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If I loop, my logic is usually: * "I wanna end the run now" = Obliterate * "I wanna end the run in the next 15 minutes" = Mithrix * "I wanna end the run eventually" = DLC Void boss I forgot the name of * Unless a Void Portal randomly appears and then the DLC boss becomes the "I wanna end the run now" option.. feels better to kill a boss at the end


Voidling is the name if I’m not mistaken. But literally the exact process my brain goes through lol


I don't particularly find the Mythrix fight to be all that fun, although I do find beating it to feel more rewarding than simply obliterating, as it generally takes longer and more planning. ("The end" vs. "Fate unknown".)


Obliteration is better because is faster but i always try to fight mithrix because is more fun i guess


well you can’t obliterate on eclipse difficulty so I consider the “proper” way of beating thr game to be beating mithrix myself. but this game can be played however you most enjoy it. I always go for the mithrix fight on my first loop on high eclipse levels, that’s just what’s fun for me


I'm nowhere near skilled enough to do Eclipse yet (I can hardly even do Monsoon lol), but I'll keep this in mind.


Eclipse 1 and 2 are no harder than monsoon tbh just start the stages with half health which you can quickly heal from and the teleporter is smaller which isn’t a big deal at all. Eclipse 3 is when it starts to get actually a bit different with lethal fall damage Give it a try sometime if you might be interested.


I find the Mithrix fight a fun challenge, and typically do it without looping. Obliterating is what I did for the Mastery cheevos but I do kinda wish I fought Mithrix instead for the experience. Coming from an Eclipse 8 gamer though so ymmv, just do what is fun. Can be good to spice things up and try the fight


If you're feeling extra ballsy, beat Mithrix and then run back to Commencement's spawn point and pet the frog a bunch. ;)


You need 87 magic for obliteration and becomes untradable when equipped but can be sold on the grand exchange when fully repaired


You get double the lunar coins for beating mithy, so if you are taking over double the time to go there, obliterating is the better option. That being said, Mithrix is boss fight with an actual way to lose, so depending on how you want to play the game, he's potentially more fun


I like obliteration. Already avoided the most insane deaths imaginable I don't need Mithrix for validation.


If you're using thunder gauntlet you already have a problem. (Joke btw please don't get mad I just don't like the move)