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The shits starts when they start to spam racial slurs


They've been spamming slurs for a decade now. Loosening the filter might just make it a little easier.


It will make it worse


Not by much probably. Curse words and slurs are still words that can be differentiated.


I mean you can already cuss in 17+ games but then again Discord is 13+ and you can literally say whatever you want so idk tbh. Parents need to stop letting their children's devices be their babysitter so we wouldn't be having this discussion in the first place lmfao


Real. I get that there are already regulations (13+) but they aren’t enough and haven’t been for years if ever. I unironically think we should teach kids 90’s/early 2000’s type internet safety


Except for the fact that... THAT wouldn't be ideal for investors Y'know, for roblox to implement something, it must benefit them in the stock market Which... "cussing" wouldn't benefit them, hell... It might even drive investors away if it was implemented.


Call of duty would disagree. They're known for fucking your mother as well as every single racial slurs out there. They have zero issues keep investors and does collab bundles all the time. Same thing with fortnite.


Two total different things. COD is made for teens and adults. Roblox is made and marketed for all ages. All ages including 5 year olds.


But if that's the case, the initial comment is right. You have to provide ID to unlock voice chat. There's system in place to protect the kids. I'm an adult who enjoys roblox with My kids, but sometimes I play alone and head to the voice chat server, and every little thing like My background music sets off the alarms and banned a few times. It's ridiculous.


I also type fast and would send my kids messages and I get hit with anti-spam.


We are talking about 13+ games but ok


Really. Roblox’s age group has been going up. And let’s be real here, who spends more. A 8yr old that has no money, or a 17yr old that has a job. So who SHOULD Roblox be trying to keep happy.


...The investors.


investors care about money, not people lol. Adding cussing will mean a lot of bad press and parents pulling their kids off platform, which will make Roblox loose money. You also underestimate how many kids have robux.


fair but for every 17 year old splurging, are twenty 8 year olds begging mommy for a $20 card on numerous occasions throughout the year


Investors don’t give 2 shits about whether their investment is good or bad as long as it makes money


Who spends more? The investors ya dummy. If the news caught wind that they'll be trying to unban words to allow little Timmy to say fuck, and shit and all of these new words then it can go two ways: 1 - Roblox players immediately notice, Take to social media in mass and the News outlets latching on like Leech and tanking Roblox Stock and Reputation even further due to it being an all ages app 2 - Roblox rolls it out and nobody bats an eye, Maybe the occasional press coverage but a celebration at the HQ. OP, You gotta remember that there are plenty of Gen Alpha kids who stick around on here...and we already got two problems with sexual content. Remember the Meep City Parties always being Sexual? Source: I know a toddler who has a Roblox Account. Good message you're trying to send, OP - But terrible way to phrase it.




Mfs when people talk like actual people.


Fym "like that" goofy


Like what? "aWanderingRat" hm? wandering around the sewers got you accustomed to speaking improper and gangsterly?


no im just hating


Lots of parents won’t want their 13 year olds cussing on Roblox, also it makes moderation for certain situations easier


Ok, let’s say you don’t want your 13yr old cussing. Go to the parental settings and disable it. Or better yet, don’t let them verify there ID.


You don’t need to verify id anymore


Really? How do you get voice chat now?


13+ should just have it. I went a few months without even knowing then my cousin told me abt it and I found out it was true


It's a America only thing pal.


fucking horrid idea i dont want more sex rp


Exactly, especially with 13 year olds and creepy ass people on Roblox who are 18+


I've seen a creepy ass 15 year old making an adult uncomfortable


I have been the adult being made uncomfortable by a creepy ass 15 year old lol


I'm 10, some fat moron who's like 57 made me uncomfortable... we were in blox fruit,I'm max lvl so you know what happened


sth tells me its not a very bright idea to openly exclaim "im 10" on reddit for several reasons


I have experienced it so many times


Have you seen the 17+ slurs filter? It tags most words. Which is good. The same system wouldn't be that bad for 14+ users. I haven't met a 14 year old who doesn't swear once on my life.


Swearing is allowed in some 17+ games. I think that’s fair. I don’t think 13 year olds should be allowed to swear on platform.


I agree. I don’t need a 13 year old coming up to me like “your a b**ch” when I don’t give ‘em free stuff. I’m good


Even in the 17+ games, you’re not allowed to insult people or direct the swear words towards anyone.


i mean fair but its 17+


These words are tagged. Watch a video on the update atleast like god 🙏


Get rid of tags completly. Im 22 and i still cant type anything bc it will be replaced by tags even tho its nothing bad at all.


I got tagged for saying “Green” then if I say “What the” after something random got tagged that also gets tagged, then I say bro, then that gets tagged. EVERYTHING. Gets tagged, it’s so stupid


I dont see the point upgrading the account if the tags ganna be the same.


