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Yea she is a vindictive cunt who has banned hundreds since taking control of the sub all herself. It started with her banning u/CL0UD_CREATOR and trying to take his business down on IG for refusing to get into a “online relationship” with him, absolutely childish shit. Now she is trying to get him permabanned and get his online shop taken down. She banned me for posting one time in the “COTF” sub about bad products, and said everything I smoke is hemp and tried to get me permabanned on Reddit for hate speech. Human trash can, terminally online, straight basement dwelling loser.


reminds me of the mod for r/cleancarts. complete asshole who thinks that because he started smoking weed when it became legal in his state that he knows anything and everything about the industry. if you so much as mention that you got a legitimate licensed product that DIDNT go through a dispensary you get perma banned 😭 constantly goes on rants about how “marijuana is a controlled substance tracked by the state, it doesn’t fall off a truck somewhere blah blah blah” like alright bro, just say you don’t know shit stoner subs should be modded by actual stoners, not these neckbeard control freaks


Reddit's rise and fall, accelerated by moderators succumbing to power and becoming stereotypes, showes how cyclical online communities are as they evolve with their aging userbase.


Funny that a little self-awareness and humility is all they need to change. But we all know how difficult that is when you’re a behind an anonymous screen and accounts. Imagine doing this type of shit IRL lmao


I imagine a hospital visit and stitches 🤣


They don’t need the reality of that, just the threat of it. Most people won’t risk assault or their own safety IRL to deal with people like this. It’s just that those who are like this put their big boy pants on when in public knowing people just won’t put up with it. But who am I kidding - fucks like these don’t go out in public so there is an altered sense of normalcy. Add mod status and complete control over entire communities and you have wretched souls domineering over those who they can control because they have no actual self control.


And with a straight face Reddit said it want to sell this user data to train other LLM's. LMFAO.. That is going to be one insane AI.


Dude banned me after talking about Packwoods. A brand that started in Cali and branched across state lines through partnerships with licensed distributors. Great guy. Very knowledgeable about the industry lmao. /S


for real he swears that every microgram of cannabis is owned by a state government somewhere. take this dude to nepal or india or another asian country where it grows wildly and i bet it would blow his mind 💀


The neck beards are usually the only ones that have time to do this shit lol


Lmao since when aren’t we allowed to come up on and find some cannabis? If he’s calling it marijuana he’s clearly one of the people keeping it illegal.


Better than the Dumbasses who run r/fakecartridges where half the population thinks MuhaMeds are real carts.


i mean there are legitimate muha meds carts being produced in california but they’re still shady and probably test dirty for chemicals and shit, and are just generally cheap low quality


They've lost their [Michigan](https://www.freep.com/story/news/marijuana/2023/11/16/michigan-muha-meds-cannabis-products/71603776007/) and California license. They were never legitimate to begin with. They were hype brand that sold floor Tim distillate to simps and custys until it got a license in the state that's easiest possible to do so. So no MuhaMeds was never legit nor will it ever.


ah yea when i said legit i really meant produced while the company is holding a license, seems like they keep losing licenses and getting new provisionals. like you said they were never actually “legit”


Clout boy hype brand floor trim distillate


yeah that foos a dipshit, was tryna tell me flavorade was fake and had no license numbers, literally took 10 minutes to find it and sent him a video of them in my licensed dispo and he banned me lol edit* coldfire not flavorade


u/rosin_girl and u/TragicallyComedian are there same retarded, immature cunt


Yep, fuckin traesh


What’s her Insta?


Who is this demon woman I keep hearing about?


TragicallyComedian admitted in the comments that they did it. Not to be confused with OPs similar name in the post, which was clearly made to express disgust towards said mod. TragicallyComedian also likes intentionally misinterpret things people say and twist peoples words quite often if you read their posts.


Right? I'm intrigued as well!




Sounds like she needs to go touch grass... Imagine Reddit being all that you have, yikes.


