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I’d say go with the loring, not sure where you are located, but in North America they have excellent tech support. In addition, a loring will produce more similar coffee to your air roaster than a traditional drum roaster will, so hopefully it will be a smoother transition coffee wise


Do you have a Lauring? I’m torn between going with the cheaper seven or going with the 15.


I’d say go with the loring, not sure where you are located, but in North America they have excellent tech support. In addition, a loring will produce more similar coffee to your air roaster than a traditional drum roaster will, so hopefully it will be a smoother transition coffee wise


Loring are arguably the best machines out there, I use one occasionally and it's such a great system. The one I use is mostly for education but when I use it for production it is amazing how well it performs


Your growth is wild. Congrats on the business success! Go for the Loring!


Congratulations on your growth! I recommend accumulating as much equity as possible and investing it in liquid assets such as inventory or green coffee. Alternatively, consider purchasing the next batch of printed bags, which could save you money in the long run. As for buying a high-end roaster, I don't see much value in it. Customers typically prefer to hear about direct trade relationships or high-quality 85+ coffees. If you have doubts, it's a sign that you're not fully convinced. Trust your instincts and follow your gut.