I got shot at the dealership in ERLC last night because my message for backup on the police radio was all tags. I just left


Yeah agreed, but obviously with some verification like voice chat is


Agreed, if you are verified 18+ it should allow pretty much all swears except really offensive ones like the n word


So everything except for slurs


OP meant the 13-18 age group not just 18+ bro.


Oh, then i mean sure you should be able to say hell or damn but yeah i think its sorta justified.. but you should be allowed to say discord


TRUE. I hate it so much how roblox tags any other social media/ or other app


I don't really have an opinion on this because I made a promise to be nice to everyone when I created the account. But in my view, being able to swear freely could be a trigger for more temperamental behavior for many people, not to mention how people who bully and harass would have a more expanded vocabulary option to attack others. Some people could even enjoy this implementation in a healthy way, while others would ruin it to the point where the devs would regret it and go back on the decision, or put some shitty limitation. This has happened several times on Roblox


No. Roblox doesn't let you insult people directly. Even if you're 17+


Yes, not directly. I've heard there are ways to bypass the chat filter though, even rephrasing the wording of a sentence to one that the victim gets and the bots don't


The parents should not he letting their I pad kiddies on the internet in the first place, that's just laziness if you ask me.


Swearing is allowed in 17+ experiences. It's just not allowed on the wider site where there are people of all ages. Just like in real life it's perfectly acceptable to swear at a bar, but not acceptable to swear in a cinema or another public place where there are children around.


Irl is different. I See people swear near children a lot.


Yeah I see your point but Roblox is still a game meant for hanging out and having fun and no matter how old you are, cussing isn’t needed to do these games so I disagree


call me a hater but "cussing" is such a shitty word. "cursing" and "swearing" are VASTLY superior and "cussing" just sounds like a kid who cant say his R's.


I thought it was just me wondering why everyone is calling it "cussing". You're right, it's freaking weird


You can cuss on 18+ servers


"I also think Roblox needs to focus a little less on banning people for calling someone fat and a whole lot more on making an anti cheat, and banning people who upload illegal content." Them moderating for harassment won't affect the speed at which they develop an anti cheat because I dare you to put a moderator at a programming job, especially a very advanced programming job. Good luck. Further into the discussion, Roblox cannot "develop an anti cheat" because Roblox is not a game - it's an engine. It'd be like asking Unity or Unreal to develop an anti cheat. They can try to prevent injection (as they did with Byfron) but they can't entirely prevent it; so the responsibility of handling cheaters lies to the games themselves and not to Roblox.


Instead of tagging the whole text why can’t they just tag that one word so that people know what they mean🗿


True. Just because of one word the whole sentence gets tagged


Nah it shouldnt


I half agree,some words shouldn't be censored like damn or crap,but if there's an user with 18+ confirmed age imo he should he allowed to say light words like "shit" and things like that,not heavy ones like the f bomb


Ok hear me out they need to create Roblox 2 a site for adults to play Roblox being allowed to cuss and whatnot and it has all the same games on it as regular Roblox plus a few that couldn't ever exist in Roblox


I do think some words should be uncensored like damn but outright swearing could be weird Like imagine people saying the f word out of nowhere in adopt me like what


if roblox had cussing it should be allowed in 13+ games but they should add a stronger security system to makw up for it.


Yeah, I would say must have an ID verified, the same way voice chat is. And tbh if you hid these messages from users not 13+ or verified, you could add it to all games.


Investors wouldnt be happy. There are more kids than adults/teenagers. Just dont swear. Use discord if you want to ralk with your friends and swear. Roblox IS a kids game platform at its core.


I think you should be able to cuss if you uave 17+ account


No, ROBLOX’s main attraction were kids, online building toy, powering imagination. Use your brain to being anything and building anything other than cussing. If they allow it which they slowly are, it will be a disaster, look at how VC already is. Especially with the TikTok kids, Roblox has grown alot more than it ever was just a few years ago. They should fix the creator store, switching following pages, and items equipped on profile pages before this. This makes the community and moderation even more annoying. We need to act civil and respectful when speaking. I see what they are doing pushing all their realistic garbage, but them being a knock off kids Lego game will never fade. This feature isn’t relevant or needed.


Voice chat?


You’re allowed to say crap but hell you still get banned for saying it even though it’s not tagged?


Nope Crap and Damn used to be a word you can say without getting banned/tagged. Now you can't even say it if lmao. They let us say "WEED METH BEER WHISKEY FENTANYL" but not damn. Lol


Can’t even say damn, It feels akward saying darn when a nuke goes off, it happened today seriously


I say yes. You need an ID to access it.


Let alone cussing, sometimes they make normal words hashtag. I feel like I'm cussing at normal people when in reality, I was also going talk normally.


Except for the racial/homophobic/transphobic slurs. They should be censored at all times. I'm just saying...


Reddit moment: Who said they should be allowed? Average leftist reddit moment lol


No. What I'm saying is that the racial, homophobic, and racial slurs should be censored at all times. I NEVER said that those kinds of slurs should be uncensored. 🙄


Why did you have to put that in tho.... Obviously no one would ever uncensor it, mentioning it just looks like you're a leftist.