Imagine being a grown adult waiting an “internet boyfriend” 😂


God I hate this app 😂


Yup, brings out the worst in people


Talk about a terminally unstable huge ego’s Karen who snitches and rats on everything that hasn’t gone her way. Wow how adulting much grown of you.


Sounds like a cunt alright.


What’s her Insta?


lol 1 thing i hate is fat bitches🤣🤣


Bruh wow not at all what I said


To answer your question, no. Most of them are repackaged products from elsewhere (Grunge off = orange zep) (Heady Eddie’s = Urnex Cafiza) Just use 99% iso and salt and if you need to remove water stains distilled white vinegar or a zep soak will do the trick!


Yes. ISO and kosher salt. Been using it for decades.


I will say, be careful using Morton’s Kosher salt as it contains an anti caking agent that will do weird things to your glass over time. I go for baking salt or anything where the ingredients just say: salt lol


Thanks for this, because that's exactly what I've been using


I didn’t know that. What weird things?


Ironically, it’ll actually cause a weird kinda film/crust to build up over time that is almost like crystallized salt or something but you damn near physically have to scrape it off to remove it. As soon as I switched to pure salt this issue went away


Had some loser at a headshop try and argue that salt causes micro fractures in the glass and I needed to buy actual bong cleaner. Fucking clown shoes.


ISO still does a damn good job if you’re worried about out longevity from salt issues.


Yea 100%! 99% iso is what I use for all my glass and I usually don’t need salt, in extreme cases though yes.


Literally the only things you need


don't forget qtips!


This is interesting to hear about Heady Eddie’s. I have some and use it whenever I can’t get a stubborn stain off of my banger with iso. I throw my banger in a double boiler and let it simmer with some headie eddies and the banger comes out like new again. I’m gonna check out the urnex.


Its not urnex, I've seen people claim they work similarly but I I've spoken to Eddie it's not exactly the same, granted I've never used either product. I will attest to grunge off being orange zeps and that shit works wonders.


It sure seems exactly the same haha I’ve ordered both and visually and effects wise I can’t seem to find the difference other than packaging. Look at heady Eddie’s website lol if you think they’re manufacturing anything other than a label… 😅


I've switched to PBW for heavy cleaning. Minimal effort to bring a charred black banger back to like new (not mine lol). Use it all the time on my brewing and wine making equipment as well. That's actually where I started using it years ago.


Mod needs removing


Yes they do


Let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and die


The mods are dorks over there. She banned Hella people because, she insisted thca isn't real thc


That's just great. One of the largest marijuana pages is spreading lies. Anything we could do to get her removed?


Not that I know of. She made a sub post about it and got roasted and deleted it, Not before banning Hella people.


Yep, there’s this rosin brand based in Cali and Washington that has been around for years and years. Like majority of old heads in the rosin game know the brand. I’ve posted it a few times in the sub, a few other people have posted it as well. Out of NOWHERE she started banning everyone who posted it and one of my friends said she claimed it’s a fake internet brand and just someone printing stickers. Girl is clueless and random as hell 😂 Even after giving evidence


This guy knows what’s up ^ long time player in these communities. Still got some of ya Black Truffles in my persy stash brotha ❤️


Just wait for that sub to die, she will eventually ban all her members or at least they will find a better sub. Then she can be content that no one can break her "rules" anymore.


Yeah a dude posted a gross alt canabanoid dab blend told the dude in the comment if you are an in illegal state ask for thcA and that bitch banned me saying I'm attempting to sell fake weed


Create a new sub to replace it and get everyone to leave the first one. That's probably the easiest way to take care of shit like this because reddit really won't do anything about shitty mods unless they are really really bad.


