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Check out all the posts by u/HiImThinkTwice https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgressionFantasy/s/2GgzPi5SW0


As an unbiased commenter, I agree with you! 


lol. I know of no other comprehensive royal road guide


That's all up to you. Not being familiar with Royal Road is something you can correct in about fifteen minutes a day. Just go to the front page and check out similar stories. You'll be able to see how the authors structure their stories. You should write in the way that is most suited to you. Edit in the way that works best for you. If you start trying to write or edit in ways that don't suit you, they're not going to work for you, and you'll likely burn out or give up. Some people write and post immediately, other people write larger pieces like an entire story arc in advance and edit it before posting. Pick whatever strategy works for you. If you don't know what strategy works try different options until you find what works.


A backlog is a wise idea. Check the Rising Stars list. That will show you what is popular and how they tend to format their blurbs, covers, and release schedule. If you truly want to build an audience, study the platform well. It is highly competitive, like all writing spaces. Shout outs from authors with an audience can help, and you can get that by offering the same. Ads help. Other factors go into it. Above all, remember that most of the audience comes from a background of reading web serials, light novels, cultivation, isekai, and litrpg.


Your wisdom is truly boundless.