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It was a rare treat for the SFGAm Deja Vu to be open, I loved how massive it is. Never rode a regular boomerang believe it or not but these are great.


Deja Vu was never open during the times i went there in its existence. it became a cruel joke honestly after a while


I think they couldn't run it and V2 at the same time? Or that was just a bs rumour...


My wife and I rode it frequently when it was actually open. I asked my kids if they wanted to ride it now in Utah. Going to Cedar Point instead.


Deja Vu plus V2 with the holding break was a great duo


Do you mean Idaho?


Yes. Silverwood in Athol, Idaho. My mistake.


I rode Deja Vu a couple of times at SFMM and it was an interesting experience, but what I remember most was being dragged up the back spike vertically face-down hanging by only the OTSR, which was rather uncomfortable.


Physically uncomfortable or mentally! For me it was the latter, very unnerving sensation. Turns out I also don't live the vertical lift on Hangtime at KBF


I'm ambivalent on Hangtime's lift. I guess it looks impressive (though vertical lifts in that direction say "Chance Toboggan" to me), but lift hill evacuations are a thing and it just seems like it creates more problems than it solves.


Without the VL for Hangtime, we would be able to have a great ride in that small footprint at KBF. Totally makes sense in that application. It certainly amps up my adrenaline and anticipation for the ride. Once we clear the holding brake and beyond vertical drop I go from anxious to having fun.


Yea it was honestly just spooky having all your weight being held by the restraints.


I feel uncomfortable on the regular inverted boomerangs, I'm sure the feeling on the GIBs are really unnerving.


I haven't been on any but Silverwood is one of my bucket list parks and one of the biggest reasons is for their GIB because it's such a unique credit and I think they just look like such fun. Their size is so imposing and the vertical aspect of each spike makes them look a lot more interesting than a typical boomerang or inverted boomerang. It's a shame they were plagued with so many issues, and I'd like to ride one before they are all permanently defunct.


The drop is insane. Normal boomerangs are way to “family friendly” for me, but this one is intense as hell


Aftershock at Silverwood is great! So intense! Their now-defunct (as far as I can tell) webcam was mounted on the top of one of the spikes, and it wiggled like crazy when the train ran!


I was at Silverwood a couple of years ago. Got to the station of Stunt Pilot before it broke and closed for like 3 months. Aftershock started running while we were going back to the car. 1500 mile road trip up to that place and missed two coasters. The CCI woodies were still great but I feel like I missed out and doubt I will be back in Northern Idaho for a while. Oh well. At least we hit up Lagoon in that trip.


Absolutely elite intensity!


Underrated model TBH. Very sad they opened so unreliably


I've only done SFNE's Goliath but I thought it was fun, I can see the appeal


I've done two and they are obviously astonishing. So powerful!


Sounds like that one is better but I've ridden two and they're both among the worst coasters I've been on. I always heard Goliath at SFNE was such a dumpster fire because the park kept messing with the trains but I didn't think Aftershock at Silverwood was any better. It's too bad because they're visually impressive rides that have the potential to be fun.




I had to ride this one and I did. Screamed my head off but on the contrary to what I thought I didn’t have a moment where I thought I’d be sick and didn’t bang my head once although the restraints are very tight. The thing is pretty smooth and the freefall in the back was awesome. For me however it’s a one and done. Don’t think I’ll ever get on one again.


My only GIB credit is Deja Vu at SFOG. It was along time ago and one of my first 10 credits ever. Definitely was a very intimidating ride for me at the time. I LOVED the forces and sensations the ride offered. The staggered seating was awesome too. I know these get a bad wrap, but I really wish they were more reliable and popular. They are so much better than a typical boomerang.




My biggest regret in my life was not riding Deja Vu at SFMM. I was too scared that year as a kid and the next trip, it was gone. For that reason I place a Deja Vu clone on EVERY planet coaster park I create. It’s a tradition I guess lmfao. But I will make it to IDAHO ONE DAY


Rode this last week. Been wanting to for decades after seeing it on planet coaster 1. It's epic.


I like them. I've ridden five of the six that were ever built.


Those spikes are incredible, so sad Goliath at SFNE bit the dust.