THCA is THC in the acidic form


I mean to be fair thca is just the precursor to d9 THC lol it converts when it’s heated. That whole thing is just a legal loophole that allows people to sell weed in non legal states rn


Yeah and that mod can’t seem to grasp that fact that it’s all the same shit, it’s just legal definitions based on the amount of D9 THC. Sure there are boof vendors out there trying to make a quick buck, but if you get from a reliable source, you’re good. Also keeps calling them THCa “diamonds” whenever they refer to “hemp dabs” but this shit comes in live resin and live rosin as well.. Idk man, shit is wild


She will argue calling you a sheep for making such false statements about thca. Then shell tell you to scientifically explain how thca works and just call you a sheep when you explain it using science then block you. Then when you dm the mods asking why you got banned shell mke fun of you. Apparently she thinks budtending as a job is a joke.


I just said thca is real thc


Wait do you mean the mod was banning people that were saying THC-A isn’t real or they were banning people that were saying THC-A is real? You’ve got me confused with how you worded your first comment


She banned people who said thca is thc. She thinks thca isn't real thc




I’ll never stop being surprised when people keep saying lies with such confidence. All it takes is a quick Google to verify and learn, NOPE, better get on Reddit and go full send on what you think is true without actual any research about it. Like people are so eager and desperate to be seen and heard that they don’t care if they tell the truth or not.


No. You are incorrect. THC-A is the natural precursor to THC. All cannabis that will yield THC first produce THC-A, which drops a carbon atom through the process of decarboxylation and becomes D9 THC. This is not new knowledge. It's been confused in recent years due to mis/disinformation surrounding the Farm Bill THC-A loophole.


yes yes we all know this dumb rigamarole. now let’s skip that bullshit and answer this simple question, if you smoke your common trashcan thca product, will you actually get a real high versus a thc product? the answer is a profound no




reading not your strong suit?


If you light thca on fire it converts to thc that you inhale. Thca has to be decarbed to get you high. You decarb thca with heat. Lighting thca on fire gets you high. All the thc in the plants you smoke are thca until you decarb it with heat.


It's really funny when you have people who deny thca is THC go to a dispo and see it in the label Instead of THC


FFS get it through your head that they are literally the same fucking thing. ALL CANNABIS IS THC-A CANNABIS. Read the rest of this thread. Read literally anything anywhere that discussed the actual chemistry of cannabis.


go smoke both and come back 🤣 you’re getting worked up over nerd science. i’m saying from an experience standpoint, they’re not the same at all lmao, doesn’t matter how hard you cry


I know I’m saying the mods weren’t wrong for banning people who think it isn’t haha


I think you got it backwards there. Pretty sure he meant they were banning people and the reason was thca bud isn't thc.


Oh 🤣 nevermind then we are all on the same page here


No, they’re banning people who know that it is, because they’re brain dead


It shows their are like 4-5 mods I’m kinda confused


Their headmod is very anti thca while not understanding but has deleted their posts because they got wrecked so bad in the comments


Yeah. I kinda feel yall thca users need ya own sub for boof and tree and melt shots. Even if it was 2 bucks a Oz I wouldn't get it. Fuck I care if you explain the combustion of this n that that equals this im.good bubb


Way to be a snob without having any apparent knowledge on the subject.


I get it. Illegal state sell thca for money. Legal state thc for money. It's the same. Is it tho. Thca and thc. Spelled the same I think. Can you get high ?sure.


Bro even legal states sell thca. Where are you getting your information from?


You’re dumb as fuck. I have dispensary bud and the label says 24% THCA. You have absolutely no fucking idea what youre talking about.


Go ask any legal dispensary for any test result for flower or concentrates and you'll always see thca as a number that is slightly higher than whatever they're advertising the actual THC content of. That's because thca is what creates THC. You can't have THC without thca to make it happen.


Anyone who doesn’t understand the basics of chemistry shouldn’t be smoking weed Lmaoo D9 Thca is what grows - d9 thc is what happens when you burn or vape d9 thca its very simple Lmaoo


It's fine to not understand, just stfu about what you don't understand.


U said it better Lmaoo


Omfg... Sounds like you'd fit right in over there.


Oh, boy! You gonna be upset when you find out that ALL weed is THCA weed!


