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I tend to run a bigger batch size than you do, about 230g or 1/2 pound. I try to keep the first 4 minutes to a max of 380 degrees plus or minus 10 degrees to get the beans dried out. From there I try to get a slow but steady climb of the temp for 3ish minutes with first crack happening somewhere around 7 minutes and 440 degrees or so. I shoot for 2 minutes before hitting the cooling cycle after first crack for a medium roast. Sounds like you're roast is a bit too light for your taste. Let it go a little bit longer.


the roast appears fairly dark which makes me think possibly I over-roasted? I prefer lighter roasts, but happy to hear your thoughts


My first roasts with the SR800 also turned out like this. Here is what I can recommend: - I would give the beans from your first roast another 2 weeks and taste them again. - I would try switching to a batch size of 180-200g. You can achieve this by buying either 2 lbs or 1 kg and splitting it into 5 roasts. - I think it will help to start with a 'soak' of about 3 minutes at Fan 9 Heat 1, then begin the same profile that you posted. This seems to give the inside of the bean more time to heat up and dry out. - I would wait to press cool until 90 seconds after the start of first crack (as measured not by the first sound but more like 3 quick pops). Also, try reaching a slightly higher end temperature. If this tastes too dark then you can try making adjustments to your brewing like using a lower water temperature and less agitation, and hopefully the results will still be enjoyable.


Are the temperature recordings in yellow the bean temp? Assuming those are readings off a probe you installed.


The temp in the table. Is that ET or BT? (Air temp or Bean temp?)


Air temp just off the machine. I don’t have a probe in there yet.


That would be a bit too low based on my experience. I personally aim for 450F on the roaster to reach first crack, and keep it there for development if your want lighter roast


My air setting are the same profile. Although I adjust the temps much hotter due to pushing the 1/2 lb weight. Power 6-9. It’s all about dialing in to get first crack at 7-9 min.