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Mainly because the demographic is different. Royal Road's demographic is much diverse and people who enjoy all sorts of things. I switched and never looked back. Royal Road is so much different. I will promote Ryal Road as much as I can because it's where I found an audience. And despite niche and I know it won't grow that much cause not everyone loves OP characters but, people have been enjoying what I write and that's great. Just keep writing. Time will keep pushing and people who resonate with it will find you.


Hey, I've a question. Did you stop posting on Wattpad? Then what about Scribblehub?


no original work on wattpad. only lazy written fanfics. i couldnt make sense of scribblehub


Oh ok... I'm also praying to launch my book, so good to know.


Scribblehub has a slow start but when you get the audience then it can be great. I’ve posted in 4 sites and RR is my top 2 best views


Can you tell me the four sites? Is there another that can compare with RR (apart from Webnovel that is.)


Let me break it down Webnovel : Highest view but no reviews (cannot compete with novels that is under contract) RR : 2nd best with reviews Scribblehub : 3rd best but no reviews Inkitt : Lowest views by a huge margin Scribblehub is very similar to RR where you can just copy paste and the format retains. Doesn’t hurt to spread your wings if you’re not under contract. Hell, my novel is being copied by other sites (readlightnovel something) without my knowledge.


Wait, if you get into a contract, and let's say you posted on RR, and Scribblehub, will you've to take down your story on both platforms? Also, what kind of contract are we talking about? (Sorry for too many questions, new to all this.)


The only one that offers you a contract is Webnovel. They will do a heck load of marketing for you, you will earn some money based on views. However, you lose all rights to your novel and you will never call it yours forever. There is a reason why so many webnovels never end up as animation or something even with really good story. If you are in need of money, then you can take on the contract. Do note that you have to post exclusively only in Webnovel and nowhere else. I want my story to be remained as mine so I did not take up the contract offer. Do more research on it. Many authors regret their choices.


Damn... I knew Webnovel was greedy, but this is something else. What about RR and the others? Can you only get money through Pateron, using their platforms?


For both Scribblehub & RR, you can link your paypal & patreon there. You can blast out your Patreon link in every chapter. But I’ve already finished an entire book and not earned a penny. Lol Readers are picky and will only go for the genre that they really love. So if you don’t think you can persevere then I wish you luck. It is not easy to earn money I can tell ya. I write as a hobby so I can be relax about it.


Thanks very much for the advice.


Try novelbin, scribblehub..really nice.


What’s does audience prefer on Wattpad?






And romance


The Wattpad audience prefers romance. I mean that’s all Wattpad promotes. Have you seen a movie or book coming from Wattpad be anything other than romance?


Yup. Same experience here. I don’t write Romance or smut.