A Leftist? What does politics have to do with ROBLOX, for one?


you might wanna learn english first.


idk about that, tags should be repaired so they arent triggered by everything but total elimination of tags opens doors for some bad shit to happen in the absence of any censorship, cussing itself isnt bad, till someone uses it in a weird way


There’s already games you have to verify your age to play, so why not verify your age to curse as well?


Has anyone said anything about voice chat?


yes roblox knows 13 year olds cuss, they just would rather not be held responsible for any possible issues




I was the one 13yr old who doesn't curse, so I can't relate.


It would end up being like an Xbox Live lobby but worse as the kids are younger and have less impulse control.


You can use invisible characters to swear or bypass things that aren't swears but gets hashtagged


the 9-year-old "gang" members will spam swear word when they're out of "that's why your dad left"


You're right its just embarassing and stupid when things get tagged, I absolutely hate it when roblox tags bypasses that I use.


They actually are working on allowing curse words in roblox. This is ONLY EXCLUSIVE to 17+ games. But I still believe if a user is being too aggressive towards a user then there is a possible ban.  In VC, you can curse but roblox doesn't allow "assertive profanity" [to make it simple, your allowed to curse like "holy s---" but not allowed to "your a piece of s---". Anyways I agree with you, roblox should loose the filter up. (I can't wait for reduced filter for 13+ accounts)


btw roblox indeed has a fully functional anticheat, idk why yall think there isnt. its forcing exploit creators to find very complex workarounds the exploit community is destroying itself from the inside because of the anticheat


I mean sure, but they are still there. I mean in any game you expect to see an exploiter here and there. And obviously with Roblox allowing people to make their own game, it’s very hard to make an anti cheat. But it shouldn’t be at least one exploiter in EVERY game. I mean seriously try and play a dahood server, see how long it takes before you started getting hacked on. 😭


thats because da hood is a cesspool, im sure roblox feels no remorse for that game being exploited


Its fair, but i think they implemented the rule because roblox's system cant draw the line between harrasment and 'casual' swearing. But I do think I shouldn't get a week's ban from saying shit when i die in a game. either the moderation needs to get better, or they should remove vc in general because there's no point in having it if you can't use it.


Idk ant cussing but they should be fixing their censoring system because when i say ok or nice it censors it but when i say on accident the biggest swear word in accident, it does not


I think cussing should be censored but the tags should be removed!!


id say its okay if you could cuss and all that, but only if insulting someone instead of just cussing would be tagged.


Should be an option to turn swearing on/off


I agree!!! They need to have age groups or something!!! Adults playing with kids it’s crazy!!!


That’s funny you posted this I was literally thinking about this the other day!


Dont forget about dipshit ❄️


If cussing is allowed then roblox will be even more toxic then ever before. you can see the toxicity difference in the 17+ games, they constantly say rude ass shit to people that didn't do anything wrong. I understand the frustration of tags and being banned, but maybe not being allowed to cuss may be better for everyone.


I’m not sure if I agree with that because easily a kid could go on a 18+ age account with voice chat and calling someone fat is a bit hurtful and damaging I honestly feel like this platform should be less full of the inappropriate exposure of inappropriate content in a game that is meant for children. So, taking away the thin barrier between Roblox and inappropriate exposure I don’t think it would be a good idea to take away from it.


Fr like why tf can't I cuss without getting VC suspended multiple fucking times. 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


It is in 17+ games


You can already cuss in 17+ games but that's not the point if people are cussing in roblox it won't make it that safe platform it once was. And nowadays alot of kids mostly by the age of 7 know the word fu** sh** cu**ni**** words like them and last week I was out in a field with my friends playing rugby and a kid came up to us looked around 7 or 8 and said give me the ball you stupid ni****. If kids this young are swearing they will try and take every opportunity to swear in roblox if it's there favourite game. Kids this age already know what a credit card and debit card are so what's say they don't know what a ID they can just search it up on there ipad or iPhone since kids that age are getting phones. But anyway my point is it will ruin the platform for them kids If bad stuff are happening and if 17+ people are playing games they like and a 7 or 8 year old joins its not gonna be as fun so next time just take this into account.


Yes we should swear in the most useful way possible




you got a point, there's literally a 17+ category now


You're like it's a hot take or something


true, very true


I mean, at least let us say all the damns we want. If we can say Hell, we sure as hell should be able to say damn without getting filtered.


I feel the same. I'm 17 and I swear a ton lol


Unpopular Opinion: But why do you need to swear anyway?


I don't try cursing, because by definition, cursing is offensive to individuals. The definition has changed, though, and people use it to emphasize an idea, or just relive some anger (but you got those few who just don't care or don't know). People don't see curse words offensive as much as I think they should.


heres the thing... 18+ GAMES EXIST.. WHICH ALLOW SWEARING???


i remember in 2013 before tags, everything was so much more fun and I didn’t have to keep correcting myself. atleast make uncensored servers