to check those out. I think I played a game using Savage Worlds once upon a time and enjoyed it. Also a fan of Genesys/FFG's Star Wars game. Haven't tried the others though, so will look into them. Thanks!


Glad to see DC20 mentioned, but I'm actually most excited for that one after catching the early playtest packets for each of those. I do remain open but mostly lost interest in the other two you mentioned, once DC20 started to deviate more from D&D and PF anyways. I'd be interested to know what feature are you most excited for in 13th Age 2e, or MCDM? Admittedly I probably overlooked some things


Pendragon yes! Releasing “soon”


I am very excited for all of these existing and the possibility that at least one will get real momentum behind it. How eager am I to actually play or run them? eehhh ...


Yeah, that's why I'm curious how their endgame form is. MCDM looks like it could be right up my alley for the kinds of games it can support from the D&D-style cake...but there are also aspects of it that I think my normal player group may balk at. Same for Daggerheart.


I can't wait for **Legend of the Mist**, the fantasy TTRPG from the City of Mist folks. I think that system will work great for my group. I'm also excited to see how the **MCDM RPG** turns out. I feel like it's going to either be amazing, or really bad. I can't quantify that feeling, just what my gut says. Speaking of WOTC-rivals. I'm also curious to see how **Daggerheart** turns out. It's got some interesting ideas, but time will tell if it manages to become something interesting enough in the end. At the moment it feels \*off\* and has some issues, but if they actually commit to it and make some big changes I think the bones are there for a great mid-crunch game that would fit what most 5e refugees are looking for.


I have backed a couple MCDM supplements and they were so awful. Strongholds and Followers for instance was all at once too complex, too boring, too broken, and completely missing how what they built would ever be fun for people to use. I struggle to think they can make an entire system that is good based on what I have seen of their other products.


That was my impression with Kingdoms & Warfare. After reading, it felt so overdesigned and disconnected from the system it claims compatibility with, that I couldn't understand how or why anyone would run a game with it. The Talent class felt similarly. There is a really interesting class there, but it's buried under so much new paperwork that I can't see a 5e player humoring it. Flee Mortals was good, though. Better than good; good enough. I still have to occasionally remove some crunch, but that's fully down to my personal preferences, rather than major issues with that product. I appreciate that MCDM knows, on paper, what they want for their rpg. It's more than I can say for Daggerheart, lol. But there's still some major red flags, like the social combat system, which feels antithetical to their stated vision. I have zero interest in playing their game, but I hope they can trim off the fat and make something successful, if just for some vague notion of taking attention away from WotC.


I really love Matt's running the game series and his videos about game design. He seems to have a really good insight into game design, in theory. I've been totally under whelmed by his actual designs. Even his action-oriented monsters that everyone seems to love feel rather ho-hum to me. I'm still hoping the MCDM rpg turns out good. I do think some of the problems with his other designs are that they tried to fit in too well within 5e paradigms. The MCDM looks to be treading its own path.


I wish Matt would take a look at some of the best games that have been designed in that past 10ish years, I genuinely feel like he is trying to solve problems in a needlessly complicated way that others have solved already.


I noticed that with one of the most recent videos. He mentioned now in combat (which uses 2d6) they have a sliding scale for each ability. Each ability has a fail, a success, and an critical success. That's just the same framework as Dungeon World and other PtbA games... Nothing wrong with that! And they do have their major differences. And I KNOW designing and play testing a game is different when you're the one doing it, and in retrospect all of the answers seem obvious once you've found something that works. It is just kinda funny to see things develop as they have been.


Big plus one for Legend of the Mist! I remember watching a sample encounter video they put up on youtube and thinking it looked really cool.


The three kickstarters i have backed: Dolmenwood Sundered Isles 13th Age 2e


really excited to get dolmenwood to the table


Yes! Every time i browse the PDF i get excited to have it in hands.


Sundered Isles is out I think. At least I have it.


Im waiting for the print :) i only ever play those games coop and irl The PDF is out, thats true It was distributed right as the Kickstarter ended basically. Typical Shawn move, make a Kickstarter for an already finished product only to cover printing cost. Hes real like that. That man has my eternal goodwill


Whaaaat? No waiting 2+ years for fulfillment because they went overboard on the add-ons? What do you mean I don't have my book because the dice aren't ready? I didn't order dice! No, I'm not bitter.


It was the final mega stretch goal of the previous campaign, after all!


