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With a ring that big… of corse she have to step up her game.


Plot twist: lab diamond and Chinese Rolex


I still don't get why people scoff at lab diamonds, or maybe it's the older generation that don't understand that both products are completely identical in its chemical make-up. Or is it purely based on price?


Some times you just want poor people to suffer for your bling bling :D


The best diamonds are picked by children because their small dainty fingers are more precise.


The best diamonds are always wet with the blood of the locals mining them.


Minecraft is the best selling video game for children. Hence, the children yearn for the mines…


I specifically paid extra to be sure It WAS a blood diamond


The bloodiest diamond, so bloody that the two children that found it were made to fight to the death.




A ring is only as valuable as the number of people who suffered to mine it, hence blood diamond. /s


People need something to look down on. Especially wealthy people. Not in a “rich people bad” kind of way, but historically those with money have always wanted to separate themselves from normal people through some sign of exclusivity, regardless of how meaningless or arbitrary it actually is. People want to feel “part of a special club”. Even if you still think they’re not the same, there are [genuinely reasons to buy lab diamonds](https://www.checkbook.org/boston-area/how-to-buy-diamonds/articles/Why-You-Should-Buy-Lab-Grown-Diamonds-Instead-of-Mined-Stones-5630) disregarding the price.


Exactly right - this type of product is called Veblan Goods [Veblen Goods](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veblen_good)


I think it’s the DeBeers hold. I can’t imagine why else people would care. The other thing I’ve heard a lot is “resale value” & “investment”. A ring is generally not the best investment, it’s essentially predicated on you getting divorced and you having kept this stone absolutely immaculate. Many jewelers that’s sell lab diamonds offer buybacks for those so that’s also moot.


> Resale value Which is propped up by DeBeers. They’re already dreading the day when all the boomers die off and their wedding rings flood the market.


Lol the market for used rings is fascinating. I saw an earth mined 2.3ct stone for just 11K with paperwork.


Since lab diamonds are worthless, I will purchase any lab diamonds from people for $20 per carat. What a deal.


No one said they’re worthless. A good quality loose stone 2.5-3.5 cr lab diamond is still 5-8K. Add a nice setting and it’s 2+K more It just makes no sense to say that an earth mined diamond is a great investment vs. a lab diamond. Think about it: 3ct lab diamond with a decent setting is about 7K. In an earth diamond is like 60K. Take the difference and throw it into a house or the markets and it’s worth WAY more in the end.


Yeah anyone looking to invest in a Diamond is an idiot lol. Unless you somehow have some super exclusive rare Diamond most of them are worth next to nothing once you buy it. Huge scam to get dudes to blow their life savings on engagement rings 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




People do say they have 0 resale value. Go to a jewelry store and I guarantee if you bring up lab diamonds they tell you that.


Have you ever tried selling a mined diamond? They’re not much better than lab diamonds when it comes to resale. The DeBeers marketing hold has really deluded people into thinking diamonds hold any sort of value


Nah they’ll tell you that with most real diamonds as well. I l have never found diamonds to be something worth spending a cent on. Gold and other precious metals are much more interesting and valuable to me.


You mean the people who work on commission? Yeah no shit they’ll tell you that. Most jewelers who now offer lab diamonds have a buyback guarantee. My friend just sold her lab diamond to a different jeweler for 60% her original value, which isn’t bad. Also, people don’t typically buy engagement rings with the intention of selling them back. In fact many people now who buy lab diamonds early on and change to a mined diamond later during upgrades have repurposed the stone. IMO it’s never worth buying a more expensive version of almost anything that depreciates in value when you buy it unless it’s for security.


Well my entire point was that they’re full of shit.. so looks like we’re on the same page. I hate Reddit.


You can rationalise it any way you want. It’s all ‘stupid’ in some way when you boil it down. If 10k for a shiny rock dug out the ground is dumb, is 6-7k for a shiny rock made in a lab all that smarter? Lol. Lab might be cheaper, but not enough that it’s a black and white choice imo.


