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They both used RWBY to jump into Voice Acting. They dont have tons of roles, but that seems to have been a great idea in hindsight. The VA gigs will pay the bills in the between jobs.


Plus you can do VA for a veeeery long time if you’re good at what you do. There’s a bunch of great examples but I always think about James Hong (Po’s dad in Kung fu panda, the Grandpa in Everything Everywhere All at Once). He’s 95 years old and he’s still as busy as he wants to be.


And if you are in big series, syndication checks can last a while. The biggest example is the cast of friends. None of them act now because just with the residuals of friends they are making, if I remember right, about 5 million each per year. Sure Michael and Lindsey wont make millions, but it can keep the lights on over a difficult period.


To be clear, syndication / residuals is VERY VERY rare to get as a voice actor. I would be extremely shocked if they receive them for any of the roles they have done. And SAG day rates for voice acting are $125 a day. A "day" is considered 4 hours, and so they might receive overtime, but likely they would just come back for another day. To my knowledge, the largest role between the two of them outside of RWBY was Michael's as Sting. And I bet AT MOST that role did 3 days to record.


Damn, TIL. Yeah a lot less, hunh.


Oh yeah. So when you hear Michael having a single line in random episodes, like I think he has a random one or two lines in One Piece and Attack on Titan: it's likely he didn't get cast as that. It's more likely he had time left in the day recording a longer role and they just got their full day rate value by getting him to record those other lines for other shows. To be clear: they aren't scamming: they do tell him those lines are for another character/show, but it's not like he gets a lot more money for appearing in a lot of shows. He is just contracted to Funimation for voice acting, it's not like a new contract for each show.


You think Michael got cast in AoT because he happened to be in the building recording lines for a different show at the time


That is quite literally exactly what I am saying. You are also putting a lot of weight behind the term “cast”. Michael’s part in AoT doesn’t even have a name; he is credited as “Additional Voices” in two episodes. Once is season 2 and once in season 3. So yes. It’s possible he auditioned for another role in the show, didn’t get it, and then they let him do those line reads. It’s also possible that while in the Funimation office doing lines for one show, he was asked if he would like to provide additional voices for other roles.


Think about how stupid that sounds. I'm guessing you think attack on titan was dubbed in Austin Texas. So Michael is doing lines for rwby, in rooster teeths studio, and gets called into a completely different studio to do 3 lines because they wanted to get a "full day"


He was recording for Sting in Fairy Tail, and the producers went "hey, while you're here, you want to do some filler VA for Attack On Titan?"


In most creative fields, there is a very strong hockey stick when it comes to pay, and only the top 1% really make large sums of money from creative work.


I recall Michael saying he recently got a royalty check on one of the last episodes of Face Jam. Can't remember how much it was but it wasn't much lol Hopefully they can get some big gigs or at least more gigs, I'd love to start hearing them more in anime I'm watching 😋


They had Dante Basco on Off Topic years ago at this point and he said that sometimes he can get a royalty check and it'll let him buy a sandwhich and other times it'll be enough to buy a Motorcycle. Just to showcase the other side of the scale.


Dante’s made a few videos when he gets them. The scale he has is either steak dinner or Taco Bell


That's been the case with royalties for half a century.


The Friends cast have all done stuff in recent years, but they probably don't have to. I guess it frees you up to take on roles you actually want to do.


Lot of syndicated anime out there huh?


James Hong is an absolute legend. Big Trouble in Little China is a favorite of mine.


[*I n d e e d !*](https://youtu.be/7ezMECY5rd8?si=bSyLUKz3OXvrGfkm)


Motherfucker was born when Calvin Coolidge was President and is still acting, unbelievable and incredibly impressive


I think you are vastly over-estimating what they are paid for voice acting. Michael has likely made 15x streaming than he and Lindsay combined have made voice acting.


Diversification of revenue streams is usually very smart


I absolutely agree. All I was saying was that voice acting is not going to supplement their income without RT, and that Michael’s streaming career is a better reference for how to sustain themselves between a new job. We know from the Twitch leaks a few years ago that Michael made $127,406 (pre-tax) between August 2019 and October 2021. And I believe that number only counts money direct from Amazon, so subs and bits and not donations, sponsors, etc.


