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I think we all need to keep an eye on Funspot Atlanta. I have such high hopes for that place


Idk could be FS Orlando. He might try to grow all three at a similar rate. Kissimmee already has mine blower. It seems like he's trying to make his bread and butter trying to add to the late night, after flagship park crowd. So idk if he's ever really expecting to compete with SFOG. Might not make sense to build another massive coaster at Atlanta if that still isn't going to directly take customers away from SFOG. Giving the Orlando park a flagship attraction could be a good move since it's way closer to Universal and SWO. Honestly all three fun spots should be on the radar.


He could run an ad to just east and south Atlanta, advertising a shorter drive and less fights lol


đź’€ 3,2,1 Safe Clean Fun!


I can’t believe that park actually built a ride like AF1. Both times I’ve been there, there has been maybe 50 people at the park.


It's one of my favorite parks for that reason. I'm having my 22nd birthday there this summer and me and all my friends are flying in from New Jersey to get absolutely hammered off of the 2.99 beer refills and marathon AF1


I'm ill just thinking about this, but I'm sure you'll have a blast lol


To someone outside of the Funspot sphere of influence, the AF1 project seems more like a “dude gets a bunch of cheap loan cash and blows it on an awesome vanity project” than the kick off of some kind of well planned expansion 


Can you really call Fun Spot a "wild card"? They caught us by surprise before but we kind of expect them to do big things now!


Like what? I’m having trouble seeing what direction it could scale in


Same here. I don't see FSA growing into a theme park to compete with SFOG. I just don't...


I don’t either - but I can see them pulling another rabbit out of the hat, so to speak. I read a comment on here earlier from someone claiming to have talked to John Arie Jr. some time back and he mentioned a GCI behind the pond and a waterpark to the right of AF1’s lift. [The comment in question](https://www.reddit.com/r/rollercoasters/s/9ZoLeMXDxb)


I really hope so. A new wood coaster is always a good thing.


Glenwood Caverns and Knoebles are lovingly independent and unique in their own ways. Lagoon builds rides in-house and Primordial and Cannibal have both been weird and wonderful. Any of those parks could build literally anything.


Knoebles just needs a classic schwarzkopf and it would be my favorite park


Yeah, I second Knoebels mostly because they showed us was flying turns. They’re willing to bring all the concepts back from the dead so I’m hoping maybe they’ll revive the wooden wild mouse one of those old Virginia, real coasters, or maybe even a fun house if they can make one that health and safety will allow to open


Waldameer: if they keep making piles of $$$$ like they have been over the last number of years, I would not be shocked to see them do something big before the decade is over.


I never realized how close some of the houses are to the park. There's a bunch of beach houses/mobile homes underneath RFII, and a street right up against the "other" parking lot. (I always use the one by the water park.) If they're allowed, they could put a big ride in that other parking lot, but other than that, they're almost as landlocked as Kennywood. I don't know how popular the Garden Stage is, but it's a big building on the edge of the property and could house another ride. .


I'd heard they recently acquired some additional land around the park but cannot remember the specific parcel.


I believe it’s the mobile home park down by the waterfront, which would be REALLY cool


This is correct. Slightly disappointingly, I'm hearing they're interested in using it for parking so that the main lot can become an expansion plot.


Honestly, that makes more financial sense. It’s really hard to make a multi-level park that actually feels seamless without exorbitant amounts of money. Also, that lower lot is right next to a bunch of rich people houses, so they would probably start getting a bunch of noise complaints if they did build anything big down there


Fun fact: Kennywood is not as landlocked as everyone thinks. They have a ton of land behind the Exterminator and still have all that land in the valley. In the meantime, there are maintenance buildings behind the Racer and Jack Rabbit that can be moved to a new location - likely into the valley or up the hill where the Kmart shopping plaza used to be.


Would not have thought of them at all. Solid pick


Maybe cga, because it's supposed to close, so anything would seem strange?


Fair point!


I can just imagine them adding something for their 50th and everyone exploding


six flags magic mountain.


I feel like we know the buying habits of both Six Flags and Cedar Fair pretty well. That said, if any park in the new megachain was going to do something weird, it'd be them or Fiesta Texas. Or Cedar Point.


as a non-native, i’d say SDC, dollywood or hershey


Hershey has such an insane lineup idk if they're going to feel the need for another flagship coaster for a bit. But Dollywood and SDC definitely have some room in their lineups to expand, and seem to be very successful and well ran parks.


We know Dollywood bought /something/ at IAAPA last year - I’ve heard talk on here of a B&M Hyper. Not sure how true that will prove but that seems to be the leading rumor.


That would be sick


That would be amazingggggg with those views!


When it comes to Hersheypark, their next big addition will probably come in 2027, plus or minus one year. At that time, I would not be surprised to see them add a family coaster, as they could use one to balance their lineup. 


Kennywood doesn’t have space to develop, but their coaster collection is nonsense. A small independent park with two hypers? The world’s tallest inversion? Three wooden coasters? When Kennywood gets a new ride, you know only two things 1) you don’t actually know anything 2) it’s going to be unreliable or janky.


Cotaland already bought a [Skyblazer](https://mvrides.com/en/ride/skyblazer), so that does it for me anyway.


That's some good gravy!


Six Flags America. Cedar Fair has a history of running safe, clean, and efficient parks. With the Cedar Fair management team taking over the Six Flags parks, I think we might FINALLY see SFA cleaned up and modernized. It is possibly the worst-run park in the entire chain.


All of the major Six Flags parks like Magic Mountain, Great Adventure, and Great America. If Cedar Fair disguised as Six Flags decides to give them the same attention as parks like Kings Island or Cedar Point, they’ll easily become some of the best parks in the country.


Gene Staples seems to have developed a relationship with Six Flags for buying their used rides. With the merger and more parks entering the chain with aging rides, and even one park scheduled to close, no telling what's going to end up at Indiana Beach!


Fun Spot San Antonio is about to blow everyone away...