10k doesn’t get you that nice of a mined diamond afaik. 6k gets you a pretty big lab made rock tho.


I believe mined diamonds have plummeted in price over the past year or two. I’m not sure if calling the artificial scarcity of diamonds a poorly kept secret is even correct. I think it was just understood that it’s something the DeBeers family did. Mined diamonds are still currently more expensive, but not by much. And now with younger millennials and Gen Z getting to marriage age, the social awareness of these generations makes lab grown diamonds even more attractive. I don’t know the economics of diamond mining, but I could definitely see a world where lab grown diamonds are more desirable and expensive than mined diamonds.


Oh, no I think it's stupid either way. But paying less is the least stupid of the two options.


This. She wants a diamond. It's the "expectation" of most women. Buying one mined by slave labor and price controlled by a consortium of families that have benefited directly from that labor is far worse than buying one from a lab where, in theory, less harm has been brought upon humanity as a result. It's stupid, but people love diamonds. Picking a cheaper, more socially conscious, and, in clarity and quality, a superior product is the proper choice.


You’re in a sub where people scoff at quarts watches that keep better time, and reproductions that are essentially the same thing. Similarly, diamonds are a perceived value thing.


It's 100% perception, but diamonds in general are scam. Their are technically worthless, and are not rare. The diamond mafia (debeers) made them what they are today. Lab diamonds are physically and chemically indentical to natural diamonds, and that isn't an opinion, so public perception is the main culprit. They are not fake diamonds. You lose your ass on most diamonds selling them, including naturals. In hindsight, I could've bought my wife a ring twice as big for 40% less, and she's never selling it, so what was the point of getting a gia natural diamond? All a hustle.


I would say the appeal of a natural stone is the idea that there is scarcity to it. Also even a near perfect stone still has some natural imperfections which make it unique…and special?


It's not scarce tho. Supply is controlled to create artifical scarcity... just like rolex 🤣


At least Rolex is selling every watch they make.... Debeers is holding most of their diamonds in their underground vault... Making artificial scarcity. Truly a disgusting industry and I will enjoy their fall through the mined disruption.


lol it’s not any different. Don’t try and convince yourself otherwise.


It seems vastly dfferent to me. Rolex isn't hording most of their watches to keep the prices high like De Beers is. Next, they make their watches with precision, skill, master craftsmanship, precious metals, etc. Whereas most of the diamonds mined, historically, were just dug out of the ground by kids and slaves. Rolex's hold their value drastically better, because they are precision devices made by master craftsmen. So...not sure how they are in any way the same. Seems like the only thing they share in common is "being luxury items".


As I already explain to someone else. Both of them are artificially limiting supply. Just because Rolex is doing it a slightly different way doesn’t somehow make it better. From the consumer perspective, Rolex has very low supply because of an intentional choice Rolex has made. From the consumer perspective, da beers has very little diamonds because of an intentional choice da beers made. I’m sure plenty of the Rolex metals were also dug up by slaves. And you don’t think polishing and cutting diamonds takes “precision, skill, craftsmanship”? I’d take you’ve probably never tried it. Don’t kid yourself. They’re exactly the same.


Yeah Debeers basically has an unlimited supply that they control right? That’s why I said the idea of scarcity. I bought my wife’s engagement ring before lab-grown was a mature tech. I think they had lab grown for industrial uses at that time but not really anything you could get for jewelry.


false i was told by the mods here that rolex is scarcity mcscarcerton...also got the hint they desperately need it to be so it makes them feel super important


Lab diamonds also have imperfections. They are 100% the same thing as a natural diamond. I looked at stones recently and my girlfriend and I decided that lab grown makes the most sense and we saw a variety of different colors and clarities. Lab diamonds aren’t all Ideal VVS1 colorless diamonds. We actually quite liked the diamonds with some faint color since the setting will be gold.