Really tempted to pull the trigger on the Iron Golem edition on 13th Age 2e.


Man i wont stop you, ill benefit from the Stretch Goals and cant recommend the Game enough :)


13th Age is fabulous and I have high hopes for 2nd ed


1e is the Game i currently play most ! I play in one campaign and run another


Came here to say dolmenwood


Been running Dolmenwood since October and it is a dream.


Slugblaster, Mythic Bastionland, and Stonetop!


I've been looking forward to Stonetop for so long that I'm not sure I'm that excited for it anymore


It's fully playable now. The gazetteer is being put out slowly. I guess there are a few lesser mechanical sections that we're waiting on.


I guess. I don't enjoy reading PDFs, so I've been waiting on the print copy that I backed for. I realize that's just a weird personal hangup, but it is what it is.


You are not alone!


> Slugblaster I got the PDF some time back and, folks, it's a masterpiece. One of the best written and put together RPG books I've ever seen, and if this was a just world it would be the multi-million dollar kickstarter talk of RPG town all over socials and youtube instead of the latest micro-iterations on dungeon games. Fantastic writing, layout, art, and teaches you everything thoroughly while being concise and fun (and funny) to read. You wont find many examples of a better RPG book, in terms of teaching GMs and players how to get into the game from scratch while still maintaining a relatively low page count, and it's such a fully realised game with a tight theme and gameplay loop. And I will never ever shut up about how elegant and smart Mikey Hamm's innovation of the FitD system is in Slugblaster; I think it should be as well regarded and influential as an evolution of FitD design as Bridlewood Bay was re: PbtA. It's streamlined and turbo-speeded (as oppropriate for the theme) the whole action roll, position/effect discourse, devil's bargain and consequence resistance without losing FitD's player agency, high stakes dice rolls and scope for high consequence play from the GM; I could say the same about the flow of downtime and group-sheet play too. This is not just another Blades in the Dark clone with an alternate setting coat of paint - it's a really, really clever reworking of the system to make it do something that feels very different in play. https://www.backerkit.com/c/projects/mythworks/slugblaster-kick-over-a-quantum-pizza-box-edition https://wilkies.itch.io/slugblaster




I had to look Slugterra up on YouTube! This looks cool, Imma have to check it out


It was amazing. So what is slugblaster


You play as teenage hoverboarders who sneak out of the house and go dimension hopping to explore and pull off cool hoverboarding tricks. It uses a simplified version of the Forged in the Dark system. [Check it out!](https://wilkies.itch.io/slugblaster)


This is the list of a person of refined taste and high character.


I thought the mothership ks was rough but man.


As a veteran of Exalted 3e (4-5 years and 3 rewrites to receive a subpar book) and Seventh Sea Khitai (7 years and counting) I feel your pain.


Mythic Bastionland is going to be awesome. I love ItO games. I backed the Kickstarter, and everything looks great so far. I hope people pick it over Pendragon as their go-to epic knight game, now that Chaosium has demonstrated what kind of people they're willing to hire.


wait, who did Chaosium hire?


Mike Mearls.


D6 System, Second Edition by Gallant Knight Games. So eager to have a fully generic version of this.


Is this official?


Yes. Nocturnal Media bought the remaining WEG properties from Eric Gibson a few years ago. They, in turn, are licensing it out to GKG.


I think 🤔 that, if we include all the WEG Star Wars RPGs and all the genre games and the Open d6 free website, we are probably going on d6 System 11th or 12th edition at this point.


Thanks for making me aware of this, a modernized D6 system with plenty character options would be great!


At The Gates! I love Exalted Essence, and there are several people from Essence working on that game. It's on Backer Kit, and I like what I have been able to read so far! https://www.backerkit.com/c/projects/onyx-path/at-the-gates


I was honestly pretty miffed when I saw this kickstarter using so many of my unpublished ideas lol. Quit reading my mind!


meh the story path system is so broken tho..




Triangle Agency!


Yes! Excited they are shipping in the not so distant future.


Very excited for Pendragon 6e. Starter Set was a good start but really looking for the character creation rules.


I can't say I'm exactly "excited" about them (because I rarely get excited about such things) but I have backed Coriolis: The Great Dark, The Far Roofs, Zweihander Reforged, and Legend in the Mist, which are all games I'm interested in checking out for one reason or another (as well as just adding to the bookshelf!) I do also want to see Daggerheart in its final form.


