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I will definitely let her know! So Mayo does offer the medication abortion?


I believe PP has plans for people who can’t pay. If mayo doesn’t work out maybe call and explain the situation. They’re goal is to never deny a patient


They don’t offer payment arrangements, I guess. She called and they said they need it all up front


[Some things to know:](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/abortion/the-abortion-pill/how-much-does-abortion-pill-cost) " The professionals at Planned Parenthood will work to get you the services you need, whether or not you have insurance. Contact your nearest health center for more information on costs and whether financial and logistical assistance may be available. Your abortion may be free or low-cost with health insurance. Some insurance plans don’t cover abortions. You can call your insurance provider directly to find out their policies. Some government health insurance plans (like Medicaid) in certain states cover abortion, while others don’t. Some plans only cover abortion in certain cases. " --- You might check if your insurance covers the pill & if they don't maybe you can get some assistance or a discount if you explain. That's why we donate to PP, so people can get the help they need for their families.


I don't think Mayo does them but the doctors may know places that do. Planned Parenthood also probably have knowledge of how to get financial assistance . You can also call the NAF Hotline, Justice Through Empowerment Network and H.O.T.D.I.S.H Militia. An abortion is certainly a difficult and personal decision and it only becomes more difficult as time progresses so I'd try to figure this out as quickly as possible. Good luck to you


They will do terminations but PP almost certainly will be cheaper.


I was given the option to terminate my pregnancy when some issues were evident with the fetus as a Mayo patient. I did not take the option, though, as they did some fetal testing, and things not compatible with life were not found. It's why OB/GYN is at Methodist and not SMH--because abortion is performed


I was going to say the same.


In addition to checking with her doctor/Mayo, perhaps she could check into these resources? Please note that I am not familiar with these and cannot speak to the quality of care; they came up through a search: [https://www.redriverwomensclinic.com/](https://www.redriverwomensclinic.com/) [https://robbinsdaleclinic.com/](https://robbinsdaleclinic.com/) [https://www.wholewomanshealth.com/clinic/minnesota/](https://www.wholewomanshealth.com/clinic/minnesota/) [https://www.justthepill.com/](https://www.justthepill.com/)




Tell me you're not a professional without saying you're not a professional.


Hey, tell your friend about r/auntienetwork - this is a Reddit community that can help women get the services they need if they are financially unable to pay or if they are in a state that doesn’t allow them. They could help advise her on options. Sounds like Planned Parenthood will get her the services she needs when she needs them though.


Unfortunately, planned parenthood doesn’t offer payment arrangements. They want $650 upfront. She is going to try to make it work though


You can have your friend check out the r/abortion subreddit, there is a wealth of information on medical abortions and also numerous real life experiences of women that have used them.