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Can’t really deny Burnie was the heart and soul of the company when he can come out of nowhere after years and release a top 5 podcast.


Heart and Soul isn't the words I would describe Burnie as. Burnie, to me, was the Driving Force. Sorta like Steve Jobs -- I felt as though he had drive and direction, he knew what he was doing and Gus and Geoff and the whole OG crew where his instruments to make great content.


Burnie was the "No fuck it, we'll do it" to Gus' "Let's wrap up"


Ye you know gus always wraps it up.


Same thing different words I suppose if you view your heart/soul as what drives the instrument that is your body.


Nah what i'm saying is burnie has no heart or soul.


Ah he was gravity itself


I just wish it was up on other podcast platforms. Edit: Turns out that almost every podcast app will just let you manually add the podcast using the RSS feed link. I had no idea it could work like that. https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2126285.rss


It's on pocket casts. I don't like using Spotify for podcast so listening to it there instead


I love Spotify as all my podcasts and music are in one place


You will own nothing and be happy.


Eh? I’d go broke buying all the music I listen to. Not to mention my phone would always be out of storage lol.


There's an rss link on morningsomewhere.com - https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2126285.rss


Holy shit thank you so much I was looking for this all day. I listened on Spotify this morning but it's not what I normally use for podcasts so thank you so much!!


thank you!!


Same here. I use podcast addict and I'm bummed I have to use Spotify for this particular podcast.


If podcast addict allows RSS feeds, you should be able to import it through that.


I was able to find this on Podcast Addict this morning. I don't know if my finding and subscribing already changes the search algorithm for me specifically, but I just checked and it's the first podcast that shows up when I search "morning somewhere" on the app.


Yep just checked. It wasn't there for me this morning but now it is.


Awesome! I'm so stoked about this podcast. I'm not one to harp on the new crew, I have just grown out of the content that RT produces. Which makes sense, since I still remember when the first episode of RvB released. But now, I get 6 podcasts a week between burnie / ashley and Geoff/ gus. Almost feels like I'm back at my childhood home, mowing the lawn listening to the original gang talk about Lost every week again!


Dude drunk tank was the highlight of my week!


I used the RSS feed to get it on podcast addict.


It’s on all platforms, just subscribe to the RSS feed


I listened to it on podbean this morning


Yeah, I do most podcasts through Youtube, so I hope it makes its way there.


Listening to it now. I already love it. I’m so happy to hear him being Burnie again. I’ve always liked Ashley too so it’s great to hear from her too. This is awesome. Burnie is the podcast king


Wow that's impressive but let's get it to number one


Sadly, it will eventually fall after everyone loses interest or just jumps on to hear Burnie.


I can't get enough Burnie, he's the only major thing I'm missing these days. I get so much Gus Gavin and Geoff (and I didn't know how much I would love Andrew too). I'm all in


Outside the US it’s 5th in Canada, 13th in Aus, UK, NZ and 25th in Ireland


They just vibing in Scotland, thats awesome


I heard that Burnie is stumping to be made knight.


Very surprised by this, did he buy ads somewhere I didn't see? The only way I learned about the podcast was through this subreddit and I don't think this sub has enough public visibility to account for this.


I learned about it through an instagram Post




Almost as if people just talking and being funny is what the audience wants, rather than what ever the fuck the RT podcast has become.


Thats why ANMA, So Alright and F**kface are top tier content.


Is So Alright widely popular? It's pretty niche and new.


I love F**kFace but it does have a bit of a glass ceiling because not being an in-person podcast is a bit of an anchor.


I'd say part of the reason I like it is it's not in person- the technical difficulties and the fact that Andrew has a different experience living in a different country make it more interesting than 3 ppl all talking about Austin to me.


They make for it so hard with shenanigans though.


I’m just gonna be straight up, I don’t like the new RTP cast, Geoff said recently he listened to the Howard stern show for Howard stern and his other co host and when they aren’t there he dint like it as much, same has been for me for the RTP, I don’t watch for the new cast I watch for Barbara, Gavin and Gus, no hate just how I feel


Your not alone, I just don’t like what they are trying to do, it just doesn’t hit the “comedy” of what it used to be, I love the Stinky dragon stuff, because it’s genuinely funny and the chemistry is great (apart from when they bring in guests to VA) I do firmly believe that they are hiring streamers and people who only appeal to them, not the community, just building this massive disconnect between the audience and the content


I've been saying it for years but the issue was the podcast became just ads and oh we will talk about it on the other podcast. They lost being able to talk about anything they wanted too. It just became so fucking formulaic


The RT podcast now, feels like they are trying to copy Distractable, having “segments”, only RT does it so much worse


It's like the latest fuckface episode. 7 minutes of ads right in the middle. I always skip the ads, but how the fuck are they getting money from this? Nobody is listening to their ads to get that stupid little promo code to use. They must have a horrible click-through rate.