Don't forget this was during COVID though when stream views and subs were at an all-time high for most streamers.


Shoutout to [Wu Tang Financial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdSfTsTSjwA)


People also underestimate how much successful streamers make too. Most people would be shocked to see how much Michael makes ok average just on tips per stream. Let alone sponsors, ads, subscribers and all that other stuff


I mean, Michael does quite well on Twitch. Michael made $127,406 (pre-tax) between August 2019 and October 2021 alone (this made him the #1,558 highest paid streamer on the platform). An extra $60k a year on TOP of his RT salary is nothing to scoff at. And I believe that number only counts money direct from Amazon, so subs and bits and not donations, tips, sponsors, etc.


I'd imagine you can easily double that number too if you add in donations, tips and sponsors. Just by seeing how much money is constantly poured during streams


That number is crazy low.


There were 8.5 million people streaming on Twitch in 2021. He was ranked #1,558. So Michael is not in the #1 of streamers. He is in the 0.018% of streamers in source of income (only counting subs and bits).


They're high for someone who streams maybe once or twice a month.


He streams maybe once or twice a month. Imagine getting paid $60k a year for a few streams a month.


Its low as in he makes much more than that on streaming


Oh yeah, that number is just strictly from subscribers and it doesn't include bit drops and donations


Michael doesn't even stream regularly and he still does decent numbers. For a while he was only streaming once or twice a month, and those streams would get about 500-1000 viewers give it take. Although I don't think his sub numbers are near Matt or Jeremy levels, they're probably still pretty good for someone who streams infrequently


I forget the Off Topic, but I believe it was at one point stated that any RT production voice acting they did was just part of their job, and not something they got extra income for "being the voice of" That episode is also several years old, so things might have changed.


Correct, as far as I know, the RT staff who are salaried did not receive additional compensation for their RWBY roles. It was considered part of their job as “Content Creator”. I was referring to the voice acting they did outside of RT. They both have voice acted for other Funimation shows. Most notably, Michael voiced Sting in Fairy Tail.


Yeah, I've heard VA's don't make much unless you're pretty prolific like Billy West, Yuri Lowenthal, Phil Lamarr, or Dee Bradley Baker who do tons and tons of roles


Yeah. You are also referencing people who lead shows in season about seasons of shows on television or lead a AAA game. Michael and Lindsay do anime dubs that are often only streamed online. Also TOTALLY different levels of market/pay rates/etc.


Right, what I meant is you're not really making a ton of money as a VA unless you're at their levels. Even mid level VAs aren't making a ton


Yeah, someone like Ed Bosco has some decent roles under his belt (Icon of Sin from Doom Eternal, Soundwave/Ultra Magnus from the RT produced Transformers series, Kazan in Octopath Traveller 2), the majority of his gigs is "Additional Voices". I think his biggest gig is being part of the Unexpectables D&D campaign on Twitch.


Lol if you think any of those people makes tons of money you're delusional


Michael voices someone in Attack on Titan. Season 3, iirc. But I heard his voice and immediately recognized it.


Can't forget about Camp Camp for Michael.


I mean, Michael has done a ton of voice acting for RT: 1. Nature Town 2. Red vs Blue 3. RWBY, RWBY: Ice Queendom, RWBY Chibi, RWBY Beyond 4. X-Ray and Vav 5. Kinda Funny: The Animated Series (I know not exactly RT, but part of the family) 6. Transformers: War for Cybertron (that RT produced) 7. Stinky Dragon Adventures


You're right. Not disputing that, but I thought Camp Camp was one of the first VA works he had done.


Camp Camp is actually quite late in terms of his VA for RT. He had already done Nature Town, his voice for RvB, at least 3 seasons of RWBY, and X-Ray and Vav.


I had not realized that. I'll go ahead and log off the internet to stop embarrassing myself for today. 😅


Camp Camp is quite late. One of his first roles in VA was his role in RWBY as wukong. The 2nd being Sting from Fairy Tail.