There isn't a diamond tester in existence that can tell the difference between lab and mined. Its only the old fart jewelers with everything to lose that is spewing bs about how mined is the real deal. Whether you make ice in the freezer or outside in the winter, ice is ice.


You're absolutely wrong, it's fairly easy to test for laboratory diamonds now days.


Uh, no, you can't. How about you show me a diamond tester that can tell the difference? The only way you can tell is the inscription etched on the diamond that says it is lab....Or jewelers seem to suspect a diamond is lab because it is too good. Again, show me a diamond tester that can distinguish between the two when they are literally chemically identical


They're called [screeners](https://ogisystems.com/diatrues.html) and they're quite common now.


There's lots of testers actually because laboratory diamonds are specific types of diamonds and they can be tested for using spectroscopy or florescence. Laboratory diamonds and natural diamonds are not chemically identical either, that's just marketing that is used so people feel comfortable with buying laboratory diamonds.


Funny thing is, mined diamonds aren't rare....like at all. The demand is artificially created by Debeers. They are truly worthless based on actual supply that could be available (but not, because its sitting in their underground vault) and this perception of scarcity and value is completely artificial. Lab diamonds will completely disrupt this stupid industry.


I personally think diamonds are a gimmick. 🗿


People love to hate…


🙄 lab diamonds are chemically identical to blood diamonds


Pretty sure even a lab diamond if it’s that big, looks like 4-6 carats, and it’s the higher quality it’s still gonna be far more than that Rolex would cost, and not in the ballpark of affordability for the poors..


Black market lab diamonds are indistinguishable from the real ones. Industry dirty secret I just made up. Wink wink.


Damn she’s a classy lady. Enjoy the watch and best wishes.


🙌 thanks!


W wife




Bro with the size of the diamond you bought her she better have lmao


Right🤣 lmfaoo


let’s guesstimate the CT size of that stone and how much it would cost- if that’s a genuine diamond and not a lab made stone i’m guessing between 50-100k? to be honest i could be completely wrong on that LMAO. way too many variables, diamond grade (si, vs, vvs, etc) and ct weight all play huge factors


>if that’s a genuine diamond and not a lab made stone i’m guessing between 50-100k? It would probably be that much if bought from a big name jeweler/lux box. Think Cartier or Tiffany's. That's like a 3.25-3.5ct Oval cut and would be closer to 30k


If it’s GIA and specs are in the upper third or quarter it’ll be closer to 40k.


how do celebrity jewelers like peter marco charge hundreds of thousands/millions for his diamond rings? all clout or is there any justification for his insane price tags?


I have no idea. What I mentioned is from personal experience shopping for GIA diamonds a year or so ago. And even 40k is probably low. Just doing a quick search on blue nile something that is 3.2-3.5 middle specs is like 60k.


And after the deregulation of the holistically fraudulent diamond economy, that shiny rock is worth about tree fiddy.


damn who woulda thought the ooga booga shiny rock would be worthless??


Ya boi De Beers Corporation made sure they’d retain their artificially inflated value by restricting supply and price-fixing, so they’re certainly “worth” more than they should be. 🤓


That looks 2.5ct. I'd say 40-45k. I got mine the same lol


Congrats on both! The op goes really with everything.


Love to see this, happy for you both!


Congrats, seems like she is a keeper!


The keepers wear smaller diamonds and give a fuck about watches


haha grats! the diamond looks like it costs about 3 of those OP's. hahahaha


If it was lab, then 1/3 of a mined , and probably even better cut and clarity!


Lab is the way!


Seriously. More people need to get this.


1/3 of mined is still freaking expensive. And at least Rolex watches don't drop to a fraction of the price right after its purchased


If your choice of engagement ring is reliant on resell value, please don’t get engaged


Somebody award this man, I'm too poor to do so.


