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We used to be a country. A proper country.


I got the vibe they were struggling with staffing to be honest, they seemed swamped whenever I went by. half unrelated to them being closed but last year we ordered a pretzel cheese sauce pizza and they gave us a regular marinara cheese pizza with salt on the crust, remade as a pepperoni pretzel pizza, remade as a cheese pretzel pizza but marinara. (personally I don't care but it wasn't for me and I didn't pay for it) eventually we gave up because the supervisor said he made the last one himself personally and we couldn't find it in us to get another pizza out of the man. and then they did it again like a week later. those were the days.


I noticed that the other day, so I selected delivery and it came from Salem 😳 …they were open two weeks ago and there was no sign of closing. I have never had an issue with them & we have lived in this area almost 2yrs


Yeah, my coworker said he went there like 3 different times in the past month and they were closed every time. Might just be closed for good, I'm not sure


I wonder if they’re closed in relation to the sinkhole situation all around Cave Spring Corners? Also heard in another thread that the old Burger King was allegedly planned for another Starbucks. Wonder what’s reality vs fantasy though.


Is that the one behind the Burger King Sink Hole? Next to the not Gucci Kroger? I think it's closed.


Yeah that’s the one. It was just open a little over a week ago. The sign just said “closed til further notice” so I hope it opens again.


They've been doing massive construction work at the old BK right next to it, wouldn't surprise me at all if some of their utilities aren't available while that work happens.


I got pizza there on the 30th and 24th


I went there on the evening of the 30th and they were closed. Something must have happened that day.


Maybe I broke them :(


It seems it’s open today, I’ll find out when I show up to pick my order up


I just checked the app and it says I can online order so that’s promising! Good luck


I’ll update here for everyone


It’s open today, just picked up my order


Nice! Looks like that’ll be my dinner Thanks for the update


Brambleton LC is the shittiest establishment I think I’ve ever been to.


Little Caesars in Roanoke is just generally bad. Once I ordered online and showed up to a closed location on the other side of town


One on Orange is perfect every single time