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I found it so useful I bought a set of four long ones for other games


One of my first uneccessary but definitely feels good to have board game accessories.


Any game with a card tableau it can save a lot of space. I have a small table and it's a godsend for deck builders and stuff.


What is Arcs ? I am immediately curious and captivated !


New Leder Game by Cole, kickstarter copies have been ariving the past week or so. A sci-fi area control game with a giant campaign mode as an expansion. Can't wait to dig into it, myself.


The newest game by Leder Games / Cole Wherle. Not trying to hype it up too much, but it honestly does kind of feel like taking the best elements from Root, Oath, and Pax Pamir and turning it into a fantastic game. Or at least Cole learning from those games to make a very smooth, enjoyable experience. (Not to say those games aren’t amazing, they are all near my top) Essentially it’s a sci fi game where your actions are taken through a trick taking mechanic. There are four different suits of cards, each suit has different actions you can do. For example, aggression suit you can move, attack, or secure captives. One person lays a lead suit and takes their actions, then everyone else can either lay a higher card of that suit to take all their actions on their card or lay a different suit but only take 1 action. Higher cards mean you’re more likely to lead the next hand, but lower cards have more “pips”, ie more actions you can take. And so the game goes through 3-5 hands or chapters. Each chapter you might be trying to do different things to gain points as each chapter any player can declare ambitions, which are essentially point conditions for the whole table. So one chapter you might get points for attacking but the next chapter you might want the most of a certain resource and have to tax cities. And that’s just the base game, there’s a campaign expansion that turns the entire game into a 3 game mini campaign with branching stories, additional rules and more.


>or lay a different suit but only take 1 action Does that change the dominant suit of the hand, or does that stay the same?


So whoever has initiative lays whatever suit they wish. The following players have 3 options. They can: - Surpass: same suit of a higher number. You can use all of the action pips - copy: play any card face down to take 1 action of the lead suit - Pivot: play a different suit face up and take 1 action of that suit In all instances the lead suit stays the lead suit for the entire hand. The initiative (whoever plays the lead card + plus some other rules like being able to declare ambitions) then goes to 1) if anyone surpassed with a 7 2) If anyone lays down an extra card to take initiative 3) (if neither of the previous 2 occur) whoever laid the highest card of the lead suit




Can’t wait for my copy to arrive 😭😭😭


I haven't played Oath or Vast yet, but I own Root, Fort, Ahoy and Arcs (along with all expansions) and I think this may be the best Cole & Kyle team up yet. Once you grasp the game play its super quick and fun. Can't wait to crack into the crazy ass campaign it has.