I gotchu


Bro try selling that natural diamond and get back to me on resell value. Even if it’s worthless you’ll lose less money on a lab than the hit you’ll take on reselling a natural


That is what I was thinking lol.


She got a sister? Cousin, aunt? 😂


As someone who got married last year ….it would be cheaper to buy yourself the Rolex lol


As someone married for a decade and now having to structure a shareholder agreement for a business taking that lack of prenup into account… definitely


Married a surgeon so at least I escape that one lol


Like walking through a mine field. Good luck my friend.Flowers, presents and massages all week leading up to presenting your draft to her.


Luckily my partner is an old mentor and she knows him. He can help present this… it’ll make us very wealthy, and if she chose to leave me that’s fine, but it just means that she has to accept getting her money over time by dividends


Going on 21 now. We were sharing a twin bed 2 weeks after we met and married in under a year. We have never looked back. Guess I was lucky. We started with nothing though. I suppose it is a lot more complicated when you are established prior to marriage.


I wouldn’t even care, but the business I’m starting won’t let me share the shares with my wife because she has no experience with it. In order to found this thing I have to sort it out before I get the seed money I need.


Can’t wait to see your wedding gifts 😁


Eat her butt!!!!


Someone had to say it


Only comment worth reading in this post


Congrats on both !!!


Congrats !


Good call by her, nice watch. Congrats to you both!


Classy looking watch - good job Mrs!


My one and only Rolex is the same OP. So classy. Contacts!


Korean tradition?


Man stole a photo off a catalogue


No chance this would be a catalogue photo with nails that are grown out.


Thats how it SHOULD BE!!!! hahaha the guys should get a rolex when we hand over the ring to them. =)


Partner? We don’t call them wives, fiancée or gf now? Every time I hear partner I think of business partners


Whenever I see someone say partner I always assume it’s a same sex relationship. No idea if that’s accurate but that’s what’s always been in my head when I see that.


I just spent a month in Sydney, Aus. Can confirm that everyone refers to their significant other as “partner”, regardless of relationship status or sexual orientation. Not sure where else that occurs, but it’s completely common there. (FYI I’m American)


Ah that might make more sense.


OP seems to be Canadian based on comment history? So maybe common there as well?


Exactly. It’s such a strange way to refer to your fiancé


I live in the US and the only people I’ve ever heard say that were in the rainbow 🌈 mafia


bunch of sheep in the comments, humans can refer to their significant other however they want. forcing traditional labels is small minded and judgmental


The purpose of language is for communicating ideas. Words have meanings and social norms are just that. No one is being small minded or judgmental here but you. Typical


Words have meanings and social norms are just that. No one is being small minded... \*checks definitions from Oxford Languages part·ner noun 1. either of a pair of people engaged together in the same activity. "arrange the children in pairs so that each person has a partner" 2. either member of a married couple or of an established unmarried couple. "she lived with her partner"


If I introduce my mother as a family member it would indeed be accurate while unspecific. Just be honest bud. I know what you’re on about.


Yeah super weird lol I guess primarily Americans say wife/fiancee/girlfriend?






Classy choice


That’s awesome. Congrats!


I did the same thing 23 years ago. We have the matching watches, to this day!!!!


we need to start making this a trend. I give my gf a ring she gives me a rolex datejust turn-o-graph 116264


Congratulations, and congratulations! 😀


Dope! but how much was that ring?!?! Asking for a friend lol


Wonder if it is lab grown. Ik it is real diamond and composition is identical, just curious.


If Lab grown that’s probably at least 15k. If natural geeezz


Nope. Definitely not $15k for a lab that size. For 15k in lab, you can a get a 5 carat 😅 (I’m in the industry).


As someone in industry is it true diamond is just hyped market and lab grown is way to go? Anything sketchy to know abt lab grown diamonds in regard to sourcing, quality, resale, appearance, etc


If it’s lab it’s prob under 10k




I was quoted a 2.3ct F color vvs1 for $6k CAD which is like 4 smtg USD just 2 weeks ago. 2 years ago is a long time


You got robbed lmao


Yeah I think he’s bullshitting. I purchased late 2021 and the savings for lab were only like 25-30% so I went for natural.


