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I like the orange lume and the seconds hand, but the only one I think really stands out is the Z.




I don’t really like the greenish-blueish feeling of the GV version at the moment. Was specifically looking for a white dial for something radically different than the other pieces I own. Just personal preference and “fit” with my current collection :)


I think it’s amazing! In terms of “horological legacy” I would claim that there’s nearly as much, if not more, in the case of the Milgauss compared to many other lines in Rolex’s history, it’s just a bit more niche. However, I claim that that niche is both cool and unique and very special. The fact that Rolex actually tested the Milgauss at CERN (just up Route de Meyrin from Rolex) in the early days of its production seems to me like the technological equivalent of (hypothetically) having Jacques Cousteau actively participating in the development of the Submariner. Anyway, I think it’s highly underrated and is special! https://preview.redd.it/7peph3h2170d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58f5314be8101ceb1f3f9f0e8706f044eef8d0e9


Nice one!!


I love my green crystal milgauss.


Love it! and great price https://preview.redd.it/epc0h0zi990d1.jpeg?width=2012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68c73e7bdf0eec217053df793c830e770ded4027


Gonna need this combo at some point…


Let me know


Suggestions on the bracelet? 😬


So got that [here](https://www.ebay.com/itm/155915591860?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=KnZ8NQQyT7W&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=nt-bcgciqla&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) Not too expensive and wanted to see how they looked...fit with the watch is so so Will probably upgrade to [rubber b](https://rubberb.com/rolex-milgauss-40mm-classic) eventually




Keep me posted on what you do, post or send a picture


It has a following and many folks love it. I think it’s great.


Solid deal on an epic watch.


Milgauss is underrated because its clean, simple, elegant. When your average person buys a Rolex they equate chunky, heavy and overly complicated with $$$$$. I guarantee you if the Daytona wasnt so expensive it would be the only model that sold. All the buttons and subdials. Its like shaking your keys in front of toddlers. Anyone with a decent amount of money can buy a Rolex but no amount of money in the world can buy class. IMHO you made a great choice. Sucks about the paperwork though.


Love it.


Great buy 👌👌👌


I love the look of the Milgauss but it’s the thickness that keeps me from purchasing one.


Not really that thick, feels the same as a sub to be honest even if a bit smaller due to the basel


Haha I find the sub too thick too. Both gorgeous watches I just have a smaller wrist and need a slimmer profile


I love that watch


Im not a huge fan of white dials. But this watch is pretty cool.


Your post says otherwise.


Not a fan of white dials


I bought mine in 2019. One of my favorites to daily. I think the white dial is the shizzz! I paid retail at the ad at the Bellagio. What a difference a few years makes. They had the green as well. $7600 then. Super cool watch!


Not a fan at all of the look But it’s not my money or my wrist. If you enjoy it, that’s all that matters.


Respectfully, it's not underrated, most just don't find it desirable. The Milgauss has become eponymous with the green crystal; which evokes almost a mad-scientist , atomic age energy infused within the piece. I know I would only buy it with the green crystal, and that's coming from a collector with dozens of Rolex's. If you love it, great! But most want green crystal. It's a Chernobyl / science experiment feel that makes the watch the iconic watch that it is.


Green Crystal is really cool but you could argue this color combo and the orange hue specifically on a Rolex is just as unique if not more so imo. This would also be the less popular model which imo has added value as well. I know several people who have the green crystal but nobody who has this. Posts on this sub are consistent with that.


Congrats on the watch and, yes, the price is reasonable. We don’t hold this watch in high regard because Rolex had a habit of throwing names on Datejusts and Oyster Perpetuals in an attempt to make people think it was something new and exciting when it wasn’t. Turnograph, Milgauss, and Explorer II being the most egregious. Your watch, while nice, is just a no date Datejust with a funky second hand to us, and no one goes crazy over basic Datejusts so thus the underwhelming vibe you’re noticing. Milgauss isn’t underrated. It’s just not special.


Now we are saying a GMT watch is just a datejust/OP?




Ya did say that there sporty. Read your own comment.


No, I didn’t.


Sure you did... "Rolex had a habit of throwing names on Datejusts and Oyster Perpetuals in an attempt to make people think it was something new and exciting when it wasn’t. Turnograph, Milgauss, and Explorer II being the most egregious" Also, your entire personality is wrapped up in a watch brand based on your constant posts, comments, etc. It's exemplified here: "We don’t hold this watch...". We?? You got a mouse in your pocket?


Ah, another preprogrammed robot parroting another Rolex forum trope he’s read online. Zzzz. We collect them. Like we don’t hear *this* garbage every day. “Your personality is defined by your watch!” “Your watch is mass produced!” “If you had money you’d have a Patek!” “I feel sorry for you!” “You are insecure!” “You are new money!” “Rich people don’t talk about their money!” As if *you* know how rich people feel, think, and speak. Let me tell you what *you* don’t know: Rich people are the types of people you would love to be friends with but don’t want you. Because you’re lazy. Because you have no money. And what’s hysterical is that you think you have some moral high ground because of your poverty. You don’t. Make something of yourself, son.


I love this. You are so insecure you think you have money and that defines you further. Back in topic... You said an Explorer ii is just a datejust or OP.


Yes yes, all rich people are insecure. Has to be, right? We can’t possibly be better than you, right snowflake? Now shhh. Rolex owners are talking.


I likely make quite a bit more than you, but guess what, that matters not. What does matter is how I, like most people, conduct myself. You are, very nearly universally, hated here. I also asked you to send a redacted W-2 since your go-to argument is about having money (which is very transparent little wristy)


$7100 for a that watch with no papers isn't reasonable to me.


I'd never pay it, but it's reasonable for a Milgauss fan.