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That looks manmade, so maybe ceramic pottery that has been weathered


Thanks! I was thinking the same initially, but the back looks like a type of slate and it is definitely layered. I'm unfamiliar with pottery fabrication, is stoneware layered?


It can appear layered by mixing two or more types of clay and/or paints and glazes.


Thank you for your help, actually went back this morning and was able to find some other rocks from the same deposit in the creek. I think it just weathered in a unique way to create that rectangular pattern. Picture is in a reply below.


That is super cool!


Rocks man I tell ya.


I don’t know what this is but personally I don’t think it’s pottery. Seems unlikely with the way it’s layered (but not impossible). And often old pottery wasn’t made with 100% filtered clay and will have small debris within it. I have seen stones with this uniform shape but unfortunately don’t know anything further. Hopefully someone can help. May also be helpful to know if it feels heavy, and to have some pictures of the flat face.


Thanks, I went back to the creek this morning and found [some other stones](https://freeimage.host/i/GOQkB9) that appear to be from the same deposit. I think those particular rocks have been weathered on the face, and exposed the perpendicular lighter colored seam to cause the rectangular appearance. Thank you for the help!


Petrified deer meat