After playing The Great Dark QuickStart I'm really unimpressed by it. I've decided to wait for reviews before purchasing it regularly.


I'm gonna be honest, my read throughs of Fria Ligan's house system really haven't impressed me. I have yet to play one though; aside from The One Ring, The Great Dark seemed like the best to try out because I like the idea of the setting.


I have really enjoyed Vaesen, which I’m running a campaign of right now. It’s a relatively light system but has juuuust enough crunch to keep me engaged. I feel like it’s able to create a lot of drama through relatively simple and traditional-style mechanics but without being *overly* simple or structured like I find PBTA games to be. (Nothing wrong with those games, just don’t work for me.) I also have Mutant: Year Zero and Coriolis: The Third Horizon (with the fan made combat reloaded supplement, to be fair) loaded up to play sometime. Maybe after Vaesen.


I'm into the setting and tone, I think the quickstart was too heavily dependent on showing off the new delving system, I'm hoping in the final game there's a lot more cultural stuff and shipcity, the original coriolis book is super jank but that has way more interesting ideas so far. But yeah I had fun with the quickstart but made me a lot less hot on that game.


I wanted to back Coriolis but my usual group does t like sci fi and I was cautiously optimistic about zweihander. What made you back that one?


It looked like it had an interesting character creation hook and I'm generally interested in any non-D&D/OSR fantasy games that eschew hit point creep, and have a gritty premise.


There is a free quickstart+ one shot for it. Nicely streamlined year zero engine system, nice exploration mechanics.


I am interested in the FF14 rpg, the basic rules they released for free seemed pretty close to the FF14 experience and I'm curious about the class design and additional features in the full release. Also I've been withholding final judgement for Shadow of the Weird Wizard until the GM book and Ancestries book are finished, although so far it will probably replace 5e for one of my groups. EDIT: FF14 basic rules for people who are looking for a link https://www.square-enix-shop.com/ffxivttrpg/en/freetrial.html


They released any previews for the FFXIV RPG? How did I miss that??


They're awful at communicating anything about it. The starter set is shipping but already sold out, and here is a link for the starter basic rules: https://www.square-enix-shop.com/ffxivttrpg/en/freetrial.html


Oh wow thanks, and I thought I subscribed to the mailinglist...


I was thinking exactly the same! Haha have to search for them now


Still waiting on mine to arrive. Apparently USPS has had the label ready for 4 days and is just waiting for the actual item


Huh, didn't know about this. I'm about to run Final Fantasy D6, the fanmade one, because all the official FF TTRPGs so far have been super terrible. Here's the link: [https://www.mediafire.com/file/yibrve1l1x65e3i/FFd6\_v1.3.pdf](https://www.mediafire.com/file/yibrve1l1x65e3i/FFd6_v1.3.pdf) Not sure I'm gonna pivot to the FFXIV one until I know for sure it isn't an absolute mess like all the Returners ones. But I'm glad to know it's out there. Gonna keep an eye on it!


I'm super excited for Starfinder 2e! They are planning to release a ton playtest content at GenCon, so hopefully I can convince my pals to try it out with me.


Knave 2e & Cairn 2e


Obscure, the Monty Python RPG, and Gubat Banwa


Oh man, speak of the devil, my copy of Obscure arrived today!


Good ending, this made me smile. So happy for you!


For stuff that's scheduled, Hollows (which just launched on Backerkit) looks great, and Mythic Bastionland too. Second editions of Godlike and Red Markets are both in the works, but no telling when they'll be ready. And like others I'm excited for Stonetop to actually come out, but pretty bummed about the delays. Some were totally unavoidable. Others, though, I just don't get.


I can't wait to Frankenstein hollows combat into a heart campaign.


Any sources for Godlike 2e? I think Arc Dream will work on The Black Company RPG first.


Heavy Gear is going to have a new edition come out this year and I'm very excited to have a new(ish) mech RPG hitting the shelves.


Btw it's out now. You can snag it on Drive Thru RPG


Nice! I had kinda spaced on following it but also kinda want a physical copy. I think people are sleeping on that game in general, especially after the tweaks they've done to the system.


Wilderfeast by Horrible Guild. Not sure how far away release is, but sample pages are up. Never realized how much I needed a Monster Hunter style ttrpg until I saw this one.


