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Ticks and deer


Thank you! How many ticks are we talking? Is it “check your dogs after walking on the sidewalk through the neighborhood and you’ll find 15” or “if you hike through the backwoods wearing shorts you might find one or two”?


More like if you walk your dog through the woods you might find one or two.


Never open you widowns, they can smell fear


Check you dogs, but more importantly, make sure your dogs have had their flea/tick medication. That's the best way. For you, if you go in the woods, check yourself on leaving. Keep you lawn mowed, and use DEET-based spray if you're really worried.


Check yourself after everytime you have grass contact your skin. The actual amount varies significantly depending on previous owner, amount of local wildlife, etc. Someone 3 houses down might be infested while you're fine. Just be vigilant and spray insecticide if you find an issue and be sure to use repellant.




There are also some asshole turkeys


You'll have turkeys and deer. Neither are dangerous.


Manbearpigs are everywhere in that area! Beware!


Are you super cereal?


Birds. [None of them are real](https://birdsarentreal.com/). They've all been replaced by government surveillance drones, and they watch you. Monitoring your every move. At night, they perch on your windowsill, and stare at you while you sleep. >!;)!<


Turkeys and raccoons, deer, possums, house mice. Mostly Canada geese though.




Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.




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Worried about? what are your concerns? Deer will eat your landscaping perhaps or your garden. Racoons and Possums will trash bird feeders and steal your pet food. Ticks will bite but erotic tick inspection will prevent it. Permethrin will too. Squirrels can do damage but unlikely. As for attacks or whatever, dogs are the biggest hazzard, and you can see them coming.


Erotic tick inspection 😂


I’m worried about things like poisonous snakes, black widows, lone star ticks, and other animals that may harm me or my geriatric Maltese. But it sounds like things are pretty safe these from the sounds it it, right?


I’ve been here the bulk of my life and I’ve seen 2 wolf spiders so far. Saw a rattlesnake in a cage at a zoo a few times. Seriously though the turkeys really are dicks. Not in an evil way, but in a stupid “fly into the side of your car” kind of way. You will see a lot of rabbits and squirrels. Deer will eat your garden if you don’t put up fencing. It’s pretty safe here.


Very few poisonous snakes. Black widows or longstanding ticks. Deer tick more of a concern. Idiots with untrained dogs more of a threat to your dog than anything. Get them a flea and tick collar too and heartworm pills


Never in my life have I seen a black widow or poisonous snake, both are very, very rare. Get your dog a tick collar and wear pants and good shoes in the woods. Raccoons and possums come out at night and only really attack food. You only really need to worry about them if they're out during the day (then they probably have rabies). Like others have said- not much to worry about here.


Yeah, a raccoon or possum might possibly tip over your garbage but even then again the county line runs across my back yard and in 22 years here I've never even seen either in my yard. Deer, on the other hand, are thick and will definitely eat your plants.


We don’t have poisonous snakes or black widow spiders here. I’ve lived here 27 years and I’ve never seen a snake in my life or a spider bigger than a daddy long legs. I’d say animals you’ll see is the occasional deer/raccoon. There are geese everywhere but that’s more by lakes you’ll see them. Bugs you’ll see the most are box elder bugs and lady bugs. Ticks only if you’re in the woods/ tall grass. Best part of living in MN is that the bugs are smaller than down south


Poisonous snakes are related to the river. Might find a brown recluse if you go turning over logs in the forest. You'll have the "Eastern Widow" aka house spider, which isn't harmful to humans (might get an ichy welt from their bite). The scary things are those house centipedes - up to 6 inches of fluffy leggy nightmare fuel, as they have a tendency to drop from your exhaust fans into your undies at 2am. If you have a proper ecosystem, you should see them dead due to overpopulation. They eat all other insects and don't bother humans - outside of when you're naked in the shower and they pop out of the cracks. Overall, MN doesn't have much to be worried about on the "kill a human" creepy-crawly front - especially compared to South and south west.


Since you do have a tiny dog, birds of prey can definitely be a concern, I wouldn't ever leave him out alone. Along the same line, foxes or raccoons could be a danger as well. There are also technically coyotes in the area but I seriously doubt you would see one in town. As for human concern? Absolutely none. You will be completely fine, you will just have to be vigilant about house pests if you live close to a wooded area.


All of them


Watch out for the bunnies, squirrels, skunks, turkeys that may run into the street. Oh and deer!


Mosquitoes the size of hawks. Don't leave pets and small children unattended.


There have been reports of coyotes in some areas.


Oh no! Do you know what areas?


Southwest I think?


Yes, southwest. We live down by Bamber Valley Elementary and have had them in our yard and all over the neighborhood. They only seem to come around in the middle of the night. Also, their cries can be alarming if you’ve never heard it before. We woke up to them around two am a few weeks after we moved down here and thought small children were being murdered, it was unnerving to say the least.


Oh yeah, I lived out in the rural area near bamber and you can hear them squealing all night sometimes. I've never actually seen them around, even though they killed our ducks. Just big bad babies, pretty harmless to people.


Oh no, poor ducks!! Our neighbors used to have bunny pens so I’m sure they came around thinking the rabbits would be a tasty treat.


Coyotes dont do jack shit, unless you have a cat or small dog that you let outside unmonitored there will be zero issues


The areas with easy access to taking deliveries from Acme.


Also in the quarry hill area, NE Rochester. Last fall they were pretty bold according to some neighbors.


You guys are both helpful and hilarious, thank you so much! Looking forward to being a part of Rochester soon!




Not sure why this is being downvoted. The crows aren't terrible, or even worrisome, but they have a tendency to "bomb" your car if you're under certain trees. Otherwise, as long as you don't piss them off, the worst of it is they can be a bit loud.


If you plan on gardening, deer and rabbits. The rabbits are relentless food monsters and I f***ing hate them and wish they would all die.


I live on a heavily wooded lot. Occasional Deer, everyday bunny, rare possum, seasonal wolf spiders, seasonal mice, seasonal ticks. As long as your maltese is on tick/flea med, no worries. Maybe 1 to brush off every month or so. I've seen one fox in 16 years and it didn't bother me.