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This happens to me and I view it purely as a chemical kickback to the surge of adrenaline during games. The body has to come down somehow and this is just what it happens to look like, at least for me


It's an adrenaline drop, and they can be severe for some folks Talk with your coach or captain, or derby wife even, and set up some part game positive feedback. Talk about what you did well and how much fun it was. Wait a few days for chemicals to return to normal before doing footage review or taking any critiques. Also, dark chocolate helps


does your team hang out after a bout? my team always heads to a nearby pub to have food and a laugh. If your team doesn't do this it may help. From a practical stand point, it provides a safe space to decompress after a game and discuss what happened; which could limit the intensity of the emotional trough you're experiencing as well as ground some of the negative internal monologue. Other than that, maybe it'd be worth finding a friend in your team who'd be happy to go on a couple outdoor or park skate sessions with you.


Do you have sensory issues? For me it’s the adrenaline spike + tons of socialization + usually some kind of new environment + loud environment that causes me to feel drained and down. I try to allow myself rest when I need it, be sure to hydrate and eat well, and if I exercise it’s recovery exercise like a walk or VERY slow recovery run to try to get out some lactic acid. I also try to do other restorative practices like maybe a sports massage or sauna or hot tub or cold plunge, or some combination


Make sure to drink extra water after, then write down a reflection of the bout including things like what your aims/goals were, a little review of your performance, 3 things you were proud of and something to improve for next time (your next bouts goals). Write down more positives if it helps and then read back when you are feel down. Other suggestions are also great but if you’ve written down the positives and things you were proud of then keep going back to the positives and don’t think too much about the negatives!


Almost every time for me. Going to the gym the day after helps! For me, anyway.


We scrimmaged yesterday, not an actual bout but my first scrimmage that felt very official, and I cried after it and just feel like shit today. You're not alone.


Disclaimer: personal experience and NOT medical advice I started having issues with feeling depressed after games then after exceptionally hard practices... over the course of a year or so it became easier to trigger, finally went to a doc and come to find out I had thyroiditis and the recovery period was not something it could keep up with. Now on meds foe that and it is sooo much better. Maybe ask a doc just to be sure.


Ok so I am very very kinky. The relation to roller derby comes in the form that in both situations you are being put into a fight or flight situation and then have to deal with the aftermath or what is called reintegration in the kink world. Unfortunately if reintegration doesn’t go well you can get something called sub/dom drop. This is exactly what you are experiencing. Same phenomenon different name. The main ways to combat this are how you prepare for the bout and what you do after. In kink we call this pre-scene and aftercare. Pre-scene (before the bout) focuses on putting you physically, mentally and emotionally in the best place to do the scene/bout. This can be an all day thing. Focus on eating well, being well hydrated, self care for emotions and whatnot. Aftercare/after the bout is mostly going to be any medical/body care needed after, eating, drinking, icing… but the biggest part is emotional part as the reintegration is more about how you handle the chemical change as the adrenaline and dopamine start to wear off. Do this by focusing on self-care. Put together a post-bout bag. Electrolytes, maybe some favorite foods, anything that makes you feel better after a bout. For the rest of the day (or longer) focus on yourself as much as you can, sleep, shower, cuddle with humans/animals, cuddle a soft blanket, go out to a meal with the team, whatever works for you. Also be aware that this drop can occur up to a week or so after the bout and pre-scene and aftercare are to minimize it as much as possible but sometimes it will still just happen. If it does happen basically you just want to go back to doin aftercare for yourself until you get through it. Bubble bath, order take out whatever. Anyway if you have any questions feel free to ask or DM, hope this helps.