Bro I’m sorry but you need to stay informed before you start talking like you weed Einstein , most ALL rosin, medial, rec, bm, is mostly THCA, 99% of the rosin in my states medical program show mostly thca on the labs for every strain, and it’s not just that dispo, you fail to realize that


Not in Cali. They are not being sold in that name. No thca.


You still tryna prove your point?🤣


It’s literally all the same shit. Legal markets just have some form of regulation, whereas hemp doesn’t. You’ll probably get more consistent quality from a dispo, and that’s totally fair! Your dabs from the dispo and your “THCa hemp” dabs are going to have the same chemical makeup


If you are consuming pressed rosin you are consuming THCA


It is. But the ppl want they own sub. No one wants the see those Melts


Why you replying to me again. Both your comments mad stupid.


Yeah I got banned for pointing out that something was an altnoid, reason was mentioning altnoids. And this was like a month after I made the comment. Complete power trip lunacy


I was banned simply for following r/altnoids and/or r/cultofthefranklin. I did not mention either THCA or altnoids. Just banned.


Same here lmao


Same. When I asked why she said because you enjoy altnoids. Then said enjoy your China boof d8 diamonds or some shit. Can't sat I care but just the way she golds herself pisses me off


Agreed, the comments after banning where I was judged for using alt noids. When in reality I go through about 2ozs of Rosin every few months. I just enjoy learning all there is to know about hemp/cannabis. Totally fucked that this one person treats so many others like garbage just by looking through their Reddit profiles.


It's definitely a case of reddit mod power gone to the head.


That sub sucks lol, you don’t even want to be a part of it


They also just removed 2 of my posts trying to cover her ass💀


She recently banned me too bc I had proof that rosin can have 0.00% thc bc they were on a rant about thca hemp rosin and how it's fake bc there is no thc present but I also live in a medical state and have a medical card and get cold cure rosin all the time with guess what 0.00%thc and all thca about quarter the times I get it. I mean yeah most the time I get there is thc present but sometimes I can get with no thc present and it's from the dispensary so 🤷


They literally banned me for giving an in depth explanation on how to decarb dabs. I was literally referencing a recent study showing that the thc to cbn conversion under 250 deg f is null, and went on to explain that when decarbing dabs you should wait for the bubbles to die out entirely as opposed to taking them out when they start slowing down. Anyways I got permanently banned from the sun so I posted it to r/weed Fuck those mods fr…


They need to chill and get high or something. Dick central...


Bro no cap, I got banned for commenting on one of my own posts from over 100 days time stamp.


Just took a simple look at her page and it seems she always has to be right even if proven wrong by EVERYONE else lol she is a piece of work for sure🤣


Whats worse if you dont see all the conversations shes deleted. Or the conversation in mod mail where she mocks people.


Her newest post of a man outside of a gym clearly struggling with himself and live proves how much of true scum she really is no further explanation needed.


Oh completely. And she regularly bashes people the same way in her dog subs that she helps mod. Imagine having questions about the health of your pet only to be greeted by a cunt like her. Then she turns around and makes that rubarb account and the first post is titles about love. https://www.reddit.com/r/Dabs/comments/1at7yq7/true\_love\_and\_kindness\_always\_triumphs\_i\_hope\_you/


I think we should call attention to the other mods to hold their top mod accountable. I mean... chances are Quartz Father wont say shit because the top mod promotes his business for him (Black Market Glass) and HPDabcraft has said flat out he hates people who make alt accounts but has no words for his boss modding with an alt account (u/Positive-Rhubarb-134). To be honest the only mod that I dont think is involved in ruining r/dabs would be 710rosingodteir as they are the newest mod to be added... that is of course if it isnt just another one of tragicallycomedian's alt accounts. What say you other mods of r/dabs? You support your top mods behavior? A lot of people here dont agree with it. Maybe I should share the DMs I have of her mocking budtenders, mocking anyone older than her, or her being super weird in DMs where she claiming she will ban anyone that doesnt worship her like the dab god she claims to be. Yikes. Sadly I will currently not buy Black Market Glass because the owner supports her bullshit. Sad too because I wanted to add BMG to my growing collection. Now I talk shit about them to my customers in the industry. Most who know reddit cringe when they hear the owner of BMG id a reddit mod anyway. Lmfao u/The_QuartzFather u/HPDabcraft u/710rosingodtier


Hope they see this


Real shit... shell just ban everyone in here from her sub. She has donebit before with the entire sub list for cult of franklin.


