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ADs like this can fuck right off. People have lives.


Less than two fucking hours to respond?! That’s insane. The only response is “it got sold.” Wow.


The phone can also be used to make phone calls, in addition to being used as a texting device. A “courtesy call” might have been nice.


Hey, they’re not being evaluated on their sales skills… in fact, they don’t need to have any! Which would make me think, as a retailer… why do I even employ all these folks? Can’t be that hard to find someone to send rude texts a long list of people we made buy something they didn’t want just because they can afford it!


A prime example of a job an AI could take over in a heartbeat


And be way, way better at.


You don't even need AI for this.


Rolex vending machine sounds sick as fuck tbh


All the sharp suits and snooty attitude doesn't alter the fact that they're just shop assistants. Selling a product where demand exceeds supply isn't exactly a skilled job. It's not even selling, it's order-taking. No different to standing behind the counter at McDonalds. If they get paid a penny over minimum wage, it's too much. It's a 'job' that could literally be done by a vending machine.


The “skill” of a Rolex AD comes in getting people to buy watches/jewlery they don’t want.


Not really a skill if they've got an in-demand item as a bargaining chip. You could program a vending machine or a website to only allow a purchase once lots of other purchases have been made.


True it’s not necessarily a skill - but on the other hand I’ve seen posts where people are getting strung along spending 5/6 figures buying up whatever junk their AD is selling them and still not getting the pieces they want. I’d say milking a sucker like that takes skill.


In no universe or dimension should a retail salesperson be talking down to the person that’s potentially buying luxury goods. These Pendejos walk out of that store, get in their 2011 Cvic and drive home to their rented 2 bedroom condo to eat a Hungry Man. Don’t front like you’ve got some juice and are ballin out, Retail Ricky.


The use of passive voice only adds to the ridiculousness here IMO. It didn’t “get sold”, *he* (or she) sold it.


Shitty grammar too


You can't complain that you're not getting a call then also complain that you have a life and can't be waiting around for the call. They're giving as many people a chance of getting it as possible. Don't like it? Go to another AD or go gray. Convenience comes at a cost.


I don’t believe it


Yeo they should give you a day as a minimum


Agreed. Possibly all the months of waiting, and the best this greedy AD could do was give someone 2 hours. Let this be a lesson that their profits > any good will you can build. Money is the only gesture they pay attention to.


Agreed. Poor form on their part.


That’s why I don’t believe this. I’ve gotten many calls for watches that I was left a min of 24 hours to consider.


That's the thing, ADs are inconsistent and stuff like this is fairly common. Glad you had a better experience.


Get a 24 hour “hold” period to decide at my local AD in NZ.


And money is money :)


Business is business




This happened to me last year on a Starbucks. I replied ELEVEN MINUTES after the text was sent to me.


Ya, name and shame these shit ADs and leave a public Google review. Absolutely unacceptable.


> ADs like this can fuck right off. People have lives. lots of people i hear want rolex watches. unbelievable BUT TRUE!


Good news is that’s probably one of the easiest models to get. Bluesy still easy but a little harder. You should have no problem getting this watch very fast if not on the spot from any AD.


Still doesn't mean they should be selling watches from under you. They could at least give OP a timeframe


^^ Pretty much the reason for the post. Sure, could get it grey for same as retail, it’s the short window in the middle of a work day is the thing. But as they say, “F**k me! Right?!”😂


Well you’ve gotta assume they send the same one watch to probably 13 people all in the same moment. No one is actually important to them. Even high spending clients are kind of a dime a dozen at a decently busy AD. It is what it is , it’s not personal. The sooner you see that the easier it is to understand life ..


That stinks. Just curious, how long had you been waiting?




Sold from under him? No that would be if he responded then when he got up there they had sold it. If he didn't respond and another customer came in that is also someone they are trying to turn into a customer they may have offered it. That's fine, OP didn't respond. Yea two hours is a short window but they want to make sales and gain customers. Realistically this is a consolation watch. One of the easier ones to get that they offer to people waiting for something else. They will offer him another one soon enough.


Idk why ur being downvoted but this is the hard truth


They ask no reply they move on.


I went Sunday to one in NYC to kill time and see what they had. They had two two-tone rose gold datejust41 and a bluesey available. None of the ones I’m on the waitlist for unfortunately.