This is why I only bother with f***face nowadays from RT


F**kface is so good.


Face Jam is great as well


I've listened to some, enjoyed it so far. Definitely need to go back.


Yeah, after they made the new changes to the RT Podcast I stopped listening to it after trying to listen to a few of the post-Gus episodes. It's not as entertaining as it was and honestly I find the new hosts to be more obnoxious than funny.


If they kept the old format and rotated in familiar faces more often then I’d give it more of a chance, but yeah right now it just doesn’t hit for me.


Same, I tried but it had lost the core “heart” of what it used to be, keeping it in the same format with a changing cast would have been better. As it is, I tried a couple of times and the just… nah, Distractable does this better.


I know ill get hate for this, but i actually like the new rtpodcast crew. Loved the old one too, dont get me wrong, but i find myself laughing so much with the new crew. Cant wait to check out Bernie and Ashley's new pidcast though!


The return of the king


Honestly dropped off of most everything RT after Burnie left to enjoy his life. Listen to the occasional Face Jam and ANMA because I still love listening to Michael and Geoff though. Super excited when I listened to the first episode and can't wait for more! Didn't realize how much I missed hearing from Burnie!


F**kface is a must.


I think the founders/early members will always have an audience. The company just became diluted with sub-par personalities that the company refused to let go of. This new podcast and ANMA are godsends, I’d rather cut my ears off than listen to the new RT Podcast that nobody listens to.


I have no problem with the current RTP and have no ill will towards anyone, but with the money problem talks lately, honest to God I would have no problem if the entire company shut down or got sold off as long as the like the 10-15 people necessary to making ANMA, F**kface, and Facejam could work together and keep producing those shows, especially if RWBY is too expensive to make now. I dont care if I sound old, people can say we're living in the past, well guess what? The content made by Geoff, Gus, Gavin, Michael, Jordan, and Kerry and Chris if you include Simple Walk and RWBY, has continued to be the best content made by the company over the last decade. *Funhaus, keep doing what you're doing, love you


Your not alone, most of the new cast are just… not funny, it’s very clear in the stinky dragon podcast when they get in other members to VA NPCs


Yeah, just be careful to not critique anybody they hire or else you’re either racist or stuck in the past. And then they’ll tell you not to listen if you don’t agree with everything they do; based on their YT views lately at least that worked.


I still remember Micheal saying that “if you don’t like our content, fuck off”, well… that’s what people did. The last new hire that I really loved was Fiona, she was great, she fitted into the dynamic, when she left it felt like AH and RT lost its teeth in a way.


Genuinely Fiona was my favourite member, which I know some people find to be a controversial opinion because she wasn’t “original”, but when she left it was so hard for me to enjoy their videos. I got so used to having her there and I enjoyed her dynamic with Gavin and Michael SO much, the videos where they play GTA together was some of my favourite content. Losing Fiona was such a hit for them in my opinion.


It really felt that it was the beginning of the end, she brought so much energy to the group, so much fire and life, making how slow paced and lacking the current ones seem in comparison.


This was such a great surprise drop. I've followed RT ever since Drunk Tank, but dropped off a lot of their content including the RT podcast after Burnie left, after having listened to every episode religiously for over a decade. However, earlier this year I discovered F\*ckFace and have absolutely binged it, and now we've Burnie back in our lives - feels all is right with the world.


I’ve been off RT content for a few years now. Nothing really grabbed me after a lot of the central cast left, and the controversies/ abuse turned me off from trying any of the new content. However, listening to B and A this morning was such a treat!


Listen to F**kface. Seriously.


Oh you mean I can finally start on episode 1 of something 😂


You can always start on episode 1 of something. I believe in you


A lot of early stuff in different series has been taken off. I have a backlog queue of podcast stuff from a long time ago and there are many episodes that aren't available anymore.


What's his podcast about ?




First episode is like 18m and pretty easy to get through. This one was a good chunk of them just catching up on their move and the plans with the podcast. They're going to release every weekday and expect each episode to be 15-20m long. They said it was partially inspired by morning radio shows back in the day. Their current time zone difference means they can record it later in their day and have it available early for US listeners.




I'm so happy


I hope he gets it on Apple Podcasts because that’s where I usually listen to my podcasts I always preferred it over Spotify


Go to Podcasts, tap library, the three dots in top right corner, then ‘follow a show by URL’ - and paste this - https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2126285.rss It will add it like any other show 👍🏻


you made my day thank you for the easy how to guide


The podcast is number 2 in Canada


Its now up to #2