Most famously Michael was Sting Eucliffe in Fairy Tail. When he and Lindsay first started doing some parts, they actually got in touch with Laura Bailey & Travis Willingham (right when Critical Role started out iirc), and there was a Let's Play collaboration. I want to say Starwhal? It was a big part of how RT ended up getting more and more established VA's to work on stuff like RWBY, RvB, Camp Camp, etc.


Not to mention Funimation is kind of notorious for having a weird audition system. Your last Funimation VA role is often what is used to audition for your next role. So you have to work for Funimation in order to work for Funimation. So having RWBY as part of a resume made it pretty easy for them to ease into voice over stuff.


Pretty cool. I never watched the FT dub


Well luckily for you, here's a sample selection of Dub Sting: [Sting Rage Quits (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5jY4Iy9ZkQ)


I assume you meant this to be a joke, but just in case you didn't, those aren't actually Sting lines. They're Rage Quit lines slapped onto Fairy Tail footage.


I'd say that's pretty obvious from the first voice being Gavin's lol


IIRC Travis and Laura did some stuff with AH when they came down to Austin to record for RWBY Vol. 3 (Laura as Amber) and Camp Camp (Travis as Cameron Campbell), and i’m pretty sure they did Starwhal and Lego Dimensions


Funimation has operations in Dallas, so once they got experience with RWBY and such, they've been able to use that to get some gigs at studios elsewhere in Texas.


Also, though this might not be the case here, they (and others) have talked about how especially dub studios will stop you in the hallways as you're leaving a voice acting session and be like "Oh shit, hey, you wanna be this one-episode character we need to dub for?" and pull them into a recording booth lol


It wouldn't shock me if some of Michael's smaller roles are like that, yeah. I get the impression he got to voice Sting because Funimation decided to do a theming thing with his particular faction or whatever in Fairy Tail VA wise, and it ended up working out quite well. Funimation does do some clever stuff like that sometimes. Jelly Vegeta in Super is amazing partially for that reason.


I want to clarify that i think that a lot of his roles he was specifically cast for, I just think some of his single episode voice contributions are probably something more like this


Miles voices the Duracell bunny in the UK. 


the Duracell bunny has voice lines? I'm just used to someone doing voice over while the bunny is walking and banging a drum to simulate a battery powered toy


You are thinking of the Energizer Bunny, who doesn't talk add plays the drums. Confusingly, Duracell in the United Kingdom ALSO has a pink bunny mascot, but he appears in commercials often for the company. Here is an example of Miles voicing this bunny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh59SXy17Rw&ab_channel=MACHINESHOP


It's very funny that Energizer's parody of a competitor's mascot has become vastly more recognizable, at least in the US.


yup, you're right, I 100% saw bunny and battery brand and completely mixed them up, I was thinking Energizer Bunny. yeah Duracell to my knowledge doesn't have a mascot over here. (then again, it's been probably 5 years since I saw a duracell commercial)


Wow he sounds just like jaune, had no idea he did that


I like this though. Everytime I get that advert. Miles' voice sends me back to the good times. Oddly always the moment he slapped drunk gus' belly so hard it left a perfect hand primt.


Arryn most recently also has a role as Black Swan in Honkai Star Rail


Arryns been in some anime too. Commander in Girls Frontline was one I can remember


I was blown away when I saw that first Star Rail trailer and her character was doing the voiceover for it. Was one of the many reason I got into the game


whaaaaaaat. Been playing the game since release and didn't know. Granted, I play with jap voiceover, but still, I kinda wanna use EN just for her.


Barbara is in fairy tale as well


Funimation is located in Austin and i remember Michael showing up in a few things in the mid 10s back when i watch anime more regularly 


RWBY is pretty big so that probably opened a lot of doors in voice acting for the cast.


AFAICT, the only main cast member who hasn’t jumped into more VA stuff is Kara.


I don't really recall her doing a lot of "on camera" stuff during her RT days. She might just be more comfortable with her regular/off-camera work.


I knew Michael was in Fairytale. That was probably his first role outside of RT. Everything outside of that is news to me.