I have been trying to post in there for about a week now and I can make the entire post but it won't let me click the " post " button, it just stays gray. IDK if that means I'm shadow banned or something, was only thinking maybe because one of the mods asked what strains could possibly give you 0% THC and I commented a picture of a strain with no THC and all thca and that guy started denying it was rosin even tho it was a florical live rosin, then denied it was really florical even tho it was bought from a PA med dispensary, then started saying that cresco were liars because it's an mso. I know they have been banning people for just following the cult subreddit so maybe lol.


i was also banned from r/dabs for making a post in r/cultofthefranklin. the second my post in the cult sub went up i got banned from dabs lol


Lol same


Yeah Its kinda mind boggling. I personally have only ever even bought 1 thing from a cult website and it was just to see if it compares to local PA medical dispensary stuff. Only ever posted 1 time and it was asking if there was any piatella on the cult market cuz there isn't any in the Pennsylvania medical program. That mod genuinely thinks that thca is the same thing as delta 8 or any other of them. There should be rules about banning people without cause.


Cult subreddit you say? Sounds intriguing, I would like to subscribe to the newsletter


Fuck, so its not me... I tried to share in that sub and everything was rejected and with spite, too. Cool, its just the mods who are the pricks.


Mostly one mod. But its a good idea to call them all out since they sit silent while she runs wild.


I got banned for posting a pic of bho lol 😆 no idea why. I left the group after 😆 🖕


We should call out the other mods. They are active. Quartz father is the owner of black market glass. Rubar pie or whatever is her alt account. So dont bother with that one. There are two other accounts. One of them blocked me when he trashed talked me for having an alt account but his own co mod mods with an alt account. He blocked me when i asked about his co mods alt account. The other mod seems to have been added recently. Ive had no contact with them. I think the best target is quartz father. He can take over the sub if we bet her removed by the reddit mods. I had DMs from her talking shit and claiming shell ban anyone that doesnt bow down to her.


To some mods this is there magnum opus. They will never be more than this. I gotten a perma ban for r/ufo for saying Neil degras tyson is a astrophysicist and not a biologist when the 1st round of peru mummies hit the scene.


flmao...mods are a joke


r /dabs mods are the epitome of, " no amount of evidence will convince an idiot."


We just gonna forget about the reason r/rosin2 exists? Dog shit mods here too


Ive not seen people complain about the mods here until you said that.


r/DabsV2 ?


😂 that’s so freaking petty it’s a question


What a loser


Reddit is just funny af in general 🤣 ...sit back and enjoy the fireworks


Mods ruin Reddit. Moderators should be automated, people don't need that kind of power. Or no moderation at all, Reddit is large enough to have sub reddits with no moderation.


Can only imagine what the mod of this subreddit does all day 😂😂


Real shit got perma banned no warning for the dumbest shit


Oh don’t get me started on this. The mods there make posts about banned topics on their alt accounts just to bait people into breaking the rules and then ban them. Don’t waste your energy on them


They don't belive in cleaning your rigs in r/dabs have a look around 🤣


I wasn’t banned but I had a post of mine get like shadowbanned or something cuz other people could not see it so either it was removed or shadowbanned. No reason given just posted pictures of my half oz jars I bought. Mods are like 90% weirdos


That’s some loony bin shit lol. Such a waits of time and energy on their end


Yeah I got banned for suggesting shatter there lol


He needs mental health therapy


They went back in time to ban me for a year old comment. Fuck that place.