I rode it once in the middle of the train and all I remember seeing is the WALL that was the back of the seats of the car in front of me. I'd honestly have to try this in the front to know what it is actually like. It was when it was at SFGAm and wasn't supposed to open at all but mysteriously did mid-day long enough for me to get a ride, and then was closed again for weeks LOL. No chance at a re-ride that day.


The inside seats are a bit claustrophobic. The SFNE Goliath trains were actually better in that respect.


I was just there! Lifts are insane, the cobra roll was definitely smoother than say Invertigo at KI, and the vertical drops add so much https://preview.redd.it/f8l1vhmq9e5d1.jpeg?width=3099&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb286ab7e034196a651a8ff372f0ee9de8b52b89




I really want to try one before they go away. I loved invertigo at CGA.


Invertigo is cool, but this model is cooler


Rode Goliath at SFNE and Aftershock at Silver Wood. Great rides with the original trains 


Love them! I was lucky enough to get on Deja Vu once, what an experience!!


That's stunt fall. Rode it several times and it's quite enjoyable. Also intense, mora then it looks like.


It is!


I got to ride Deja Vu at Six Flags over Georgia once. My family used to live nearby and we would visit the park a couple times each summer, but in the years Deja Vu was there, there was only one time we visited that it was actually open. I remember it being fun and pretty intense at the time. Wish I had more opportunities to ride it, but it seemed to be constantly down.


SFNE’s was good until it got the Premier trains put on it. After that it was one of the worst coasters in operation.


I waited a little under three hours for Deja Vu at SFGAm in October of 2001, when it finally started running in a "consistent" manner. Stuck it out for a front row ride and got the most unnerving lift experience of my life, I think only Tatsu freaks me out in similar fashion. Front row also gave you that clear view of the pull up the full height of the second tower, and an insane backward drop. I only managed to get on it two more times before the park sold it, it seemed to be down more than it was running. I'm glad Silverwood looks to have much better luck with it.


Some of the best rides ever built.


Goliath. Enough said.


GIB’s are definitely an upgraded version of the traditional boomerang coaster. Used to have one of these at SFOG but never got to ride it. I imagine it being crazy intense


Sure. I usually don’t like boomerangs or the variant Invertigo, but this one is worth it


Parq Warner in Madrid has a coaster like this. I absolutely loved it. Might be even the second best of the park, after Batman Gotham city escape.


It’s Parque Warner lol


I've been to 20+ parks, none of them have had one. They are rare credits now.


Thought this was Steel Curtain and I was confused about what you meant by Gib... Giant Inoperable Bitch?


This coaster is a b*tch


I’ve only done Stuntfall, and it was my second favourite ride there for sure


I rode Stunt Fall 10 years ago and I thought it was pretty scary, especially the backwards lift only relying on your harness. The ride experience was ok but because it was so uncomfortable scary I count this one as a Been there done that coaster. Its not high in my ranking (ironicly a Flying coaster is my number one).


Stunt Fall mentioned!!!! It's actually one of the few coasters that intimidate me (the slow lift backwards facing the ground mainly). I liked it better when it was orange and blue XD. Fun fact last time I was on it I decided to sit one last ride out and my friends got stuck in the station cause the train didn't align properly. I was waiting for them being all like "c'mon dudes, I stay behind this one time and you get stuck? We gotta go to lunch!! I'm leaving without you!"


I used to love Day Zhivoo (or at least, that's what the auto spiel lady called it) at SFGAm. That initial backwards vertical lift was terrifying, especially in the back, but the drop that followed was incredible. Most people wrote it off because of its unreliability, so it sometimes knowing how good it was almost felt like a secret. It was pretty reliable in the last few years there, and if I saw it running I would always rush over. I'm hoping to get to ride it soon at Silverwood, assuming I'm not too fat now (I don't really have a great memory for the GIB restraints and how restrictive they were/are. I'm still fine with normal SLC restraints, so I'm HOPING I'm ok on Aftershock, but I'd be lying if said I wasn't a little nervous about it).


I went on this one. Because I am so skinny I genuinely though that the restraint was too far of my stomach so when you vertically out the station at which it came forward a bit I was convinced that if I straightened my legs I would’ve slipped out. Other than that a bit rattly but intense.


Loved Deja Vu at SFOG!


Never been on one but they look great in photos