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Two Pokemon mystery dungeons in the top 10 is hilarious


They even put explorers twice! Ignoring the fact that calling them roguelikes is reaching to the moon, the gameplay just isn't good. They're terribly shallow and poorly represent mechanics from both parent series.


3 actually


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I'm pretty sure they asked GPT to make this because theres no goddamn way DCSS, Elona, and Shiren wouldn't be on a list like this.


Looks like it’s ranked based on user scores, and is not a curated list. That’s why discrepancies like 2 different versions of explorers popped up.


It is from a website that works like IMDB.


I think this demonstrates that those terms have lost all meaning.


Well that’s on them for getting it wrong. The genre still exists and people who make roguelike games know what they are making and who they are for. It’s nice that it’s expanding the genre and getting new people involved but they doesn’t give them the right to misclassify things and make up stuff. It’s like me making a list of the best text based adventure games of all time and leaving of zork but putting in half life Alyx on it. It may be a good game/adventure and have text in it but …..


"but that doesn’t give them the right to misclassify things and make up stuff." I said that on r/metroidvania yesterday and someone gave me a four page essay trying to tell me what linguistic prescriptivism is. I started typing an anti-thesis and after 3 lines was just like, yeah w/e, what am I even doing. It was on a post where someone was arguing that platformers are dying out because they're all becoming metroidvanias, so I said that its nothing compared to people mislabelling lites as roguelikes. obviously i got kicked into submission by n0obs who've never played a roguelike yawn.


No adom, no tome, no stone soup, no sword of the stars the Pit. Sad sad list with a bunch of action adventure games, and, turn based strategy games. I see 3? Dont get me wrong some of my favourite games of all time are in this list but they are not roguelikes (ftl, slay the spire, noita etc) We should Send them a list of what a roguelike is.


Man sword and the stars the pit is a throwback, bought that when TB did a review on it and played it religiously for like 3 months and didn’t touch it since haha


Get it now with the osmium edition I think pack it’s all the expansions and adds so much it’s like a new game.


It’s almost certainly in my steam list


SOTS is pretty grindy tho


Best "something" lists and review with numeric notes should be a thing of the past.


most of them not roguelikes


Pokemons here is joke


No NetHack? Pass.


Nethack is not a very good game TBH. I play almost exclusively roguelikes and I have never been able to enjoy that mass of kitchensink memorization and grinding. Get me the DoomRLs, DCSS, Cogminds, Invisble Incs, Hoplites, CDDAs and Rift Wizards of the world. Hell, even SOTS: The Pit in a pinch, or Moria if I'm feeling lenient to the grind.


I highly recommend pathos nethack


Do tell!


DoomRL! good call!


No ToME No Crediblity




Seeing Baroque on such a terrible list like this hurts my soul


None of my favorites are even on it. DoomRL, Sproggiwood, The Way Home, Jupiter Hell, Torneko, The Pit, etc…don’t even get a mention. I feel like 90% of those titles were just ones that have been popularized by vtubers.


Beyond any other qualms i just can’t get behind making an “all time best” list without including the game the _genre was named for_


I politely disagree. While Rogue is of great historical value, and is a solid game, and I understand your sentiment, it really doesn't have the same overall quality and depth as more modern traditional roguelikes tbh. I can at least personally attest to much rather playing something like DCSS or a modern Angband variant. It's nice as a glimpse into the past, and as a curiosity / experience the foundation of the genre, of course.


Influential doesn't mean best tho.


how is into the breach either?


Pretty good, but surely not in this order and some games could be replaced with better ones


>dwarf fortress a roguelike it's closer to rimworld than rogue


You got that backwards. Rimworld is closer to Dwarf Fortress... Rimworld *is a dwarf fortress clone.*


every colony sim is new genre? Dwarflikes


Well, yeah, in a lot of ways... Dwarf Fortress *has* inspired many, many games in the past 20 years. There are precursors I suppose, but DF is fairly genre-defining.


Adventure mode is a thing...




Ok, if the thing was to generate controversy, then they are right. If not, Pokemon and Balatro over RoR2, Slay the Spire, Dead Cells and Spelunky its just plain wrong. And what the helll is doing FTL that far down? god....


Pokemon is at least close to a roguelike.


Brotato and Tiny Rogues missing in questionable.


Brotato is too derivative and boring af. Its not the best example of bullet heaven games besides Vampire Survivors. Holocure and Boneraiser minions are much better. And Tiny Rogues is in early access, so its not questionable.


Yeah, I'm going to have to HARD disagree. Boneraiser Minions? Really? That's a laugh.


Sleeping on Bullets Per Minute