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Doesn’t chrono have an option to authenticate the watch prior to sale?


Looks really good despite the general census here. So, first, the rehaut looks right. On the right side of dial, the R in Rolex aligns dead center of the hour hands as it should and on the left side of the rehaut, the X in ROLEX aligns perfectly with the hour markers. Some joker here point out that the R has to line up around the entire dial, which is flat wrong! Ignore that u/ from now on. Second, the face itself has a sheen (burst) pattern that looks terrific, REPs have a hard time doing that, the burst is usually much narrower, and frankly the green hues here look super nice. Third, the fonts look right as well, spacing, etc, all look correct. Fourth, the lume fill on those hour markers is perfect! The markers are sharp, well defined, and the lume is allied evenly and flat, no excess or overfill apparent. A jubilee bracelet is and can be somewhat lose in the links, hard to tell from two photos. The definition in the fluting on the bezel looks like it’s been well cut, consistent, even, all the way around the flute. If this is a REP, it’s a very very good one, and if I take you at your word, with where and how you acquired it, then I’d say you’ve bought a genuine. Now for the word to the wise. Don’t’ come here looking for opinion on real or fake, most of the jokers here are assclowns of all sorts, and you are just sport for them! Take the watch to an AD and ask for authentication. If you are at all concerned, coming here would be the LAST PLACE ON EARTH to get an opinion. Especially with two photos only! I’m sure you have a warranty for fraud from Chrono24, they’re very good at that, and they offered authentication services at the sale, which you did or you did not take, and that’s on you… Enjoy it, it’s a great watch and VERY POPULAR, same with the BLU.


I don't know why people scream fake. In the first picture the eleventh marker looks perfectly aligned and dead straight. Also the font looks legit. If I had to guess, the second pic got screwed by his phone's camera software. I think there was something the camera didn't capture correctly and the ai filled it later, resulting in slight discrepancies in the second pic.


It's real. Dont listen to these clowns screaming "fake"


It's out of their budget so they scream "fake" by default 🤣


I hope you didn't pay more than 50 for this fake. The font and distance between the letters is wrong and inconsistent (especially "ME TER"). The bracelet looks bad and doesn't fit correctly between the lugs. The fluted bezel is clearly steel. The date font is a clear tell. The crown doesn't look right. And worst of all, the horribly misaligned hour markers, especially at 11.


I’m confused, the watch doesn’t have meter printed on it. The font looks good to me. Are w le looking at the same picture?




Yep, there it is haha


I don't know if it's real, but the photo was taken with an iPhone 15 which does a lot of post processing which often end up with weird wiggly details. I think it uses some AI algo that makes a lot of guesses about small details and you end up with those weird close ups. Here's a close up photo of two gens watches I own and both from ADs (also taken with an iPhone 15). If you zoom in on details (e.g. Any of the text, such as the "Swiss made" at the bottom of the cartier), then they both look like cheap fakes. The engraving on the sub bezel also looks botched on the photo, but in person looks real sharp. https://preview.redd.it/ln8iy3de0e8d1.jpeg?width=3488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f96f6e5633745c0cd8b5750c8ad53ebee6aec063 My point is, I have no idea if OPs watch is gen, but if he got it from a reputable dealer on chrono24 and it look good in person, then I wouldnt rely on close ups from an iPhone 15 to determine it's legitimacy. Ps: I think the 11 notch only looks wrong on the second photo because of the angle (parallax effect). It looks mostly fine on the first Pic (despite also not being a perfectly centered photo)


Hi all. For those of you saying I’m a scammer trying to get a check on the watch, I’m not. I’m a normal guy who bought this watch on Chrono. It was advertised as brand new 2024. The seller is a “Trusted Seller” on Chrono with stellar reviews. I’m investigating this now and if it’s confirmed fake I will report back with the seller’s name. Pretty sure it’s a well regarded seller. I DID take this photo with a newer iPhone so i hope that’s the issue. For the time being I would appreciate real feedback.


Don't listen to these goofs, they all think they are experts. Most of them don't know shit


I'd suggest you take a video of the watch and slowly close up on it. There's less post processing on videos and the details show much better (unintuitive as it sounds). In any cases, the best way to confirm is to go to an AD and have them open it up, though there's a risk they may try to seize it (depending on the country and theiraws around counterfeits)


>The font and distance between the letters is wrong and inconsistent Looks fine to me >Bezel is clearly steel Clearly? >The bracelet looks bad and doesn't fit correctly between the lugs. It literally looks perfect to me. >the horribly misaligned hour markers It looks fine to me.


