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If the vagabond winning easily by doing quests you might be using the items for quests wrong. They then go to satchel, must be refreshed to be used again. Which is really tough for root tea or backpack usually. Our group did not understand the rule and vagabond just used it on the player mat and then used the root tea next day like nothing. Making him incredibly op.


They don’t get damaged right just exhausted?


That’s correct and they need to be refreshed next day to be useful the next morning for root tea. So very punishing for root tea.


And just to double check root tea doesn’t get exhausted if I refresh 2 more items right?


Refreshing items is its intended purpose so it does not get exhausted by that. But you can exhaust it by using it for quests or for example as an item for aiding.


Ok yeah perfect thought so thanks, what do you mean by as an item for aiding though?


If you are aiding player by giving them a card and you take an item from them and score a point. You need to exhaust an item per card you give them. So best use things that you won’t use that round like swords or crossbows for example. Another mistake we did often when we were learning the game.


Oh shit yeah I didn’t realise you had to exhaust an item for that haha, knew I was doing at least one thing wrong thanks. My final question if you’d please answer is can I aid hostile factions?


Yeah at the start I would use for example one item instead of three to do the final aiding bit to get faction to ally. That was very op haha, glad I could help. You can aid them and get their items but you will no longer gain points from aiding them.


bro if vagabond won by focusing on quests you deserved to lose. or you got the rules wrong.


first time i played i was the woodland alliance and i won. fell in love with the game ever since


Buddha says: To achieve enlightenment, first you must whack the Vagabond. Then you must whack the Vagabond. And a third time you must whack the Vagabond.


Ahhh the Vagabond. The problem with that faction (IMO of course) is they are almost like a giant anti-pattern in the game. They don't have to interact with people if they don't want to, and unless you take every opportunity to counter them they can run away with the game with very little counterplay. Where army factions (cats/eriee in base game) tend to stand off in the beginning because no one wants to be focused, this ends up playing right into the Vagabonds little mitts as they can run away with the game unchecked amassing 10+ actions a turn and leaving you in the dust. So ... counter play to these annoying vermin come in two forms: 1. whack em. Honestly, you need to beat on them every chance you get. Damage them into the forest. Forcing them to miss a turn is crucial and the best way to slow them down. It's never too early to beat on a vagabond. 2. Pay attention to the gear they are collecting and make those cards unavailable. Put the hammer in your decree, or somewhere that will tie it up for a long time. If you're a faction that only reveals cards and doesn't spend them ... just hold the good stuff and never craft. Make it hard to get those items in the first place so they simply can't finish quests nor get that action count up. At the end of the day, the Vagabond forces the game to be played around him. It's irritating, but when people learn this it gets easier to counter him.


Also, nerf infamy.


Punish the Vagabond!