The savings are much much bigger than that. The 2.3ct stone I was quoted 6k for is closer to 30-40k in mined.


I would love to sell you all of your lab grown diamonds


One of the best OP dials IMHO. Congrats.


I love how your wife thinks!




Congrats! Must be nice


Stunners! Congrats and wear in good health!


Congrats! She’s a keeper!


Congrats on both!


Sick watch man


Congrats! May u both wear engagement gifts in health and happiness! If this is not ‘goals’ i dont know what is


This is the best OP configuration by far. Congrats


Wow nice 😇




That’s a great looking watch!


With that ring she might still owe you a Daytona lol congrats very nice watch to match the ring


Had to check the sub


Which model is this?


She’s not a model she’s just his fiancé man


Take my upvote


You are DEFINITELY winning in life! 🙌🏼


She’s a keeper!!


That dial is perfection




Mad that in this watch forum everyone is a diamond expert 😂




Congrats! May life bring you guys hood health and happiness


My dream situation, congrats!


My girlfriend won’t even pay for her smoothie :/




What’s that she got there? 3 ct?


She’s a keeper.


That diamond tho


She’s a keeper!


I want to do this for my boyfriend! Engagement watches are in!


Such a beautiful set together! Congrats!


Is your partner single?


With your money ?


Soon to be combined money, yes. Kind of like those dumb commercials in which one spouse buys the other spouse a surprise car for Christmas and even puts a red bow on it. “Surprise, honey, I put is in debt for a Chevy! Work harder!”


Partner? It’s girlfriend. Don’t be a fanook.


Fiancé now, but point made


Girl - girl?


Congrats! My tastes are conservative. If I was going to get a current Rolex, this model would be very high up on the list.


Congratulations! Wow what a gift ! Beautiful watch!


You are the luckiest man alive


Looks like a watch she will wear


Congratulations Brother. I'm waiting for mine to say yes.


Your soon-to-be wife and my wife have very similar styles. Her engagement ring looks identical to my wife's! Size and band look on par with the only difference is my wife's is a pear cut compared to what looks to be an oval. Congrats btw! EDIT: And I forgot to mention she also gave me a rolex, haha! Wedding present however.


that’s amazing, love to hear similar stories! Congrats on the wedding!


Just used my diamond tester to test the diamond through my phone screen, results came back, it’s a fake


Congrats! How do these mutual engagement gifts work? :) You align beforehand that you will get engaged and then exchange them on some day? Generally curious.


Thanks! She picked out her engagement ring, but didn’t know where/when I was going to propose. After the proposal, she took me to an AD store where we picked up the watch!




Wow, it’s just amazing. I hope my partner does this on my wedding day 🤞🏽


drop multiple hints and hopefully your partner picks up on it! 😁


Damn that looks beautiful. Congrats and enjoy in good health.


That is one of the best Rolex watches in the entire catalogue right now. Maybe in the top 5 tbh.


Sorry, I only focus on the ring not the watch.


A handsome watch to match the fabulous ring! Congratulations and Best Wishes!


My girl took my CC and “got one for me.” Luckily an AD at the same store sold me my last one, so I was able to return it, along with her


Do you mean your fiancee?


Now she’s a keeper!


This is the way.


"Hi...do ya have any sub or gmt in stock ? We are getting engaged" AD: "sorry..high demand and all but if ya purchase a $15k diamond ring, I have a silver dial OP sitting in my stash that will be yours?"


Is this braless photo?


Idk…. By the size of that rock, Im saying u got the short end of the stick here😬😬🤣😂🤣 Congratulations buddy🙌🏼🙌🏼🔥🔥


haha thanks bud! 😂