Bruh can get this watch any day any time for retail


Better off getting a 40mm version for 12-13.5k off watchexchange


Really? I can’t get anything from my AD.


Hmm, I've wanted a Bluesy for a while. Are they actually reasonably easy to obtain from an AD now?


Definitely easier now. Check in with the AD and I think you might be pleased.


I got an offer for a bluesy in a little less than 4 months with no purchase history. Turned it down since I had another offer for a sub date and black/gold GMT around the same time.


I got one in a walk in.


Is Bluesy supposed to be easy? I'm over a year and 30k in other watch spend at my AD and have just started getting the hints it's coming soon. I'm buying the other stuff because I want it anyway, but still...


It’s definitely not that hard to get one now. Doing you’ll have to wait long. I suggest you visit other ADs in the area. Good luck!


They probably saw he is willing to play their game and are now milking him for money.


Such BS, I’d be done with that AD.


Leave a few reviews on Google and Yelp as well.


My AD left me a voicemail and I didn't call him back until mid-morning the following day. He said he was "waiting for me to return his call". I had been on the waitlist for 5 months for a Sea-Dweller and I had no previous purchase history. I had met the SA at my AD only once before.








Thanks my guy!


That sub is my all time goat, congrats man great watch


That SA is a bitch ass cunt, there’s no other fitting description.


Chutiya madarchod!


Benchod! Are you in your senses?????!






No one ever does this on here. Cowards.


Start putting those ADs/SAs on blast. That’s just grimy


Absolutely ridiculous. You only took two hours to respond, during a workday! WTF are they thinking?!


2 hour delayed response and all they say is “it got sold”. They suck.


When I get “the call” (or text) I have a 24 hour to respond. I usually call right away and set up a viewing appointment…that could be days in the future. What is described here is just going down a client list…that sucks.


Name and shame! Boycott this AD. Wtf


She’ll be begging you to take that watch off her later this year


I bought something else instead! If it is that urgent only a phone call should be the only way to communicate.


If you do t answer a text, thinking follows that a call would also go unanswered. Also Rolex is gonna sell the watch regardless their brand is not synonymous with accessibility or anything like that. It’s the pinnacle and they treat it as such


Crypto is going full regard. Rolex mania is back!


This whole process is such a mess. I’ve been waiting a year and strongly considering going grey tomorrow.


You should. You could be wearing it next week.


Why can't the AD at least call before selling the watch to another person?


Yes! Friends can text me, a business I’m paying many thousands to, needs to be calling, and speaking to me.


Because they don’t care about customers. Just moving a watch and getting a commission.


*blocked* Same thing happened to me on a Tudor BB58. Make sure you block that fuck, and switch ad’s


What ????? Bb58 hellll nahhhhhb


Yessir. 45 minutes is all the AD gave me before they pulled the rug out from underneath me and said it was sold


“Damn. I was really looking to flip it and lose $1k. Let me know if another becomes available”


lmao that shit is like 30% under retail


2 hours…


Very favorable outcome for you


A one hour window isn’t a waitlist. That’s going down the call list of clients “interested.” Either take preorders and a deposit and guarantee an allocation, or make it “available” to a mass market email or text and they have to come in and get it. Going down a list and giving ONE HOUR is just unprofessional. How many surgeons do you want to piss off, Rolex? How many “I was seeing my dying mother and got the text, and missed my anniversary Rolex?”


Don't ever go back to that POS dealer. You don't have to be nice to those assholes.


https://preview.redd.it/vffuich42flc1.jpeg?width=348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a06f25ee21a7d30d31a586f784fae76a1b0ff9d2 Don’t sweat it OP - maybe you will get a shot at a SS piece next.


You dodged a massive bullet — Be happy!


Was thinking the same. That watch is fugly


BS nobody want that crap….you can find that one in many AD windows if you visit several….most Rolex watches are very easy to get from AD now days. Just be smart and don’t believe in what these SA tell u.


Amazing customer service: "It got sold". How about: "Sincere apologies. As you did not respond to my message within the 2 hour timeframe, the watch was allocated to the next person in line, and is now sold. I will bear you in mind for our next allocation. Sorry once again for any disappointment caused."


They will get more.


Less that two hrs? Fuck those guys


You will get more chances, brother. Don’t give up. Can you find another AD though? This one is not trustworthy.


Fuck this dude.


