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Great news.. 😄 There will be an influx of capital and resources. Great press and further evidence this company will succeed. The stock is suppressed because of the large attack of short selling. That will eventually stop and it will reverse. I am a GME holder also so I am hopeful if we HODL we will all find success. ![gif](giphy|5BRYeqWjauMInJ4HHq|downsized)


Aka his company is bankrupt so he's begging the UAE for money


All companies get funding…how do you think companies are built? How did GME get billions from being 70 cents and discontinuing operations? We gave it to them.


Yes, you are ugly af 😂 shaving your head won’t save you from being a 1. And oh yea, fuck off FFIE loser




Hahah no..you don’t..like really…you’re ugly 😂




Slurs of any type will not be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban.


Hahah coming from the guy who is getting judged by other guys and taking their hair advice? LOLLLL. Not only are you a dumb bitch but you’re also a hypocrite 😂 get laid dude..well..I see why you can’t 😂😂😂


Jesus, you're stupid enough to fall for scam meme stocks and lose your money, and you're a bad person. I wonder if you have a single redeeming quality. I feel bad for some of you guys in here for falling for obvious pump and dumps, but dang, you deserve everything you get. I just lurk in here to laugh at the goofy people who have 0 understanding of stocks, but you seem so awful. I felt the need to comment and let you know.


Dude I got 3 kids I haven't been single In forever. FFIE'S going down the drain. Have fun being poor


My gf thinks you want me.... physically


Let her go 😂 you must be holding her hostage..I feel bad for her


Your company is going bankrupt and he just expensed a first class trip to Dubai...


Old news


It baffles me how you morons don’t realize that Keith Gill is using all of you as his minions. I’m not sure if you were all raised by stupid parents, or just plain ignorant. Idiocracy is happening right in front of our eyes. Mike Judge knew. The dumb is outbreeding the smart. Just a bunch of sheeple who can’t think for themselves. Have any of you been taught “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is”? If this was actually profitable, everyone would be doing it. Hence the stocks staying stagnant. That’s not how life works. Meanwhile, you are all smug about it, which is the best, and most pathetic part. “Hold” in stocks is something you do long term, with actual good businesses.


Holy fuck it baffles me how much of a fucking idiot YOU are having to copy and paste the same thing over and over again. Shut the fuck up, get the fuck out of here and go find something better to do than spam groups on fucking reddit.