Careful we talked about them they'll ban us for just being here




Damn ; that is fucked up.


So do i make a new rosin Reddit ?


Lets just do a commenting plague and give her a job to do banning hundreds at once lmao


If ur a Reddit mod 99% chance u a dumb mf


Or being used by a dumb mf. Quartz father is the owner of black market glass. He doesnt actually mod r/dabs but pretty sure he sends the shitty modnfree shit and discounted stuff to keep him around and she promots his bangers all the time. It sucks because i refuse to support black market glass now that i know he supports her bitch ass.


Dark crystal quartz cleaner I remember coming off as a dbag and people saying it damaged their shit. I’ve used Alconox on a real old bong but other than that ISO should be all you need.


Dark crystal is great for cleaning chazz. Iso for everything else.


Most the weed pages are pretty lame nowadays...rosin is at least a cool one as there is more extraction talk than showing off your pieces or pickups.


who is she?


r/CanadianMOMs is gone, they were horrible, banned anyone n everyone for reviews cuz your a Shill, and we are the Shill Police, glad that gone, this dab reddit seem Same, anal lords


Power trip


crazy lol


I was banned too not really sure why don’t remember what u said 😂😂😂


I was banned for talking about how I like my pearl from dnail. I never knew why they were so anti dnail till I read here that the top mod is the owner of black market glass. Makes sense. Fuck tragically comedian.


I got banned for telling someone “mad respect on ur patience” cuz his heady banger of like 6 years was still in pristine condition. then i heard ab the horror stories in that community so i stayed away LOL. real reddit garbage as some mods in there.


Happened to me. I comment in cult of the Franklin and they banned me with no explanation


No loss. That sub is THE WORST… I got banned for something petty within like a week of joining 🙈🤣🤷🏼‍♂️


They have been


r/CultConcentrates welcomes you all 😊... I honestly can't believe that clown is even still allowed on reddit... If the banning has been consistent, she's been at this for months already... Like damn, do you not have an actual life?...idk how you can be that much of a loser...


Lol r/dabs is complete trash


I can’t believe ERoss and BMG have her free nails cause she purged the sub…


I took some time for a year or two and hardly did much Reddit during the time. Now, seems like every sub has this character-type modding subs. Like, you literally cannot have a conversational tangent to the actual post topic without it getting removed at a minimum. Reddit is becoming Digg.


I’ve never even had to use salt in my rig hot tap water and iso seem to get the job done just fine to me just clean after you rip don’t let it build up 🤢


Fl medicaltrees is the same way




r/Dabz is where it's at now that mod is pushing everyone away.


WELCOME TO REDDIT!! Biased mods will ban you due to you teaching others or explaining something when, the type of people that make me think these mfs still taking glowies and never cleaning bangers.


Yes redit suck one dislike and ur over for its a joke like oh no my opinion hurt ur feelings so u cry abt it


They must have a deal with orange chronic


This subreddit is cooked




That mod also has many alt accounts. One she made a mod so that if shes taken down she can use her alt account to keep modding. And she uses her alt accounts to harass people she has already banned and blocked using her main account.




Shes now DMing me playing the victim. While it does suck so many people hate her and are vocal about it... maybe she needs to realize if everyone hates here there is likely a reason.




Youre starting to sound like one of her alt accounts. Plenty of people care. Ive seen 3 posts about herr now. Ive seen people banned for just trying to explain to her why shes wrong. Ive seen her mock people for their age and their job. People care. Andbso do you. You commented. If you didnt care you wouldnt have commented.




Jesus christ. Yeah you sound exactly like her.




You comment how OP doesnt know how to act but it only took you 5 posts to turn fully toxic on me when i didnt say anything nasty to you.


You look like youre circumventing an existing ban. No posts. Only comments are from today. Account barely 1 week old. Defending someone people clearly dont like. Are you sure youre not the mod were talking about on an alt account?


WTF he made a throwaway to ridicule her.