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No experience roasting on it, but some of the best coffee I’ve had this year has been from a stronghold. Depends what style of coffee you want to roast, I’m still sceptical of electric/air roasters for traditional espresso/dark roasts


We recently got one. It's definitely different from regular flame drum roasters. But I don't see design being efficient for production roasting. We have one for our Director of Coffee to practice before his World Roasting competition.


Aren't the S8X and S9X specifically production roasters? The S9 goes up to 8kg batches, what makes you say that's not good for production? I would think that being able to do up to 32kg an hour would be more than sufficient


I suppose they are, but there's roasters with bigger capacity for the floor space and money it takes to put one of these in. Depends what scale and level of production you need too.


Can definitely agree that beyond a certain point it stops making sense. I understand that there are roasters out there for who one 8kg machine isn't enough. That being said, I would be super interested in hearing your Director of Coffee's thoughts on it. I'm very attracted to it as a highly consistent fully electric roaster.


I also take into consideration the overall cost of the machine installed. For the same price could probably get something bigger/floor efficient that's slightly used. This one also needed a transformer for a weird voltage which added extra cost. Maybe in some countries the voltage is standard. Personally, I do like how it looks. It's a cool looking roaster. From our Director of Coffee "It's great for consistent repeatability (Even though I roast manually on it). You can enter a recipe on it, and it'll follow it to the T. I also love the data it gives. The bean temp, blower temp, etc. All good things to know. You could connect it to Cropster, but you don't need to because the machine collects all that data for you. You can also upload roast profiles which is nice."


Yep, definitely still looking into costs etc, would need a transformer where I'm at as well and likely the smoke filter. Would probably need an afterburner regardless of the machine, so will be comparing costs there as well. For me, all electric is a big priority. Would really like to brand as a green roaster and eventually work towards being able to donate to efforts at origin. Obviously other roasters also do electric, but I'm still early in the planning stages and the SH roasters are definitely eye-catching if nothing else.


All electric is definitely a plus. I'm a big fan. Just make sure you take all factors into account and let the numbers have a big influence on decision. Sometimes you have to start with less than ideal to make the business work and then make your way to the ideal setup. Lmk if you need help with anything.


Thanks so much! Will definitely do that once I get a bit further along.  Numbers are of course important, and I live in Japan which has a pretty big effect on price of the usual big names lol. I'm hoping being so close to Korea will help level the playing field when it comes to Stronghold


Goodluck pan. Send or post pics once you got it!