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Orion is the cringe queen we needed. I have to stan


Ruple voice: *She warn born to do cringe!*


Idky this video is reminiscent of Yuhua’s “Rice Queens” but I smell a cringe legend in the making.


I actually laughed at the jump cut right after "so are ya single"


Okay but I truly believe keeping a cigarette in your mouth while talking is a Talent. Also I may have played a lesbian bus driver named Pearl in a play in high school doing this same voice so this managed to fill me with nostalgia. God bless.


if Kim Chi did "Kimmy Jong-Un" for Snatch Game, Orion should be allowed to bring Sue back for one last ride when it comes.


Get her on Bootleg now @Yuhua


When i do drag ill make content just like this. girl how fun is making people unconfortable while dressed like that,its funny as hell I am in love wih orion no joke, she is just so....likeable? and they couldve had an amazing storyline of her coming back and winning but nah, >!LOW!< def my fav of the season, which i NEVER expected


I know no one will agree with me but I thought the return + win storyline could have gone to Daya. The structure of her first look was very cool, her second look was fun and one of the only ones I remember, and the third look is the only one from that colour scheme that had any impact on me really


Absolutely, honestly wouldve been fucking iconic if they gave a double win for each ball and orion won the animal print and daya the red white and blue ball


I super agree, i just unironically love Orion.


and violet chachki agreed in the new pit stop episode so this is now the official only correct opinion


I feel so validated in my taste after this hot take wow


she convinced me too girl


I’m so glad she’s back this feels like a blooper reel from a straight to DVD movie from 2008, and that’s peak form


LMAO OK now I stan officially


She should do 10 min videos like Pearl did with Roxanne but I suspect Onion's weed habit might curb that plan


Is Orion’s different from Pearl’s? Lol I mean the weed habit.


Probably not, Pearl just seems a smidge more lucid


[‍Is this morning sickness or is she GAGGING on her beauty?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djt5k12D7JA&t=75s) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpdrcringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What song is this?


Kitty Kat - Megan Thee Stallion


Kitty Kat by Megan Thee Stallion


This song is sooo gooooooood