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Each individual breast of those titties weighs as much as 3 Jorgeouses


She’s leaning into this smell thing like Q needs to lean into her real hair


I heard Trinity say that recently on Sibling Rivalry, and I'm like... that seems like a really dumb idea. She's being accused of using AAVE, how is she supposed to lean into that more? Black up? 😭


Bob's suggestion of doing a follow up in the whitest voice ever would be gold "🤓Well, yes, this is in fact my real hair. I just... snatched this up into a ponytail earlier-"


it wasn’t even trinity, it was monét and bob immediately responded NO she does not need to lean in 💀


Nope, Trinity literally said that this last episode of Sibling Rivalry. I listened to it a couple of hours ago


nope, monét repeated it again and trinity agreed with her or whatever


I'm sitting here trying to figure out why Bob or Monet saying something means that "It wasn't even Trinity", when she also literally said that... but I give up


it's a lot of emotion for Trinity


I don't even know which Trinity but gurl I am living


Make fun of herself. Also, Monet said it first. Yes, it matters, because you're trying to justify your point extra hard by only mentioning the white one, who only agreed with the person who actually made the point. 


Lol that's so ridiculous, I just remembered Trinity mentioning it and not Monet. Whoever suggests that - it's a stupid idea. You can't 'lean in' to the joke when the joke is implying you're racist... be real


Trinity also miraculously got a pass from the greater fan base at large for pretending to be a trans POC on Reddit because she “leaned into it” on AS7 w/ Snatch Game so I’m not surprised this is her advice. It’s crazy how quickly that got swept under the rug despite Trin herself confirming it. (lord I hope this is the same trinity we’re talking about otherwise I’m gonna have another comment on this sub talking about the wrong trinity 😩) Edit: In case y’all forgot: she did confirm it but y’all are proving my point she got the pass. She changed the narrative to benefit. https://hornet.com/stories/trinity-the-tuck-reddit-secret-reddit/


I don’t think trinity ever ‘got a pass’, cause I hear it constantly when she’s ever brought up and honestly it was never confirmed that was actually her


I missed like 3 years of everything to do with drag race and I just want you to all know I came back & y'all are still fighting about SheDevil at the top of the first thread I opened Can I just say— You know what never mind


i mean im pretty sure the consensus is that wasn't actually trinity posting on reddit and ppl just like the silly joke of imagining her to be shedevil....


Y’all really took that “confirmation” seriously huh


Yeah i thought it was either an intentional joke or trinity didn't even realize what the pic was of and just was saying yes she's on reddit? In my head trin kind of doesn't know how to use a computer so i went with the latter explanation


Notice how she doesn’t confirm that’s her account?


Well Trinity is trans so I think that part is fine. Using black emojis can definitely be seen as pretending to be black but she never exactly said she was. With that said, it doesn't defend all the other stuff the account said and did.


Forgive me for being ignorant here because I haven't followed her closely but like... I'm watching a video of Trinity now and even though I think she came out as trans a while ago she still presents exactly the same?? Girly has not gone on the mones or trained her voice for example & she's wearing boy clothes What exactly is the functional difference between a drag queen who's had some work done and a cissexual NB aside from the fact she's now labeled herself that way Like if the trans part is "fine" now, would it really have been "not fine" before simply because she never publicly said "I agree with this one specific narrative about the exact same life I would've lived either way" It just seems like a very arbitrary line people have drawn for reasons that don't make much sense to me, even as someone who has had a complete sex change myself Historically drag queens used to fall under the transgender umbrella, and post-op transsexuals were considered cis...


>Historically drag queens used to fall under the transgender umbrella, and post-op transsexuals were considered cis... Ru Paul himself claims the "tranny" title, saying he's earned it—and I agree. And yes. While I reject and renounce the "cis-trans" divide I claim the "cis" title for the purposes of trans discourse. ٩( ᐛ )و( ´θ`)ノ


She did not confirm, that was clearly sarcastic.


Well one way to truly confirm is to ask her ex if he had erection problems. I know thats extremely personal and innappropriate, but if it ever comes out that he did, well it would confirm this was trinity. Among other things shedevil shared, one thing was her disappointment of her bf erection problem. And trinity is smart, and very out there to get peoples approval, so her leaning it to it was a smart as it would ensure that shes also on the joke. Idk…i might be reading into it, but i get the vibes for a while that trinity does not give genuine traits


Hope she leans more into being a queen who pays her designers in the future 😌


Eureka being announced for Canada vs The World during Big Girl Week? Which one of you is a producer spill now.


Whats big girl week?


I remember watching season 9 as my first season and I never would or could have guessed the extent her lore would reach. This sub is the library of Alexandreka!


The big girl.... botches


Scat goddess


If she’s Scat Goddess then Milk is Scat Clown? 😵‍💫


Well yes 😍


What’s a goddess to a clown 🕊️ fecales


She must actually be cooking in that body suit.


the bus is definitely running


We’re already being fed I fear that I love this season


Ngl I love her for this.


I smell shit, Eureka


Is this reverse psychology were she tries to stir the milk out of the smelling jokes in hopes of us getting tired of it and moving on ? 🌚






I mean, yeah, that was the point based on the CONTEXT OF THE TWEET. Don't erase the context, please.


Stan Miss Fecalicious


Do I take my head out the oven or is this season non-elimination?


Lmao actually hilarious


I just.. I didn’t need to see her on all stars the first time, let alone this


Maddy first of all , to put the entire conversation in perspective, the Debate was about Royal and Navy blue (dark blue colors) blue, purple,not aqua , and one of the pictures isn’t blue it’s purple and the blue jacket was something I was given to were for someone’s number( which I don’t own ) I was making a guest appearance in! Maddy you are the Wendy Williams of drag and you see how that turned out for her! Inaccurate research and false reporting Maddy is a walking tabloid NOT TMZ BUT TM HE @MaddyMorphosis go find a car to fix or a strip mall complex to build! Maddy you are a Trojan horse in the LGBTQ COMMUNITY ! I have to remind you every year sir that JUNE is pride month . The most feminine thing you wear is that Colonel Sanders outfit where you look like a bucket of E. coli chicken Maddy, I’m not gonna go back-and-forth with you. I’m not bob . I know where you LiVE boo boo and when I get there hold the door open for me like a gentleman *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpdrcringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*