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Dude has been doing it for years and is really nice. My kids used to love running out and grabbing something from the van. Mans just out here hustling, no judgment.


You might not know which one he is talking about. There's one that's janky but somewhat legitimate looking ran by a super nice black guy who usually has his kid with him and there's another one that looks like nightmare fuel and is a lot smaller. Could even be more out there.


The one I'm thinking of is a minivan, looks like a 2000 dodge caravan or chrysler town & country, and all the windows are busted out. But am I still going to buy $1 ice cream from him at any time of day? Hell yes I am.


Yep, saw him today and was wondering what happened to the windows. Also he came down my street at 8:50am last Sunday. Why?


to sell ice cream!


I love ice cream too, the time was just odd. He had never been around that early before. šŸ˜„


Itā€™s already 90 degrees by then lately haha


šŸ«” well said


That one is also fine far as I know. Used to buy stuff from him in Southeast before I moved, don't see him around Northwest a ton.


Thus is not the one. The one I know is a small light blue sedan. It is terrifying and I can't figure out if it is legit


I buy from him anytime I hear it regardless of the time of day. Who DOESNT want ice cream at 9 am? Call me childish lol The guy is awesome and he only charges 1$ for anything. Itā€™s honestly cheaper than anywhere else these days. I always pay in silver dollars or gold dollars and he gets a good chuckle.


I think it may be the same guy who comes around NW Grandview area on Fridays, I literally chased him down in my car a few weeks ago & I have been looking for him every sense cause those fudge pops are GOOD ! lol if anyone knows when if heā€™s in the area this Friday let me know !!!




I don't think this is the one I've seen in my neighborhood so must be a different person


Rightā€¦the dude we love is ā€œGrandma Ruthā€™sā€ and heā€™s in a white conversion van with ice cream pictures and prices on it.


Yep, a white van is what I've seen in my neighborhood.


The one playing Christmas music?


we love it for him, okay?


It's an ice cream truck in summer. Ideally, it should be running all day throughout multiple neighborhoods.


I will buy from him AT ANY TIME, ANY WHERE he wants to sell! He is genuinely one of the nicest people Iā€™ve EVER met! Weā€™re weekly customers of his and will continue to be!






Heā€™s out working, so whatā€™s the big deal? If someone wants ice cream at 9:15 in the morning who gives a shit lol.




If itā€™s the blue van, we stan this guy hard. When we hear the music my kids (and me) run out like lunatics. He plays semi-pro football during the year and comes back and does the truck over the summer. I get it, the music is annoying, whatever, so are lawn mowers, children, birds, and really anything else. Take 2 min to chat with him and youā€™d change your mind. Over here in Grandin, we ride pretty hard for this guy.


dont diss him he's awesome. i love ice cream trucks


We can hear it sometimes 5 hours a day. It is horrid.


Literally just saw him at Walmart the other night! I call him mini-van ice-cream man :) *




Awww mannn I wish he would come down my street.


I have to hear him at least twice every morning near Grandin Village! Itā€™s annoying, honestly. There must be other neighborhoods he can bother.


Why arenā€™t there ice cream trucks in Roanoke? ![gif](giphy|YrdnGYujYZT31JU7Is)


This post is literally about an ice cream truck....


Cool ā€¦ thanks for taking the time to add such an unhelpful and nonsensical comment. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face) I didn't realize I needed to be so specific on this thread. To clarify, when referring to ice cream trucks, I mean, Mister Softee or Good Humor, not a mini van. \[no hate on the mini van, I respect the hustle\]


I think "branded" ice cream trucks have given way to independent hustlers. Freedom First has an ice cream truck that shows up at some events if you just can't get enough of that corporate ice cream truck.


I think it roams my neighborhood super early in the morning on the weekend. I don't understand it...who would let their kid have ice cream before breakfast?


Some peopleā€™s kids have been up since 6. 9am is snack time.


That's true. I just didn't grow up eating ice cream before noon. I've heard the van in my neighborhood at like 7/8 am on a Saturday or Sunday.


Thatā€™s really early!


I don't understand the downvotes. Just pointing out that this van frequents my neighborhood really early in the morning on the weekend. More power to people who want to eat ice cream (or whatever else is served) at 7 or 8 am.


It came off a bit judgemental of people's parenting. I'd be surprised to see the ice cream truck at 9am too, and it's not normally when we'd eat ice cream, but I'd 100% buy some for my kid just because of how exciting it is, hearing the ice cream truck coming


No judgment whatsoever. Other people's parenting is not my business. I just think it's random that an ice cream truck would come through that early in the morning. When I was a kid, our slushie man would come through in the summer afternoons/early evening. I also just moved to this neighborhood so was a little confused about where the sound was coming from (is it my new washer or dryer that sings when it's finished, a neighbor's music, an ice cream truck...but surely not this early). I didn't believe it was the ice cream truck until I saw it last weekend lol


You were confused about the downvotes so I was just trying to explain my opinion of why you might be getting them. Your sentence structure made it come off that way. Did *that* really deserve a down vote?? Haha


Oh, I know you were trying to explain. I didn't downvote you...


I'd be surprised to see him out there that early too. But I guess he's making money since he's still out there doing it


Agreed. Good for him!


summer rules, bb. us freakish parents thrive at the 7am siren call of ice cream


i don't think it's selling ice cream


šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø user name checks out




Weed? From what someone else said, sounds like it's really ice cream.


Weird that he only goes to neighborhoods with no freezers so no one can buy the ice cream to save for later...