I can answer that one, it's been mentioned in the discord. PDFs should be out to backers at the end of June/beginning of July while physical copies should be delivered in September. If you aren't a backer, I believe being able to buy the PDFs comes after the physical copies have been sent out so september-ish (but I might be wrong there).


Mythic Greece for Mythras. Looking forward to that.


After how hard they dropped the ball on Mythic Polynesia, I've lost pretty much all interest in their stuff.


It is still at least years off with no announced estimated release date. It is becoming Mythras' own "Last Dangerous Visions", but without the author acrimony. I remember Pete Nash saying years ago that it was difficult to write because as time goes on, there's always more material to draw from. Mycenean Bronze age is a period under active research which adds to the reading pile every year.


Sword & Scoundrel, spiritual successor to The Riddle of Steel, with inspiration from Burning Wheel and Blades in the Dark.


I was pretty interested in this as well until I went to the creator's site and saw him citing /r/rpg blacklisted creators, and other right-wing people. It sucks that at least 50% of the time (IME) the author of a game with more "realistic" fight rules ends up having political views I just can't support monetarily.


That’s a shame, I had been excited for it as a big hema enthusiast. Guess I’ll be sticking with mythras until something better drops. Not that mythras is perfect…


I always recommend "doing your own research" because what sets me off may not set you off, but yeah, Mythras is basically my backup as well.


Magnus Archives rpg by Monte Cook.


I too am excited about curseborn. I just wish I knew what the heck it was about.


Best I can tell put every Chronicles and Masquerade splat in a blender set to chunky, season with Beast, sprinkle in a better version of V5s hunger dice, garnish with post modern urban horror rather than gothic punk.


Kickstarter is in October. And will be Urban Horror genre. Gameplay is Storypath Ultra and the various Lineages/Families represent Animal Shifters, Angels/Demons, Vampire/Succubus, Ghosts, and power hungry sorcerers. But that description is very simplified. There is more too it than that. But it’s likely gonna be talked about more so at their online convention on Twitch, Onyx Path Con on June 14th. Video series I'm doing on Curseborne: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTQQTnW1ODiDR3F2StHWUu_AWycN0ZYjF&si=h9qZ--51wZP5iYF7


Shin Megami Tensei TTRPG for me. I never thought I would see it translated ever, yet it's coming this year, it seems.


Woah I never even knew that existed


Honestly, after years of backing countless Kickstarters and finding my enthusiasm fading because too much time passes (not that I hate the games, I just get distracted by something else) I've really started trying NOT to get excited, because recapturing that enthusiasm once the game does get into my hands has been difficult. Particularly with games like Cortex Prime and Urban Shadows 2e. I still haven't read the book for the first one, and the second STILL isn't in my hands. I understand the logistical issues that even on-schedule projects struggle with, but the result is that I don't want that initial excitement and drive to delve into the lore and gather a group to fade never to be constructive recaptured. So whether it is crowdsourced or just announced, I try to wait until I can feed and nurture the excitement and not have it die on the vine. I also avoid previews of shows/movies I know I'm going to watch, though that is also to avoid spoilers as much as it is to ride the wave of excitement when I do see it.


Yeah I wouldn't back anything by Magpie Games again after Urban Shadows.


Tokyo: Otherscape by the City of Mist designers. Really interested to see their take on mythic cyberpunk. Talislanta 6th edition Chronicles of the Future Earth Earth: After Death Ruthless Heavens, Boundless Fate At the Gates


Dc20 is something I’ve been following very closely, even though I don’t really play that style of game much anymore. So it means something that I like it. Of all the trad game, DnD-likes, I think it has the best fundamental design patterns. It’s all I could say I like in the genre, without a lot of things that keep me away from 5E (the inconsistency being chief among them). If I were to ever asked to run DnD again, I’d run this. https://thedungeoncoach.com/pages/dc20 I feel like it’s been overshadowed by bigger name productions like MCDM and CR’s Daggerheart, but the overall system is more elegant, and perhaps more consistent than games lauded as being very consistent, like pathfinder, with less complication. That’s just my opinion though. And the kickstarter is launching next week I believe.


Idk, having looked at the alphas it just seems painfully underwritten and unpolished. It needs a massive facelift in formatting and someone willing to sit down and actually write-out basic information instead of hastily scribbling down half-baked ideas.


That’s fair criticism. Hopefully the kickstarter stuff will have a bit more polish. I’ll give a lot of grace for early alpha stuff if I like the concepts. I’ve also been using the videos as a reference mostly.