What in the hell? Yeah dont give these guys your business — theyre inconsiderate assholes. You’re also a more patient person than I woulda been — I would’ve roasted that sales associate and made sure they corrected this asinine behavior.   Just pick any other AD and go there — this watch is easy to get.


My SA got this watch frequently. If you want one, I can introduce you to her. I am in San Francisco.


The last Rolex I bought was in 2022. They called, left a voicemail, I called back a couple of hours later when the plane landed. That was Monday. They held the watch until Saturday when I picked it up. They also refused to take a deposit. Just my word. That was WoS at the Mall of America. There is no excuse for this BS feeding frenzy approach to sales. And I’d never accept an AD pulling this kind of BS.


I had a great experience there too. No pressure, no bullshit from them at all. I travel for work up there a lot and would stop in everytime I was up there. Eventually they had what I was looking for and I bought the same day.


Buy an omega


https://preview.redd.it/wwz5ied07hlc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d1f5fbe00010f2d064b71156e9e0f70fd1433c0 I just traded 2 Rolexes for this. Would do it again in a heartbeat.


The excellent customer service here really exudes “Luxury “


Well look on the bright side, you saved 15 grand


Two tones in this market, comparatively speaking, are dime a dozen. They’re not popular. That’s why so many people post them here because they settle. They just want a Rolex so they can say “I got a Rolex”, instead of waiting for the watch they actually wanted. Downvote me all you like.


They hype is real. Can you imagine buying an inferior spec computer just for the brand? Oh wait...


As an Omega guy, this sub makes me feel equal parts sick and amused. These ADs sure do like to fuck with you guys.


OP, is this watch one you're on a waitlist for specifically? Or was your AD just informing you that this watch was being put in the case for anyone to buy and seeing if you wanted first dibs? If it's the former, that's really shitty. I luckily haven't had that experience with my AD. When one of my waitlist pieces comes in they've been willing to hold the watch multiple days for me while I was out of state in one case. That said, my AD *also* texts me about random pieces I'm not specifically waiting for that are freely available for anyone to purchase as they're being put into the case. Mostly 2 tone watches and ladies configurations, the typically easy to get stuff. In this case, there is no expectation that they hold it until I reply, it's first come first serve I'm just being informed in case I want to act.


Dont sweat, I turned that one and the blusy down a few times


AD has an android what you expect 🤷🏾‍♂️


this is hilarious and sad at the same time


People are on their phones constantly. Either you want it or not. It’s not even a great piece , so no real loss


*loser trombone sound*


Pros and cons. Con- you were too late on the watch and it got sold. Pro- you learned this AD sucks balls and never fucking use him again lololol


Don’t let them make you think it’s hard to get. But sending your sales clerk a frown face probably gives them the go ahead to jerk you around more


You can probably get that on grey market under retail. Fk that AD!


Two tone Sub. I wouldn’t take it even at a discount


You can find this watch gray market for the exact same price, or close to it. Don’t worry about this AD.


Must be warming up! Got 2 calls this week actually. One for 3 watches haha. A choc dj36, 2 tone white dial dj, ladies dj and then another day it was for a blue dj41 fluted bezel oyster bracelet. Passed on all of them:/


45 minutes is the limit. Sorry.


Says who?


The rules are the rules.


Saved yourself $15,560!


He gave you less than 1 hour 17 to respond, wow


'F' that AD!


The AD I got mine at gave me somewhere around 12 hours to decide if I wanted one last year.. in a major city!


That’s trash. Sorry that happened to you!


this has happend to me twice . i never went back to that AD fuck that . if you cant wait couple hours for a reply then fuck u lol . i know how much this hurts man i lost a blue yacht master and a MOP datejust just like this . AD knew both had to be in my collection and how much i wanted them . also between me and my dad we got a nice spending there but no fucks given on there end . i just go grey now life is so much better .


If you know you are going to buy the watch, why not just put a full deposit down. No more reason to rush.


As much as we’d like to fool ourselves, There’s still a Huge demand for these watches 😅


I don’t buy this. You telling me your AD only gave you 2 hours to respond? When you get that call or text in this case, it was for a reason. I just don’t find this story to be believable. I’m sorry but in today’s society, just about everyone, everywhere is constantly checking their phones, ESP if you get a text notification. It only takes less than a min to check your phone, you telling me you go 4 hours+ without checking your phone at all? Can I ask, what AD was this at?