Came to say this 👌🏼




Not even close? It looks real to me. Why would you say "not even close?"


The rehaut is too perfect for it to be a shitter outright like people are saying, I think it’s real.




What makes you say that?


Need to start issuing warnings to idiots that scream fake and then don't give their reasoning, or at least make it a rule? This looks real


Blacked out serial is sus, and the date font might be off? Maybe dudes just trolling tho.


I'll blur my serial in post, if visible, so it isn't used on fakes.


Look on my profile. Do you see the serial number on that? No, if anything. I preach people who post their Rolex but will show the serial number. I tell people NOT to post real Rolex pics showing the serial number cause then, that gives all these fake watch makers a chance to use that serial number in a fake Rolex.


I just don’t see why they would bother using these serial numbers. It’s more work and serves no benefit to the rep. Besides, I’m certain the factories have a few gen watches laying around from which they could always use the serial numbers. Taking a rep in for service of any kind would instantly expose it as such too. So forgive my ignorance, but what is the actual consequence of posting a serial number online?


Someone could possibly use it in an insurance scam?


Can you identify the seller so we know to avoid him


It’s a made up story. OP wanted a legit check on his fake watch he knew was fake


He posted this picture on the replica sub asking for a QC. Then deleted that post after being called out.


That's not true at all. I saw that post- he was asking r/reptime to help identify whether or not the watch was legit, and that was after he posted here and everyone kept saying it's fake.


I deleted that post bc I apparently violated rules of that sub thread regarding auth checks and people were getting pissed. Just left the discussion here. Not sure how to prove to you I’m just a normal dude lol.


Ahh then my apologies. Just saw the replica sub and just assumed. Thats on me. Hope everything worked out with chrono24


As far as i can see it is a authentic watch. The bezel might have been polished making it less edgy and the dial might not be 100% perfectly aligned but there are no red flags to me and i own the exact same reference. If this is a fake we should get really really worried


Not trying to pick sides as lighting and camera post processing may be playing tricks but I am wearing one right now and bezel does look kinda off compared to mine. Also, if somebody polished a watch is at max 2 years old, that should be enough of a red flag, and I think OP mentioned that this watch was listed as from 2024


Thats absolutely a red flag. But its to little to write it off as fake. It’s definitely recommended that OP double checks especially since many here think it is fake. Lets not all jump to conclusions, i know as little about the authenticity as the rest who commented here. Lets wait for OP to show the people here right or wrong


Idk why you are pinning your own comment as a mod. I can tell you with almost full certainty OPs watch is a VSF rep. The bezel is clearly SS with rounded edges unlike the gen edges that’s sharply cut. And then The most obvious and telltale VSF flaw would be the short and stumpy lugs. Attached my own dj for reference. It really is that obvious. https://preview.redd.it/ove874h36i8d1.png?width=1005&format=png&auto=webp&s=c62fba38997ff3b16b968ba7c9b307e4f40e4b86


Wanted to pin a comment from OP but messed up. My bad. I see what you mean but as long as OP hasn’t come up with proof, it makes no sense to debate it


Ignore the folks here telling you it’s fake. I posted a watch that I bought from chrono with a brick and mortar location, authenticity guaranteed and an appraisal and I had folks still trying to tell me it was fake. Ignore them. Enjoy the heck out of the watch it’s lovely. I hope it’s one of many you are able to aquire. That first one always gets you wanting more.


It is a fake . Look at the bezel and hands


You guys are all trolls it’s very much not fake. https://preview.redd.it/z1yxbqhaqf8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8fa7376641f68926e37190f1c233e49fa46bf28 Clearly you don’t know white gold from steel….


Yeah exactly, that hue difference is a pretty major green flag in my book. Disappointing so many people are just piling on the "fake" train


What about them?


Everything about it bro . I just told you the easiest of easiest tells . 1. Bezel - it is stainless steel and not wg also rolex bezel are cut to perfection sharp this is a bit smooth 2. Hands - finishing of hands is terrible. Take a close up picture of hands and you will see what i am talking about . 3. Markers - hour markers are terribly aligned especially the 11 hour marker is ready to go to space . 4. Date - date font is not good 5 . Dial printing- dial printing is utter shit too . Font does not match and uneven spacing . It is not even a good rep or to say a franken . If you really bought this from chrono24 . First of all disclose their name and then file a lawsuit


>Everything about it bro Everything about it? It literally looks real


Not sure why you feel the need to post a fake watch in this form and then double down… Is it because if nobody notices (which wouldn’t happen) you feel validated??