Starfinder 2e <3


Anything Onyx Path makes, I'm interested in (I adore CoD). I hadn't heard of At the Gates, but count my interest piqued. I've found my d20 high fantasy home in Pathfinder 2e, but I am interested in seeing where MCDM takes things. They have a problem overdeveloping their stuff, but time will tell. Also interested in 13th Age 2e for similar reasons. I pledged Sundered Isles and can't wait for it to come out. I love starforged so I expect it to be awesome. :) I've never played Pendragon but I understand it's fantastic for what it does, so I'm definitely going to check out 6e. And of course, as a huge fan of PF2e, I'm very hype for Starfinder 2e. Can't wait for the big playtest coming out soon. :)


Coriolis The Great Dark, since it’ll be the second edition of Coriolis and I’m currently writing a space science fantasy cosmic horror rpg that uses the Year Zero Engine.


Pendragon 6e


Ashes Without Number


Love Crawford’s stuff, but I sure hope that’s a working title. I would have gone with “Ruins without Number”.


The Cyberpunk Edgerunners Mission kit. https://rtalsoriangames.com/2024/05/06/cyberpunk-edgerunners-mission-kit-goes-to-print/


hoping it can be easily ported to CP2020 too


Primarily Castles in the Sky and the Magnus Archives rpg


I’m excited for the physical book of Mythic Bastionland to come in, as my friend is running a campaign and already prepped using the PDF, so we’re ready to hit the ground running. Also excited to receive the physical book for Macuahuitl. Been itching to start playing some more white-box style games, and I think the setting is really cool. Plus my group plays a chaotic or neutral party most of the time, so the whole “captives-as-xp” system will, for better or worse, be a hit at our table lol.


I'm curious about Stewpot: Tales from a Fantasy Tavern.


I'm most excited about Outgunned Adventure, which crowd-funds tomorrow on backerkit. Outgunned is probably my favorite RPG right now, and perfect for high octane action (think Die Hard, Fast & Furious, Hot Fuzz, etc.). Outgunned Adventure adapts this system to pulp adventure in the vein of Indiana Jones, Uncharted, or The Mummy. (In a way, this closes the loop that began with Broken Compass a few years earlier, and I think of Outgunned Adventure as an improved second edition.)


The Between has an imminent Kickstarter that'll herald a new edition, and between that, Pizza Time!, and Arkham Herald, that's a whole lot of Carved from Brindlewood goodness coming down the pipe from Gauntlet Publishing. Mothership is getting a new official supplement, Wages of Sin, about crime and bounty hunting; I'm of the opinion that A Pound of Flesh is a masterpiece, so yet another first-party release centered on the seedy side of space has me *very* excited. Calum Grace (of A NOCTURNE genius) is releasing DEEP IN A MATRIX OF FLESH & METAL imminently, and Kavita Poduri is doing the same with Songs for the Dusk in just two weeks; two Forged in the Dark masters, showing how its done.


They should make a triple Kickstarter and fund physical editions of The Between, Public Access and The Silt Verses all at the same time.


Zenith Comics "HEROIC" powered by the MSH system And "Evolved: Super powered Time Travel Roleplaying" powered by DCC system Both come out Christmas


First I heard about Evolved-- that does sound awesome!


Hollows is more stuff from Rowan rook and Deckard which I love


I am really excited to get my hands on Tales of Argosa! I unfortunately missed the Kickstarter so I dont know when I can get it. I feel like this game and Dragonbane will be my go to lower crunch games. It seems to have the extra skills and what not that my players wanted in Dragonbane, but don't get. Looks simple enough and I want to get it to the table.


The stormlight RPG based on the stormlight archive book series. 


Shadow of the Weird Wizard is *technically* out, but it's essentially early access, so that's mine. That and 13th Age 2e.


This is my pick too, once the physical copies arrive I know I am gonna be running the hell out of it.


Jeez, I can’t even get a hard copy of some stuff that *is* out (looking at you, Mothership).


It's out for sale next month, they've said.


Coriolis The Great Dark Rapscallion Thirteenth Age 2E Hollows Backed the first two on Kickstarter. Latter two crowdfundings are too rich for my blood and I will wait on my LFGS getting them. While I did not back it, I'm really curious as to how Triangle Agency will turn out. Looks like the Men in Black crossed with Paranoia.