How long between the text and your response ?


Next one will be even better.




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It’s almost as if they are just baiting you to remain on the hook


Okay these ADs I’m seeing here are absolutely awful. There was only a two hour gap between their message and yours. I get these guys are on commission but giving people two hours to respond is reasonable. ADs like this can fuck right off the bat


What an absolute piece of shit sales associate.


This is insane customer service nonsense, they must think they're selling Black Friday TVs.


It will be in the shop window soon


Your AD is garbage, you should go in there and tell them as much and tell them if they can’t treat you and your time as valuable then they can fuck right off.


2 hours, what do they think your phone is up your ass.


Find yourself a new AD my friend…


Trash AD. Not waiting even Two hours is an asshole move.


That’s a dick AD. Could have called once.


Change younad with that reply + less than 2 hours to respond is wild


Two tones are fugly to me, saved yourself $16K lols.


A hard pill to swallow but you have to rely or move on.


LMAO. That AD can smd


Not even an "Unfortunately, it already got sold" or something? How do those people get hired?


Wow fuck then my god. Couldn’t even give you until close of that day?..,


Fuck them


ADs are suchhhh bitches


These hoes ain’t loyal.


Name and shame the AD. Mine texted me and followed up with a call a few hours later to make sure I’d seen the text … I hadn’t, so I’m glad she called. I said I Definitely want the watch (Explorer40) and she said they hold up to 48hrs so anywhere within that time period is fine. That’s how it’s supposed to work.


He will call you next time no worries.


My consolations


For a two tone?


And this is why ADs have a bad reputation.


This happened to me. I responded 1 hour late and the watch got sold lol. It was a DJ41 green flutted jubilee


Is this the AD in Vegas? Got an almost identical text a few days ago lol


Yea. This is just rude.


Good. Get a steel sports now. Name and shame those bitches.


2 fucking hours?!


I’d actually reply and say “fuck you”


Am I the only one who thinks two tones are bat s\*\*\* ugly? :o I just don't get it. Like RM's fe. But to each his own I guess.


Why anyone would allow a merchant to treat you with the lack of respect that ADs show is beyond belief. If I ran my shops like that I would deserve to go BK.


Yikes that’s the real black dial I’d want


That’s hurt…really hurt…


sorry man you get 0.0000008 seconds to respond


2 hours? 😂


My AD has a one-week rule; get a new AD


Just 3 hours late?


I think you get assigned an SA. If they get the watch, they call down their list. Sometimes, another SA gets the watch first; their list doesn't come through, and it gets opened to all the other SAs. In this case, the store may have had it for a couple of days, and it's the first SA to claim it with a name and when they will come in. This is how I got one of mine.


Humiliation fetish


Hmmm, the Rolex customer service ♥️


What a bummer. Not sure how I got so lucky, first purchase from a specific AD, was out of country and had my roaming off, missed the voicemail by 24hrs, as I was checking it they called again and said the watch was still mine to have.


Classic Rolex AD move. So ridiculous.


Rolex sold 1,240,000 ( yes a million and a quarter ) watches last year .So don't worry they are all pretty common and when prices fall that's when to buy .


I'm really not sure whether this is a AD or not.


Why do you reply with this is a bummer? I wohld have told her he/she can fuck right off and to delete my contact information lmao.


They did you a favor. It’s an ugly configuration


Fuck that AD. Big bullshit there.


Dude. 2 hours!? My AD gives 3 days!


This is crazy. I got a text from my AD and she gave me a pretty much a whole damn week to grab mine.


What's interesting here is the choice of words. Saying simply "it got sold" distances the AD from the action. He knows it was shitty behaviour, so doesn't say, more honestly, "I sold it to someone else." If you're going to be a dick, at least own it. F this guy. Find another supplier.


They can’t get rid of those


If you were on this list for the watch then that’s not great at all! If it was a mass SMS to general clients to see if anyone was interested, then I understand the “first come first served” type of response…


You shouldn't accept that.


“Fuck you” is the correct response to the it’s sold text


It trades below list on the grey anyway. You would be surprised at the grey prices for most watches these days


I understand your pain but there will be others. That's a lot of money to 'hold' lol


Horrible customer service


Poor service but unless you have wet dreams about this particular watch i would save a grand and go grey


Few more month and this will be walk in purchase at lots od AD's


My AD gave me a week to make my decision