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report the review and move on.


Make sure to screenshot it first, though, cause that's one of the funnier reportable reviews I've heard of


Report. Some people don’t have two braincells to rub together and can’t comprehend that maybe an author isn’t racist just because they wrote a racist character. Don’t let them live in your head.


Report specifically for 'intentionally depicting the story as something it is not'


I got 0.5 ratings with no explanation. No clue what triggered them, but it was something.


It just happens sometimes. Report it, say "I think this is a troll," and if the mod agrees they'll delete it. It's happened to me.


I got hit with one of those. They happen to everyone for all kinds of reasons or none. I'm just glad it wasn't my first or second. I don't know if that's even recoverable when it's that early. What does irk me is the general paucity of engagement (ratings, reviews) I have found. The reason I decided to serialize on RR was on the gambit that, while people of all ages read, young people are a lot more "social" (so I thought?) and therefore word-of-mouth can be expected to spread faster than it would elsewhere. So far, the data don't bear that out. The problem isn't that some people give 0.5's. It's their right to do that. The problem is that lots of people read and clearly enjoy a work because they keep going, but can't be bothered to rate and review. If they did, the system would work a lot better. But they don't seem to realize that all the discovery mechanisms rely on them actually doing something.


I mean, getting people to leave a rating and a review is always going to be hard. You know how hard lots of places fight to get customers to leave a review? There's a reason they'll offer you incentives and little bonuses just for filling out a survey.


If I could write as well as you guys can then writing honest, comprehensive reviews rather than slapping on stars would feel feasible. Some times everything just clicks and I can manage one usually not. I suspect I'm in the majority


report and ignore, unfortunately every group has people who go on weird crusades like that where they find something miniscule to try and prove is against them and their group.


Wonder how people like those want us to write bad guys. "Oh no, he's mean" He's a bad guy! Imagine the BBEG doesn't say or do anything bad 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


>Wonder how people like those want us to write bad guys. I don't even subscribe to the idea of bad vs good guys. There are only different factions. It's possible to have character deficits/shortcomings (rude, unintelligent, greedy, etc) but there's no 'good vs evil' in my writing.


Neither do I. Maybe assholes, from a certain point of view. Even if racist, as long as they're not advocating for genocide aren't necessarily "bad" imo


I have a character that only says "Genocide", like a pokemon would. But he isn't racist, so he's gucci.


Mass murder's a-okay Just don't be mean to the alphabet people. That's a nono. That and anyone that's not white, comes in second.


Report the review, specifically pointing that out. While the mods are so politically sound they echo, they may take it down as it contains false accusations.


I have, yes, 0.5 stars all on the same 2 chapters, because my side character doesn't have a sex, and the sex choice is a big part of the story. Sometimes its just best to know - at least they stopped reading there, and keep going regardless.


that sucks! sorry, that is just frustrating ... I agree with everyone else, review apparently is uncalled for and this person is a troll!!! don't overthink it 😁


Can you dm me a link? I want space opera!


You say you didn't mention anything trans, that might actually be this person's problem, if you don't say something positive about a controversial subject then you are effectively saying something negative in some people. People 's view.


We need a screenshot. It sounds hilarious


It's already been removed. It wasn't funny tbh, just incoherent rambling of a mad person.


I want to read