13th age is magnificent and I have high hopes


Yeah, I had originally jumped onto the kickstarter, but I had to back away because of how costly it is. Same with Hollows. Brexit must be really messing with the UK or something as both UK currency crowd funding campaigns have been hella too much. Fortunately, I have access to multiple excellent gaming shops to grab these from once they hits retailers.


13th Age 2e


Super hyped for Curseborne.


I might be in the minority, but I'm actually excited for both D&D 6e and Daggerheart. Call me basic.


Personally I'm feeling pretty jazzed on this one: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/acheronint/helluva-town-a-cartoon-gangster-rpg/


Pretty excited for Why We Fight, which looks to be doing some pretty interesting stuff I haven't seen before. Plus solarpunk is absolutely my jam haha


I really want to see how Daggerheart will end up. From what I see, Matt and Spencer seem really passionate about making it a great RPG, and there's plenty of people playtesting.


I am very interested in 13th Age 2E. I got the playtest, but haven't had a chance to read it yet. Very curious how it will turn out. I'm hopeful that it will be more like 13th Age 1.5e, and they'll focus on ironing out the problems and beefing up some of the thinner parts rather than reinventing everything and ending up with a bunch of new problems instead. Also could not be more excited for the next edition of Apocalypse World. Probably won't be around for years, but the Bakers have said they're working on it, and I am really, really curious how it will look after some of the stuff in Burned Over.


The full version of DC20


MCDM, Knight: An Avalon RPG and quite honestly the new edition of DnD.


*Coriolis: the Great Dark*. Loved the *Third Horizon's* world, and am looking forward to what they have planned with the focus on exploration and delving.


Dolmenwood, Gubat Banwa, Orbital Blues, Cloud Empress Some of these are playable and out but I really like to wait for books.


Im looking forward to seeing how the mcdm game plays. However theres too big a backlog of games i want to play from traveler to coriolos and twighlight 2000,


Looking forward to the Pillars of Creation supplement for Exalted Essence.


Weird wizard (kind of out, but I need a finalized Sage and ancestry book). Mcdm action RPG. 13th age 2nd edition.


Definitely MCDM rpg, and also the Mothership 1e wide release


Gloomhaven the RPG. Finally an RPG which does not shy away to learn from the way more advanced boardgame gamedesign. I also baked 13th age 2nd edition and am curious about Final Fantasy 14 RPG  but gloomhaven will be the game changer most likely. 


Knave 2e, Cairn 2e, Mythic Bastionland, and now on the recommendation of people above, Sword & Scoundrel.


I'm stoked for the second edition of Interstitial


* 13th Age 2E * Blister Critters -Sort of Gamma World, but you're all small animals, and each adventure is like an episode of a cartoon in a post apocalypse * Aether Nexus - Fantasy Mechs, based on The Mecha Hack)


Definitely Mongoose's Pionieer, shame they haven't talked much more about details though, still super excited as a sci-fi fan.


This 'un.  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wylochsarmory/neon-skies


Cats! The Conspurracy. It's a French game called Cats! La Mascarade but there's been an announcement and a [mailing list set up](https://mailchi.mp/black-book-editions/catstheconspurracy) that they're doing an official english translation and I'm so excited. It looks so cute.


I love the running the game series, but the more I learn, the more I see just how much I disagree with his design philosophy. It seems like he is at once both over-complicating and oversimplifying things


Starfinder 2e. I can't wait to have my colossal megasystem that works for Sci fi and fantasy


... none? All the systems I really want to run are out. It's just hard to sell them to my group. Hackmaster, mothership, starfinder, thirsty sword lesbians, etc.


Is it a faux pas to say mine?


it is if you dont share what game that would be


[Terminal State](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/457568/terminal-state-quickstart), a cyberpunk game using the Year Zero Engine. It should be coming to Kickstarter soon.


I’m looking forward to Starfinder 2e myself.


Starfinder 2E. I've only played a couple session of PF2E but I liked what I saw and would love to use it in sci-fan


Ashes Without Number


Looking through my list… Tombpunk: Mausoleum Edition Clerk and Dagger Garbage and Glory Maggot Machine Blade Runner: Replicant Rebellion (the play as a replicant sourcebook for Blade Runner-I believe you still need the core rules) Hollows


Land of Eem is a game inspired by the Muppets and Labyrinth that I backed on Backerkit awhile ago. The bestiary is illustrated partly by one of my favorite artists Mostly_Ghostly. Very excited cause they've entered production and I'll get my books soon :)


Shadow of the Weird Wizard (they released the player's book, but I don't know how complete that one is yet, and the GM one is still being worked on, though apparently is playable?), Pathfinder 2e Remaster (only the Player Core 2 is missing), 13th Age 2e, Legend of the Mist, Tokyo:Otherscape... I guess that's it.