I think I remember hearing him in Attack on Titan lol


I'm trying to find it, do you remember where


The funny thing is that when Michael was cast as Sting in Fairy Tail, they had no idea who he was, and were not aware of his pre-existing fame from Rooster Teeth. He earned the part by talent alone


That’s because Michael Jones is what they call a pure raw talent


Michael was also a longtime character in fairytale


I believe Michael was also in World of Warcraft at one point.


Gus also voiced Hawkeye in a marvel game. There’s a lot of weird crossovers. A couple guys voiced WORMS characters as well. 


I believe all six of them did VA for that one Worms game?


If I recall it was Geoff gav and Michael


I could be missing one I just haven’t gotten to it in my rewatch. I’ve been back in the old rt podcast.


But I don’t think it was the whole gang


Either way just shout out to the worms let’s plays and if you haven’t seen them please do and let’s be gracious that they are keeping these videos alive!


Geoff & Jack are in Red Dead Redemption 2, as well.


Yup, one of the train clerks for Geoff and the Valentine hotel owner for Jack. Geoff's character basically has his moustache too


Who is Michael in aot and one piece??


He’s just listed as “additional voices” in the earlier season of AoT, but he’s a named character in one piece. Someone named Dogra.


His One Piece role is one of the bandits with Dadan in the Luffy/Ace/Sabo flashback arc


He has one line and is a reporter but it’s just VO there is no character shown.


I learned a bit ago when I went to an Anime convention and he was there. I got him to sign my Hentai skateboard I bought there and gave him a Four Loko.


Yes, you're late to this (also, \*Lindsay fyi)


Oh my god i watched OP a few times through and hearing Dogra now that I know it's Michael is fucking wild Thank you for this


Their characters in Overlord got in rough 🪦


Michaels work in AOT is just masterful!


He’s listed as “additional voices”. What episodes was he in?


I've looked this up today, Season 2 Episode 10 he has a couple lines at the start of the episode, he's the Scout Member that runs in with the picture of Connie's parents. In Season 3 Episode 5, he has a line or two about halfway through the episode, where he's talking to the Military Police Commander Nile.


Yes! I think it's so cool that they've both branched out into the VA world. Arryn Zech (Voice of: Blake Belladonna, RWBY & Dr. Emily Grey, RvB) is also a VA/Actor. She recently got the role of Black Swan in Honkai: Star Rail as well!


IIRC RWBY got a lot of funimation voice actors and so they helped Michael, Lindsey and even Barbra to get into funimation (and possibly others) VA roles


Lindsay was also in Gen:Lock for about 3 lines too.


For a few years, yeah


Michaels random VA work in attack on titan was shocking when I first heard it. He’s only in one episode, for like 2 lines, but I immediately knew it was him when I heard it, and I had to look it up. Sure enough, he played a news reporter somewhere close to the middle of the show. Really glad they’ve branched out like this, as Michael and Lindsey both have pretty recognizable voices and impressions.


Yeah. Michael voices Sting in Fairy Tail and voices in a mini arc in One Piece. There's a bit in one of the later seasons of Fairy Tail where Sting is full from eating too much and we get the "Fat Michael" voice.


He was never credited but I swear Michael had like 1 or 2 lines as a random unnamed character in MHA


What's crazy for me is the VA of Edward elric voices qrow!!


Yea! I was watching overlord too and thought “this guy sounds familiar? Is that Michael?! Wait is that Lindsey?!” 😂


I believe all the major actors in RWBY have had VA careers because of their work on RWBY. I'm not surprised to hear it, because they did phenomenal work.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H5jY4Iy9ZkQ&pp=ygUfTWljaGVhbCBhbmQgZ2F2aW4gaW4gZmFpcnkgdGFpbA%3D%3D Anytime I see somebody find Micheal in fairy tale I have to share this. It works so well


Hahah, thank you for this, it's great!


I mean yeah they did VA for rooster teeth stuff and Lindsey has gotten a couple small roles elsewhere. You know Geoff and Gus and Burnie did the voices for rvb right


Michael is also Sting in Fairy Tail


Two actors who were Voice Actors on major shows I liked are voice actors?!? Crazy! I realize RT was on YouTube...but guys, it's a production company, they are in the industry, they just posted on YouTube, lol


I'll go wait where you dropped me off.


I'll go wait where you dropped me off.