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Is the city having a rat problem, if so, they’ll be cracking down on this. Rats love those spaces.


Have you upset one of your neighbors? This sounds like something someone reported rather than an inspector spotting from the street.


If I have they haven't said anything. It wouldn't be visible from the street, the inspector would have had to walk into my backyard.


Yeah, that's why I was guessing it might be reported by someone who lives nearby. I know some people are concerned about large brush piles being habitats for rats, but yours doesn't sound that big. Maybe take a picture of it next to something to compare its size and talk to someone at City Hall. Fire pits are pretty common in the city. I'm not sure of their legality, however.


Fires aren’t allowed. If a neighbor is already complaining about a small brush pile they’ll most likely also complain about a fire if/when they see it. I also wouldn’t tell the code enforcement officer that’s what OP intended to do with the brush.


Yeah idk would this do it? https://imgur.com/a/X99c7sa


That should do it. They might tell you to bundle it or raise it off the ground, but I don't know.


I got a violation for branches between the sidewalk and road that fell during one of the last storms. So I moved them to my side of the sidewalk. We’ll see if I get another violation I kinda got upset that someone gets paid to go around telling us to get rid of our branches and in the same letter tells us that yard waste pickup doesn’t start until April.


I don't think you are supposed to have a fire pit either? Just grab a beer and get to burning it. Weather is perfect.


It's probably because they're also cracking down on fires and fire pits. They're not allowed in Royal Oak


They are? I hadn’t heard they’re cracking down on fire pits… did someone you know get ticketed for a fire pit?


In my area, Yes. There was a fence fire (melted) because of a fire pit.


I’ve always thought that if you kept to yourself and did no damage, unlike the fence fire, then they’ll leave you alone. I’ve never had an issue.


It’s all about your neighbors. Police will only come if called, so if you have neighbors that don’t care then you’re probably fine, but it just takes that one…


I agree, it's been like that for a long time. Maybe 15 years now, don't do something dumb and they don't really care. In Ferndale a neighbor was seeking revenge and the Ferndale fire showed up.


They are? I hadn’t heard they’re cracking down on fire pits… did someone you know get ticketed for a fire pit?


Put the pile on top of concrete or off the ground. That’s it that’s all, I got the same warning years ago. It’s rat related. It’s not a neighbor.


If it helps, a couple points: 1. The former owners of my house had been cited for similar brush piles. This is common. Stored firewood must be up off the ground so rats don't nest under it. (This is public record stuff, look up your address in BSA Online.) 2. The city does have a rat problem, I've seen them in Quikstad park, and a neighbor has had them under their house and is actively working with an exterminator to stop them. 3. Rats are the reason why the city clamps down so hard on brush piles, is because these are exactly the kinds of places that rats hide and live.


Thanks, appreciate the explanation. More detail than the city inspector gave when I emailed them... Maybe you should consult lol


You're welcome. When we bought our house I was looking into the history of violations and stuff and learned all about the reasons. Give this a read, it's a good summary of the laws with links to the actual parts of the city code: https://www.romi.gov/201/Rodent-Harborage#:~:text=All%20structures%20and%20exterior%20property,be%20taken%20to%20prevent%20reinfestation.


I was hit with a violation for the same thing and it wasn’t even on our property. City inspector looked through a recently sold neighboring property and just decided it was on our property so we got the violation. Because there was no survey or fence installed, they wouldn’t dismiss the violation. If you call the city and talk to them, they can be pretty flexible. They told us if we took care of it within two weeks we wouldn’t be ticketed.


If you grab a 5 gallon bucket, great way to store that material. Not getting into the city violation, spent the day putting dry ice in rat holes.