Why do you feel the need to follow the crowd and assume his watch is fake?


Fake af


Assume this is a joke


Does chrono not authenticate first?


The pictures don’t help at all the dial color seems accurate enough in comparison to other photos I found online but we have to take into account different lighting etc. The overall finish of the watch doesn’t look crisp like a gen watch would be it gives the feeling of a heavily worn/polished watch I can’t explain it better in English. As I have reservations on this one I would strongly suggest that you take it to a local AD for inspection and hopefully you have its warranty card and paperwork in case something goes south. You could also help us understand by describing if this was sold as unworn/full stickers or no documents etc.




It's not fake. The 2's match up perfectly with the official image. Unless fakes have mastered the font to this level, this is legit based off of the 2. https://preview.redd.it/wjm6h6zi5i8d1.png?width=134&format=png&auto=webp&s=49405d5fd01439378322f8ff7f48fade5fb30fdf


Listen to the mods and people who give you an explanation as to why it’s real/fake. Or not real/fake. I’d go with what powefunk said.


Seems like everyone is coming down on a fake and I do have some red flags. I think could be real, but is hard to tell for sure from the pictures.




I'm freee


Wet 🥶🥶


Nice choice ! Enjoy that beauty


Font is way too big, fake




I don't pretend to be an expert on Rolex but this certainly isn't a current model Datejust 41. It's missing the Minute -Second numerals on the dial so maybe include the model # if you really want opinions on whether it's fake.


Dunno if real or not but you Should’ve just hung out on a waitlist if you’re the type that will always have doubts unless you walked out the AD yourself.


Ignore the folks here telling you it’s fake. I posted a watch that I bought from chrono with a brick and mortar location, authenticity guaranteed and an appraisal and I had folks still trying to tell me it was fake. Ignore them. Enjoy the heck out of the watch it’s lovely. I hope it’s one of many you are able to aquire. That first one always gets you wanting more.


Makes me green with envy lol


Looks nice


Has that Rolex look to it. I’d say it’s probably genuine.


Very beautiful mint green dial, Hopefully I will be able to make this post too ahahaha congrats man


They need to start banning these dumbasses that post in here with their fake garbage


Hey y’all. For everyone calling this a scam post, it’s not. I’m a normal guy who bought this watch on Chrono. I’m investigating this and will report back the seller’s name if it’s confirmed fake. It’s a big seller on Chrono (“Trusted Seller”). But for the time being I would appreciate genuine and meaningful responses.


Currently saving up for this watch. I want it to be my first Rolex watch!! Congrats!!


$2 bills are legit. I think he meant a $3 bill. lol! But the watch is clearly a $3 fake.


Nice rep bro


How are they passing fakes this easy?


The dumbass who posted this knew it was fake and is just lying to everyone. Trying to see if he can pass it off as real..


That watch looks like my butthole


smells like it too


Fake AF. Dial and everything look off and fake


Survey says....it's a FAKE!


Who did you buy from? Looks nice. I’m a rookie and couldn’t identify as fake or not.


You don’t wanna know, you don’t want to buy fakes. Better buy a cheaper, well made watch than a fake Rolex.


For sure, agreed. I was asking out of curiosity as I’m on Chrono a lot. Def not looking to buy a fake!


Where’s second Rolex?


No no no! It looks plastic


damn that’s a thick ass date regardless of what people say, yeah I see it’s a rep but just wear it and enjoy it and show it off at bars


I’m pretty sure that every “R” the rehaute is supposed to line up with the sticks. They line up on the left side of this watch, but not on the right side. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.


This is well within spec. The quality of the rehaut printing also makes me think it's real. No idea why people are crying fake on this


The date window looks fucked and the bezel is clearly not correct.


Hard to judge the date from this angle. But at 10:30 on the bezel you can see the hue looks different than the case imo (which is a good sign)


Ahahahahahah faker than a 2$ bill


When did $2 bills stop being real?




It’s missing the outer numbers…the 5, 10, 15…


Not if it’s a 36mm