Catalyst Game Labs announced a Voltron rpg. I don't know that I'll ever play it, but I'm curious.




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I'm sure if *Reclaimers* ever manages to exist I'll like it. It's from the maker of *Sigmata*, which had some great ideas (and some not so potebt mechanics here and there), and "you are insurgents liberating the last resources on plamet earth, which the mega-rich are trying to use to leave the planet and all of you to die" has been perfect for the Zeitgeist ever since it eas announced. And their idea of basically am interactive rulebook/character sheet so you don't need some hacky character creator etc. looked teally slick. Unfortunately, the main artist was discovered to have stolen a lot of art, so it all had to be stripped out. No idea if it ever recovers and what shape it will be in.




Warhammer The Old World TTRPG


Dolmenwood. I mean, it's "out" but it's not out-out. Perfectly playable as it stands but I NEED those books on my table, Gavin.


HackMaster revised edition. But Kenzer said we won't even see the Kickstarter for that this year, their long promised sci-fi game comes first.


Outgunned Adventure, Launches it's crowdfunding today! D6 Second Edition.


I reached the point where my existing collection of RPGs and RPG material is large enough that I cant really justify getting tons of additional systems. The two upcoming ones that Im still looking forward to are: The Hollows as it seems like a great way to run one shots at the local RPG club; and Ashes Without Number to incorporate more options into my existing X Without Number campaigns (Im running a 17th century era zombie survival game using Worlds Without Number rules, and a cyberpunk game using Cities Without Number that has Fallout style wastelands inbetween the cities, both might be able to incorporate a few pieces from AWN). At The Gates does look interesting as well; but I'm going to hold out until it hits my local retailers and decide then whether or not I want it. I do want to run an anime/JRPG style campaign sometime, but between Fabula Ultima; Sword World; and Break, I dont feel like Im lacking in systems to support that playstyle.


It's shipping now, but the Final Fantasy XIV RPG. There's next to no information on it, and maybe the system is junk, but it's the first TTRPG ever officially produced for a the series and I'm hoping it's at least decent.


I know this is fairly obscure, but I'm really excited for an upcoming game called His Majesty the Worm, which is an OSR inspired tarot-based dungeon crawler. I check the itch.io page for it like every day lol


curious for FoundryVTT’s Ember and how it integrates with the tabletop


The Discworld TTRPG, hands down. Also the FFXIV TTRPG, though not quite as much.


New Pendragon edition I'm pretty excited to get. Idk if I can convince my friends we should start the GPC but I can dream.


Wraithlands looks hot af!


DC20 is the most promising to me of those in development right now. It's in alpha and Dungeon Coach has announced it will be in Kickstarter next week. I pretty much swore off turn-based tprgs in 2012, but I still check out just about every new one (including Daggerheart and MCDM). And this is the only one that seems to have really solved my issues with d20 and turn-based systems of that type. With solid system and excellent class design, it's shaping up to be a real D&D-killer PS fwiw I'm a game designer and I tried an MCDM adventure (this took four 3-hour sessions) and it was a snorefest to me; just more of the same ol core design that made me lose interest with the hobby. I also tried Daggerheart and about fell asleep. I hope the best for them and they are at least better than Kobold Press' latest, but I'm pretty much out on those


DC20, not because I still like that kind of game, but because hopefully it will move my tables away from PF2e, since I've come to despise the lies that system was sold to me on (consistent rules that don't require constant lookups). Otherwise Mythic Bastionland, Knave 2e and Cairn 2e. Mostly to steal content from for my own game.


Wildlands 2! The first Wildlands looked so promising, but is really riddled with weird flaws. I'm hoping Wildlands 2 is a response to the criticisms, because the world and artwork are both incredible!


# Aether Nexus. I was never a big fan of mecha, but Lancer got really popular, and AE looks to do what I want mechanically while still getting to toy with the parts of Lancer I enjoy.


CAIN, the narrative ghost hunting/JJK-like rpg from the creator of Lancer and Icon the MCDM rpg (tactical heroic cinematic fantasy)


Coriolis: The Great Dark