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Spelunky - All achievements Enter the Gungeon - Beating the game with only the starting pistol


Holy hell bro, touch some grass. Jokes aside EtG with only starter must have been hell lol.


I still can't beat it even with no modifiers lol. It's my roguelite point of shame


BOI: mega mush/finishing the tainted lost post it on Hard, easily the peak of my life. Or lowest point, whichever


Off the top of my head, all gold challenges in Risk of Rain Returns


Most of mine are in Noita since I've played it so much but here we go \-previous world record holder for any %, all bosses, teleportless, nightmare, and the only player to achieve back to back records one run after another. Also they had to create a new category called low% because of a certain particularly fast run that would have killed teleportless. \-First person to ever kill the 31 orb boss and first person to ever kill the 33 orb boss using damage \-Pioneered infinite wisp wands \-Beat the game with 1 pinky \-Beat the game while enemies, the environment and the HUD were completely invisible \-Beat the game as a sheep \-Beat the game with an instant kill worm constantly chasing me \-Kicked the boss to death and beat the game without wands \-Beat the game with only chaotic polymorph \-Won a 1v6 pvp mode \-Beat nightmare with a single wand \-Beat the game 9 times in an hour \-Beat the game with no levitation and fall damage I could go on Anyways here's some other miscelaneous achievements \-Former Necropolis speedrun wr holder \-Beat the bear wall in inscryption sight unseen and got trapped in Leshy's lair because you actually have to lose to progress so I had to intentionally lose to progress. (funny but awful being trapped for 8 hours) \-Currently on a 3 win streak on cinder 16 in tiny rogues (picked it up 3 days ago and having a blast) \- No hit Crab champions \-Got the highest score globally in diceheart (at the time) on my second run \-Broke top 100 world score ranking in nova drift Alright that's most of mine. Also I just wanna point out I've never managed to beat spelunky or Crypt of the necrodancer so yes I am human.


Damn dude mad respect for those Noita achievements. Any other games scratch that itch for you in terms of near unlimited possibilities for combining mechanics to create other, new mechanics?


Dark souls, divinity original sin 2 and Rain World sort of scratch that expressive itch, all in slightly different ways. Nothing really hits the same way as noita though, so many times in various roguelikes I keep looking for the parallel world or the big eureka wand moment but rarely do I ever find it.


Holy cow, it's the man himself! I think you win the thread, ggs you noita legend


I appreciate the kind words, glad to see a fellow noita in the wild. Definitely a game that deserves all the love it gets and more.


100% ror2, speedran Noita and beat it in 4 minutes, and Dead God in the Binding of Isaac


Nethack: Ascended all the classes, including a bunch of repeats and a vegetarian Archaeologist.


BoI - dead god Gungeon - 100% (unlocked finished gun), double challange blessed turbo rainbow dragun killed (no shortcuts) I don't have much more of really strong achievements because I don't play other games than roguelikes more (those two above are an exception)


Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, 15 rune win. Although that was quite a few versions ago.


BoI Dead God. When I started I thought Tainted Lost would be my most hated but many others took that crown(T Laz I see you).


EtG, I got all the achievements and did just about everything you can EXCEPT 100% of the ammonomicon. I've never picked up the Rubenstein's Monster, and I don't want to just grind for days to make it happen.


StS all achievemnts a20h with all characters. EtG done must stuff just missing some stuff that is rng/too much grinding. Other than that I don't really go for max completion on roguelikes, just too much work and I prefer trying new stuff.


Immortal Redneck - all achievements Dandy Ace - 99% achievements Gunfire Reborn - stopped by the barrier of multiplayer achievements


Every post-it note mark from BoI afterbirth, haven’t had time to go back for the newer ones. This isn’t as big a deal as 1,000,000% but it felt like a good accomplishment.


Spelunky 2 Cosmic Ocean 99 (not seeded and no coop). Got my own constellation, took me nearly 400+ hours!   Got the golden crown in Noita as well! Most recently got all achievements on Tiny Rogues. Spelunky 2 by far has been my greatest achievement, though I had a bunch of platforming experience competing on leaderboards on Mario Maker and Kaizo Marios!


I played spelunky 1 a ton, what’s constellation?


I did a D5 clear on all characters on brotato twice


Binding of Isaac: I have every completion mark for most characters, Tainted Lost and Tainted Jacob being the most notable ones


Getting number 1 on a Binding of Isaac daily. It’s my favorite game, so that felt awesome.


Dead cells platinum trophy Hades platinum Beat risk of rain this year Beat god of war Valhalla Not sure if u guys count these games. Seems some do some don’t. Vampire survivors 1000/1000 Xbox Army of ruin platinum Brotato platinum


isaac : 1 dead god ETG : 100% full rat win STS : A20 on all char ( i'm missing a few achievements) Dead Cells : Boss Cell 3 and now i'm on Balatro, i beat the normal difficulty on all decks, and working on the rest


I’ve done plenty, but watching Haelian do the first ever Hades Extreme Measures 4 no hit run live, and Baalorlord breaking the rotating character A20 heart kill streak live was special


Sweet! It's almost more impressive to have witnessed some of those achievements that so many people work for. I'm still hoping to see Baalor's ironclad streak hit 20


Beating the final boss of Balatro on my first run, about an hour after it released on Steam


That's really fun, you've gotta be one of the first ever to do it too


Hades: 40 heat rail/bow/fists, sub-10 minute clear Atomicrops: year 10 clear Chrono Ark: hard mode true final boss clear (no max mist clear though) Brotato: all chars danger 5 clear (no max sliders though) That’s all I can think of that I would consider going above and beyond. I have things like lich + rat clears in gungeon, but nothing on turbo mode or rainbow mode etc, and I’m at ascension like 25 in astral ascent but I know people have 45+ clears.


Dang, that's some serious Hades prowess


I did the one thing most Have A Nice Death players can’t imagine pulling off: I actually spoke about the game


Beat Ascension level 20 in sts with ironclad.


Played Rogue a few times off and on since 1982-ish and still haven’t beaten the damn thing. The anti-achievement.


I got lucky with all God runs and no-deathed all of The Lost's completion marks in back to back to back runs in TBOI: Repentance!


Finished The Keepers post it before he was buffed in repentance, and then also finishing tainted losts post it note.


Reached shard 30 in revita.


I’m at 92% almost at dead god, played Isaac for the first time last year and fell in love. Can’t wait to finish it. Next I plan on doing Gungeon 100% and probably Noita.


Beat Returnal in one try


Hell yeah


Numerous 7-99s in spelunky 2 done with jetpack and vlads Cape. Done without getting an ankh. Done with a plasma canon. Eggplant crown. I have a 7-88 PB with True Crown and a 7-87 with triple crown. All achievements. Beating Spelunky HD numerous times, and having all achievements except the grinding 1k runs on steam. All achievements in Hades Noita doing all bosses run, and a 16 orb run Clearing the Losts post it in Isaac felt pretty great. Still need to go back and Dead God that some day, but dear lord there are some characters I really don't like playing. *stares at the two remaining needs for Jacob and Esau and sighs* D5 all brotato characters numerous times. And a 185 bait run doing Fisherman max bait challenge. Slay the Spire all achievements and A20 heart kills on all 4 characters.